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Bøker av Sandra Lott

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  • av Sandra Lott

    Sassy Goes Exploring: Sassy was a happy indoor cat and one day she decided to go exploring outside. Once out, she soon discovers the big world outside is not all that it appears to be. She discovers looks can be deceiving and ends up lonely, afraid, and sick. What will happen? Sassy Goes Exploring teaches your children the importance of listening to their parent's instructions. It teaches them that sometimes the "No," and the "Don't do that," are really to protect them.

  • av Sandra Lott

    At her favorite place in the park, Grace cries out after discovering what her father had done to her and at that moment, she just needed to be held. "Why, why daddy! Why did you hurt me like that? Why! I want to hate you, but I can't! Why did you do that to me? Why, why, why did you do it? Oh, Lord, I know I need to let go and forgive. I understand what it means to forgive that it is releasing me from the hold of my abusers. I do get it, Father, that as long as I hold on to bitterness and resentment and do not forgive the ones who hurt me, they are still controlling and hurting me. They are hurting me by the pain and anger that I will not release, but I am so angry! Show me how and help me. I just can't right now because I am so angry. Please help me." Grace sat there and cried and cried, and she did not even see Christine, the kindly little old lady walk up and sit beside her. Christine sat there beside her and just held her as if she knew what Grace was crying about. She just sat there and held her. That is what Grace needed; she just needed to be held and to be loved; unconditional love. She needed love to push all the pain and anger she felt away. Ride the Wind is a story of how Grace Thompson finally discovers how to trust God. Through the abuse she suffered in her childhood and storm-ridden marriage to an alcoholic abusive husband, Grace comes to the end of herself with all hope lost in having any kind of life of freedom from abuse, and with the help of her younger sister she finally cries out to God. In looking to God for one more chance at having a life of happiness she discovers how to trust God and Ride the Wind of His love.

  • av Sandra Lott

    Sandra Lott is a prolific Christian Author and she is pleased to present Abide in Me which is a Seven Week study on the blessings of God's presence in your life. What a blessing it is to be a child of God! He is your Heavenly Father and Creator. God will never leave you or forsake you.This study will teach you to draw closer to God so that you will be blessed every moment you spend with Him. As a result you will find answers, hope, peace, contentment and a constant knowledge that He is right by your side always."Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."(II Corinthians 3:17)

  • av Sandra Lott
    211 - 220,-

  • av Sandra Lott

    The Holy Spirit & The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us. He also draws you to Jesus, for no one comes to the Father unless he is drawn. We are to be the voice, hands, and feet for which the Holy Spirit shines through from us to others. We are not to just go to Church and say, "We are a Christian," we are to live it. Living out your daily life as a true child of God-loving people, as a way of life, is the best testimony you will ever have. The Holy Spirit helps you, teaches you, and guides you. Read through this study and ask the Lord to speak to your heart and to give you understanding. He will awaken your heart and your mind to the many wonders of the Holy Spirit and you will grow even closer to God. As you grow deeper in knowledge of the things of God you will truly be changed and you will shine as a "City on a Hill".

  • av Sandra Lott

    The Day Hope Was Born: God's Gift of Love--Have you ever felt helpless, not knowing how to help someone understand the love of God and what receiving Jesus is really all about? God gives you a love that will heal every area of your life. Not everyone listens to the Father's guidance and due to the free will God gave everyone; we get hurt in the process. That is where God comes in, (Psalm 34:18) "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." The Day Hope Was Born is a book with a few short stories and poems that will stir your heart. As it speaks to your heart share it with the ones in your life in need of the hope and love that only God can give to the lost and brokenhearted. (Psalm 37:39-40) "The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in times of trouble. The Lord helps them and delivers them from the wicked and saves them; because they take refuge in Him." This short book is the perfect book to tell someone the meaning of salvation. May God bless you!

  • av Sandra Lott

    Step by Step into a Deeper Walk in Christ is a different type of Devotional. Each chapter has space for you to take notes. Sandra Lott has created an Interactive Devotional and Bible Study which will help you to develop a closer relationship with Christ. You can post what you have learned to the website or Facebook page and learn from what others have learned as well. Draw closer to God step by step with this wonderful devotional book.

  • av Sandra Lott

    My Father's Eyes: Seeing Yourself Through The Eyes Of Love takes you on a journey to see God's unconditional love. It is not about what you did or didn't do, but it is about His unconditional love. You will see people of the Bible who did horrible things, killed people, had people killed, abused, lied, and more, then see how God loved them anyway; turned their life around, and used them to help many people. What He did for them, He will do for you. Are you ready to discover God's overwhelming, unconditional love for yourself?

  • - How Did He Get In There?
    av Sandra Lott

    How Did He Get In There is another fun adventure of Timmy and Gerald Ray. Go on a journey with the boys as they go on a summer vacation! The boys go camping with their parents and in arriving, their curious nature gets the best of them and they can't wait to go wandering around in the woods. They come up to the back end of a cave and through a hole they see a bear! Wondering how the bear got in through that small hole makes Gerald Ray start wondering how Jesus gets into your heart. Parents, here is another fun adventure for your children and a way for you to answer that same question for them. (Second Edition)

  • av Sandra Lott

    The Princess In the Harlot is a story of discovery. Sarah David never really knew what it was like to be part of a family or to be wanted and loved. Street life and prostitution were all she ever knew and the only way she had of supporting herself. Little did she know that deliverance was coming and a divine appointment was coming and she would meet the Father who would never leave her nor forsake her but show her His unconditional love and she would discover her true identity as a child of God; a Princess. Other people saw her and looked at her as if she were trash but the Father saw beauty, and as His special treasure; His princess. Even her name denotes her true identity. In Hebrew Sarah means princess and her last name, David, means beloved. Will Sarah finally find the Father and His unconditional love? "Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters." (Song of Solomon 1:14)

  • av Sandra Lott

    Jewels from the Word & Manna for the Soul is full of the gems of God's Word and His promises to pray over your circumstances. And this second edition has an added chapter on the many names of the Lord!(Proverbs 18:21) "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Give life to your words! Meditate on God's Word & speak it! Do you want joy or depression? Your words do have life. (John 6:63) "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." Whatever you fill your heart & mind with is what you get. If you fill your mind with & obsess over depressing "it will never happen" & "my life is so bad" thoughts, misery is what you get. Fill your mind & heart with the hope that comes from the truth of God's Word & His promises & you get joy and the victory that He promises to those who believe! Speak and Pray the Word of God in faith; the Spirit will give birth to it. Be blessed as you pray the Word of God!

  • av Sandra Lott

    Has life dealt you some very rough blows? Has it shattered your heartso much that you wonder if the wounds that go so deep, can ever bemended?Cindy Lambert's husband left her homeless and hopeless. Through Jesus Christ she discovered hertrue identity; a Princess.

  • av Sandra Lott

    Mary and Samantha had different situations that hurt them, but both women chose to run to a place of escape; escape from reality.Samantha ran to Nowhere Land when life got too much. It was a place where the beach she lived on was empty. Life hurt too much and all she wanted was to be alone.Mary also ran to escape the pain of life; it hurt too much and she did not want life any longer. She ran to a place on the beach void of people she called alone space.Will they learn to trust? Will they find true peace and happiness? Most importantly, will they see and accept God's extended hands of love? "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."Proverbs 18:10

  • av Sandra Lott

    Jim Staley forged through the troubling Deep Waters Within his heart and found healing by surrendering his heart to the Lord. His relationship with his father was restored, although too late. He is now allowing the Rivers of the Holy Spirit to flow through to others keeping his father's legacy alive. But another storm is brewing and this one is external. Will he make it through this time? He was newly married, will it survive the storm?

  • av Sandra Lott

  • av Sandra Lott

    Deep Waters Within follows Jim as he leaves home, determined to pave his own path. He hits the road running. Jim is running from his father, he is running to independence, but mostly he is running from God. He is so confident he can do things on his own that he doesn't take the time to call home. If he had, he would know that things are no longer the same as when he left with his father becoming ill. Although Jim finds a woman he believes could be the love of his life on his adventure, he keeps feeling that something is missing. Will Jim be able to dig deep within himself and find his way back home before it's too late?

  • av Sandra Lott

    Molly comes from a single parent home barely getting by. What they lack in material possessions is made up by love. Molly is getting bullied by three girls at school and the Lord takes her on a train ride in her dreams to help her see that everyone has a story. He helps her see the reason behind their bullying and the meaning of forgiveness.This is a heartwarming story that will help your child see as well, that everyone has a story behind their actions. With God's help, forgiveness can flourish and friendships can be birthed.Take the train ride of forgiveness with Molly and see how her story turns out.

  • av Sandra Lott

  • av Sandra Lott

  • av Sandra Lott
    230 - 281,-

  • av Sandra Lott

    When Naomi is born to Leon and Joelle, she brought joy into their lives. They soon discovered that Naomi brought joy into the lives of everyone she shared her smile with. They were touched because they saw the light of Jesus in that smile. The beautiful illustrations by Abira Das will make this one of your child's favorite books.

  • - Learning to Let Go
    av Sandra Lott

    Are you bound by worry and fear? Are you unable to let go and trust God with the hardest things? You've Got This: Learning to Let Go will teach you ways to finally Trust Him to know what is best for you. Freedom comes from completely letting go and letting God take control of your life. Human nature is that we maintain that control, but God cannot bestow blessings upon you until you Let Go and Let God!

  • av Sandra Lott

    Jeremy was full of life and laughter as a child. Then, suddenly, darkness invaded his life without warning. The darkness came from someone he looked up to and stole the joy from his heart. It was one thing after another, and his joy was replaced with despair, and his will to live was gone. Darkness and drugs are the life he knows now and prison awaits. Will he find life, love, and the healing which can only come from Jesus Christ? Will he see the light? Will he know the light, and will he let the light of Jesus in and restore what was lost?

  • - A Tim & Gerald Ray Book
    av Sandra Lott

    Let's Go Swimming is another enlightening adventure for Timmy and Gerald Ray! It is summer break and they boys are going to Myrtle Beach South Carolina for a week. During their summer fun, something catches Gerald Ray's eye and upon questioning it, he ends up with another question, baptism and just what is it? Have you ever wondered how to explain being baptized to your children? Discover how in this fun adventure with Timmy and Gerald Ray as they go to the beach. Discover the answer along with them!

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