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Bøker av Sanjoy Mukherjee

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  • av Sanjoy Mukherjee

    Le livre intitulé "Initiative Brings Change" reflète les bonnes pratiques dans le secteur de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiène dans les zones rurales et urbaines du Bangladesh avec les projets de collaboration de WaterAid. Différentes approches incitatives, encourageantes et motivantes, telles que WASH 5-Star, Healthy home, sont introduites dans les communautés rurales, au niveau des ménages et des institutions, en vue d'un changement durable des comportements en matière d'hygiène. Les approches décrivent comment assurer et encourager efficacement la participation des différents niveaux de parties prenantes pour obtenir des résultats dans un court laps de temps. Le livre reflète également les bonnes pratiques dans les zones urbaines du Bangladesh en promouvant le système de collecte des eaux de pluie pour faire face à la future pénurie d'eau dans la ville de Dhaka. Les lecteurs peuvent également découvrir comment une communauté socialement exclue peut acquérir une identité sociale et améliorer sa dignité en collaboration avec les initiatives du gouvernement local.

  • av Sanjoy Mukherjee

    O livro intitulado "Initiative Brings Change" reflecte as boas práticas no sector da água, saneamento e higiene no Bangladesh rural e urbano com projectos de colaboração da WaterAid. Diferentes abordagens baseadas em incentivos, encorajadoras e motivadoras, por exemplo WASH 5-Star, Healthy home are introduced in rural community at household and institution level towards lasting hygiene behaviour change. As abordagens descrevem quão eficazmente se assegura e encoraja diferentes níveis de participação das partes interessadas para alcançar o resultado dentro de um curto período de tempo. O livro reflecte também as boas práticas no Bangladesh urbano na promoção do sistema de recolha da água da chuva para fazer face à futura escassez de água da cidade de Dhaka. As iniciativas futuras da WaterAid Bangladesh na promoção da recolha de água da chuva urbana. Os leitores também podem obter reflexões sobre como uma comunidade socialmente excluída obtém uma identidade social e aumenta a sua dignidade em colaboração com as iniciativas do governo local.

  • av Sanjoy Mukherjee

    Il libro intitolato "L'iniziativa porta il cambiamento" riflette le buone pratiche nel settore dell'acqua, dei servizi igienici e dell'igiene nelle zone rurali e urbane del Bangladesh, grazie ai progetti di collaborazione di WaterAid. Diversi approcci basati su incentivi, incoraggiamenti e motivazioni, come WASH 5-Star, Healthy home, sono stati introdotti nelle comunità rurali a livello di famiglie e istituzioni per ottenere un cambiamento duraturo dei comportamenti igienici. Gli approcci descrivono come garantire e incoraggiare efficacemente la partecipazione di diversi livelli di stakeholder per raggiungere i risultati in un breve periodo di tempo. Il libro riflette anche le buone pratiche adottate nel Bangladesh urbano per promuovere il sistema di raccolta dell'acqua piovana per far fronte alla futura carenza idrica della città di Dhaka. I lettori possono anche riflettere su come una comunità socialmente esclusa ottiene un'identità sociale e migliora la propria dignità in collaborazione con le iniziative del governo locale.

  • av Sanjoy Mukherjee

    Das Buch mit dem Titel "Initiative Brings Change" spiegelt die bewährten Praktiken im Wasser-, Abwasser- und Hygienesektor in ländlichen und städtischen Gebieten Bangladeschs wider, die in Zusammenarbeit mit WaterAid durchgeführt werden. Verschiedene anreizbasierte, ermutigende und motivierende Ansätze, z. B. WASH 5-Star, Healthy Home, werden in ländlichen Gemeinden auf Haushalts- und Institutionsebene eingeführt, um das Hygieneverhalten nachhaltig zu ändern. Die Ansätze beschreiben, wie die Beteiligung der verschiedenen Interessengruppen effektiv sichergestellt und gefördert werden kann, um innerhalb kurzer Zeit ein Ergebnis zu erzielen. Das Buch spiegelt auch bewährte Praktiken im städtischen Bangladesch bei der Förderung von Regenwassersammelsystemen wider, um der zukünftigen Wasserknappheit in der Stadt Dhaka zu begegnen. Die zukünftigen Initiativen von WaterAid Bangladesh zur Förderung der städtischen Regenwassernutzung sowie Überlegungen, wie eine sozial ausgegrenzte Gemeinschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Regierungsinitiativen eine soziale Identität erlangen und ihre Würde stärken kann.

  • av Sanjoy Mukherjee
    1 955,-

    This book brings together a collection of articles from eminent scholars and practitioners from India, Europe, the USA, and Australia and investigates the applicability of spiritually inspired business models in Indian and Western contexts. This book is a tribute to the revered Indian management scholar and philosopher Professor S. K. Chakraborty, a pioneer of human values and Indian ethos in management. It explores the potentials and pitfalls of spiritual-based leadership and provides directions for renewing business education to embrace human values and spirituality. The forty contributions in the book are divided into seven sections-introduction; business ethics and management; developing new organizational models and processes; potentials and pitfalls of spirituality-based leadership; leaders and their world; education, spirituality, and society; ways to go-to bring out different aspects of the spirituality in business model endorsed by Chakraborty. The book is a treasure trove for researchers of not only business ethics, but also of leadership and strategy studies, in addition to the organization professionals and the general reader for expert insights on the topic.

  • av Sanjoy Mukherjee

    The book is an exploration of the relevance of Indian classical wisdom in reorienting modern management. It highlights the urgent need for facilitating an internally directed spiritual dimension to business management, including management education as an alternative to instrumental rationality and extreme materialistic orientation in today's profit-driven business world.The book presents spirituality or enlightened consciousness as the essence of a transformational or rather transcendental leader to improve the quality of work-life within by creating a humane and enduring organizational culture. It does this by drawing inspiration from modern Indian leaders like Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda. It also offers insights into alternative sources and methods of learning in management and life from ancient Indian wisdom and selected European literature to infuse creativity, joy, meaning and purpose into work and life. The book facilitates East-West dialogue on value-based holistic management in a globalized business scenario. In the modern business paradigm dominated by western management principles and practices, the book attempts to offer an Indian model of management founded on spirituality, human values and sustainability to deal with the alarming crises in a pandemic-stricken world by suggesting alternative ways of thinking and living for a sane, happy and sustainable future for both our planet and people.

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