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Bøker av Sarah Flowers

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  • av Sarah Flowers

    "I built us a Hospital on the Reservation. You are going to work there, Dr. Winter Season! Need a good Surgeon and you my dear are it!"Dakota heard something he doesn't like or, had any clue to. "Well I'll be damn if I'm going to take care of Ms. Debutante Milli! I love you, but this is where I draw the line! Are you telling me she's a Doctor?" he yelled. "See, see, see Win, told you he wasn't always quiet can be a big pain! Yes Dakota, she's a Surgeon! She has had enough offers to choke a horse, so there half-breed!"Milli you never explained any of this to me. Win's High Society, she won't fit in!""Dakota, I'm the Boss! I say she will fit in, you don't know her credentials! So stuff it half breed!" "But Milli..." "Mr. Raines!" Win shouted. "What?" he shouted back. "Go to hell!" Well she knows what he thinks of her, Ms. Debutante? She'll show the creep. She'd say he has a big chip on his shoulder and would like to be the one to knock it off! Maybe she just will...

  • av Sarah Flowers

    The years have flown by Blake, Snow, Damon and Elda have finished school and planning their weddings to the envy of Vance. Valli's had six years already, not finished, going for more surgery courses. She's also going to be a Neurosurgeon, a Head Doc, she teases, along with Cardiology. Van-ce begged can't they get married while they're still in school? Valli's against it doesn't want anything to detract her from the rigorous studies she has. Vance begged, "Can't we at least live together?" "Wash your mouth out with soap! I'm no Lila or Marsala! I don't sleep with a man until I get mar-ried! So...Mr. Macho Man, it's a definite no!" He got disgusted, snapped at her a first, "Valli dammit, your not a kid anymore and I'm human!" "That's right Vance I'm not a kid, just a young woman with good sense. If you don't like it or want to wait for me I suggest you find yourself another who will be your live in, it won't be me!" "Are you serious, do you really mean it?" "Yes I am!"

  • av Sarah Flowers

    "Tessa...hear me out! Please let me come to you, I'll never tell! Not until you're damn good and ready. Our Dads were wrong forcing us to marry. God Tessa, I swear on my Grandparents graves who I loved if you will grant me visitation rights my lips are sealed." "Gino let me think on it. I'm still devious... but you know what, give your news of little Tessa to Carmella as a special wedding Gift! Oh God forgive me, I pray she chokes on the news! Your sisters a bitch and always has been!" "Yeah I know! She's hounding me to divorce you. But, oh Babe, I'll never do that! You see I was waiting for you to come of age, was going to ask you to marry me. I didn't need to be forced for any damn money, I love you and adore you my little wife and always have!" That floored her, why didn't he tell her be-fore they married? Oh that's right, he still tho-ught of her as a kid. If she had known would have been one happy bride, might have stayed and gone to Yale instead. So...

  • av Sarah Flowers

    Maria Mori and Drew McNamara are the children of Bertino (Bert) Mori and Patrick (Patty) Mc Namara. They are partners in an established house of designs, fittingly called, "Sensational Designs." The partners and their wives have ulterior motives for their children. They are taking off for a six month vacation, leaving Maria and Drew in charge and alone. While on vacation in the Islands they mysteriously disappear leaving two grieving children. After a months time, their attorney called them in for the reading of their wills, that are one helluva' shock. In order to inherit they must marry each other have a child and stay together for eighteen months. Maria wants a marriage of love, Drew wants Maria, period! If they don't do as requested, the business must go to charity. What choice does that leave them? After all a lot can happen in, "Just Eighteen Months..."

  • av Sarah Flowers

    Eric took Iris home from the hospital. She's re-lieved Regis is no more. What a stupid fool he was. He must have thought she'd just stand there, let him rape and kill her. Damn loser is what he was. Everyone waited Zeke had flown in to welcome her home. A lunch was served, the talk went on and on about Regis and Road Jr. After sitting and listening Eric asked Iris if they could go out and talk privately. She said yes. "What's up Eric? You look distraught, is there a problem?" "Yes...I've been thinking that Regis bastard tried to rape and kill you twice! Hans Wheeler tried to rape you and he would have killed you, too! Then Roads Jr. came upon the scene, he would have kill-ed every one of us!" "Okay Eric, spit it out! I see trouble with you!" "Iris, I love you...I've always loved you, always will, but..." "But what?"

  • av Sarah Flowers

    K.C. told Gita to stay with her brother for awhile to make sure all's well with the idiot. She checked him again before leaving, walked out of his room at 4 A.M. with a devilish grin. Of all times, who should see her but Leif, Jr. who lost it! "Just what the hell, are you doing com-ing out of a man's room at 4 in the morning? In a nightgown I see, how convenient!" K.C. looked at Leif, "I...owe you no explan-ations of my comings or going! I have one thing to say, "Go to hell!" walked to her room, locked the door. In his anger Leif knocked on Luzzio's door. Gita opened it, "Oh its Leif, its okay we don't need ano-ther Doctor, K.C. took care of my brother." Leif's in a daze at what he just heard, "What's wrong Gita?" she explained Luzzio had an allergic reaction to the shell fish. He wondered how to get K.C. to forgive him for jumping to a wrong conclu-sion. He knocked on her door, she wouldn't answer...

  • av Sarah Flowers

    The plane landed, Beth stepped down and Josh like to lose his teeth. His mouth dropped clear to his chin, his eyes like to bulge out of his head. Of all things his pants tightened in the crotch. He wanted to swear at his reactions to this gal. God! Oh God! But this dame is drop dead gor-geous, a beauty! One to make a guys mouth water like a running spigot! He has one damn word for her... "WOW!" Josh is staring and gawking like a damn idiot. His old pal still has great taste in women. But he sure has a helluva' lot of guts to send her here and alone! You don't turn a beauty like that loose, not if you're in your right mind. He wouldn't for damn sure. If she wasn't one of Seth's Babe's he'd make a big play for her. Where has she been all his life? That Seth is one damn lucky...S.O.B."

  • av Sarah Flowers

    "Sorry Luci..." Grace gulped wanting to stran-gle Luci, but can't. She better watch it, can't rock the boat, Sam will kill her. "Where will you go, will you open your own office?" "I haven't made any decisions yet. I do have several tempting offers, "What about your firend here, Luci?" "Grace, are you interrogating me?" "No why would I do that?" "At the moment I don't know, I'm sure time will tell." Sure enough time...was standing in the corner, she wanted to run or die. He had a beautiful woman dangling on his arm. Didn't he always, probably his wife? He walked over, leaving the woman behind. "Hello Lu, it's been a long time.'re gor-geous, sexy as hell and all grown up," oh boy do they have an audience, especially a grinning Uncle Joe. "Yes it has, apparently not enough or far enough away. Thank you for the compliment, yes I have grown up!" she snapped at him. How can he talk like this to her with that woman here? Oh yes, he's Storm Hollis...

  • av Sarah Flowers

    "I give you my lovely daughter, Joetta Jocobi 2nd !" Out walked Jo-Jo in coveralls to a squirming Roger Jordano who thought she was nothing but the help. "Jo-Jo, you're in your work clothes," Juliana tittered, now getting the full picture. "Oops...sorry, I seem to have forgotten myself." With that she stripped from her coveralls showing off a lovely, blue pant suit. Undid her bandana and threw off her ugly glasses. Roger's in shock coughing there stood the most beautiful women he has ever seen. The crowd whistled, applauded and hooted...

  • av Sarah Flowers

    Harry and Rafe approached the pool. Cara was about to make one spectacular dive as she spotted Rafe. He's magnificent, like an Adonis. Had on the skimpest trunks she's ever seen, oh what he did for them. Forget-ting herself dove and lost control. She hit her head on the diving board, fell into the pool. Little Armi's screaming, Rafe took a flying dive into the pool had her up and out in seconds. Laid her on the ground, couldn't feel her breathing. He pumped and pumped on her chest. Slowly regaining consciousness she opened her eyes at half-mast. Realizing who and what he was doing whooshed out air slowly said, "'t...remove...your...damn... will be missing your reproductive oragan!" Rafe jumped back, what the hell is she about? Does she think I'm trying to rape or seduce her in front of her family? Then got angry. "Lady, my balls are a hellluva' lot more important to me than you! Go ahead and die! And thank you very much, too!"

  • av Sarah Flowers

    Kate called Security to make sure Heidi left the Estate peacefully. She might try to destroy her guest house then she'd have to destroy her. "Kate, I'll go," Hart stated wanting to keep an eye on the tramp. "You will do no such thing! Its best you're not alone with her, she's liable to yell rape! The help has moved you and Glenn in here for time being. You can have Study #2 here as your office." "Kate...I can't do that," he groaned. Prude spoke up, "Mr. Stoneridge if you're worri-ed we're trying to trap you, forget it. I don't need or want you or your money. I happen to have more than you! Glenn the poor kid is sound asleep in my room. Tonight he stays tomorrow make your own damn arrangements! Good-night Katy-Dee, I love you," away she went. Hart stared after her, "Who the hell is that torn-ado? Guess she told me off, huh? Is she rich?" "Yesss...she told you off, huh! Yes she's rich! You'd be shocked if you knew who that tornado is!" "Are you telling me?" "Nooo..."

  • av Sarah Flowers

    "Sean please, do you know anyone I can hire to assist me then? You must know of someone. I sure need me a financial business expert. At this point, a real damn brain." "Oh yeah Mr. Playboy, I do, do, do!" grinned at the thought of who. "Although she'll probably refuse with damn good reason." "Who?" "Who you ask? Why my own...darling daughter Molly. She's quite well known in her field, very much in demand I might add..." he snickered, only said that to taunt Alec, but it's the Gospel truth. If Alec knew the McKenna family secret he'd die. It's a day long over due. One he can't wait to see Alec get his just deserve for deserting his daughter in her hour of need. And put-ting her through 6 years of hell. Grinning from ear to ear walked out. Calmly whip-ped out his cell phone, pushed one button and said... "Molly Sweetheart, time to come home! Time to, Give'm Hell! Like the fighting, Irish McKenna you are!"

  • av Sarah Flowers

    "You're putting my head on the chopping block right? You're giving me no other alternative. I gave the name of Lee Donato!" "You what? What did you say?" Lee shouted at him. "Mister...I had better have heard you wrong or you're going to wish you were dead!" Polo yelled, "You didn't? Her father won't like it! He wants more than a Professor for his daughter!" And what a show he put on acting all flustered for his daughter for app-earances. Now if they can talk Lee into it, the plan can start coming together. He wanted to slap Parker on the back and say, "Good Job!" "You heard me right all of you! When Dad asked, Lee's name popped out so about it? I'll make it worth your while," he smoothly asked, waiting for the storm to break. In an angry fit Lee picked up a very expensive vase and threw it at him, before she ran off screaming. Parker looked at everyone bemused, "Guess...that was a no?"

  • av Sarah Flowers

  • - A Readers' Advisory and Collection Development Guide, 4th Edition
    av Sarah Flowers
    1 107,-

    Teen Genreflecting serves as a guide to contemporary teen fiction, encompassing every genre and format, including graphic novels, scrapbook-formatted books, verse novels, historical fiction, speculative fiction, contemporary realistic fiction, and more.Teen literature is one of the most popular and quickly growing segments of the publishing world. Not only are teens continuing to read for pleasure, but many adults have discovered the joys of teen literature. As part of the Genreflecting Advisory Series, Teen Genreflecting provides librarians with a road map to the vibrant and diverse body of literature focusing on recent fiction for teens, organizing and describing some 1,300 titles, most published within the past ten years, along with perennial classics. The authors indicate where each title fits in the genre scheme; its subject matter, format, and general reading level; and any pertinent awards. They also provide advice on readers' advisory services to teens, descriptions of genres and subgenres, and lists of favorites for each genre. As with previous editions, this guide will prove invaluable to librarians building their teen collections and will help them assist teens in finding the books they love, no matter what genre.

  • av Sarah Flowers

    A library can be a tremendous resource for teens-one that helps them to learn about themselves and the world they live in. But teenagers are intrinsically different from children and from adults, and these critical developmental differences affect the ways they interact with others, both in the world at large and in the library. Serving teens effectively in the library requires a basic understanding of who teens are and the developmental tasks they face-factors that affect all aspects of library service, from the specific programs and services we offer to the ways that staff provide assistance to the teen who is seeking help at a library service desk.This book enables library workers to better understand adolescent development, which allows them to provide a positive library experience for teens. Readers will learn how to supply excellent library services with and for teens, including in the areas of collection development, readers' advisory, reference and homework help, programming, and advocacy. The book identifies the best ways to have positive interactions with teens in the library based on their mental development and details best practices for teen services. The concluding section discusses advocating for teens, with emphasis on their right to privacy and equal access to materials and services.

  • - Your All-Natural, Go-To Solution for Spots, Stains, Scum, and More!
    av Sarah Flowers

  • - YALSA's Competencies in Action
    av Sarah Flowers

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