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Bøker av Sasha Cottman

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  • av Sasha Cottman

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Als der Vater des schurkischen Lackaffen Lord Harry Steele am Ende seiner Kräfte ist, wirft er seinen missratenen Sohn aus dem Haus. Harry ist gezwungen, schnell einen Weg zu finden, an Geld zu kommen und wartet mit einer brillanten Idee auf.Anstatt Skandale zu schüren, lässt er sich dafür bezahlen, diese zu vereiteln.Die Erbin, Miss Alice North, ist verzweifelt. Sie braucht Harrys Hilfe, um einen Mitgiftjäger loszuwerden. In Harry findet sie einen attraktiven, aber verwirrenden Mann, der ihr Blut in Wallung bringt.Harry wiederum fühlt sich zu Alice hingezogen. Zwischen den beiden entbrennt eine heiße, geheime Affäre. Aber wird Alices Herz der Preis sein, den sie zahlen muss, wenn sie die Dienste eines Schurken in Anspruch nimmt?

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Die heimliche Geliebte eines Königs. Ein Meisterdieb auf der Suche nach einem unbezahlbaren Schatz. Eine Frau, die den Schlüssel zu all dem in ihren Händen hält.Der ehrenwerte George Hawkins ist ein Mann, der zwischen zwei Welten gefangen ist. Auf der einen Seite ist er der respektable Sohn eines hochrangigen Londoner Richters, auf der anderen ist er ein Gründungsmitglied der verruchten Regency Rogues.Auf der Jagd nach antikem Gold trifft er Jane Scott, die Expertin für Antiquariat und fühlt sich sofort zu ihr hingezogen. George beschließt, dass es nichts Besseres gibt, als das Geschäftliche mit dem Angenehmen zu verbinden, und setzt sich zum Ziel, Jane zu umwerben.Obwohl Jane nicht töricht ist und Georges Plan durchschaut, bleibt ihr Herz fest entschlossen, seine Liebe zu gewinnen.Ein antiker, chiffrierter Brief bringt die beiden Liebenden auf die Spur einer großen, geheimen Beute. Eines königlichen Schatzes aus Gold und Juwelen.Doch bei der Verfolgung ihrer Spur müssen sich Jane und George mit jedem Schritt die Frage stellen, ob sie einander trauen dürfen. Werden die beiden den Preis der Liebe zahlen müssen, um ihr Vorhaben vom Erfolg gekrönt zu wissen?Gestohlen von einem verführerischen Herzensbrecher ist ein eigenständig zu lesender Band aus der Reihe Verruchte Regency Rogues, historische Liebesromane.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Ein Schurke, der sein Herz fest gegen die Liebe und die Ehe verschlossen hat, wird sich mit den unerwarteten Folgen einer leidenschaftlichen Nacht mit einer schönen jungen Witwe auseinandersetzen müssen.Für Sir Stephen Moore kommt eine eigene Familie nicht in Frage. Sein Vater, ein Lebemann, hatte keine Zeit für ihn, und das hat bleibende Narben in Stephens Herz hinterlassen. Er ist mehr als glücklich, mit den verruchten Frauen des ton Schindluder zu treiben, solange alles beim Morgengrauen vorbei ist.Lady Bridget Dyson geht desillusioniert aus ihrer ersten Ehe heraus. Als Witwe darf sie sich in diskret geführte Affären stürzen, ohne dass die Londoner Gesellschaft Anstoß daran nähme.Lady Bridget Dyson und Sir Stephen feiern ihren Sieg über einen gefährlichen Erpresser, aus dessen Fängen sie ihre Familie befreien konnten. Wein und ein verruchter Flirt führen zu einer Nacht voll heißer Leidenschaft.Die fassungslose Bridget muss nun einem Mann die Nachricht über seine bevorstehende Vaterschaft überbringen, der jegliche Bindungen um jeden Preis vermeiden wollte.Werden zwei Menschen, deren Liebe unter einem schlechten Stern steht, es schaffen, ihre schmerzhafte Vergangenheit zu überwinden und ihr gemeinsames Glück zu finden, bevor ein schreiender Wonneproppen das Licht der Welt erblickt?»Verführt von einem unwiderstehlichen Rake« ist ein eigenständig zu lesender Band aus der Reihe »Verruchte Regency Rogues«, historische Liebesromane.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    In den brennenden, zerstörten Ruinen eines französischen Schlosses gibt der Schmuggler Augustus Jones einem Sterbenden ein Versprechen. Er wird die Männer finden, die seine vermisste Nichte entführt haben, koste es, was es wolle.Doch Evangeline La Roche ist keine Gefangene, sondern auf der Jagd nach Vergeltung. Sie ist entschlossen, diejenigen, die ihre Familie zerstören wollten, für ihre Verbrechen teuer bezahlen zu lassen.Das Letzte, was Evangeline braucht, ist, dass Gus auftaucht und versucht, ihr Held zu werden. Obwohl sie sich schon lange heimlich zu dem wortgewandten Engländer hingezogen fühlt, hat sie sich geschworen, niemals einem Mitglied der kriminellen Regency Rogues zu vertrauen.Der an sein Versprechen gebundene Gus ist gezwungen, sich auf Evangelines Plan einzulassen, und macht sich mit ihr auf den langen Weg nach Paris.Auf der Reise durch die wilde Bretagne entfacht sich zwischen ihnen die erste Flamme der Begierde. Beide sind machtlos, der Versuchung zu widerstehen.Als sie sich ihren Feinden nähern, müssen Gus und Evangeline schockiert feststellen, dass sich das Blatt plötzlich gewendet hat und sie nun die Beute sind.Ihnen steht ein verzweifeltes und gefährliches Wettrennen an die Küste bevor, wo ein Schiff auf sie wartet, das sie in Sicherheit bringen soll.Aber wird es Gus gelingen, Evangeline davon zu überzeugen, dass das, was sie verbindet, ausreicht, um aus ihrem geliebten Heimatland zu fliehen und ein neues Leben mit ihm in England zu beginnen?Begehrt von einem berüchtigten Schmuggler ist ein eigenständig zu lesender Band aus der Reihe Verruchte Regency Rogues, historische Liebesromane.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Um zu gewinnen, müssen sie beide verlieren.Er entkam den Fängen blutrünstiger Piraten. Es gelang ihm sogar, der gesamten französischen Flotte zu entwischen. Aber Andrew McNeal, dem Duke of Monsale, scheinen endgültig die Verstecke ausgegangen zu sein.Lady Naomi Steele, die Tochter eines Herzogs, hat schon seit langem ein Auge auf den aristokratischen Anführer der Regency Rogues geworfen.Als plötzlich ein uraltes Gesetz zur Anwendung gebracht wird, wird Monsale wider Willen auf den Heiratsmarkt gezwungen.Er rekrutiert Lady Naomi's Mutter, die ihm hilft, eine Liste potenzieller Ehefrauen zusammenzustellen.Wutentbrannt weigert Naomi sich, ihren Namen auf diese Liste setzen zu lassen. In ihren Augen sollte es nur eine Frau geben, die für Monsale als Ehefrau infrage kommt.Doch als der starrsinnig, attraktive Schurke seinen Fehler nicht eingestehen will, beschließt Naomi, die Sache selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.So beginnt eine heiße Partie mit hohen Wetteinsätzen, bei der die Karten neu gemischt werden und die Herzen auf dem Spiel stehen.Aber wer von den beiden knickt zuerst ein?

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Per Caroline Saunders la bellezza è una maledizione. Ovunque vada, è sempre circondata da uomini adoranti. Tuttavia, Caroline sa che nessuno di loro potrà mai amarla per ciò che lei è davvero.Ha sempre trattato la sua corte di spasimanti con freddo sdegno, tanto da essersi guadagnata il titolo di Regina di Ghiaccio.Con il cuore segnato dal disastroso matrimonio dei suoi genitori, Julian Palmer, il Conte di Newhall, non ha molta fretta di convolare a nozze, ma gli uomini titolati necessitano di un erede.Con riluttanza, acconsente quindi alla richiesta di sua zia: organizzare un soggiorno di festeggiamenti, della durata di una settimana, nella sua residenza nel Derbyshire, invitando un selezionato gruppo di signorine idonee al matrimonio a prendervi parte insieme ai loro chaperon.A causa di un'improvvisa tempesta di neve, alla residenza di Julian arriva però soltanto una carrozza. La situazione peggiora drasticamente quando il conte scopre che l'ospite bagnato e infreddolito, giunto alla sua porta in piena notte, altri non è che Caroline Saunders, la Regina di Ghiaccio.Newhall Castle diventa l'unico rifugio di Caroline e, con il passare dei giorni, Julian scopre che sotto la corazza ghiacciata della ragazza batte un cuore appassionato e ardente.Due anime testarde si incontrano in una bellissima storia che narra di nemici che diventano amanti.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Being the second son of a Viscount comes with the knowledge that no matter what he achieves; Freddie Rosemount won't be the first member of his family to have done it. With good looks, wealth and his father's townhouse at his disposal, Freddie decides it is time to head to London and create a few firsts of his own. Caught up in the endless whirl of elegant parties and political games, Freddie soon falls in with the wrong crowd. The Bachelor Board is a club for young men who wish to leave their mark on London society. Entry can only be secured by meeting a series of secret challenges, each more scandalous than the last. Eve Saunders is a well-bred daughter of the House of Strathmore, but beneath her English skin beats a passionate French heart. The lust for danger runs in her family's blood. As Eve helps Freddie to secure his position on the Board, passion, and love ignite between them. But the final, secret challenge for Freddie to secure his seat on the Bachelor Board comes with a shocking price. When his furious father cuts off his money, Freddie's life quickly spirals downward. He soon comes to see the terrible truth of what he has done to the girl he loves. Determined to do whatever it takes to win Eve back, Freddie is dismayed to discover that Eve is not sitting at home crying over him. When Eve begins to play her own series of sexy and dangerous games, Freddie is left with no other option but to take Eve on at her own game.Only at the very last challenge, does Freddie see what he is risking and that Eve is playing for keeps. Lord of Mischief is a full standalone book in the Duke of Strathmore series.​​This title is available in eBook, print, and audio.Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with strong heroines and courageous heroes.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Secrets and lies are dangerous in the game of love, and the truth always comes at a price.Former spy William Saunders' world is turned upside down the day he rescues missionary worker Hattie Wright from the deep blue waters off the coast of Gibraltar.On the sea voyage back to London, the couple is forced to share a cramped cabin. Desire, and passion, soon ignite between them.While Hattie views the steamy affair as little more than a brief respite before she goes back to her mission among the poor and vulnerable in the slums of London, William sees things very differently. His cold, empty heart is once more filled with the warmth of love.After rejecting his offer of marriage, Hattie disappears into the dark underworld of the London rookeries. What quickly follows is a cat and mouse game between the two former lovers, with neither prepared to yield an inch.Hattie unwittingly makes a powerful enemy in one of the vile criminal gangs. And when she goes missing, William is finally forced to confront the truth of his own past. But will it be enough to save the woman he loves?My Gentleman Spy a full standalone book in the Duke of Strathmore series.This title is available in eBook, print, and audio.Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with strong heroines and courageous heroes.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    When society peacock Lord Harry Steele's father reaches the end of his tether, he throws his wayward son out of the house.Forced to quickly find a way to make money, Harry hits upon a brilliant idea.Instead of creating scandals, he will get paid to manage them.Heiress, Alice North, is desperate.She seeks Harry's help to rid her of a fortune hunting scoundrel.In Harry she discovers a handsome, yet complex man, who sets her blood on fire.Harry in turn is drawn to Alice. A steamy secret affair ignites between them.But, will Alice's heart be the ultimate price she has to pay for engaging the services of a Rogue for Hire? Rogues of the RoadRogue for HireStolen by the RogueWhen a Rogue FallsThe Rogue and the JewelKing of Rogues

  • av Sasha Cottman

    For Caroline Saunders, beauty is a curse. She is constantly surrounded by men who worship her. But Caroline knows none of them could ever love her just for herself.She treats her court of suitors with cool disdain, gaining herself the title of the Ice Queen.With a heart scarred by his parent's disastrous marriage Julian Palmer, Earl Newhall has been in no particular hurry to take on a wife.But men with titles need heirs.The one name not on the list of young women Julian and his aunt have arranged to host over a week-long house party at Newhall Castle, Derbyshire is Caroline Saunders.But when a snowstorm and a disastrous accident sees these two enemies unexpectedly thrown together, Julian comes to realize that beneath Caroline's icy demeanor there beats a passionate heart.Two stubborn souls come together in this beautiful tale of enemies to lovers. The Ice Queen is a full standalone book in the Duke of Strathmore series.¿¿This title is available in eBook, print, and audio.Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with strong heroines and courageous heroes.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    James Radley cannot put his finger on why he does not want Leah Shepherd to marry his best friend. She is kind, sweet and a true beauty. Any man should want to marry her.And therein lies the problem.Like a bolt out of the blue, James finds himself headlong in love with his best friend's fiancée. He promises himself that if he can just get through the wedding service, everything will fine.As his carriage draws up outside St Georges, London on the morning of the wedding, he is greeted by the sight of the bride racing down the front steps of the church fleeing her own wedding. His heart demands that he follows her.The best man and the bride are now on the run from her family, escaping into the beautiful wilds of Cornwall.A regency historical romance of two star-crossed lovers determined to win their happily ever after in a world which would seek to deny them.Two of a Kind is a full standalone book in the Duke of Strathmore series.¿¿This title is available in eBook, print, and audio.Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with strong heroines and courageous heroes.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    When handsome army officer Avery Fox unexpectedly inherits a fortune, he instantly becomes one of the season's most eligible bachelors. More accustomed to the battlefield, he has no patience with the naive debutantes who fill the ballrooms of London.Honest and impetuous Lady Lucy Radley is a breath of fresh air, guiding him through the season and helping him to avoid any traps. So when Avery is left with little option but to marry Lucy, he can't help but feel he's been manipulated. Nor can he shake the feeling that a duke's daughter should be out of his reach.From the wildly beautiful Scottish Highlands to the elegant soirees of Paris, Avery and Lucy go on a journey that is full of surprises for them both. But will their feelings for each other be strong enough to overcome the circumstances of their marriage and survive the ghosts of Avery's past? Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with strong heroines and courageous heroes.This is a full standalone book in the Duke of Strathmore series.The Duke's Daughter is available in ebook, print, and audio.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    The Favourite Heiress...Once engaged to the future Duke of Strathmore, the beautiful Lady Clarice Langham now finds herself in the humiliating position of celebrating his marriage - to another woman. But things begin to look up when handsome and charming rake David Radley makes it clear that, at least as far as he's concerned, she's still the catch of the season.The Illegitimate Son...The eldest son of the Duke of Strathmore, David Radley has been raised alongside his father's legitimate children. But while he is generally received as part of the family, not everyone thinks he should be, and especially not Clarice's father, the Earl of Langham, who forbids her from having anything to do with him. David's been in love with Clarice for years, and it isn't long before the attraction between them develops into something deeper. Yet he senses Clarice is hiding something and until she reveals her secret, she won't be free to follow her heart. Despite everything, David will not give up on Clarice, not even when another seems set to claim her. Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with strong heroines and courageous heroes.This is a full standalone book in the Duke of Strathmore series.

  • av Sasha Cottman

  • av Sasha Cottman

    James Radley ne sait pas très bien pourquoi il ne veut pas que Leah Shepherd épouse son meilleur ami. Douce et gentille, c'est une véritable beauté. N'importe quel homme serait heureux de l'épouser.Et c'est bien là que réside le problème.Victime d'un coup de foudre inopiné, James se retrouve fou amoureux de la fiancée de son meilleur ami. Il se convainc que s'il survit à la messe de mariage, tout ira bien.Alors que sa calèche se range devant l'église St Georges, à Londres, le matin du mariage, il surprend la mariée qui descend en hâte les marches de l'église et prend la fuite. N'écoutant que son cœur, il la suit.Le garçon d'honneur et la mariée, essayant d'échapper à sa famille, parcourent la nature sauvage et magnifique de Cornouailles.Mais trouveront-ils le bonheur ?

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Pour Caroline Saunders, la beauté est une malédiction. Partout où elle va, elle est entourée d'hommes qui la vénèrent. Mais Caroline sait qu'aucun d'eux ne pourra jamais l'aimer juste pour elle-même.Elle traite sa cour de prétendants avec froideur et dédain, ce qui lui vaut le titre de Reine de glace.Après une vilaine altercation avec un prétendant insistant, Caroline décide qu'il est temps de fuir les salles de bal bondées de Londres.À jamais marqué par le mariage désastreux de ses parents, Julian Palmer, comte de Newhall, n'est pas pressé de prendre femme. Mais les hommes qui ont un titre de noblesse doivent engendrer un héritier.Il accepte à contrecœur d'autoriser sa tante à organiser une fête d'une semaine dans son domaine du Derbyshire. Quelques jeunes femmes des meilleures familles, en âge de se marier, assisteront à la fête en compagnie de leur chaperon.Lorsqu'une malencontreuse tempête de neige empêche toutes les berlines sauf une de parvenir au château de Newhall, Julian décide qu'il doit faire contre mauvaise fortune bon cœur.Cependant, les choses vont de mal en pis lorsqu'il découvre que c'est Caroline Saunders qui est arrivée mouillée et glacée devant sa porte au milieu de la nuit.La Reine de glace est la seule femme dans toute la haute société londonienne qu'il ne se laissera jamais convaincre d'épouser, et encore moins d'aimer.Mais lorsque le château de Newhall devient le seul sanctuaire de Caroline, Julian découvre rapidement que sous son air glacial bat un cœur passionné.Deux âmes têtues se rencontrent dans cette belle histoire d'ennemis qui tombent amoureux l'un de l'autre.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    In quanto secondogenito di un visconte, Freddie Rosemount è consapevole che, qualunque cosa realizzi nella vita, non sarà il primo membro della sua famiglia ad averla ottenuta.Di bell'aspetto, ricco e con la casa paterna a disposizione, Freddie decide che è arrivato il momento di trasferirsi a Londra e assicurarsi un successo tutto suo. Preso dal vortice infinito di feste eleganti e giochi politici, si ritroverà ben presto a frequentare persone sbagliate.Il Consiglio degli Scapoli è un club per giovani uomini che desiderano lasciare un segno nella società londinese, e l'unico modo per potervi accedere è superare una serie di sfide segrete, una più scandalosa dell'altra.Eve Saunders è la figlia beneducata del Duca di Strathmore, ma sotto la compita esteriorità inglese batte un appassionato cuore francese. La brama di pericolo scorre nel sangue della sua famiglia.Quando Eve accetta di aiutare Freddie nelle sfide che gli assicureranno l'ingresso nell'ambìto Consiglio, tra loro divampa la passione. Tuttavia, il prezzo che Freddie dovrà pagare per vincere l'ultima prova segreta è davvero esorbitante.Dopo che il padre, furioso per il suo comportamento, lo priva dell'accesso a qualunque forma di sostentamento finanziario, la vita di Freddie precipita in fretta e, ben presto, il giovane si rende conto del modo terribile in cui ha trattato la ragazza che ama.Determinato a fare qualunque cosa per riconquistare il cuore di Eve, Freddie scopre con sgomento che la giovane non è affatto seduta a casa a piangere per lui, e, quando lei dà il via a una serie di giochi erotici e pericolosi, a Freddie non resta altra scelta che fronteggiarla al suo stesso gioco.Solo all'ultima sfida, Freddie si renderà conto che Eve sta giocando per vincere.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    An English lord torn from his homeland and forced to survive by his wits. The determined daughter of a duke who will never give up looking for him. Fate binds them together, but it will take an uncommon love to overcome the heartbreaking disaster which awaits them.Penniless aristocrat Flynn Cadnam has been dubbed the Vagabond Viscount by London society. But when Flynn informs his father that he intends to marry Lady Augusta Kembal, he is shocked to discover the lengths his vindictive sire will go to in order to destroy his son's future happiness.Lady Augusta Kembal holds a deep longing for her brother's best friend, and she suspects Viscount Cadnam feels the same for her. But just when she thinks Flynn is finally going to propose, he suddenly disappears. London is soon awash with rumors of Flynn's untimely demise. The duke's daughter is left to mourn the loss of the man she loves.In the hope of finding respite for her broken heart Augusta undertakes a journey to Italy with her mother. In the crowded streets of Rome, she spies a familiar face.The Vagabond Viscount is a gorgeously romantic, and at times steamy historical romance between two people bound together by the truth that home is where the heart is, and love is worth risking it all.Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with heroes to die for, and heroines who are strong and courageous.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Comme il est le second fils d'un vicomte, Freddie Rosemount sait pertinemment que quoiqu'il accomplisse, il ne sera pas le premier membre de sa famille à l'avoir fait.Il n'est pas dénué d'atouts - la beauté, la fortune et la maison de ville de son père à sa disposition - aussi Freddie décide-t-il qu'il est temps de se rendre à Londres et d'être enfin le premier.Pris dans le tourbillon sans fin des fêtes élégantes et des manœuvres politiques, Freddie ne tarde pas à faire de mauvaises rencontres. Le Cercle des Célibataires est un club pour les jeunes hommes qui souhaitent laisser leur empreinte dans la société londonienne. On ne peut y entrer qu'en relevant une série de défis secrets, tous plus scandaleux les uns que les autres.Eve Saunders est une jeune fille bien élevée de la maison de Strathmore, mais sous le vernis anglais bat le cœur passionné d'une française. Dans sa famille, on a le goût du risque dans le sang.Alors qu'Eve aide Freddie à assurer sa position au sein du Cercle des Célibataires, ils tombent passionnément amoureux l'un de l'autre.Mais le dernier défi que Freddie doit accomplir en secret pour être admis dans le Cercle des Célibataires a un prix exorbitant.Lorsque son père lui coupe les vivres, Freddie ne tarde pas à connaître la déchéance. Il ne comprend la vérité que trop tard et mesure l'horreur de ce qu'il a fait à la jeune fille qu'il aime.Déterminé à faire tout ce qu'il faut pour reconquérir Eve, Freddie est consterné de découvrir qu'Eve n'est pas assise à la maison en train de le pleurer.Quand Eve se livre à son tour à des jeux coquins dangereux, Freddie n'a pas d'autre choix que de prendre Eve à son propre jeu.Ce n'est qu'au tout dernier défi que Freddie mesure enfin ce qu'il risque et qu'Eve joue pour de vrai.

  • av Sasha Cottman

  • av Sasha Cottman

    When Love Conquers Duty.Gideon Kembal, Marquis of Holwell, vows to save those he loves from the shocking scandal which threatens to tear his family apart. Duty bound, he sails to Italy, determined to bring his wayward mother and sister back to England.Serafina de Luca is the obedient daughter of one of Rome's most wealthy and powerful families. Despite her heart's secret desire, she knows her future lies in a loveless, political marriage.Arriving in Rome, Gideon finds himself at war with his mother. His only respite is found in the company of the enchanting Serafina who offers to show him around the ancient city.The attraction which sparks between them soon becomes a blaze of passionate temptation. Serafina accepts Gideon's offer of a life with him in England.When their secret romance is exposed, her family is outraged. Serafina faces the heartbreak of being forced to marry a man she barely knows, while Gideon finds himself fighting an honor duel, to the death.As hope stands on the edge of bitter despair, can the eternal city deliver them a miracle?Sasha Cottman writes Regency romance with heroes to die for, and heroines who are strong and courageous.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    L'ereditiera favorita...La bella Clarice Langham, un tempo fidanzata con il futuro Duca di Strathmore, si ritrova nell'umiliante posizione di partecipare alle nozze di quest'ultimo... con un'altra donna.La situazione, però, pare volgere al meglio, quando l'affascinante libertino David Radley rende evidente che, per quel che lo riguarda, Clarice è ancora la preda più ambita della Stagione londinese.Il figlio illegittimo...Il figlio maggiore del Duca di Strathmore, David Radley, è cresciuto insieme ai suoi fratelli, i figli legittimi di suo padre. Sebbene i suoi parenti lo considerino parte integrante della famiglia, non tutti, all'interno dell'alta società, pensano che dovrebbe esserlo. Specie non il padre di Clarice, il Conte di Langham, il quale proibisce categoricamente alla figlia di avere a che fare con il giovane.David è innamorato di Clarice da anni e non ci vuole tanto perché l'attrazione tra loro si sviluppi in qualcosa di più serio. Eppure, lui percepisce che Clarice sta nascondendo un segreto, e finché lei non glielo rivelerà, non sarà mai libera di seguire i dettami del suo cuore. Nonostante tutto, David vuole Clarice e non demorde, nemmeno quando un altro uomo pare intenzionato a reclamarla come sua.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Quando l'affascinante ufficiale dell'esercito Avery Fox si ritrova inaspettatamente erede di un titolo e di una ingente fortuna, diventa subito uno dei partiti più ambiti della Stagione londinese. Più avvezzo ai campi di battaglia, non ha pazienza per le inesperte debuttanti che riempiono le sale da ballo di Londra.Onesta e impetuosa, Lady Lucy Radley è per lui una boccata di aria fresca, che lo guida all'interno del ton e lo aiuta a evitare pericolose trappole. Perciò, quando ad Avery viene lasciata come unica opzione quella di sposare Lucy, non può fare a meno di sentirsi manipolato. E nemmeno riesce a scrollarsi di dosso la fastidiosa sensazione che la figlia di un duca non sia alla sua portata.Lei non era per quelli come lui.Dalla bellezza selvaggia delle Highlands scozzesi alle eleganti serate parigine, Avery e Lucy intraprendono un viaggio che si rivelerà pieno di sorprese per entrambi.I loro sentimenti saranno abbastanza forti da resistere alle circostanze del loro matrimonio e a sopravvivere ai fantasmi del passato di Avery?

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Millie Ashton pensa che la società londinese sia piena di sciocchi arroganti dalla testa vuota, ma quando incontra Alex Radley, si innamora perdutamente di lui.Temendo l'umiliazione e il rifiuto, decide che l'unica cosa sensata da fare sia tornare a casa in India con l'orgoglio ferito. Uomini come Alex non si innamorano di quelle come lei, mentre ogni ragazza perde la testa per Alessandro Magno.Alex Radley, Marchese di Brooke, domina l'alta società come un dio, ma anche le divinità possono infatuarsi di semplici mortali. Con la sua ricchezza e il suo titolo, corteggiare Millie sembrerebbe un'impresa facile. Ma quando la sua appassionata lettera d'amore indirizzata a lei viene smarrita, prendendo la direzione sbagliata, la vita di Alex diventa più che complicata.

  • av Sasha Cottman

    Il mondo della ex spia William Saunders viene messo a soqquadro il giorno in cui salva dalle acque di fronte a Gibilterra la missionaria Hattie Wright.Quando le circostanze li costringono a condividere la stessa cabina, sulla nave di ritorno in Inghilterra, il desiderio e la passione divampano tra loro. Hattie vive il tempo con Will come un momento di libertà prima di tornare al suo lavoro di missionaria tra i poveri e i deboli, nei quartieri degradati di Londra.Will, tuttavia, si sente in dovere di offrirle un matrimonio e di restituirle il mondo di privilegi in cui lei un tempo aveva vissuto. Sebbene il cuore di Hattie desideri l'amore di Will, la giovane è determinata a proseguire il suo impegno caritatevole verso i più sfortunati e rifiuta la sua proposta.Hattie, però, si è fatta dei nemici potenti tra i criminali delle bande nella baraccopoli e c'è chi la vorrebbe addirittura morta. Quando Hattie scompare, Will sarà costretto ad affrontare il proprio passato e la sua più grande paura per poter salvare la donna che ama.

  • av Sasha Cottman

  • av Sasha Cottman

  • av Sasha Cottman

  • av Sasha Cottman

    When faced with a dangerous new rival, Regency London's hottest lead singer is forced to place his singing career in the hands of a sexy widow.Lord Reid Follett enjoys all the lustful benefits that come from being a war hero on the battlefield at Waterloo. Every woman in London wants to bed him. And Reid is never a man to disappoint a lady.But the gloss of winning the war is starting to fade. Reid and his friends find themselves being challenged by a new group of talented Italian musicians who are taking their place in the hearts and bedrooms of the wicked women of the ton.England's bad boys must rise to the occasion and take on these interlopers at their own game. With Reid as their conductor and baritone, the Noble Lords Quartet is born.But Reid's singing abilities do not match his ego, and he soon discovers that in order to win he is going to have to put aside his pride and take singing lessons. Widowed mother of one Lavinia Jones is the perfect teacher for him. Discrete, and ready to do his bidding. The fact that she is a dark-haired temptress is simply a bonus. Reid intends to use her to get what he wants, then he will toss her aside.Lavinia however, is no push over and Reid soon discovers that she is the one holding all the power in their relationship. Without her guidance he will never be able to master the right note and go back to his seductive ways.The closer they work together, the less they can resist one another. A fiery sexual encounter leaves them both wondering just where the music stops and where the heart takes over. But Lavinia has a secret past of her own, and Reid finds himself suddenly facing his own jealous nature when it comes to the woman who has stolen his heart. Can he set aside his rock and roll lifestyle to secure the heart of the one woman who sets his blood on fire?The Noble Lords. Stories of war-scarred English lords who are bad boy musicians and the women who dare to love them. The Noble LordsLove Lessons for the ViscountA Lord with Wicked IntentionsA Seductive Rogue for Lady ElizaUnexpected Duke

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