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Bøker av Satish Sharma

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  • av Satish Sharma

    Introdução A educação, no seu sentido mais lato, é uma experiência que tem um efeito formativo sobre o carácter, a mente e as capacidades físicas de um indivíduo. Em palavras simples, a educação significa o desenvolvimento global de um indivíduo e a extração do melhor da criança e do homem, do corpo e do espírito. Um professor é uma personalidade que inculca boas qualidades num indivíduo e o torna consciente do que o rodeia e do ambiente que o rodeia, ajudando-o a desenvolver o seu intelecto e as suas qualidades físicas. O professor ajuda a descobrir e a polir os talentos ocultos de uma criança, para que ela possa tornar a Terra um lugar melhor para viver e, assim, ajudar indiretamente a sociedade e a nação como um todo. Alguém disse, com razão, que a base de qualquer nação reside num ensino eficaz. É por isso que um professor ocupa um lugar de destaque na sociedade e na nação.

  • av Satish Sharma

    Vwedenie Obrazowanie w shirokom smysle slowa - äto opyt, kotoryj okazywaet formiruüschee wozdejstwie na harakter, um i fizicheskie sposobnosti cheloweka. Prosche goworq, obrazowanie oznachaet wsestoronnee razwitie lichnosti i priwlechenie luchshego w rebenke i cheloweke, w tele i duhe. Uchitel' - äto lichnost', kotoraq priwiwaet cheloweku horoshie kachestwa, daet emu wozmozhnost' osoznat' okruzhaüschuü ego sredu i pomogaet emu razwiwat' swoi intellektual'nye i fizicheskie kachestwa. Uchitel' pomogaet raskryt' i otshlifowat' skrytye talanty rebenka, chtoby on mog sdelat' zemlü luchshim mestom dlq zhizni i tem samym koswenno pomoch' obschestwu i strane w celom. Kto-to sprawedliwo skazal, chto w osnowe lüboj nacii lezhit äffektiwnoe obuchenie. Poätomu uchitel' zanimaet wysokoe mesto w obschestwe i gosudarstwe.

  • av Satish Sharma

    Introduzione L'educazione, nel suo senso più ampio, è un'esperienza che ha un effetto formativo sul carattere, sulla mente e sulle capacità fisiche di un individuo. In parole povere, l'educazione significa lo sviluppo a tutto tondo di un individuo e l'estrazione del meglio del bambino e dell'uomo, del corpo e dello spirito. Un insegnante è una personalità che inculca le buone qualità in un individuo e lo rende consapevole di ciò che lo circonda e dell'ambiente in cui vive, aiutandolo a sviluppare le sue qualità intellettuali e fisiche. L'insegnante aiuta a portare alla luce e a valorizzare i talenti nascosti di un bambino, in modo che possa rendere la terra un posto migliore in cui vivere, aiutando così indirettamente la società e la nazione nel suo complesso. Qualcuno ha giustamente detto che le fondamenta di ogni nazione risiedono in un insegnamento efficace. Ecco perché un insegnante occupa un posto di rilievo nella società e nella nazione.

  • av Satish Sharma

    Introduction L'éducation, au sens large, est une expérience qui a un effet formateur sur le caractère, l'esprit et les capacités physiques d'un individu. En d'autres termes, l'éducation signifie le développement global d'un individu et l'extraction du meilleur de l'enfant et de l'homme, du corps et de l'esprit. Un enseignant est une personnalité qui inculque de bonnes qualités à un individu, lui fait prendre conscience de son environnement et l'aide à développer ses qualités intellectuelles et physiques. L'enseignant aide à découvrir et à polir les talents cachés d'un enfant, afin qu'il puisse faire de la terre un endroit où il fait bon vivre et ainsi aider indirectement la société et la nation dans son ensemble. Quelqu'un a dit à juste titre que le fondement de toute nation repose sur un enseignement efficace. C'est pourquoi un enseignant occupe une place importante dans la société et la nation.

  • av Satish Sharma

    Einleitung Erziehung ist im weiteren Sinne eine Erfahrung, die sich auf den Charakter, den Verstand und die körperlichen Fähigkeiten eines Menschen auswirkt. In einfachen Worten bedeutet Erziehung die ganzheitliche Entwicklung eines Menschen und das Herausholen des Besten aus Kind und Mensch, Körper und Geist. Ein Lehrer ist eine Persönlichkeit, die einem Menschen gute Eigenschaften einimpft, ihn für seine Umgebung und Umwelt sensibilisiert und ihm hilft, sowohl seinen Intellekt als auch seine körperlichen Eigenschaften zu entwickeln. Der Lehrer hilft dabei, die verborgenen Talente eines Kindes auszugraben und zu polieren, so dass es die Erde zu einem besseren Ort zum Leben machen kann und somit indirekt die Gesellschaft und die Nation als Ganzes unterstützt. Jemand hat zu Recht gesagt, dass das Fundament einer jeden Nation in einem effektiven Unterricht liegt. Aus diesem Grund nimmt ein Lehrer einen hohen Stellenwert in der Gesellschaft und der Nation ein.

  • - The Divine Bliss of Individual
    av Satish Sharma

    The book is neither fully fictional nor non- fictional. The character HE in the book should be either the Author or Protegonist or the Reader. The central idea / theme of this book revolves solely around the fact & concept that HE ( Humans) does not grow at all untill he talks to his self and preserve his soul by creating a solitude for him though physically may be surrounded by crowds. The self, the own soul is the God within him and only this God deserves his all out reverence.

  • av Ramchandra Pode, Satish Sharma & Amrut Lanje

  • av Vilas Ghodki & Satish Sharma

  • av Vyankatesh Vyaghra, Satish Sharma & S Rajagopalan

  • av Vilas Ghodki, Satish Sharma & S Rajagopalan

  • - Treatment and Utilization Technology
    av Satish Sharma & V.K. Joshi
    1 771,-

    "Food Processing Waste Management : Treatment and Utilization Technologies" is a reference-cum-text book written in crisp and scientifically authentic language for teachers, scientists, researchers, students, industry managers, as well as all those who have a stake in food processing wastes management and utilization. It presents the latest information on the problems of wastes generated from various food industries. The contents have been divided into 14 s namely; Food Processing Industrial Wastes- Present Scenario, Impact of Food Industrial Waste on Environment, Grain Processing Wastes Management, Waste Utilization - Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry, Milk and Dairy Wastes Management, Meat Processing Wastes Management, Fish Processing Wastes Management, Spices and Condiments Industrial Wastes Management, Sugar and Jaggery Industrial Wastes Management, Fruit Kernel and Oilseed Processing Wastes Management, Utilization of Waste from Food Fermentation Industry, Food Processing Waste Treatment Technology, Hospitality Industry Wastes Management and Future Wastes Management - Nanotechnology. All the segments of Food Industry have been dealt with separately by specialists with respect to their wastes management technology. Special emphasis has been laid on the potential methods of utilization of the wastes for recovery of useful products and a supplementary means of checking pollution by their profitable utilization and disposal. The profitable utilization of the food industrial wastes would not only fetch extra profits to the industry but would also reduce the pollution load in the environment. The special feature of the book is that it covers different developments made right from the basic technologies generated for wastes management to the recent advancements and future areas of research to be done on the subject. Under undergraduate and post-graduate degree or diploma programmes of food science, food technology and postharvest Technology, fermentation technology, waste management as a subject is taught in almost all the agricultural universities in India as well as abroad .The book is expected to be very useful to the students of these disciplines. It is hoped that the treatise would be of immense value to all and would certainly open an insight into food waste management technology in the fast growing food processing industry.

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