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Bøker av Sheila Hunt

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  • av Sheila Hunt

    "One of most complete and well rounded care guides on the Corydoras catfish."Featuring the most popular varieties of the Corydoras catfish. This is a unique, insightful and authoritative care guide, written for the lovers of these beautiful species.Some of the most popular Corydoras catfish are featured in this guide, some of which include the: Adolfo's Cory (Corydoras aldofoi), Albino Cory (Corydoras aeneus), Bronze Corydoras (Corydoras schultzei), Julii Cory (Corydoras julii), Panda Cory (Corydoras panda), Peppered Cory (Corydoras paleatus), Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmaeus), Skunk Cory (Corydoras arcuatus), Masked Corydoras (Corydoras metae), Napo Cory (Corydoras napoensis), Rabaut's Cory (Corydoras rabauti), Bluespotted Corydoras (Corydoras melanistius), False Spotted Catfish (Corydoras leucomelas), Spotfin Corydoras (Corydoras puctatus), Sterba's Corydoras (Corydoras sterbai), Corydoras loxozonus, Pink Corydoras (Corydoras axelrodi), Spotted Corydoras (Corydoras ambiacus), Northern Longnose Cory (Corydoras septentrionalis), Black Corydoras (Corydoras schultzei), Salt and Pepper Corydoras (Corydoras habrosus), Black Band Corydoras (Corydoras zygatus).This is a unique care guide which has been contributed to by a team of Corydoras specialists, and experts. It is certainly a must have addition to your book shelf.Corydoras catfish offer many benefits to their owners and environment. With this care guide you will find reliable information on feeding, types of food, breeding, ideal temperature, tank setup & accessories, compatibility of the different corydoras varieties, costs, supplies & suppliers, habitat regulation, common illnesses & disease prevention - and much more.This is an easy to read, and in-depth text which you will thoroughly enjoy. It contains many high quality pictures, a wealth of interesting facts and information, along with detailed advice for current or soon-to-be owners.

  • av Sheila Hunt

  • av Sheila Hunt & Ishbel Kargar

    There is growing recognition in the field of midwifery that there is no single 'best' system of maternity care for all women, and that not only do individual women have specific needs, but certain groups of women have special needs. The book examines the needs of these groups while continuing to treat the women as individuals.

  • av Sheila Hunt & Dennis Couniacis

    Master Greek script with this straightforward guide from Teach Yourself - the No. 1 brand in language learning. Read and write Greek script is a clear step-by-step guide to the written language, with plenty of examples from real-life texts to show how it works in context and lots of exercises to reinforce your learning. This new edition has an easy-to-read page design.Now fully updated to make your language learning experience fun and interactive. You can still rely on the benefits of a top language teacher and our years of teaching experience, but now with added learning features within the course and online. Learn effortlessly with new, easy-to-read page design and interactive features: NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.USEFUL VOCABULARYEasy to find and learn, to build a solid foundation for speaking.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at: to give you a richer understanding of the culture and history of Greece.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

  • av Sheila Hunt & Anthea Symonds

    Many books exist illustrating the power structure of the medical professional, which is male gendered, and its significance for women within this. No study has so far tackled the relationship between women as child birth professionals and women as mothers.

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