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Bøker av Shrawan Kumar

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  • av Shrawan Kumar

    Bol'shoe nejrokognitiwnoe rasstrojstwo - äto nowaq diagnosticheskaq kategoriq, wwedennaq w DSM 5. Ona zamenqet populqrnyj termin "demenciq". Osnownoe nejrokognitiwnoe rasstrojstwo proqwlqetsq narusheniqmi po krajnej mere w odnoj kognitiwnoj oblasti narqdu s narusheniqmi w powsednewnoj zhizni i instrumental'noj deqtel'nosti powsednewnoj zhizni. Pochti wo wseh sluchaqh demencii w kakoj-to moment w techenie bolezni razwiwaütsq powedencheskie i psihologicheskie simptomy (BPSD). BPSD meshaet nezawisimosti pacientow i, takim obrazom, priwodit k uhudsheniü kachestwa zhizni. Jeto esche bol'she uwelichiwaet stoimost' lecheniq, neobhodimost' gospitalizacii i nagruzku na sidelok. V ätoj knige my popytalis' opredelit' i ocenit' rasprostranennost' powedencheskih simptomow pri osnownyh ätiologicheskih tipah demencii - bolezni Al'cgejmera i sosudistoj demencii. My takzhe obnaruzhili korrelqciü mezhdu kognitiwnym snizheniem, powedencheskimi simptomami i nezawisimost'ü w powsednewnoj zhizni. My nadeemsq, chto äta kniga budet polezna dlq zanqtyh klinicistow i drugih lüdej, rabotaüschih w oblasti uhoda za bol'nymi demenciej.

  • av Shrawan Kumar

    Backbone of silence is written by Shrawan kumar. In this book , author have described that how silence sometime the best answer and many more.The main objective of this book is just tell you the power of silence Backbone of Silence is a type of book that you can turn to everyone to remind you of the need of silence of your own mind in order to get the best out of it.

  • - Lectures given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), held in Cetraro (Cosenza), Italy, June 19-27, 1995
    av Shrawan Kumar, Gerard Laumon & Ulrich Stuhler

    The book gives a survey of some recent developments in the theory of bundles on curves arising out of the work of Drinfeld and from insights coming from Theoretical Physics. Drinfeld Shtukas (Lectures by G. Drinfeld modules and Elliptic Sheaves (Lectures by U.

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