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  • - Answers to the Top 25 Questions
    av Silvia Moon

    As we wrap up the year 2022, here are the most insightful answers to the top 25 Twin Flame chaser questions to be asked in 2023. This book is also a compilation of the different Twin Flame Chaser Lessons which are helpful to you if you are new to the Running and Chasing Phase. If you are looking to avoid the typical mistakes that Twin Flame Chasers make, this is the right book for you. The ideal goal is to make sure that you have a smooth landing in the new year -- to jumpstart your twin flame journey with positive vibrations. I wish you love and more blessings on your journey. Stay Blessed! This book will answer the following Twin Flame Chaser Questions: What is good starting advice for the chaser twin flame? What are the signs that someone's twin flame is coming back after they've moved on and started dating? When a twin flame runner finally awakens, how will the chaser twin know there is a shift? It is me who escaped from my twin on the twin flame journey and now there are obstacles to reconnecting. Can you go years without knowing you and your twin flame are TF? If one twin flame is married, is this a runner and chaser scenario? How is the DF in a twin flame overwhelming for the DM or runner? How do you send love to your twin flame, and how do you know that they feel you? What do you feel when the runner twin flame ignores you? What are some things you should not say to your partner in a runner-and-chaser relationship? Why is my twin flame still ignoring me after 4 years? What are the major twin flame runner fears? What are some mistakes that twin flame runners make? How do you support your twin flame runner during separation? What are some reasons why twin flames might let go of each other? Who or what helped you the most during your process of awakening? When the twin flame runner chaser dynamic switches, does the chaser lose interest in the runner?Is it possible to feel the sexual energy of a twin flame, even at a distance? What if I isolate myself consciously from my twin flame as a chaser? Do you have to emotionally let go of your twin flame runner for them to come back? What is the difference between blocking and surrendering to a twin flame relationship? What are some common issues that twin flames face after reuniting? What is the average amount of time it takes for a chaser to give up on their twin flame? Why does the twin flame journey make you feel dead? Why is the runner twin flame so guarded? What are some of the benefits of being a twin flame runner? What happens to twin flames when they separate to do their work?Stay Blessed!

  • - Recovering From Separation Grief
    av Silvia Moon

    I eventually crawled through the painful stages. I grew the courage and inner strength to face my fears. I surrendered to what is - I let go of controlling the nature of my twin flame situation. I hugged my inner child. I struggled with healing because I did not know how to begin. I chased my twin flame thinking that he had solutions to my problems. I have learned that there are various challenging stages during the twin flame journey. Sometimes you let yourself feel the pain and go through it bravely with an open heart and total acceptance. Sometimes you feel the pain that is not yours: you channel your twin flame's emotional chaos. You feel as if you are grieving your soul. Most times, it is a feeling of loneliness and emptiness. It lingers into your daily moods. Besides learning to understand what is going on, your life dramatically changes. So much chaos ensues; you have no idea what to do.If you have chased a twin flame before, you know how confusing life can get when you have no one to talk to for advice. This book is for every twin flame who seeks to find that place of constant inner bliss. It also will be your daily inspiration to manage the most challenging phases of healing. You will learn how to surrender to self-love. It will also equip you with the necessary tools to rediscover your authenticity. Most of all, by the end, you will know how to move on with a happy life while you embrace your shared twin flame energy. Once you learn the techniques of working with your newfound authentic self, you will find tips on how to work toward a harmonious union with your twin flame. The healing phase is a blissful, calm, and simple stage of the twin flame journey. You look back on the chaotic changes like the previous chasing and running situation. You feel grateful for submitting to go through it all. Once you come out of all the stressful stages; the highs and lows, you can barely recognize the person you are. You go through alchemical transformations that change your life forever. Before a twin flame reenters your life, your newfound authenticity keeps perfecting yourself - you feel unhurried to go after your twin flame. You are beyond surrender because you are grounded in your natural energy. The healing phase also includes closing the last chapter of your old life while you prepare for the new one you plan to start with your twin flame. I assure you that the separation phase eventually comes to an end. You are home to each other. Your Soul summons you back to the source; To your twin flame. I wish you blessings and more love on your twin flame journey. Stay Blessed!

  • - Lost Without You
    av Silvia Moon

    When you have no idea how to move on with your life after a twin flame separation, you first go through a phase of confusion. This phase can take as long as it takes you to figure out how to handle your situation. When you have no friends to talk to, you resort to isolation. Every twin flame knows the pain of wrong timing in some form. Sometimes you wish your encounter never happened at all.These are the prominent topics throughout this book: When you are in a loving committed relationship or Happily married when you meet a twin flame, what do you do? - It is common to meet your twin flame when you are committed to someone else. Remember that the encounter is always unplanned: It blows the socks off your feet. It makes you question everything you know about relationships, connections, and the levels of loving someone.Inner Civil War in progress: The Twin Flame Journey is a battle you must win within yourself, how do you go about it? - When you are still going through a Spiritual shift in your life, a healing phase, or a profound obstacle to surmount in your life, you are not open to feeling vulnerable and emotionally available. We all have daily struggles but some are more detrimental to our well-being like going through a divorce, a breakup, the loss of someone dear to you, or overcoming addiction, or going through some form of trauma of any kind. In those moments, you never feel ready at all to bring someone as special as a twin flame into your life because you will inflict some of your pain on them. You choose to stay away.Dealing with distance and time stress - When you have met a twin flame, long-distance relationships or friendships are challenging to maintain mainly because it is easier to look into each other's eyes when you talk. You always crave to be in the vicinity of your twin flame. Mostly, it takes you away from living the reality of life if you are always on the phone or computer responding to each other. Long distance also amplifies your communication issues especially if you only leave voicemails and missed calls. Your insecurities and anxieties also take over because you keep wondering what is happening on the other end. Your mind goes to the darkest worst possible scenarios. You start having social media issues when you misread and misinterpret situations.In this book, you will find very insightful answers to these popular questions Twin Flames have been asking lately.What's the best thing you can do during your separation from your twin flame?What are the signs that your heart is connected to your twin flame?What advice would you give to someone who is currently going through the separation phase with their twin flame?I finally get to see my twin flame after being separated for 8 months. What's going to happen?What are some simple ways to overcome twin flame separation pain?How can we help our twin flames to heal from the pain of separation?If I inspire you to feel better about yourself to find easy solutions to your twin flame situation, I will be the happiest person in the world. While you read my books, I hope to relate with you as a twin flame -- Always here to share Love and Light.Yours in love, Silvia Moon. Stay Blessed!

  • - A Twin Flame Reunion Guide
    av Silvia Moon

    My twin flame reunion is guaranteed. I know it from the core of my being. My heart beats for it. My heart's deepest desire is to finally look into my twin flame's eyes and remember who we are to each other. Just to confirm that all the stress and frustration of physical separation was worth it. One thing I miss the most about my twin flame is the unconditional feeling of inner calmness and peace. I can't seem to find that with anyone else I would rather be alone with the connection. I feel fulfilled and satisfied with our telepathic communication that I tap into when I miss my twin flame. All the events that have unfolded during my twin flame journey have propelled me into the undeniable direction of a reunion with my twin flame. I am trusting the process and staying grounded in faith. I believe in my twin flame connection. I believe in the shared energy experiences with my twin flame. I believe in our energy merging into oneness. I believe in our Soul intimacy. Most of all, I believe in telepathic communication. I have tried a few times before to block the connection to my twin flame and try to move on with my life. Everywhere I turned to hide only left me exposed and vulnerable to unconditional love for my twin flame. Now, I let the process be - I let the connection flow from his heart to mine without any inner resistance to what is. I am a twin flame. I am blessed to know my twin flame. I am always humbled by the sacred bond. I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - Lessons of Love
    av Silvia Moon

    How I wish that was possible to jump into other relationships whenever you are separated from a twin flame. There are moments in your journey when you lose all hope for a reunion. There could be factors affecting your situation. It could be that your twin flame is stuck in a marriage or a serious relationship that you choose to find the second best thing to your twin flame's sacred bond. Even though you date others, you still feel the connection eating at you every day. Yo, go through different series of spiritual awakenings. You go through the night of the soul. You heal your accumulated past pain. You grow the courage to face your inner fears and insecurities. You transform alchemically; Spiritually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. After you separate from a twin flame, you feel occupied by your healing journey and you learn to enjoy solitude. You easily feel irritated by negative energy. You would rather stay quiet as you channel the connection to your twin flame in a quiet corner. I know so many twin flames who struggle with dating other people after meeting a twin flame. Firstly, the meaning of connection, love, romance, and dating change meaning for you. All other connections feel insignificant compared to the twin flame connection because nothing comes close. Tasting the potent twin flame love spoils everything else for you. Have you noticed how when you try to go on dates, somehow something happens and you postpone? Maybe you lose interest. Maybe you forget. Something somewhere goes wrong. Even though something seems to work for you, a breakup with your new romantic interest does not bother you as much as a twin flame's absence bothers you. You easily let people go because you already are fulfilled by your twin flame sacred connection. You also have this feeling of "what it could have been" if it was your twin flame. Even though you feel happy, deep down you know Life would be better with him or her. Whenever you try to find a date during the twin flame separation, watch yourself - you will realize that you always go for people who have the same attributes or characteristics as your twin flame partner. It is also strange that when you go through your Twin Flame Awakening process, you have a halo; Light, vibrant healing energy that you seem to effortlessly attract people. People tend to gravitate toward you yet your Soul is pulling you toward your twin flame. "It feels as if you are looking for your twin flame in other people." You only settle for Second Best after meeting a twin flame. I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - 11: Twin Flame Unconditional Love
    av Silvia Moon

    Firstly, you never know how much you need to awaken to your twin flame connection until it happens. Before you meet a twin flame, you don't realize how much your life would be different. You don't anticipate to have another version of it. Whatever your daily life situation is, that is your "normal". You believe you are happy. Maybe not. Maybe you are achieving all your dreams and executing your life goals successfully. Maybe not or somewhat. You are married or going through some rough patches in your relationship. It could be you have children and a happy family or not. You believe you are happy and content with your little corner of the world. No matter what level of success and happiness you are at, you still feel dissatisfied with yourself. It is an "Imposter Syndrome" within yourself. You feel disconnected from your inner child. You are merely existing or drifting instead of feeling grounded. You feel alone even though you seem happy and surrounded by many interesting people. You could be thriving financially but you hate waking up to go to work because you don't feel a sense of purpose and meaning in whatever you are doing. Have you ever felt helpless? When you know you need to make positive changes in your life to recreate your life but you don't feel inspired to do anything. Maybe your Soul is calling you for more growth - this would involve Spiritual Awakening and Growth. You have no idea how to begin. Then a twin flame walks into your life and EVERYTHING changes forever alchemically. Your life is shaken and turned upside down before you settle into a new normal. When you are fully grounded within yourself. A twin flame appears in our lives when we desperately need to answer our "Soul Calling." This requires us to Awaken to ourselves - our true nature - our authentic selves. That is why meeting a twin flame triggers you to go through the Spiritual Awakening process. Secondly, a twin flame teaches us to love unconditionally without fear, obsessiveness, neediness, or negative attachments and expectations. This is why we must Surrender to Selflove first: To give love, you must know love. It must overflow from you to your twin flame and the rest of the human collective. Before you learn to share love unconditionally, it heals you first. Makes you whole. Feeling unconditional love within yourself inspires you to become the authentic version of yourself - your best highest self. I hope my perspective helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - Awakening To Unconditional Love
    av Silvia Moon

    From a running twin flame perspective, a twin flame runner goes through unprecedented situations during the separation phase.The battle between the ego and Soul - the conflicted heart - every running twin flame knows this kind of confusion when your soul is pulling you in your twin flame's direction through your heart. You feel an intense magnet pulling toward your divine partner that you emotionally hurt. That intense longing for a part of yourself. You go through a series of emotional desolation. You feel a void within you that cannot be filled with anything or anyone.Meeting a twin flame raises your standards of understanding and loving someone unconditionally. You think you know what love is until you meet a twin flame. Everything you have experienced before does not compare. You experience all the beautiful feelings of love for one person.When you meet a twin flame, you understand why your previous relationships did not work out. All the heartbreaks and frustrations finally make sense - you learn that you were being prepared to grow a thick skin to handle the twin flame connection.When it comes to the twin flame bond, there is no template to follow. The connection defies all the rules of the land. This is why the separation phase first drives you crazy before you learn to handle how to balance yourself within. Your heart is broken open for unconditional love to move in.Wherever there is unconditional love within yourself, you feel no insecurities or unexplained fears. You feel free to explore yourself through self-love and self-discovery.A twin flame runner deserves a hug as much as the chaser. Your actions and reactions to your awakening might distinguished but you are both traveling the same divine road. Shift your paradigm and honor your Sacred Twin Flame Journey by opening your heart to Spiritually Awaken and grow to transcend beyond the earthly needs of the ego.You are a Spiritual being going through a Human condition."I hope this helps you. Stay Blessed.

  • - 25 Popular Questions About Separation
    av Silvia Moon

    A twin flame with a dominant Divine Masculine energy tends to be the runner and the Feminine energy is dominant in the chasing partner.The chasing twin flame must learn to heal their Masculine energy to balance it with the dominant feminine energy and the runner must learn to embrace their feminine energies.Divine feminine tend to be more expressive of their emotions and feelings. That is why it is easier for them to easily research and find the answers to the Twin Flame Awakening Journey. The running twin flame is very covert - non-expressive and unresponsive because they put up an inner resistance to feeling the turbulent connection.In essence, the runner twin flame has to learn to open themselves up unconditionally to feeling the vulnerability that comes with the connection. They must travel within themselves to confront the core wounding and issues that block them from feeling a harmonious balance.The chaser twin flame is also afraid of confronting their insecurities and demons thinking that a twin flame partner will save them from themselves.Both twin flames must learn to confront themselves and their demons during the running and chasing phase to embrace the new changes after Awakening.Inner Union first happens within both twin flames to harmoniously manifest in the physical reality.I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - Drowning in My Sorrows
    av Silvia Moon

    If you are drowning in your sorrows while chasing a twin flame, calm down. I have been where you are. Everything is going as planned. Whatever seems to be going wrong might inadvertently work in your best interest. You cannot know and understand everything going on in your twin flame journey. Your mind cannot fathom what is happening; you can only trust the process. It sounds crazy but true - your overreaction to the situation might overwhelm your twin flame with more anxiety and stress that one of you might end up blocking the other. To your surprise, it might be you who might block your twin flame first. So, calm down!Unfortunately, when they wrote to me, I messed up my chance to keep communicating with my twin flame. I was so overwhelmed and in disbelief that I automatically exploded my feelings to them in response to their text message. I made it a more uncomfortable situation. My twin flame blocked me after initiating contact with me. Our job as twin flames is to learn to uplift ourselves from the old to the new authentic versions without needing validation from each other. It means that Twin Flames must learn to share the connection without losing themselves in the connection. Therefore, instead of nervously waiting for them to return and fix you to be happier, trust how you feel the connection and let the situation be as you focus on redefining your life with the new Awakened Twin Flame Shared Energy to create a life of meaning and purpose in your way."When it comes to twin flames, What you seek is seeking you.""You are looking for what you already possess."Are you stuck in your twin flame dilemma? Here is your first step to getting yourself out of it.I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - Tips and Tricks to Overcome it
    av Silvia Moon

    Sometimes I wished I had never met my twin flame especially when things seemed like nothing was working and going nowhere. Whenever you are not in harmony with your twin flame, it hurts like crazy because any disconnection affects your moods and energy levels. It is worse when you are not yet settled into your twin flame's shared energy: You always feel mood swings and energetically irritable. You prefer solitude and your friends think you are a loner. Oh, what a journey!Anyway, when it comes to mirror exercises, I am not comfortable talking about it because I am also trying to understand it myself. I stopped believing in what others think works - I believe in "Balancing my Spiritual connection with the Physical reality.Once I tested endless inner peace and harmony within myself in my twin flame's physical presence, I learned to be that person in the absence of my twin flame. There is a sense of total inner harmony and balance a twin flame brings to you just by being in your life.Whenever we are in physical separation, we focus on the physicality of things rather than accepting that Separation is an illusion because you are always with them in essence. If you haven't embraced your connection within and let it be part of who you are, you struggle to move on with your life. You struggle with believing and with Loving yourself.You must understand that a twin flame is You. Love yourself the way a twin flame loves you and you will see how you transform to become your best highest self. Twin Flame love inspires us to become our authentic version because love is pure and profound and you are inspired to become Love itself by honoring your true self. It is simple yet very complicated.You already know within you that your Twin Flame is you. Maybe it's your internal dialogue that hasn't changed. No matter how true your feelings are, your mind can try to convince you otherwise if you feel any inner resistance to what you are experiencing.I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    From what I have experienced and loved being on the twin flame journey for over 6 years now, I believe that twin flames (Romantic) can stay together permanently and harmoniously because nothing can deter what is naturally meant to be. If you have also met your twin flame and gazed into their eyes (Soul) your feelings are enough to alert you that your encounter was not a coincidence. God/the Universe/Angels and all your Spirit Guides conspired to bring you two together. Have you noticed how a twin flame walks into your life when you least desire or expect it? Maybe you are going through a rough life situation and nothing seems to be working for you. The moment when you need a shift in perspective to make exponential changes in your life. For others, a twin flame appears when you are in desperate need of Spiritual awakening and healing. Maybe you are on a soul-searching journey but you have no idea how to have a breakthrough. When you feel stuck in life. For most, a twin flame finds you when you need to find yourself. Your center. When you feel lost to yourself. Whenever physical separation happens, all you think about is what just happened between you. Every moment of the day in whatever you do, you feel your twin flame energy merging with yours constantly. It can take years for your reunion to happen and whenever it does, you both don't want to relive the pain and emotional desolation of being away from each other. You do whatever is possible not to repeat past mistakes. Separation only makes your bond stronger with a twin flame. You are two hearts, one soul. You crave each other equally. Twin flames make the most beautiful romantic couples because their connection, light, and energy vibrations heal those around them. Twin flame love is infectious. It's effortless. It is unconditional. I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - The issues of Chasing a Married Twin Flame
    av Silvia Moon

    Nobody is under anyone's control. Nobody can make you do anything in your twin flame journey. Secondly, divine feminine and masculine energies are not represented by gender or sex. Also, regardless of your gender, you possess both divine masculine and feminine energies even though one can have a more dominant energy than the other. Also, the other thing to note is that you are free to date other people if you want to because you have free will. Meeting a twin flame does not mean that they are your perfect relationship partner. Some encounters are purely non-romantic. You feel a Spiritual connection with someone but you are not attracted to them in any way physically. There are so many layers to the twin flame connection. When it comes to the romantic experience of the connection, a twin flame can run into other karmic relations. There are instances when twin flames meet each other while still in existing relationships or marriages. Remember your encounter is surprising and unexpected. Everything else unfolds when you are separated from each other. This is when you look for answers to your situation. You are free to date anyone else or dissolve your karmic ties because you have free will. Jumping into new relationships after your twin flame encounter does not stop your twin flame connection from existing. The bond is natural to you. You carry their essence with you everywhere you go. Twin flame separation is an illusion indeed because you have an eternal spiritual connection that cannot be defined by the human mind. You must feel the connection within you first to understand what the twin flame connection is all about. I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    Firstly, you never know how much you need to awaken to your twin flame connection until it happens. Before you meet a twin flame, you don't realize how much your life would be different. You don't anticipate to have another version of it. Whatever your daily life situation is, that is your "normal". You believe you are happy. Maybe not. Maybe you are achieving all your dreams and executing your life goals successfully. Maybe not or somewhat. You are married or going through some rough patches in your relationship. It could be you have children and a happy family or not. You believe you are happy and content with your little corner of the world.No matter what level of success and happiness you are at, you still feel dissatisfied with yourself. It is an "Imposter Syndrome" within yourself. You feel disconnected from your inner child. You are merely existing or drifting instead of feeling grounded. You feel alone even though you seem happy and surrounded by many interesting people. You could be thriving financially but you hate waking up to go to work because you don't feel a sense of purpose and meaning in whatever you are doing.Have you ever felt helpless? When you know you need to make positive changes in your life to recreate your life but you don't feel inspired to do anything.Maybe your Soul is calling you for more growth - this would involve Spiritual Awakening and Growth. You have no idea how to begin.Then a twin flame walks into your life and EVERYTHING changes forever alchemically.Your life is shaken and turned upside down before you settle into a new normal. When you are fully grounded within yourself.A twin flame appears in our lives when we desperately need to answer our "Soul Calling." This requires us to Awaken to ourselves - our true nature - our authentic selves. That is why meeting a twin flame triggers you to go through the Spiritual Awakening process.Secondly, a twin flame teaches us to love unconditionally without fear, obsessiveness, neediness, or negative attachments and expectations. This is why we must Surrender to Selflove first: To give love, you must know love. It must overflow from you to your twin flame and the rest of the human collective.Before you learn to share love unconditionally, it heals you first. Makes you whole. Feeling unconditional love within yourself inspires you to become the authentic version of yourself - your best highest self.I hope my perspective helps. Stay Blessed!

  • - Carefully Guided Steps To A Reunion
    av Silvia Moon

    Before I begin this simple book, I would like to ask every Twin Flame runner reading it to take a deep breath. Relax - this book is here to help you figure out how to make your way back to your divine partner.I understand how confusing it is when you are trying to make sense of this Twin Flame journey. I know how stressful it gets when you do not know how to stop the running and chasing cycle. For me, I denied being the runner at first. I thought that I had a choice in the matter. I was scared of labeling myself as the runner because of the negativity that most Twin Flames associate with it. I labeled myself as the chaser. The Twin Flame journey is divinely guided. You learn that it does not matter if you label yourself as the chaser or the runner. You go through a series of changes that transform you from the inside to the outside. Not so much information is shared about the runner Twin Flame; the runner experiences are very challenging and complicated to put into perspective if you are running. With the mere fact that you feel an inner resistance to feeling the love connection, you try to deny the nature of your experiences. Before you accept your Twin Flame experiences as a runner, you try to disguise how you feel in many exotic ways. You believe that you are smarter - you think that you can get away with escaping the love connection by blocking your partner. When I ran from my Twin Flame, I did very many embarrassing things to forget him. I wanted to stop feeling the connection. I masked the pain of missing him by trying to surround myself with as many people as I could. I still felt lonely. I felt a void within me. The more I tried to hide from my Twin Flame behind other people and meaningless relationships, the more I was reminded of him. I could not stop thinking of him. I used to tell myself that at some point the connection would fade. I found comfort in the thought that his absence would make me forget him. There were days when I blocked thoughts of him. I would consciously divert my thoughts away from him. It did not last long - I would switch back to thinking of him without realizing it. Apart from feeling connected to my Twin Flame to infinity, I dream of him in some form. Even though a dream is unrelated to him, I feel his energy with me while I sleep. A part of him is in me as much a part of me is with him. In this book, I would like to share with you my honest perspective of being the runner in Twin Flame relationships. Even though you are the Chaser, when you have an honest perspective of the runner after reading this book, you will grow more empathy for your divine lover. You seek forgiveness - you focus on helping each other heal instead of having judgment and criticism. When love is real, your hearts are always summoning each other for a reunion. You feel the magnetism. You feel the oneness. You know deep within you that you are loved by someone out there. Your heart is always signaling you through palpitations - you are always in each other's minds. Instead of running from unconditional love, I would like to use this simple book to guide you back home - to your Twin Flame. I would like to help you confront your fears; to accept the overwhelming uncomfortable feelings. I also share tips on how I learned to embrace vulnerable feelings. I felt exposed to my Twin Flame and disarmed. Your life will never be the same again. Enjoy this simple book.

  • - The Journey of Merging into a Spiritual Union
    av Silvia Moon

    The twin flame journey is not all about attaining a physical relationship with your divine partner. It is very far from it. A reunion is only the icing on the cake. I say this because you must understand that any pain, discomfort, and emotional chaos you feel has nothing to do with love. Love is the opposite of pain. Love is harmonious. Love Heals. Love is Spiritual Freedom. Love is the pure essence of our Spiritual Existence. In love, we are all connected. If you feel any pain, emotional discomfort, and chaotic energy, it is because your twin flame connection is only a trigger for you to feel and experience your pain - to let it come to the surface to heal. Secondly, when you go into the twin flame journey with high expectations of attaining a quick reunion with a twin flame, you end up feeling disappointed by every move you make to control things to go your way. You sometimes feel like meeting a twin flame is a negative experience because none of the process seems to make sense. Everything you know about relationships and connections does not compare. You must be willing to commit to the challenging Soul Lessons. Be open to embracing the changes unconditionally. Believe in your blessings. Have Faith in your Connection. Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    I am grateful for all the tough love lessons that I have through in my twin flame journey - I now understand the meaning of unconditional love. I know now that it begins with me. I am the Source of Love. I must keep myself full unconditionally so that Love can overflow to share it with others.I am grateful for my Soul Awakening experiences - Surrendering means that there is a higher power greater than me. I feel humbled by the journey itself. I had doubts at the beginning of the journey. I had Fears of what was to come. I also had no idea that this entire twin flame experience was a divine calling. Living this human life while I understand and respect the nature of my Spirituality is the beginning of happiness on earth.I am also grateful for my twin flame (I always say to my twin flame: "Thanks for being you." - If it wasn't for you, I would never have had a mirror to reflect my insecurities, deepest desires, and darkest fears. My twin flame showed me a template of how to love myself and also showed me ways to learn to share love. Even though it has not been all roses and sunshine, meeting my twin flame has been the most earth-moving experience I have ever been through. I was never the same again psychologically, mentally, and Spiritually.I am also thankful for my blessings. I now understand that we are all blessed in different ways and no one's blessings are equal to mine and neither are mine equal to theirs. We are all blessed. I am thankful for the divine presence in my life. I feel humbled by the gift of this twin flame experience. I am blessed to be here and now.Stay in love and be blessed!

  • - 13 Lessons of Twin Flame Love
    av Silvia Moon

    The twin flame connection itself is the core value - it is the game changer. It never leaves you the same. You cannot undo your twin flame awakening process. The transformation is alchemical. You are forever changed.Meeting a twin flame is an earthmoving experience. You are in awe of each other. You know you have found your perfect match.You are different physically but you are mirror souls. You possess what your twin flame lacks and vice versa. Your twin flame has the locks to your keys and you have the keys to the keys to their locks.The connection keeps you awake at night - you are connected telepathically and physical distance cannot influence your Soul intimacy and energetic oneness.You feel connected to each other 24/7. You feel energetic transfers from your twin flame. It is indeed such a beautiful feeling. You feel honored to know unconditional love. Unconditional love is beautiful indeed.I hope you enjoy this simple book. Stay blessed!

  • - 11: The Ultimate Guide For Twin Flame Newbies
    av Silvia Moon

    I have made sure that this simple book is easy to ready for any Twin Flame newbie. I have been where you are. I understand how confusing the initial phases of the process are. You will eventually get used to the dynamics of your relationship. You will eventually find a flow to your experiences. I have organized this book according to the different questions that most Twin Flame newbies have. I also used to ask the same questions. In section one, I begin by giving you some of the facts about being a Twin Flame. I also try to put your expectations at ease; I list the few hard truths that you must know. When I was new to the Twin Flame experience, I did not expect to change. I have learned over the years that change is the only constant for Twin Flames. In this first section, I bluntly share with you the ways you will have to change from the inside to the outside. You will change beginning with how you see the world. Your paradigm towards your life will change. Everything about your life situation will change; you will not be able to recognize yourself once you go through all the changes. You will transform energetically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Section two is one of my favorite topics to tackle. When you are new to the Twin Flame process, you start to hear stories of how challenging the physical separation phase is. It is indeed exhausting emotionally to chase after a Twin Flame. This section is here to ease your stress - I would like to widen your perspective of this phase. You will learn about the expectations of being a runner or chaser at Twin Flame. You will also learn that being a runner in Twin Flame is a learning process. There is nothing wrong with being a runner. I have also laid down the process that the chaser and the runner go through. It takes a while to accept to let go of stressing about your Twin Flame runner. I also share with you the simple ways that you can surrender; it is necessary that you feel inner peace at every stage of your process. Being a Twin Flame will require you to stay grounded in your energy. Section three is for you to have a recap of what obstacles to expect as you journey through. The obstacles that you go through are hindrances that stand in the way. Sometimes you will have to change yourself to overcome them. I have learned that obstacles can act as signs to show you whatever is not working. Sometimes you just need to change your life situation. Sometimes you will run into karmic partners who teach you love lessons. The love lessons help you appreciate and acknowledge your experiences' authenticity. Learn about the types of obstacles and how to overcome them. What do you do if you meet your Twin Flame while they are still in a relationship? Would you intervene if your Twin Flame is unhappily married? What if your Twin Flame partner wants to leave their karmic partner to be with you, but they have children involved? What if it is taboo to be in a relationship with your Twin Flame? Finally, section four is about the different ways you can prepare yourself for a reunion. When you physically separate from a Twin Flame, you know deep within that you will see them again. As time progresses, you start wondering if they forgot about you. Worry not. You can positively embrace the physical separation phase. You can heal yourself; love yourself. Enjoy reading this simple book. Stay blessed!

  • - Clearing The Path To A Union
    av Silvia Moon

    There are always reasons why twin flames part ways. Separation from a Twin Flame is the most trying phase. Your faith in the connection is tested. Sometimes you drift from each other without knowing when you will see each other again.In this simple book, I identify the twin flame obstacles and figure out solutions to troubleshoot them. Obstacles are impediments to a harmonious union. You cannot be together with a twin flame if you still have issues standing in the way. You could be married to someone else when you meet. Maybe you have inner issues to confront within yourself. It could also be that your twin flame's family does not want you to be together or vice versa.Obstacles can be physical, emotional, psychological, and or spiritual. Some of the obstacles I had to surmount were: Dealing with my marital situation since I was married. We also live on separate continents. I had emotional issues to confront. I share with you the steps I took to find solutions to the obstacles. Once I was able to surmount my challenges, I found inner peace. I started accumulating happiness in my life. Now, I am on the path to a harmonious reunion.Making clear reunion goals -- If it is a harmonious relationship that you both desire, you have to make your goals clear to each other. This removes the doubts and second-guessing of what the other hopes to achieve out of the relationship. This also removes any misunderstandings and confusion.Learning how to express your feelings -- Communication is key for any relationship to grow and thrive. Remember that when a twin flame ghosts you without any communication, it hurts to the core. Once you go through such an experience, you always wish to have proper communication with each other. Once you reunite, it is best to always echo out your issues so that you can both learn from whatever situation. It is also nice to know how a twin flame feels for you.How to work on yourself -- You can always be better. Whether you are together with a twin flame or not, always surrender to self-love. Always work towards refining yourself. There is no downside to it. You have to embrace the changes that are triggered in life with an open heart. Accept the lessons that you go through so that you can grow. Living as your authentic self is the epitome of happiness. It is total inner freedom. You begin to understand your purpose and the meaning of your existence.How to stop chasing -- Every twin flame who has chased before will tell you that it is not fun at all chasing a twin flame. You feel constantly restless. You also feel lost and obsessive. This pushes your twin flame further away. So, whatever you do, surrender. Let the universe guide. Also, trust your inner knowing.Having Faith Vs Doubts -- There is a difference between wishing for a reunion and staying hopeful as you work towards your goals or desires. I always say that it is either all or nothing. You either believe in your reunion or you don't. You can't have it both ways.Balancing Social Media with the Twin Flame Journey -- Events on social media do not happen in real-time. You will sometimes feel angry, jealous, frustrated, and discouraged if you stalk your twin flame's social media because they seem happy without you. You will feel trapped in your feelings. You will sometimes wish you never met him or her. Sometimes it amplifies your obsessive behaviors of chasing.I hope you enjoy reading this simple practical book. May you feel inspired to advance further on your twin flame journey? Stay Blessed!

  • - Soul Shock Recovery
    av Silvia Moon

    I had to first experience this before I understood what exactly the dark night means. I believe that as a twin flame, you are lucky to be triggered to spiritually awaken and hence the dark night because for most people, that spiritual journey can be a slow process that drags on for years.For twin flames, we go through an accelerated awakening process and it never dawns on you that it is happening until you experience the most challenging phase. The Dark Night of the Soul.From what I experienced, my ego was in a battle with my Soul. The ego held onto its old patterns as my Soul purified itself. I knew deep within that the Soul always wins because I am a Soul. I am it. The ego on the other hand is the self-created beliefs, fears, and psychological conditioning that I have held on to for all these years. The needs of the ego.The inner civil war went on for a while because I had to follow the light within. That light led me back to myself and for me to embrace light and unconditional love within, I had to fight clean house. I went through a deep spiritual cleanse; I confronted the darkest corners of my soul. I face parts of myself that I had hidden away within because I was not proud of them. I embraced parts of myself that I thought were unlovable and unworthy of love. I traveled back within to the core to heal and hug my wounded inner child. I had to break free from old undeserving patterns to learn new ones.During this phase of self-confrontation and self-rediscovery, I crawled through my pain. I felt emotional turbulence within. I had sleepless nights. I cried myself to sleep. I resorted to resisting all that was happening within by drinking more alcohol. I went through physical changes nonetheless. The spiritual awakening process broke my heart open to embrace Love and Light until I became Love itself.I do not know how the dark night of the soul phase worked for other twin flames but I suspect, there are similar incidences that we can all identify with.My twin flame confirmed that they also went through the same process - I remember it in their opinion; "The Post Trip Traumatic Disorder." The Awakening triggered the exposure to Trauma.I hope that my journey and perspective help you. Stay Blessed!

  • - The Battle Within The Self
    av Silvia Moon

    The Twin Flame journey is indeed a battle within the self. You feel the process refining itself within you. When you chase a Twin Flame, you feel the emptiness within you. You know that you have issues to confront within yourself. I struggled with accepting my pain; I had abandonment issues, insecurity, fear, core wounding, and accumulated past pain to confront. I had to find inner peace. I had to unite myself from within. I had to accept the nature of my Twin Flame situation. I surrendered to the divine to guide me through the course of my journey. I embraced unconditional love in my life. I accepted that my life would never be the same after our initial encounter. Before you pursue a physical Union with your Twin Flame, you have to first confront yourself. The Twin Flame process opens you up -- It sheds light on every part of your Soul. It exposes parts of yourself that you had hidden away both from yourself and the world. You have to confront parts of yourself that you thought were unlovable. You have to travel back within yourself and hug your inner child. You stare into the darkest parts of yourself. You purge emotional pain lodged within you. You embrace yourself. You heal your core wounding. You feel a reckoning. I found it challenging to confront my pain at first. I was scared of confronting my fears. I felt very uncomfortable going back into myself. I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability that I felt. I felt disarmed. This is also partly the reason why I ran from my Twin Flame. I wished that I was never triggered into the Spiritual Awakening. I was experiencing all kinds of emotional chaos. I partly blamed my Twin Flame for triggering the pain that I felt. I was naive about Twin Flames. It does not matter whether you accept or deny the nature of your Twin Flame process. You will experience an Awakening in every aspect of your life. You will transform Spiritually, Energetically, Psychologically, and Emotionally. You will evolve into your authentic self. A Twin Flame Union first takes place within you. You are the center of your Twin Flame experiences. Everything revolves around you. You are the answer to all the questions that you have. You possess the inner power to feel in control of yourself. You are capable of self-love and so much more. You are loved. You are light. When I finally healed my core wounding. I felt free of fear. I felt united within. My new energetic vibration instantly boosted the connection to my Twin Flame. It also improved our energetic vibration. I felt an upset in our energetic vibration as well. My Twin Flame was struggling to balance his energy within himself. It affected my emotional well-being. I was thrown into a quick phase of energetic cleansing on behalf of my Twin Flame. I also cleansed any residue of pain within me from my previous healing process. Sometimes I felt his pain. I would feel heartache. Sometimes I could burst into tears to relieve the pain. I learned that when his pain came through me, I had to let it pass. The Twin Flame energy is an ebb and flow: You balance each other. You both operate as a single energetic unit. My Twin Flame healed his energy finally. It took over six months of emotional turbulence. When my Twin Flame balanced his energy within himself, I felt the energetic harmony. Our hearts started radiating love towards each other. We merged in energy. I felt the Oneness. You are already in Union with your Twin Flame in the Soul. Twin Flame separation is an illusion indeed. Both Twin Flames have first balanced their energy within themselves to feel the Inner Union of the shared energy. Stay Blessed!

  • - Twin Flame Love Lessons Book 3
    av Silvia Moon

    If you are new to the twin flame journey right now, congratulations! The twin flame experience will shake you to the core inside out. You will unlearn to learn many things about yourself. You will experience excruciating emotional pain through the intense energetic cleansing process. You shed negative energy - you embrace parts of yourself that you thought were unlovable. You become whole within. You break your heart open unconditionally to learn to share love with yourself, your twin flame, and the human collective.I don't think there is any specific way to speed up a reunion with a twin flame. Secondly, speeding up a reunion is not the end goal of your twin flame journey. The process of transformation into your authentic version is the epitome of happiness.The focus should be learning different ways to keep yourself happy as you pursue a reunion with a twin flame. After rediscovering inner peace and finding yourself, you will notice that the reunion is the icing on the cake. You never know when the right time will be. So instead of waiting on your twin flame's return, focus on making your little corner of the world the best place it can be.If you are struggling with specific areas of your twin flame journey, here is a sneak peek: Learn to surrender to self-love to rediscover your authentic self through kindness and self-awareness It is a form of liberation in being your true personality. To be in control of yourself.Accumulate positive emotions through preserving and nurturing your energy - seek solitude to meditate and learn to silence the nagging negative thoughts in your mind.Listen and follow your inner voice or intuition as your guide. Sometimes you feel lost and confused. Sometimes to wish to give up but your intuition is never wrong. Stop listening to outside noise.Do the work needed - you will go through alchemical changes. Some selfwork processes with not be easy. Be ready to accept whatever comes your way because there is no way around your situation. You must go through it.I hope this helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - Inspiring Answers To Mostly Asked Questions
    av Silvia Moon

    The surrender phase of the twin flame journey is the most freeing of all. The more you trust the divine or a higher power to be in charge of your journey, the more you feel empowered to let go and focus on healing yourself to become your best and highest self. Your authentic version. Once you are initiated into surrender, you accept the situation as it is. You also learn that pain comes from holding on too tightly when you try to control the flow our your twin flame process. When you begin letting go, you start accumulating inner peace. You feel free of unexplained fears. You feel courageous to confront yourself to figure out whatever is not working within you. Once you figure out the nature of your issues, you acknowledge the spiritual, emotional, and psychological work that needs to be done. Then as time goes on, you learn to open your heart to healing. You start surrendering to self-love. When you are initiated into surrender, everything that follows is all about accumulating more inner harmony within. You grow into constant inner peace eventually.

  • - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
    av Silvia Moon

    Are you asking any of the following questions about the twin flame journey? This book contains the answers that you seek and more.What does it mean to be a twin flame after realizing you're on this journey?Can you go years without knowing you are twin flames?For those who have had an earth-shattering twin flame experience, what was the biggest lesson you Learned?What does it feel like when your twin flame enters your life?What are some changes that happen in your life after meeting your twin flame? On the TF journey, why communication with friends doesn't bring me joy anymore?Why is it said that the twin flame relationship is the most intense and transformative of all relationships?What facts have you accepted about your twin flame journey?What are the benefits of meeting our twin flames, even if it means experiencing heartbreak and rejection?What challenges have you faced while on your twin flame journey? How did you overcome them?Can anything come between a twin-flame relationship?Can anything prevent two twin flames from reuniting? If so, what?What do you want out of the twin flame relationship or connection rather?What is the reason for your twin flame's behavior if they ghost you after getting together?My TF is in a relationship. What do I do?What are some of the mistakes that you made as a Twin Flame newbie?What is the best way to deal with your twin flame journey?For those who have been on the twin flame journey for a while, what advice would you offer to newcomers?What can we do to make this Twin Flame journey more fun?Should you tell your twin flame how you feel?Why is it so important to have open and honest communication with our twin flame?What are your thoughts on the matter of whether twin flames can be apart and still love each other?Enjoy reading this simple book. I wish you more blessings and love on your twin flame journey. Stay Blessed!

  • - Beginner Twin Flame Guide 11:11
    av Silvia Moon

    Self-love has inspired me to develop incredible inner strength; I feel the impetus to achieve my wildest dreams. I feel inspired to pursue life prospects that are in alignment with the satisfaction of my deepest needs. To reach the epitome of happiness and peace, I have learned to align my spiritual gifts with my physical needs. I surrendered to unlearning my old bad habits to learn good ones. I let myself adopt new hobbies that improve my well-being. I feel a harmonious balance within - a healthy transcendence process that ignites my spirits. Embracing self-love has taught me the different unique ways to embrace transcendental experiences like beauty, connection, exploration, flow, purpose, and gratitude. I used to have unmet spiritual needs or desires; I have learned ways of adapting to change to feel whole and enlightened. I dug deeper within myself to face my suffering. I had to integrate the broken parts that I thought were unlovable before. I tamed my ego. Self-love is indeed a battle within the self. I had to stare within to penetrate my being to experience the full richness of my existence. Sel-love experience has taught me how to face myself. I have transformed to reach the full heights of my humanity and potential. I am creative, authentic, accepting, independent, and brave. I felt isolated from the world. When I reached some level of happiness I still felt deeply unsatisfied. I had a yearning for a deeper connection within myself and the world around me. I realized that I previously inhibited negative patterns and behaviors that hindered my growth. I learned lessons of unconditional self-love. I was empowered to face myself so that I could rediscover the authentic version. I rediscovered the authentic humanistic qualities that define me; creativity, freedom, forgiveness, awareness, acceptance, independence, and bravery. I gained more respect and acknowledgment of the uniqueness and sacredness of my humanity. Self-authenticity has allowed me the freedom to pursue and embrace conditions that satisfy my basic needs; the freedom to be myself, the freedom to exercise honesty, and the freedom to grow my talents. Enjoy this simple self-love book. Namaste.

  • av Silvia Moon

    Attraction is an understatement. I haven't yet found one word that explains the twin flame connection. It is not about physical attraction at all / it goes beyond that. It is a combination of Soul intimacy, Sacredness of your bond, and purity of the Soul. Your encounter is Cosmic and it transcends all the knowledge we know about relationships and connections.Even though you are in a room full of people, looking into your twin flame's eyes from across the table or from across the room automatically makes you understand how they feel. It is easy to anticipate a twin flame's needs because you have a spiritual connection from your heart to theirs. Your twin flame is unconditionally available to you Soul to Soul.If you haven't experienced unconditional love before, and you are constantly resisting feeling the connection because it is quite uncomfortable to embrace. It is too good to be true. I grow all sorts of doubts to convince myself that how you feel is made up in your mind. You feel unworthy and undeserving of this potent pure connection that you never imagined yourself feeling.A twin flame connection is unbelievably magical and you feel parts of yourself healing right away once you feel the energy merging. You feel energetically replenished. You find yourself happy for no reason. The connection opens you up to deeper parts of yourself that you never thought existed within. Feeling unconditional love within yourself not only heals you but it also heals others. You feel a rise in your empathy feelings. Your natural energy is rejuvenated and you feel an automatic boost in your vitality. Here are more tales of chasing a running twin soul.

  • - A Healing Guide For Beginners
    av Silvia Moon

    From a running twin flame perspective, a twin flame runner goes through unprecedented situations during the separation phase.The battle between the ego and Soul - the conflicted heart - every running twin flame knows this kind of confusion when your soul is pulling you in your twin flame's direction through your heart. You feel an intense magnet pulling toward your divine partner that you emotionally hurt. That intense longing for a part of yourself. You go through a series of emotional desolation. You feel a void within you that cannot be filled with anything or anyone.Meeting a twin flame raises your standards of understanding and loving someone unconditionally. You think you know what love is until you meet a twin flame. Everything you have experienced before does not compare. You experience all the beautiful feelings of love for one person.When you meet a twin flame, you understand why your previous relationships did not work out. All the heartbreaks and frustrations finally make sense - you learn that you were being prepared to grow a thick skin to handle the twin flame connection.When it comes to the twin flame bond, there is no template to follow. The connection defies all the rules of the land. This is why the separation phase first drives you crazy before you learn to handle how to balance yourself within. Your heart is broken open for unconditional love to move in.Wherever there is unconditional love within yourself, you feel no insecurities or unexplained fears. You feel free to explore yourself through self-love and self-discovery.A twin flame runner deserves a hug as much as the chaser. Your actions and reactions to your awakening might distinguished but you are both traveling the same divine road. Shift your paradigm and honor your Sacred Twin Flame Journey by opening your heart to Spiritually Awaken and grow to transcend beyond the earthly needs of the ego.You are a Spiritual being going through a Human condition."I hope this helps you. Stay Blessed.

  • - A Beginner's Guide To Spirituality
    av Silvia Moon

    The first significant sign of meeting a Twin Flame is the spiritual awakening phase that you go through. You feel yourself awakening to yourself and your life situation. You feel your energetic vibration rising to a higher frequency than before. When your energetic vibration rises to a higher frequency, you start to purge your energy; anything or anyone that does not match the frequency of your energetic vibration is let go. When you are going through a spiritual awakening, you want to surround yourself with positive energy. You prefer to be alone than be surrounded by negativity. It is best to seek solitude so that you can get to know yourself. Once you spiritually awaken, you feel enlightened. You feel happiness sprouting from within. Your life becomes simple and effortless. Once you achieve enlightenment, you feel empowered to gracefully embrace the different aspects of your Twin Flame journey. As a Twin Flame, you have the same energetic Signature as your partner and you both vibrate at the same energetic frequency. If your Twin Flame is struggling with energy; if your Twin Flame has a low energetic vibe, it affects your energy too. The Twin Flame journey teaches you to accept change in every way. Enjoy this enlightening book. Stay blessed.

  • - 11: A Preparation Guide For Reunion
    av Silvia Moon

    If you are a twin flame still confused about the difference between a Union and a Reunion, you are not alone in feeling this. You have to experience it to understand the difference. If you were not spiritual before your twin flame awakening, you wonder why a Twin Flame Union is associated with 5D Spiritual Experiences.This book is here to enlighten you about the definitions of the popular terms associated with a Twin Flame Union: 3D and 5D.In fact, how are these two terms connected to a Reunion and a Union? It is the ultimate guide for a Twin Flame Reunion you desperately seek because it helps you understand that you must heal in 5D to feel a harmonious Union and Oneness.The 5D is the aspect of your journey you cannot touch: A twin Flame Union happens in 5D. In the spiritual. It is more profound than what you comprehend as your everyday romantic relationships. It is the connection you feel within you.This Book will answer some of the following questions.What is the Twin Flame Union?How do you embrace the spiritual nature of your twin Flame experiences to stay in a perfect harmonious union?How do dreams, telepathy, spiritual awakening, energy merging, the night of the soul, and chakra healing, advance your healing process?How do you accelerate your twin Flame Union Spiritually and physically?Is Twin Flame telepathic communication part of Twin Flame Union?Why is 3D associated with a Twin Flame Reunion?How can you merge your physical situation with the Spiritual nature of your twin flame journey?How can you work on yourself to prepare for a Union?The ultimate state of being for every twin flame isto harmoniously merge your 3D with 5D to create a perfect Union.I hope that my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • - The Marriage of 5d & 3D in Love
    av Silvia Moon

    From your twin flame experience, what is the ultimate feeling that every twin flame should aspire to?How uncomfortable has it been for twin flame runners when trying to return to their divine partner?Whether I am with my twin flame or not, I know that I stopped searching for love. I don't need outside validation to feel happy. I feel free of my insecurities. Is anyone else feeling this when you are going through your twin flame experiences?So far during your twin flame journey, what have you discovered as the key difference between normal romantic relationships and the twin flame connection?After rediscovering yourself, does it feel like a twin flame saved you from who you used to be?The twin flame journey is challenging, complicated, and difficult to comprehend. What was your aha! Moment that made you believe in your experiences?When a reunion with a twin flame is about to happen, why does it feel like he or she never left in the first place?Does it madden you how you feel constantly connected to your twin flame without your consent?After you met your twin flame, did Valentine's Day change meaning for you? What is your perspective on this infamous day?How would you describe the initial twin flame encounter if someone is very curious to know how you felt?Here are more insightful answer to questions about the Twin Flame Union. Stay Blessed!

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