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Bøker av Song Zhi Yong

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  • - Wu Xing & Lian Huan
    av Tom Bisio & Song Zhi Yong

    The Xing Yi Quan of Master Li Gui Chang details the key fundamentals of the art of Xing Yi Quan: The Five Elements (Five Fists) and the Five Element Linking form (Wu Xing Jin Tui Lian Huan). These are the essential forms of Xing Yi Quan, the origin of all other movements, changes and transformations. In this unique book, Li Gui Chang’s disciple Song Zhi Yong details the body actions (Shen Fa) of each movement and form, showing the correct alignments and power dynamics. The over 600 photos of Master Song in action show his mastery of the art, and provide the reader with clear instruction in the fundamentals of Xing Yi Quan. In Northern China and in Shanxi Province, the purported birthplace of Xing Yi Quan, Master Li Gui Chang is a legendary figure in the world of martial arts. Few practitioners have approached Master Li’s achievements in Tai Ji Quan and Xing Yi Quan. Master Li Gui Chang’s Xing Yi is famous for its emphasis on subtle internal strength and firmness hidden within a soft, supple exterior. In this Xing Yi method, issuing power, while important, is secondary to whole body skills of connecting, sticking, listening and following. In his first book, Tu Na Si Ba: The Four Breathing Forms of Master Li Gui Chang, Song Zhi Yong revealed the specialized breathing exercises that develop the soft, supple, whole body power characteristic of Li Gui Chang’s Xing Yi. In this second companion volume, The Xing Yi Quan of Master Li Gui Chang, Master Song Zhi Yong demonstrates how the internal strength developed in Tu Na Si Ba manifests in the martial forms. µ╖▒σÑÑσ╜óµäŵï│µï│µ£»τÜäσ迵ÇüσæêτÄ░ Σ╕¡Φï▒µûçσÅîΦ»¡Σ╕ôΦæù πÇèσ╜óµäŵï│Σ╣ïΣ║öΦíîΦ┐₧τÄ»πÇïΦ»ªτ╗åµÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åσ╜óµäŵï│µï│µ£»τÜäσà│Θö«σƒ║µ£¼σăτÉå∩╝Ü Σ║öΦíî∩╝êΣ║öµï│∩╝ëσÆîΣ║öΦíîΦ┐₧τÄ»∩╝êΣ║öΦíîΦ┐¢ΘÇÇΦ┐₧τÄ»∩╝ëπÇéΦ┐ÖΣ║¢µÿ»σ╜óµäŵï│τÜäσƒ║µ£¼σ╜óσ╝Å∩╝îµëǵ£ëσà╢Σ╗ûΦ┐Éσè¿∩╝îσÅÿσîûσÆîΦ╜¼µìóτÜäΦ╡╖µ║ÉπÇéσ£¿Φ┐Öµ£¼τï¼Σ╕ǵùáΣ║îτÜäΣ╕ôΦæùΣ╕¡∩╝ĵíéµÿîτÜäσ╛Æσ╝ƒ∩╝îσ«ïσ┐ùσïç∩╝îΦ»ªτ╗åµÅÅΦ┐░Σ║åµ»ÅΣ╕ÇΣ╕¬Φ┐ÉΣ╜£σÆîσ╜óσ╝ÅτÜäΦ║½µ│ò∩╝îµ╝öτñ║Σ║嵡úτí«τÜäσ«Üτ║┐σÆîσè¢ΘçÅτÜäσ迵ÇüπÇéσ«ïσñºσ╕ê600 σñÜσ╕ºΦ┐₧τ╗¡σè¿Σ╜£τÜäσâÅτëçµ╝öτñ║Σ║åΦ»Ñµï│µ£»τÜäτÑ₧τºÿΣ╣ïσñä∩╝îσÉæΦ»╗ΦÇàµÅÉΣ╛¢Σ║åσ╜óµäŵï│σƒ║µ£¼σăτÉåτÜäµ╕àµÖ░τÜäΦ»áΘçèπÇé σ£¿Σ╕¡σ¢╜τÜäσîùµû╣∩╝îσ£¿σ▒▒ΦÑ┐τ£ü∩╝îσ£¿σ╜óµäŵï│τÜäΣ╝áΦ»┤τÜäΦ»₧τöƒσ£░∩╝ĵíéµÿîσñºσ╕êµÿ»µ¡ªµ₧ùτòîτÜäΣ╕ÇΣ╕¬Σ╝áσÑçΣ║║τë⌐∩╝îσ╛êσ░æµ£ëΣ║║Φâ╜σñƒσ£¿σñ¬µ₧üµï│σÆîσ╜óµäŵï│Σ╕èµÄÑΦ┐æµ¥Äσñºσ╕êτÜäµêÉσ░▒πÇ鵥ĵíéµÿîσñºσ╕êτÜäσ╜óµäŵï│σ¢áσ╝║Φ░âσ╛«σªÖτÜäσåàσè¢σÆîΘÜÉΦùÅσ£¿µƒöΦ╜»σÆîτü╡µ┤╗σñûΦí¿Σ╕ïτÜäσêܵǺΦÇîΘù╗σÉìΣ║ÄΣ╕ûπÇé σ£¿Σ╗ûτÜäσ╜óµäŵï│Σ╕¡∩╝îσÅæσè¢∩╝îΦÖ╜τä╢ΘçìΦªü∩╝îσ»╣σà¿Φ║½τÜäΦ┐₧∩╝îτ▓ÿ∩╝îσɼσÆîΦ╖ƒτÜäµèÇΦâ╜ΦÇîΦ¿ÇΣ╣ƒµÿ»µ¼íΦªüτÜäπÇé σ£¿Σ╗ûτÜäτ¼¼Σ╕ǵ£¼Σ╣ªπÇèσÉÉτ║│σ¢¢µèè – µ¥Äµíéµÿîσñºσ╕êτÜäσ¢¢τºìσæ╝σÉ╕µû╣µ│òπÇïΣ╕¡∩╝îσ«ïσ┐ùσïçµÅ¡τñ║Σ║åΦâ╜σñƒσÅæσ▒òµ¥Äµíéµÿîσ╜óµäŵï│τë╣σ╛üτÜ䵃öΦ╜»∩╝îτü╡µ┤╗σÆîσà¿Φ║½σè¢ΘçÅτÜäτë╣µ«èσæ╝σÉ╕Φ«¡τ╗âµû╣µ│òπÇé σ£¿Σ╗ûτÜäτ¼¼Σ║îµ£¼σºÉσª╣Σ╣ªπÇèσ╜óµäŵï│Σ╣ïΣ║öΦíîΦ┐₧τÄ»πÇï πÇïΣ╕¡∩╝îσ«ïσñºσ╕êσ▒òτñ║Σ║åσÉÉτ║│σ¢¢µèèΣ╕¡σÅæσ▒òτÜäσåàσ袵Çĵá╖Φí¿τÄ░σ£¿µ¡ªµ£»τÜäσ╜óσ╝ÅΣ╕èπÇé

  • - The Four Breathing Forms of Master Li GUI Chang
    av Song Zhi Yong

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