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Bøker av Stanley Beverly

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  • av Stanley Beverly

    At the Lord's timing, after using various circumstances in the life of Moses, He drew Moses to Himself. The burning bush encounter would forever change the life of Moses. From self absorbed, and empty religion, to faithful servant, prophet, passionate pursuer, and deliverer of God's people in the face of death is what Moses became from his burning bush encounter. At this space in time, the Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Ghost is not only creating new wineskins, after seperating holy from profane. As we submit to Him, and desperating seek Him, therr Holy Ghost is orchestrating a "Burning Bush" encounter with us. This "Burning Bush" encounter is your "Fire on the Altar" and after you encounter His fire upon the altar of your heart, you can NEVER, NEVER let it burn out! Stanley Beverly is a prophetic voice, deliverance minister, and pastor of Glory Life Ministries, Int'l. He is a passionate in his pursuit to please the the Father. A gifted young man, he has a passion to see God's people walk in the truth of the Word of God. A vessel carrying the glory of God, many have encountered the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost in Stanley's ministry assignments. Having received the impartation for the deliverance ministry by ordination to elder by the late Apostle William Brown of Salvation Deliverance Church in 1993, spiritual warfare and deliverance is in this man's DNA. Having been ordained and imparted by the late Ruth Ward Heflin of Calvary Pentecostal Church in 1996, as a "Sent One" Stanley is a carrier of the glory of God. Having traveled to several countries, with the Word of the Lord, and the ministry of deliverance, he is truly called to the nations, to enforce, effect, and advance the Kingdom of Heaven, as a "Sent One" as the Holy Ghost, the Ruach Hakodesh has increased Stanley's metrons. He is a kingdom minded servant. This young man is also a successful business owner, used by Yahweh to inspire saints to build their own by the grace of the Most High. The Spirit of Entrepreneurialship is also upon Stanley. He and his wonderful, and gifted wife, Nadier are college graduates, and professionals in their fields of expertise. They have have four adult children and 5 grandchildren.

  • av Stanley Beverly

    Estás viendo un manual de violencia bíblica para tu liberación y guerra. Si aceptamos y abrazamos lo que dice la Palabra de Dios, estaremos de acuerdo. ¿De acuerdo con qué? De acuerdo en que la Biblia es un libro de guerra. El Señor quiere que peleemos, luchemos y ganemos. No le agrada a Dios si no estamos comprometidos, incluso en nuestras propias batallas. El Señor Jesús ya ha derrotado a nuestros enemigos espirituales. Ahora debemos implementarlo y tomar violentamente lo que el Señor Jesús pagó por nosotros. Pero la pregunta que yo y otros hemos tenido durante tantos años; "¿Cómo lucho por mi libertad? ¿Alguien me enseñará, por favor?" Éxodo 15: 3 nos dice: "... el Señor es un hombre de guerra. El Señor es Su nombre ". Salmo 110:1-2, "El SEÑOR dijo a mi Señor: " Siéntate a mi diestra, hasta que ponga a tus enemigos a tus pies ". ¿Cómo? Santos, y amigos, el reino de Dios avanza y pone a los enemigos del Hijo de Dios, a sus pies a través del Cuerpo de Cristo. El propósito de este manual es definir, clarificar, revelar la necesidad que todos tenemos de liberación, brindarle a usted las claves y el conocimiento para obtenerla. Muchas décadas de algunos problemas que mantienen a las personas en posiciones de lucha perpetua, derrotas y muy por debajo del plan del Señor para sus vidas no serán reveladas. Pero también claridad para obtener su liberación y avance. No basta con revelar el problema. ¿Alguien podría por favor proporcionar la solución? El Espíritu Santo usará este manual si usted, el lector, acepta las soluciones proporcionadas en este manual de la Palabra de Dios. Amigo, mi testimonio en este libro, junto con innumerables vidas que han sido notablemente cambiadas, traerán un nuevo día a su vida. Stanley Beverly es una voz profética y un ministro de liberación en esta hora para el Cuerpo de Cristo. Es un hombre dotado con una pasión por revelar la Palabra de Dios y la presencia del Espíritu Santo para restaurar al pueblo de Dios a sí mismo. Habiendo viajado a varios países con la Palabra del Señor y el ministerio de liberación, es llamado a las naciones para el fin de los tiempos. Stanley, reside en el centro de Nueva Jersey con su maravillosa esposa Nadier, quien también es profética. Tienen 4 hijos adultos y 5 nietos.

  • av Stanley Beverly

    You are holding a manual of biblical violence for deliverance and warfare in your hand. If we accept what the word of God says, we will agree that the bible is a book of warfare. The Lord wants us to fight, wrestle and win. It does not please God if we are not engaged, even in our own battle to victory. The word of God in Psalm Your 110:1-2, The LORD said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool." The kingdom of God is advancing, and making God's enemies His footstool, how? Through the body of Christ, the Holy Spirit is empowering, delivering and healing broken saints.Exodus 15:3 tells us "...the Lord is a man of war. The Lord is His name." Our God delivered His people out of the grip of cruel taskmasters, and brought down their gods. He is the covenant keeping God. Is Lord still delivering His people out from under the grip of cruel taskmasters? If so how? I've had the same problems, curses, struggles for all my life. Why doesn't God care about me? Yes, He does care, and He loves you so much. In this book you will come to understand many of the obstacles that robbed you of His blessings in your life. The Father wants you to rule in the midst of your enemies. Stanley Beverly is a prophetic voice and deliverance minister to the body of Christ. He is a gifted man with a passion for revealing the word of God and presence of Holy Spirit in restoring a people to the Lord. Having traveled to several countries with the Word of the Lord, and the ministry of deliverance, this young man is truly called to the nations for the end time army. Stanley Beverly resides in central New Jersey with his wonderful wife, Nadier. They have 4 adult kids, and 5 grandchildren.

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