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Bøker av Stephen Blaha

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  • - Tensor-Based Cosmos Theory
    av Stephen Blaha

    This book shows Cosmos Theory is directly based on a mathematical fact: the number of independent anti-symmetric tensors of 0, 1, 2, ..., r indices in r even space-time dimensions. It removes the impression of some that Cosmos Theory is merely an aggregate of features without a sufficient cause. It proceeds to show that Cosmos Theory emerges with a structure similar to Hilbert curve construction. The resulting Cosmic Curve has analogous features: the nesting of dimension arrays within dimension arrays and so on. The size of dimension arrays is set by the number of independent anti-symmetric tensors, which is a multiple of the number of creation and annihilation operators in a fermion in the various spaces. The result is a similar structuring of the Cosmos Curve, of dimension arrays, AND of the gamma-matrices in our universe and in higher spaces. They all display nested structure.The book presents a concise description of new and of known Cosmos Theory features. The fractal Cosmic Curve supports a unique Language that the book describes. It also introduces a new SuperCosmos Theory that is a fractal curve construction whose elements are Cosmos Theories..A major leap in the understanding of Cosmos features and their origin!

  • av Stephen Blaha

    This book gives a new basis for Cosmos Theory in a zero dimension mathematical point and a fractal, Hilbert-like creation of Cosmos spaces with each step in the construction process. It has identical features to the Cosmos Theory created from a consideration of the number of quantum field creation and annihilation operators. The new Cosmos basis gives structure to our universe and has the fundamental fermion spectrum and internal symmetries observed experimentally in the Standard Model. The book has the following points: 1. A description of the Hilbert fractal curve construction.2. A map of a Hilbert curve construction from one to two dimensions, augmented with a construction from a zero dimension point to a one dimension line. This zero to two construction yields the Cosmos Theory spaces with every step corresponding to a Cosmos space. The construction takes a zero dimension point to two dimension fractal grid.3. An ultimate creation without a prior dynamics. Creation from nothing.4. A demonstration of the transformation of the set of Cosmos spaces into a type of fractal curve.5. An outline of the Unified SuperStandard Theory predicted by Cosmos Theory.6. A chaos of universes with form given by a Planckian distribution. The model implies 23 universes of the types of various Cosmos spaces.7. A discussion of a "confinement" of dimensions analogous to quark confinement.8. A definition of a Peano-like fractal curve construction based on powers of 3 that accommodates multi-quark "particles" that we call quarkium-9, quarkium-27 and so on.9. A Planckian model for the Quark Core of a neutron star that describes its quarkium-9 and quarkium-27 content.

  • av Stephen Blaha

    Previously, the author showed a gambol formalism from Cosmos Theory provided a detailed understanding of the form of the Deep Inelastic electron-proton scattering structure function, and also of quark, lepton, and hadron decay and scattering. This book provides a quantum field basis for that work. This book extends the theory of gambols in the study of particles AND universes. The below points give gambols an aspect of reality. Quarks were accepted to explain hadrons although they are confined to hadrons and thus not independent particles in the everyday sense. Gambols are probabilistically confined at a deeper level within quarks, leptons and universes. Gambols are more abstract since they exist as structure within fundamental particles (and composite particles). They seem to exist with highest probability as 8 gambol structures within fundamental particles AND as 1024 gambol structures within gamboled universes. They exhibit a new form of hidden Reality. This book develops many new points: A quantum theory of universes as particles described by a set of gambols.The gambol theory gives a gambol model for the Hubble expansion of the universe based on a new anti-Planckian distribution. The expansion has an initial burst followed by a slow-growth interregnum, which then resumes a larger growth. It explains the "Hubble Tension."A model describing the gamboled growth of mass-energies clumps within our universe. The model offers an understanding of S8 clumping. A model for universes within a Megaverse where the universes are gambols. Our universe then exists as a gambol. (Not a gamble!) A model for universe expansion through the interplay of a Megaverse-based Casimir force and the force of internal universe matter-energy pressure.A model for all the universes of all ten Cosmos spaces. Our universe is one of 5 sibling universes. The model probabilistically makes the number of Cosmos spaces to 10 using a Planckian distribution. There are 23 Cosmos universes in this model.A quantum field theory for particles that embeds quantum gambols within particles as described in the author's Sub-Particles book. Quantum gambols replicate their parent particle's spin and internal symmetries.A free gambol quantum field theory.Gambols have a mass equal to the parent particles mass divided by 8. Universe gambols have a mass equal to the universe's mass divided by 1024. Gambols have a temperature equal to a constant times the parent particle's (or parent universe's) mass. This feature is analogous to Black Hole temperature.The quark core of a neutron star is described in a gambol model.The relation of the pure electromagnetic photon and its rho meson attribute of GVDM are described in a gambol modelThe acquisition of mass by an ElectroWeak vector boson is described by a gambol model.Highly recommended for serious readers!

  • av Stephen Blaha

    Physics has deepened to acceptance of quarks as constituents of elementary particles. Because quarks have the Strong Interaction they are confined. They exist only within hadrons at present energies. Yet they are particles just as electrons and neutrinos are particles.Recently this author introduced the concept of gambols in the Limos spaces sector of Cosmos Theory. They are the sub-particle constituents of fundamental fermions: quarks and leptons. A quark or lepton is composed of confined gambols. Gambols have a more abstract nature than quarks. Sets of gambols appear in fermions probabilistically - not in definite numbers. A fermion has an infinite number of sets of gambols. The number of gambols in a gambol set is a power of two: 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on, based on Limos space features. Just as photons in a black body have a Planck distribution, sets of Gambols in a particle have a Planckian probability distribution. Gambols have mass and momenta and are confined to particle interiors. Gambols inherit the spin and internal symmetry of their parent fermion. Gambols are at a deeper conceptual level than quarks.In a detailed analysis, this book finds that a fundamental fermion seems to have an average of about 8 gambols. This book develops a comprehensive Gambol Planckian Model within the framework of Limos and Cosmos Theory. The Model gives 1. An accurate model of the electron-proton Deep Inelastic Scattering structure function F(ω).2. A model of quark and lepton resonances from charm quarks through the t quark, and of charged, and neutrino, lepton resonances, 3. Gambol-based hadron decay, and hadron-hadron scattering. 4. A numerically accurate approximation for gambol confinement within fundamental fermions based on an ideal gambol gas confined by a Casimir vacuum force. 5. An interpretation of Electromagnetic and Weak Interaction quanta as unconfined gambols. Bosons have no Dirac sea. Thus no confinement. A detailed examination of the Gambol Model leads to significant experimental and theoretical support for Cosmos Theory.Probabilities first appeared in the quantum theory of particle motion. Now a new form of probability appears in the internal probabilities of gambols within particles. The result is a very significant emerging trend in the abstractness of Fundamental Physics towards a total reliance on Probability for Reality. A major book!

  • av Stephen Blaha

    Mankind has been engaged in creating views of Creation for over 2,500 years. The views have changed as our knowledge of Physics changed. Now we have a new view; a HyperCosmos generated from a ProtoCosmos that seems to give a coherent view of Reality based on Physical considerations. This book is based on creation and annihilation, as it should be, since these processes are at the base of everything. It takes the author's HyperCosmos (HyperComplex Cosmology) and pursues a deeper analysis, extension, of its features by embodying it in a ProtoCosmos predecessor that leads to it. A ProtoCosmos theory is developed here based on a three dimension "pre-space" containing a relativistic hydrogen-like atom that generates a geometric spectrum yielding the spaces of the HyperCosmos. (This analysis also suggests conventional calculations of the hydrogen energy spectrum are incomplete for large coupling constants-leading to questions about non-relativistic Charmonium calculations.) A ProtoCosmos Quantum Electrodynamics is defined with fermions, photons, particle charges and universe interactions.The book also shows that a parallel study (using GiFT and CASe) of HyperCosmos spaces based on creation and annihilation operators also yields the HyperCosmos set of 10 spaces. The set of spaces is generalized to include the equivalent of positron-like spaces giving anti-universes. A new type of space wave function is defined that embodies universes and anti-universes. Extending the space concept to particles leads to a new view of confinement with hadrons composed of quark "inner universes" and a new, more sophisticated, type of Bag model.The set of 256 fundamental fermions in our QUeST space is shown to be reduced to 16 fermions using a generalized General Relativistic transformation to a non-static Fundamental Reference Frame with similar results for the Megaverse and higher spaces.The book further suggests a basis for the forms of fermions and internal symmetries based on space-time.It shows how to create fractional dimensions, particles and symmetries in detail. At the infinitesimal Gold Dust level, dynamics becomes classical. The implications of the dynamics for this New Frontier within individual particles include a classical dynamics, a topology, and dust confinement. Lastly, symmetry splitting of spaces to generate internal symmetries is explored.Thus the book's HyperCosmos explosion of new features from the ultra-large HyperCosmos to the ultra-smsll within particles!

  • av Stephen Blaha

    This author created a cosmology using hypercomplex numbers in January, 2020. In the following two years he rapidly evolved it to Octonion Cosmology. Recently he created a new formulation called Hypercomplex Cosmology. This formulation has a much cleaner spectrum of spaces, and it supports a deeper stratum of infinitesimal quantities, Gold Dust, that accretes to form the particles, spaces, masses, and energies of Hypercomplex Cosmology.This book extends the 10 space spectrum to an infinite number of spaces. The new spectrum is then reduced to the physical 10 space spectrum plus an infinite spectrum of fractional spaces. The additional fractional spaces are used to fractionate universes, particles, interactions, and creation/annihilation operators through a series succession of fineness levels to infinitesimal parts that are called Gold Dust. They are the stuff of everything in Hypercomplex Cosmology. The theory reaches to the level of one substance of varying attributes-realizing the dream of the PreSocratic Philosophers: Anaximander, Thales, Parmenides, Zeno, Democritus, ... Hypercomplex Cosmology is shown to have a basis in scaling using a new model that generates Cayley numbers and the spectrum of 10 spaces. A breakdown of scaling limits the number of physical spaces to 10. The extension to the consideration of an infinite set of spaces leads to negative space-time dimensions, which are physically reasonable.Hypercomplex Cosmology is shown to be based on infinitesimal local parts, Gold Dust, that combine to form the particles of Nature with Gold Dust confinement analogous to quark confinement.The critical importance of creation/annihilation operators in the formulation of Hypercomplex Cosmology led the author to revive his 1998 formulation of the Cosmos as a computer program in a computer language defined with creation/annihilation operators. Hypercomplex Cosmology has a clear computation formulation.

  • av Stephen Blaha

    The author introduced the first hypercomplex number based theory for symmetries and particles in January, 2020. Since then he developed a comprehensive theory described in a number of books that became Octonion Cosmology. Octonion Cosmology was based on spinor spaces. In the past few months the author has developed a new theory: Hypercomplex Cosmology (HC) based on the CASe groups within GiFT that are associated with spaces of creation/annihilation operators in PseudoQuantum Field Theory.HC has a better set of 10 spaces and a more transparent derivation of their properties. It accounts for the known form of the Standard Model exactly without any ad hoc choice of symmetries. It generalizes the Standard Model to the Unified SuperStandard Theory (UST) theory with 256 fundamental fermions and a large set of Internal Symmetries in a 256 dimension space containing their irreducible representations. HC generates universes in "sister" pairs through fermion-antifermion annihilation.Quantum theory is based on quantum fields, which contain creation/annihilation operators. These operators undergo General Relativistic transformations that generate spaces containing particles and symmetries. The dynamics of the particles and symmetries are governed by a Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor. General Relativity appears in the dynamics. The unification of Quantum Theory and General Relativity is completed by the combination of space-time dimensions and internal symmetry representation dimensions in a dimension array in each HC space.. HC also supports a simpler formulation of quantum scalar and fermion space fields. HC determines the exact known particles and symmetries of the Standard Model and adds more to form a complete unified theory. In particular, it uses CASe su(1, 1) symmetry to define a two-time coordinate system for a Fundamental Reference Frame. This coordinate system directly implies the Standard Model symmetries and the form of their fermion spectrum. Among other advantages, HC General Relativistic transformations map the known fermion and symmetry structure to a much reduced number of fermions and symmetries - a one generation Standard Model in a non-static reference frame called the Fundamental Frame by the author. The number of space-time dimensions in a space, the total number of internal symmetry dimensions of a space, and the number of fundamental fermions of the space's Fundamental Frame are linked thus supporting the reality of the Fundamental Frame.The ten Hypercomplex Cosmology spaces depicted on the cover remind the author of the Bohr Theory hydrogen energy levels that preceded Quantum Mechanics. The author believes there is a deeper theory beneath HC that remains to be found.

  • - Octonion Cosmology, GiFT, Creation/Annihilation Spaces CASe, Reduction of Spaces to a Few Fermions and Symmetries in Fundamental Frames
    av Stephen Blaha

    The particles that we see generally depend on the coordinate system. The spatial/time measurements that we make depend on particles - an intimate connection that is often ignored in physical theories. This book explores the relation between particles and coordinate systems. It shows that a transformation to a non-static coordinate system from a "normal" static coordinate system can change the nature of the particle spectrum decisively. (Since almost all coordinates systems are non-static it is a weighty issue.)The book begins by describing the changes undergone by creation/annihilation operators in quantum fields due to a change to non-static coordinates. It then proceeds to develop a new concept of space based on the Generalized Field Theory (GiFT) called Creation/Annihilation Space (CASe). CASe transformations to a non-static reference frame, which we call a Fundamental Frame, can reduce complex quantum field theories such as QUeST in our universe to a field theory with only 16 fermions and three internal symmetries - a one generation Standard Model - in a non-static reference frame. In the other universes of Octonion Cosmology it is also possible to reduce the complexity of quantum field theories to much fewer fermions and internal symmetries. This book explores the Fundamental Frame of our universe and of the other higher dimension universes of Octonion Cosmology in detail. It shows the contents of the universes of Octonion Cosmology can be contracted to smaller size. The formalism is strongly based on Cayley-Dickson hypercomplex numbers: octonions, sedenions, ..., n-ions, ... where an n-ion is a hypercomplex number of Cayley-Dickson number n.An analysis of the nature of fermions shows that the four types of fermions: e-type, ν-type, quark-up-type, and quark-down-type, can be viewed as generated by Complex Lorenz group boosts. The author's 2007 book The Origin of the Standard Model ..., describing this in detail is reprinted for the reader's convenience. The fermions of Fundamental Frames are of these types.Gravitation joins the other gauge theories of interactions in GiFT. It has a finite perturbation theory due to GiFT's Two-Tier Theory and PseudoQuantum Theory.

  • - Origin of the Quantum; A New Generalized Field Theory (GiFT); A Proof of the Spectrum of Universes; Atoms in Higher Universes
    av Stephen Blaha

    This book, as well as earlier books, broadens theoretical efforts with new concepts and ideas due to Octonion Cosmology. To that end it develops a deeper basis for Quantum Theory. The new basis is required by the higher dimension universes that appear in Octonion Cosmology ranging up to 20 space-time dimensions. As a result Quantum Theory requires a new formulation of Field Theory: the author's solution is a Generalized Field Theory (GiFT), which leads ultimately to Quantum Mechanics in a series of stages with each dependent on the previous: Origin: Generalized Field Theory (GiFT)toQuantum Field Theory toQuantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics issues are resolved by Quantum Field Theory or ultimately by GiFT. The book develops an Extended Quantum Mechanics that combines quantum and classical mechanics with each being a limiting case of the extended theory. Extended Quantum Mechanics is the Quantum Mechanical equivalent of PseudoQuantum Field Theory, a part of GiFT.GiFT is based on Two-Tier Quantum Theory and PseudoQuantum Field Theory, both of which the author developed some time ago. They resolve divergence problems, and also non-static coordinate system quantization issues, that appear in higher dimension universes. Four dimension renormalization methods do not work in higher dimensions. Particle quantization has difficulties in non-static coordinate systems with no Killing vector. GiFT resolves those difficulties. GiFT contains a local SU(1, 1) group structure that gives a new interpretation to creation/annihilation operators in field theory.The extended Quantum Mechanics version of GiFT is CQ Mechanics - a Quantum Mechanics that also embodies a classical mechanics limit. It appears in appendix C.The Octonion Universes Spectrum is closely related to spinor arrays. We have shown spinor arrays have a similar block structure to hypercomplex numbers, which, in turn, are closely related to the structure of internal symmetry groups. In this book we derive the Octonion Cosmology Spectrum of universes partly based on spinor array features.Lastly, QED-like interactions in higher dimension universes are considered including the EM potential and Bohr-like atomic energy levels. It suggests our kind of Life is unlikely in higher dimension universes.

  • av Stephen Blaha

    Natural Philosophy is based on a current understanding of Physical Reality. Thus it must evolve as our knowledge of Nature changes. This was true in Ancient Greece. It remains true up to the present. We can classify views of Physical Reality into four periods that correspond to major periods in Natural Philosophy: AristotelianNewtonianAtomicOctonion CosmologicalThis book describes Natural Philosophy in view of the exciting new developments of Physical Reality in Octonion Cosmology. It begins with a detailed narrative outline of the genesis of the ten spaces (universes) of the Cosmos from a point in a 20 dimension space-time. It is followed by a detailed view of the Octonion Cosmological Period describing the impact on Epistemology and Metaphysics. Space, time and matter are intertwined in a new manner that differs from the Atomic Period. The structure of the Cosmos differs dramatically from previous theories. The book also addresses Predestination, Fate, and Free Will from a quantum perspective. Its third part contains the original book: 21st Century Natural Philosophy, which describes the Natural Philosophy of the Atomic Period.The Atomic Period began in the late 19th Century when the atomic nature of matter was finally accepted. It continued up to the 2020 as atoms were disassembled into elementary particles and forces. In January, 2020 the author introduced a hypercomplex number based theory, QUeST, that had the remarkable feature of yielding the known interactions and elementary particles of The Standard Model and much more. Subsequently Octonion Cosmology emerged. It is described in 2021 in the author's books: Quantum Space Theory and Beyond Octonion Cosmology. A point of interest is a "golden" triangle of transformations between mass, energy, and space. Mass can be transformed into energy and vice versa. Mass and/or energy can be transformed into space and vice versa.

  • - Supplement to Beyond Octonion Cosmology
    av Stephen Blaha

  • av Stephen Blaha

  • - The Substratum in Primordial Space
    av Stephen Blaha

  • - With a QED-like Hubble Expansion Model of Universes and Megaverses
    av Stephen Blaha

    This volume is Part II of Pioneering the Cosmos. It extends the presentation of features of Octonion Cosmology to make it a complete theory of the Cosmos. The beginning is the million dimension God-Space, from which the other octonion spaces (forming an octet), and their instances (particles), are derived. The spaces are shown to be atomic in the senses that they are all composed of lattices (honeycombs) of a set of symmetries that we call Dimension-32 Atoms. Each atom has a corresponding set of fermions that we call Fermion-32 Atoms. These atoms contain an SU(4) (or an SU(3)U(1)) symmetry. Octonion Cosmology naturally contains SU(4). The initial design of each octonion space had an octonionic space-time. In this book we transform octonionic space-times to real space-times plus a set of symmetries that interrelate the parts of fermion spectrums. We present the new connecting symmetries for a QUeST universe, an UTMOST Megaverse, and the Maxiverse. In the case of a QUeST universe these (broken) symmetries relate "Normal" and Dark fermion sectors. We embody these symmetries in an augmented Unified SuperStandard Theory (UST) that we call NEWUST. (UST was derived using Logic previously.) We show that the conventional form of symmetry breaking via the Higgs Mechanism is not sufficient. We introduce a new form of symmetry "splitting into factors" based on two types of inheritance. Octonion Cosmology supports hierarchies of nested space instances. We consider an example of these hierarchies. It clearly illustrates an analogy between Octonion Cosmology and an Object-Oriented C++ program. The Cosmos may be such a "program." Instances of octonion spaces, such as our universe, are "particles" that expand with time. This book presents a new formula for scale factors that describes expansion from the Big Bang to the present. It is based on a QED-like vacuum polarization that has similar parameters with the author's successful calculation of the Fine Structure Constant α. A view of the photon is presented showing that it is analogous to a frozen universe. Part of the photon "universe" connects to the ElectroWeak interactions; part of the photon universe connects to the Strong interaction and supports a ρ Vector Meson Dominance (VDM) connection.

  • av Stephen Blaha

    Calculation of the Electromagnetic fine structure constant 1/137 and other coupling constants of The Standard Model of Elementary Particles.

  • - Octonion Cosmology
    av Stephen Blaha

    This book presents a cosmology based on seven Octonion spaces. The spaces are interrelated. One space describes universes such as the QUeST universe previously described by the author. Another space describes Megaverses such as the UTMOST Megaverse of the author. The complete theory appears to be as fundamental as possible. It directly connects to the Unified SuperStandard Theory of the author. Thus it is a complete theory - the first truly comprehensive theory unifying the deepest levels with particle physics experiment.

  • av Stephen Blaha

    This book describes a theory of Elementary Particles and Gravitation called the Quaternion Unified SuperStandard Model (QUeST) and provides a detailed derivation of its basis from a fermion-antifermion annihilation in the Megaverse - the universe of universes. It also shows that features of QUeST and the Unified SuperStandard Theory (UST) are derived from an initial fermion-antifermion pair. The combined theory also derives the Megaverse from a fermion-antifermion annihilation in a 10 dimension "hidden" space. Thus there is a chain of theories from the 10 dimension space to the Megaverse to the QUeST universe to the UST. The cumulative effect of the combined theory takes one from "creation" to the physics of high energy particle accelerator experiments. And it all begins with the hypercomplex numbers: quaternions and octonions.

  • av Stephen Blaha

    Deep Origin of QUeST and UTMOST in 1 dimensional spaces.

  • - Unified SuperStandard Theories UST, QUeST, MOST
    av Stephen Blaha

    basis of Quaternion and Octonion spaces for elementary particle quantum field theories; SuperSymmetry

    av Stephen Blaha

    A newer deeper foundation for QUeST for the universe and for MOST for the Megaverse. The basis of each is a one dimension seed and one fermion. From these roots the 256 dimension QUeST is created from BQUeST, and 512 MOST is created. BQUeST is based on a 7+1 complex quaternion space-time suggesting it is rooted in MOST. Also an extended Megaverse theory called UTMOST is created with 1024 dimensions and fermions. The foundation of UTMOST has an associated 10 dimension space evoking SuperString theory. QUeST, MOST, and UTMOST suggest a new intermediate U(8) block structuring of both dimensions and the fermion spectrums. This intermediate structure may play a role in symmetry breaking of the quaternion and octonion theories to the form of the author's Unified SuperStandard Theory (UST).

  • - Quaternion Dimension - Fermion Duality in SuperStandard Theories
    av Stephen Blaha

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