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  • - A Different Way of Looking at Things...
    av Stephen William McClure

    Jesus said that Moses wrote about him. Do you know what Moses said? Have you even taken the time to look? The apostle Peter felt these words were very important for he also said them as recorded in the Book of Acts. God said He would raise up a Prophet. He would be a man just like Moses. He would speak through this man and a word of warning was also given. To those who do not listen it shall be required of them. In Isaiah we read that God placed His Spirit into this Prophet and by His Spirit He would speak through this man. For this is the way of the Prophets and how they speak the Words of God. So the words this Prophet would speak would be the most important words ever spoken in the New Testament. For these would be God the Father's very own words! So we should pay particular attention to the Gospels for they contain the words spoken by the Prophet who was sent by God, the Prophet who was called the Messiah (the Spirit anointed one). This Prophet talked about the mystery concerning the Kingdom of God. He said that it was a secret. The Prophet spoke God's words and told of this specific Kingdom, of what it was like and of the different types of people that inhabited it, but he seems to have left out one very important detail. He said that: God had created Mankind in His own imageMan wanted to be like God but did something wrongBecause of this, Mankind had been separated from GodGod sent His Son so that this fellowship could be restoredFor this was the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. But we were not told exactly how to get into this Kingdom. And this prophet also mentioned something rather disturbing. For he said that only certain people would be chosen. Now this is the concept that is known as 'Predestination'. The Son stated that no one (and that means not one single person) can come to Him unless they are drawn to Him by the Father, for these would be those who had listened to and had learned from the Father. This means that there is absolutely nothing that I can say or do to change this. I can not go and try to convert either myself or others for the process is totally out of my hands. It is only between God the Father and the people He wants in the Kingdom of God. Now the Lord said that the Spirit of Truth would be with us and would later be in us. For this is what it means to be a Christian (a Spirit anointed one). The Lord also said that unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a little child you would not enter in. Do you know what this means? Because if you don't then there is a good chance you are not doing it right. Let me give you a clue. A little child can be someone of any age, intelligence or education. They may not have learned how to read or write, or even to speak. So how would they receive the Kingdom of God? Or would you have me believe that such people would be excluded? The following books discuss these issues and much more and show there is a different way of looking at things... Many are Called, Few are ChosenThis is the first book of the series and it discusses life and death, predestination and what it means to believe in the "Name" of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The Gifts of the Spirit are also discussed and various examples have been presented to indicate just what one might experience through the working of the Holy Spirit. Author's Book List: Many are Called, Few are ChosenThe Ultimate GiftThe TimelinesConversationsSpiritProphecyQuestions

  • - A Different Way of Looking at Things...
    av Stephen William McClure

    Spiritual people are talking about the ascension. This used to be a term spoken of only in religious circles yet today it is being discussed by many. They say there is going to be a shift in consciousness and only those who are prepared will move forward into a higher dimension. Now these spiritually minded people come from all walks of life and do not necessary belong to any one particular religion yet they all seem to be aware of this future event and know that its time draws near. So let me ask you this... Have you prepared for your ascension?

  • - A Different Way of Looking at Things...
    av Stephen William McClure

  • - A Different Way of Looking at Things...
    av Stephen William McClure

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