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  • av Steve Cioccolanti

    IS TRUMP CHRISTIAN? IS HE GOD'S CHOICE? WILL HE RETURN? HOW ARE HIS ACTIONS AFFECTING CHRISTIANS AND BIBLE PROPHECY? This is more than a list of Donald Trump's untold words and actions. This book compares the most significant events of Trump's life and presidency with Scripture and prophecy. Review the evidence. Judge for yourself."Blown away" was the reaction of the Founder of the Return. " evidence God has not forsaken America," says the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "President Trump's Pro-Christian Accomplishments" presents evidence the mainstream media does not want you to see. Donald Trump is not the man they claim him to be. Based on his four-year track record, he may be the most pro-Christian, pro-Church, and pro-Israel President we have ever seen. 2020 has been a year of pandemic and great trial, but this book will encourage you. God is setting America up for victory. He wants His people live in optimism and rejoice. As Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.""I was blown away by Steve Cioccolanti's new book and have never seen such a wonderfully-crafted, biblically-based prospective on godly leadership. This is so balanced that after reading it for yourself, I'm sure that you would agree with me that God has chosen His leader for the White House. I am equally sure that President Trump would be thoroughly encouraged by reading it for himself."--Kevin Jessip President of Global Strategic AllianceFounder and co-chair of"This book, a comprehensive view of President Trump's accomplishments, is evidence that God has not forsaken America."- Alveda Celeste King Director of Civil Rights for The UnbornNiece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."As usual, Steve Cioccolanti's insights are Biblically powerful, pragmatic and prophetically eye-opening. A must-read."- Allan Parker President of The Justice Foundation"Reading this tribute to President Trump's pro-Christian accomplishments brought me to actual tears...tears of joy! I realized in a greater way how much he deeply cares about our country and our people, even though he has been relentlessly and grossly maligned by the press. The facts in this book are not only essential to know for such a time as this, but will also make a great reference book for the annals of our time." - Colette Stringfield-RhodesPresident of God's Truth Ministries. Inc."Steve Cioccolanti's amazingly insightful and Spirit-filled new book feels as if the Lord was with him, whispering in his ear as he answered important questions gracefully and justly. Using the light of scriptures, he shines on the biggest achievements of the Trump years. It is tricky for believers sometimes to see how God is working and moving. Fortunately we have the Bible and thought-provoking pastors such as Pastor Cioccolanti to provide the wisdom and discernment we need to separate the light from the darkness-the facts from fiction." - Andy SteffenChristian business owner

  • av Steve Cioccolanti

    Los Negocios Pendientes de Trump ofrece una plantilla profética para cambiar el rostro de la política y salvar la nación de una podredumbre moral y una posible guerra civil. En este libro encontrarás nuevas aplicaciones de los Díez Mandamientos, los cuales pueden ser usados para romper el monopolio de los gigantes tecnológicos, como crear una Carta de derechos digitales, como reformar los derechos de la familia, como proteger a los niños, como consagrar la verdadera igualdad de género, como educar nuestros jóvenes y como abordar el cambio climático con sensatez.Necesitamos que los pastores y predicadores lean este libro "Negocios Inacabados de Trump" y apliquen la Ley de Dios correctamente, y la prediquen de nuevo a Estados Unidos y al mundo.Allan ParkerPresidente de la Fundación para la Justicia, Abogado principal de Norma McCorvey, anteriormente la "Roe" de Roe v. Wade, y Sandra Cano, anteriormente la "Doe" de Doe v. BoltonLas ideas de este libro proporcionarán esperanza para el futuro de Estados Unidos y preservarán su llamado como faro para las naciones durante nuestros tiempos turbulentos.Dr. Dennis LindsayPresidente y Director General de Cristo para las NacionesPermítanme decir que el libro de Cioccolanti "Los Negocios Pendientes de Trump" es realmente excelente. Cada capítulo añade nuevas ideas a la sustancia de conocimientos. Su análisis de la ley es realmente impresionante y aprecio especialmente sus propuestas para mejorar el sistema legal y el tribunal de derecho de familia que ha sido quebrado. Con mucho gusto pasaré este libro a mis amigos y estimados colegas. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente.Dr. Augusto Zimmermann, PhDComisario de la Reforma Jurídica Comisión de Australia Occidental (2012-2017)>Steve Cioccolanti ha abordado un tema que creo que es una novedad. Sus ideas y soluciones te retarán a ti. Sus escritos provocan a la reflexión, son creativos y visionarios...Me imagino que las leyes de este libro estarán muy cerca de las que Yeshua establecerá para el mundo cuando venga a reinar. Estas soluciones basadas en la Biblia ciertamente inspiran el pensar fuera de lo común y a tomar acción. Steve Cioccolanti obviamente ha puesto mucha reflexión e investigación en este libro tan necesario que ha llegado en el momento en que la República de los Estados Unidos está luchando por su vida.Shira Sorko RamEditora de Maoz Israel Report Pionera del Movimiento Mesiánico Judío desde 1967 El libro "Negocios Inacabados de Trump" servirá de modelo para todos los líderes, ya sean de Estados Unidos, Australia o Corea. Me gustaría que se pusiera a disposición de los votantes antes de las elecciones importantes. Estoy realmente asombrado por la visión de Steve Cioccolanti sobre la guerra cultural estadounidense. Su cobertura de muchos temas es muy profunda. Me parece que las técnicas que utilizan los izquierdistas estadounidenses para distorsionar los hechos y la verdad también se utilizan aquí en Corea del Sur...Este libro es una gran oportunidad para que los solucionadores de problemas aprendan cómo funcionan los principios de Dios en la sociedad humana y cómo la maldad intenta distorsionar y detener las soluciones que podrían mejorar las vidas humanas.Profesor Asociado I-Soo JoeHandong Global Universty Colegio de Administración y Economía, Corea del Sur

  • av Steve Cioccolanti
    247 - 257,-

  • - An Insider's View of Buddhism and Christianity
    av Steve Cioccolanti

  • - Steps to Unshakable Faith and Freedom
    av Steve Cioccolanti

    Do you want to improve the quality of your life NOW-with no more excuses? Take the challenge of "30 Days to a New You!"This personal development book is not about copying someone else. When the Creator wants to revolutionize your life, He starts by changing how you see yourself.Discover: - Why some people live with a free spirit, and others seem stuck year after year.- How to be free from emotional baggage and addictions like substance abuse and porn.- How to love and be loved.- What is the crucial step people often miss on their way to reaching their goals.Steve Cioccolanti is a trusted name in life-skills mentoring and has given people strategies to succeed in the corporate world, church life and personal relationships.In this honest guide, you have a backstage pass to how he became free from a spirit of rejection, addictions, and other limitations. You will also learn the exact steps he took to grow spiritually and how to apply them.By following this 30 day plan, you will experience freedom and victory in areas of previous hardship and failure. Take the challenge of "30 days to a new YOU!"WHAT READERS ARE SAYING"My relationship with colleagues broke down because of my lack of confidence and fear of failure deep inside...I now speak with my colleagues in confidence and forgave those words they used to hurt me..." Shelley, Australia"...Your book gave me the stability I needed as a Christian that I was missing before... I've read many Christian books on faith and miracles, but...[this] was the first time I...felt like a complete breakthrough..." Josephine, Singapore"All you said about your father, smoking and poor self-image are the things that are happening in my life. I've been following your plan for 2 months. Now my dad and I are close to each other. I don't have to worry about anything any more because I have Jesus in my life." Michelle, Mauritius

  • av Steve Cioccolanti & Alexis Cioccolanti

    Alexis is a 6-year-old who loves to attend church and enjoys studying at a Christian school, but she realized not everyone has a relationship with God just because they go to church or attend a Christian school. A lot of adults dismiss the idea that children can get saved and have a good relationship with God from a young age. Parents send children to "children's church" or "Christian class" but don't expect children to get answers from prayer or impact other children's lives through miracles and healing.Alexis wondered if it's possible for her to find out who God really is for herself and help other children get their own answers. She was thrilled todiscover 12 keys that open up amazing and supernatural experiences with God. Inspired by conversations with his daughter, her father who is an author and public speaker wrote this children's book so that other children can find the thrill of knowing God our Creator.Assuring and delightful, "12 Keys to a Good Relationship with God" captures the essence of a relationship all children can have with a loving and powerful God.

  • - an Insider's View of Buddhism and Christianity
    av Steve Cioccolanti

  • - Justice & Restoration for Christians
    av Steve Cioccolanti

  • - An insider's view of Buddhism and Christianity
    av Steve Cioccolanti

    An introduction to Buddhism, showing how Christians can share their faith with Buddhists.

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