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Bøker av Stuart Webb

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  • av Stuart Webb

    This handbook provides a cutting-edge survey of current scholarship in this area. Featuring original contributions from an international range of renowned scholars as well as academics at the forefront of innovative research, this is an essential text for those interested in teaching, learning, and researching vocabulary.

  • av Stuart Webb

    Makes a great gift for children interested in all sorts of mysterious phenomena.

  • av Stuart Webb & Paul Nation

    How Vocabulary Is Learned presents the major issues that relate to the teaching and learning of vocabulary. Written by leading voices in the field of second language acquisition, the book evaluates a wide range of practical activities designed to help boost students' vocabulary learning.

  • av Stuart Webb

    Starting in 1984, the British Transformers comic wasn't just a successful toy advert, it taught a generation of British schoolboys how to read through its exciting action packed pages. With sales that vied with 2000AD writers Simon Furman and Bob Budiansky created a generation of fan boys that have never looked back. Stuart Webb was one such reader, and in 2012 he began a journey looking through every single issue of the series, commenting on its highs and lows. He became the first person to look at every backup strip, every comedic cartoon and each editorial and how they worked together to create the most thorough exploration of a publishing phenomenon ever undertaken. It's also personal, full of humour and silliness and even the occasionally thoughtful moment. The final result is an essential read, for Transformers fans, and those interested in the history of Marvel comics in the UK and the impact this comic had on an entire generation.

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