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Bøker av Sudhanshu Shekhar

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  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

    There was a heaven and hell. In the heaven it lives an angels and he/she runs a magical school.In the hell there was a hell king who lives with the predator and he was a madcap king. As his life was inside a magical lamp. Which was kept at heaven. Thus he did not attack on heaven. One day one boy name Heavenlu has stolen the magical lamp and gave to hell king. So There was a Workish bird to whom black mail hell king wants to win the fight but at last he loses the fight. The above synopsis is right and funny.

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

    The story starts with a king and queen of Opal forest. The all ten world of books has been closed only when there is exchange of clock and wand by the fairies to a boy ? The boy saves the Opal forest from the evil fairies and witches.The starting of the story as :-Once upon a time there was an animal kingdom in the forest. The name of the forest was Opal. It lived many animals in that forest. There were king and queen of the forest. They lived in a palace the name of the palace was Crock. And the name of the king was Jax. The queen name was Wadia. The forest world was dense and large. All animals were happy in that forest. Only the problem was that all the witches of the forest torture the little animals brutally. For witches know magic. The king and queen did not feel happy when he/she hears the news of torturing the animal by the witches. Actually all witches lived inside the forest by hiding themselves. And all the witches wanted to rule the animal kingdom. But being weaker than the king bravery they did not rule. And also it was not easy for the king and queen to catch the witches. And the story of the witches was that when they are arrested, they are kept in a small round prison of iron whose size was small. One day one dangerous and strong witch was caught and she was half mad. She was kept in hard prison. And someone inside the animal kingdom does not like the prison of witch. That was a half man horse. He was the secret friend of evil witch.

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

    There was a scientist Ahiam, who invented incorrect invention. It was again shed the nature. So that was a incorrect robot. But he died then his son Dim boy invented the right robot. And got the command over his father robot.But in the story thieves made the Dim boy a cyborg.(** The short description of book is One flying paper aeroplane, two flying paper aeroplanes and the many flying paper aeroplanes wereflying from the window by Dim boy. They are catch by flying bug and enjoying by reading the messageand recording it. It is the story of 2080 year. Where Dim house was a flat located on 14th floor. And hisfather was a scientist. The name of his father was Ahiam . He works at Lubri laboratory at India. He wasa mechanical scientist of robot. When Ahiam enters in to laboratory by soccer instead of lift of 2018century? He was happy by joining his colleague. He has five colleagues. Working on a project of robot.The name of the robot was Doga. And it was still in process. All his colleagues pay the attention forworking on robot. But there is always a mistake and all suppose becomes illegal. As no one going to doesthe suppose which is right. As it was hard and goes high from his entire mind. Then also they were tryingto make the Doga robot."""")**

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

    The time machine was invented with the help of angel magic and helps angel to send a mission in past time, future time and return into present time to kill the nine secret butterflies. so how they killed the secret nine butterflies and won the fight?(There was an Owl market in the world of magical. The name of the magical world was Torsha. There was a boy who was writing the story of the quarrel of animal of the real world? (The real world was another world than magical world.) The animals were fighting for having colour, habitat and rational of the real world. Some animal asked that your tail is looking long or short. Some says you stink badly for you don't take bath. Some are dirty mind for they hunt each other. And someone looks like a tomato. So they brawl each other.And the boy writes the story everyday of the real world with the pen of magic. The story of the real world animals by boy is made for sell in front of the king's man and magician of magical world. Who does the wrong matter in the real world? In the real world the animal fight because they always having the wrong breaking news of their world. Thus they have wrong media.)

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

    How Calcu becomes Calcu Z with a new power in game world with the light magic of fairy? And helps the fairy to win the fight with witches and thieves of the city of the planet earth.the story as:-If you love paradise then you must exist your heart. For every paradise was lockedwith the name of many fairies. They live and celebrate in paradise. For fairy paradise was a good place to live. There were many creatures live in paradise like small goblins, bees and many fairies. There was a rat in the beginning of the story. It was 1'o clock at night. But the rat was in rattrap and he was the pet of Calcu. Calcu loves the pet rat and he loves the time also. Because it was the time of New Year. And he was on the earth. At 2080 year. Everyone was sleeping in their home. Only he was waking. Then he goes upstairs with the coming of noise with a future tortoise lamp. And then he saw the colour material. They were many colourful feather fluttering own wing flies from the roof in the darkness. No one seen and knew yet. Two hour before the beginning of new year:- hocus- poo, The black magic falls, how do you do, Good magic never dies, And win of good magic,Bingo!

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

    You are choosen fortunate Akrosh told the heavenly messenger entertainer. Satisfy you get the plume of your cycle and fly and reach at troll land Mobangu to win troll's standard. Additionally your cycle's plume is of a pixie Sita who is a basic woman. It appears she doesn't have feather. It is her plume participated in cycle. So if it's not too much trouble, help Sita pixie to win new quill and to overcome the force of Fengsui witch who had Little wizardry wand power?

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

  • av Sudhanshu Shekhar

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