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Bøker av Suresh Patwa

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  • av Suresh Patwa

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  • av Suresh Patwa


  • av Suresh Patwa


  • - Soundarya, Smridhi Aur Vairagya Ki Nadi
    av Suresh Patwa

    Narmada, emerging from Amarkantak located in the heart of the country, engirdling two mountain ranges--Vindhya and Satpura--unpolluted, unsmudged and teeming, crisscrossing Rewanchal, Mahakoshal, Bundelkhand, Malwa, Nimar and Gurjar expanse, unceasingly moving to Bharuch for final consummation in the Arabian Sea, is unparalleled in terms of its heritage of beauty, affluence and solitude.Narmada was considered to be a virgin but its marriage is discussed in 'Rewa-Khand' of Skand- Puran. She appears as a rowdy young damsel up to Jabalpur and as a newly-married lady enriched with glow and adorableness on its onward journey towards Bharuch. In Sanskrit, 'Narm' means 'bliss' and 'da' means 'benefactor.' Thus, Narmada means 'Bliss Benefactor' or simply 'Joy Giver.' Its importance is well-emphasised through the fact that it is a source of water to cities like Jabalpur, Hoshangabad, Bhopal, Ujjain, Dewas and Indore. Power generation and irrigation facilities by 28 projects on Narmada and its tributaries have opened new vistas of economic prosperity. Not only can one discover Narmada in a total new perspective by going through this book but it also unfolds the history of the Narmada region (hitherto not so well documented) right from the mythical age to the modern times.

  • - Rishton Ke Dehik, Bhavnatmak, Manovaigyanik Rehsay
    av Suresh Patwa

    This book treats the relationship between man and woman analytically in a total modern context encompassing physical, emotional and psychological aspects. Like a plant, whose survival needs appropriate soil, bright sunshine, clean water and a caring touch, for any relationship to blossom, it needs corporeal awareness, sensitivity and compassionate fostering care.For the proper care of a relationship, just like a plant, not only knowledge of physical fervency, emotional intensity and psychological aspects is necessary but also imbibing them in operation and giving them proper direction at the opportune time is equally important.Our society is undergoing revolutionary metamorphosis in which relationships are witnessing crucial pressure of persistent clashes between ego and ambition. This book attempts to understand this process and tries to make this path of budding relationships easier. Happiness in life is possible only with simplicity, succulence, and a step towards this is to have this book with you, which is not essential but a must.

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