Norges billigste bøker

Bøker av Susanne Edelmann

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  • - Band 4: Das Reich der Feen
    av Susanne Edelmann

  • - Band 3: Die Elementarwesen
    av Susanne Edelmann

  • - Volume 7: The energy-based realm Avalon
    av Susanne Edelmann

  • - Band 7: Das energiebasierte Reich Avalon
    av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • - Band 2: Das energiebasierte Reich der Elfen
    av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • - Band 1: Das Reich der Drachen
    av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

  • - Volume 1: The energy-based realm of the dragons
    av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Lord St Germain

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Lord Ben Josef

  • av Susanne Edelmann

  • - Ein heilsames Buch
    av Susanne Edelmann

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Lord St Germain

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

  • - Band 5: Leben als Meister / Meisterin
    av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    It seems to us that some people are getting to know the Galactic Federation of Light. Therefore, we decided writing some books about it. This one is the first.May it serve you. You personally!

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    Es scheint uns an der Zeit, das bestimmte Menschen die galaktische Föderation des Lichts kennen lernen. Und so erlauben wir uns dieses Buch. Möge es dir dienen. Dir ganz persönlich!

  • - Introduced on the Example of the Fifth Dimension
    av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    The Earth increases its frequency and with this the material-based (so called thirth) dimension opens its frame. Humans therefore gain access to the energy-based dimension of the planet Earth. To its opportunity and to its challenges. Yet, what exactly are they?

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    Die Menschen leben im materiell basierten Lebensraum der Erde. Sie leben und wirken in dieser Dimension, obwohl sich viele von ihnen, ehrlicherweise, nie bewusst mit den diesbezüglichen Gesetzmässigkeiten auseinander gesetzt haben. Durch die Frequenzerhöhung der Erde, öffnet sich nun die energiebasierte Dimension des Planeten und wird damit auch den Menschen zugänglich. Nur, was konkret ist die energiebasierte Dimension?

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    You create your reality. Every thought you think, every feeling that you deepen, creates (material) correspondences. However, the process of creation happens often unconscious and therefore, you usually have very limited access to your own power. Nevertheless, humans do create their realities and thus, their own life, ultimately. Even if they do it unconsciously. Still, some people want and need to know and so we decided writing this book. The aim of this book is to lead you to capture the process of creating reality and making it available to conscious access. If you really want to, this book will be your impulse and foundation to be on your way to a self-determined and independent creator of your own reality and thus of your own present life.

  • av Susanne Edelmann

    Menschen leben im Lebensraum der Materie und die meisten gehen davon aus, dass dies der einzige Lebensraum auf der Erde sei. Dem ist allerdings nicht so: Die Erde ist genau so sehr ein Lebensraum der Energie und derzeit befinden sich auf der Erde mindestens so viele energiebasierte Lebewesen, wie es materielle sind. Und so scheint es an der Zeit, dass sich die Menschen auch der anderen Ebenen bewusst werden.

  • - The subtle Dimension and the Humans
    av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    The earth is currently, it seems the habitat of matter. A place where humans studies and lives within this habitat, the material aspects of life. They do so, believing that all aspects of this planet are material and therefore subject to material laws and thereby create a reality that is within their frame of thought, truth. However, it is not, that this reality is true. After all, the planet is just as much a habitat of energy and there are currently at least as many energy-based living beings on Earth as there are material ones. Therefore, it seems time for people to become aware of the other dimension as well.

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    The Earth is increasing its frequency and changes from the third to the fifth dimension. These means that the Earth and the humans are changing their habitat and this has a huge impact, on the entire planet, yet very practical to your own life as well. At the time now, not many people are aware of what is actually happening there, yet and if they sense it, they often do not understand the changing situations and the occurring phenomena.We would like to change this, among other things with this book. You should know, understand and grasp, whom you really are and what is happening in this challenging time.

  • av Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min & Adamus St Germain

    Money is one of the aspects that is changing rapidly on planet Earth. A condition that makes insecure, raises many questions and often causes anxiety. Something that does not have to be, money just starts to move outside of the usual norms and ways of thinking. By the way, other things do this progressively as well. Money is currently an extremely important component of everyday life. Therefore, we think, it makes sense to deal with it in more detail with the new modes of action.

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