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Bøker av Terry James

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  • av Terry James

    When you look into the happy, dancing eyes of your pet, you see a spark of love that warms your heart. These furry children give absolute, unconditional adoration to us--asking nothing but that we hug them, ruffle the fuzzy places between their ears, and give them a lilted-voiced, "Good boy!" or "Good girl!" We believe there is a bond between them and us that just had to be cemented by supernatural influence--by the Creator--and we've included Scripture to back up our contention. Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? is a book intended to explore the relationship between you and your, as far as possible, embrace the understanding that the death of those wonderful family members we love so much can be the door to a forever that is filled with unending love. The world of pets--for that matter, of animals in general--is a phenomenal mix of interaction and curiosity. This book presents some of the facets of those interactions and curiosities that we believe will cause you to want to keep returning to its pages time after time. The writers of Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? have poured much of ourselves into this volume. It is an investment of love we want to share with you, who we know also love your furry family members with all your hearts.

  • av Terry James

    Sudden unexplained visions cause Tabby to begin questioning not only her personal feeling about who she is, but her feeling for Jerry as their friendship begins to take them down a road she may not be ready for, or want. Meanwhile, Corum hatches a new scheme to build his army of servants with the help of Tabby's best friend, April, who is more than she appears.

  • av Terry James

    Some of the world's top scientists have, since 1947, been setting the imaginary "doomsday clock" to keep up with how near we might be to atomic destruction. They believe that when the hour and minute hand reach midnight, humankind will have completely been destroyed through atomic warfare.Movement of that symbolic indicator of the last time grows more frightening with each tick. But there is only one accurate timepiece that signals when the midnight hour approaches for humankind: God's prophetic Word-the Holy Bible.In Nearing Midnight: As It Was in the Days of Lot, noted biblical prophecy expert Terry James explores, in detail and through the prism of God's Word, long-ago prophesied matters now unfolding hourly, including:· The potential for nuclear war to break out at any moment;· America and the world facing imminent financial collapse that will bring about a dictatorial digital monetary system;· Demonic entities from the abyss that seemingly have been unleashed upon humanity in the form of every sort of perversion, with even very small children in the crosshairs of the purveyors of wickedness;· Mother Earth worship, in the form of climate-change insanity, as the anti-God religion being forced upon humanity; and· The determination of the globalists elite, driven by the entities of Ephesians 6:12, to establish control through a New World Order.James explores the strange wickedness and evil that are accelerating and threatening world-rending cataclysm at every level. Jesus Christ's prophecies regarding this very time in which we live help us know precisely how near we are to the midnight hour and offer us the peace we have in the blessed hope of His soon return.

  • av Terry James

    In this comedy, a rebel, siren, spy, musician, scientist, and capitalist discuss the mysteries of life. Intriguing banter and humorous ripostes reveal the characters are far from normal. Proposals and counter-proposals spiral out of control in a deeply emotional battle to survive beyond the familiar circle of life. .

  • av Terry James

    At 23, Diana is an unemployed science graduate with an eviction notice and no living parents. Diana and her five diverse friends are ordinary people whose synergies create extraordinary changes. Through a neighboring physics professor, Diana is given access to technology capable of interstellar travel. The new technology increasingly changes all aspects of our human life and culture. Diana tenuously controls the technology as international power struggles, involving mercenaries, assassins, seducers, executives, scoundrels, and government spies attempt to buy or steal the technology. Not aware of the full power of technology, Diana finds herself entangled in an expanding cosmos. Some alien civilizations have billions of years of science and knowledge. This knowledge is exhilarating to learn but often dangerous. Diana's team journeys beyond their imagination to tackle high-risk problems. As always, the world unfolds in mysterious ways to challenge the challengers. Who is corrupted by power, how do they control this power, and who finds unexpected love? Can humanity survive the three levels of extinction described by the aliens? The challenges mount, the team splinters, and the climax builds as Diana is attacked from seven directions: east, west, north, south, up, down - and, of course, the within direction of self-doubt. The book is about 100,000 words.

  • av Terry James

    The Antichrist is a nerve-wracking host, especially since Caden Johnson is a devout Christian. After living with-and spying on-his evil habits for months, Caden thought he would have been caught by now. Barely surviving torture and execution, he's ready to get the heck out of dodge. But just when Caden thinks things can't get any worse, there's talk of a demon prince joining the hunt for Christians, and the Antichrist declares himself a god. Forced to watch in disbelief as the world bows in worship and welcomes demons into their very souls-forming an army of puppets ready to obliterate God's final remnant-Caden sees firsthand how dangerous it is to follow King Yeshua. As the number of enemies grows-with old ones returning and new ones on the rise-Caden must lean on the one true God...or everyone he loves won't last much longer. A unique blend of genres, The Broken Sky is teen fantasy and apocalyptic Christian fiction at its best.

  • av Terry James

    The tell-tale signs of the impending collapse of Western civilization are all around us: out-of-controlnational debt; corruption at every level of governmental bureaucracy; every major city suffering fromrampant crime and lawlessness; general breakdown of Western education systems; and open bordersallowing a tsunami of illegal drugs and human trafficking to flood our nations. Everywhere we look,there is an existential danger just waiting to upend centuries of civilization-building.And it's not just the growing potential for nuclear war hanging over everyone's heads these days that isproblematic. It's the general departure from common sense we see from top to bottom-stirring upconfusion about even things like where life begins, what it means to be human, and how many actualgenders there are-that does not bode well for our way of life. In other words, if we can't get the basic,common-sense things right, how do we expect to deal with the cataclysmic threats that seem to bemultiplying by the day?Leading the charge are the political-left factions of progressives, liberals, and globalists. They areobsessed with merging ancient paganism into modern technology to excise God's created order via theGreat Reset. Even the biological order the Creator determined is under assault from the human anddemonic powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12.The New World Order, called for by those who control the World Economic Forum, is much like the pre-Flood world order of Genesis chapter 6, which God said He regretted making.New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Rebirth of Liberty is devoted to pointing to the degree towhich humankind has been deluded, causing the God of Heaven to bring an end to this Age of Grace. Hewill call forth His own Great Reset. It will be magnificent beyond imagination...and the process is aboutto begin!

  • av Terry James

    The longer Caden Johnson lives in a world full of giants and demons, the more terrified he becomes. He's sick of it-sick of fearing God, too. But in the Sinai Desert, Caden finally finds what he's looking for. With his little sister and the knowledge of God's undisputed presence in tow, he returns to Jerusalem accompanied by Russians who begin attacking with deadly missiles and bombs. Separated from his family once again and struggling to survive, he finds refuge with the worst guy in the End Times and is given his first mission from God-spy on his mysterious new host. As Caden goes along with God's outlandish ideas, the more fatal his situation becomes. Walking into a den of lions, Caden must choose which God he really serves. His own fears...or King Yeshua. A unique blend of genres, Den of Lions is teen fantasy and apocalyptic Christian fiction at its best.

  • av Terry James

  • av Terry James

    "Tyce Greyson is a journalist who investigates the paranormal and the supernatural. Being a man of destiny, commissioned to carry forward Heaven's countervailing measures, he is constantly caught up in apocalyptic visions in which dangers confront him at every juncture. His latest fixation is a Middle Eastern scene from antiquity where a man with a star-shaped scar, who he believes to be Judas Iscariot, is seen taking instruction from Jesus and then disappearing at the Last Supper. Now married to Essie--a Jew whose father is head of Maglan, the most clandestine of Israel's Mossad--Tyce is called on to find Israel's Messiah by a rabbinic council. But as it becomes clear that would-be world masters have catatonic plans to bring everyone on the planet under their control, he receives additional, supernatural messages from God. Will Tyce be successful on his mission to forewarn Israelites of the one who will deceive them?"--

  • av Terry James

    Iran--ancient Persia--like all of Israel's enemy Islamist neighbors, threatens to destroy the Jewish state. It is rushing at breakneck speed to develop nuclear weaponry that can accomplish the removal of the "little Satan," as it terms that hated nation. Many among the Islamists have made no secret of the fact that they wish also to rid the world of "the great Satan," the title they give America.Earth's fragile economy is rife with signals that the global monetary system is on the verge of total collapse. There is a cry for "peace and safety," precisely as Bible prophecy predicts for the end of the age as Armageddon approaches. Daniel the prophet and John the Revelator foretold that a geopolitical "beast" will arise to offer the much-sought-after peace the world's diplomats seek. The "peace" that this man offers, however, will destroy billions of people, the prophet Daniel foretells. Antichrist Chronicles unveils a layer at a time, through week-by-week analysis of issues and events of our time, this son of perdition's rise to unprecedented power.

  • av Terry James

    Rumors of war boil angrily within the Middle East at this present hour. Just as Egyptian dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser vowed to push all Jews into the Mediterranean, so have today's Israel-haters proclaimed they will push all of God's chosen people into the sea, erasing all traces of the Jewish state from the land. Iran is on the brink of producing atomic weaponry with which to accomplish that avowed threat. Many fear World War III could begin if the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) attacks Iran's nuclear production facilities. The struggle is far more than a modern one. It goes back to the beginning of man's existence on Planet Earth. And now the push by both Muslims and Jews to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem is seen by some as a trigger event that could ultimately boil over into all-out Armageddon.

  • av Terry James

  • - Dark Powers
    av Terry James & Gary W Ritter

  • - Dark Sentences
    av Terry James

  • - Dark Dimension
    av Terry James

  • - Last Days Lightning
    av Terry James

    "From the first novel, REVELATIONS - Tyce Greyson is a journalist with a background of having strange visions due to a serpent's bite suffered while on Patmos, the Aegean island where the Prophet John received the Revelation. Now, Tyce has had a car accident during a powerful rainstorm. Upon getting extricated from his wrecked car he is shown a strange, golden sarcophagus in the back of the tractor-trailer that caused the accident. He later learns that the golden, burial chamber is part of the project in which he is asked by the Israeli government to participate. He is assigned to investigate and write on the archeological find. But in reality, he is surreptitiously to learn what diabolical, globalists plan for the creature found within the sarcophagus... From 2003 when the mummy is discovered in a dried-up, Euphrates riverbed in the area of ancient Babylon, through the time when the globalists threaten to establish an evil world empire in 2020. "Terry James is not only a good author; he is one of the few who knows why this world is on the verge of self-destruction and what must be done about it. The reason is he has a deep understanding of the End Times prophecies of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. For they alone reveal the wonderful plan God has for the future of mankind today and for our eternal future." - Dr. Tim LaHaye, co-author of the Left Behind series"--

  • av Terry James

    Paradoxically, Jacob's horrific circumstances dynamically unfold through a compelling love story of many dimensions. Jacob Zen ambitiously climbs toward a top position within the US government, only to have his plans explode into chaos. He reacts through computer technology with INterface, human-kind's ultimately evolved beast-state government of absolute control. Drug-induced flashbacks plunge him into that past time when there was yet hope--while life with Karen promised a future filled with great hope and expectation. When Jacob's life flies apart in one terrifying instant, events viciously sweep him toward a savage era beyond comprehension or endurance. He struggles mightily through his nightmarish world while powerful forces push and pull at him as he tries desperately to find Karen, the love of his life, who has been taken from him by the monstrous dictatorship. Yet other forces even more powerful influence his every thought, his every action, and propel him unerringly through the vortex of history toward some seemingly predetermined destination.A novel for those who want a fascinating look into the dawning millennium and beyond. A deeply intertwined mystery of international intrigue, clandestine geopolitical manipulations and murderous betrayals

  • - Prophecy and the New Millennium
    av Terry James

    What does the new millennium hold for planet earth? Your future has been foretold thousands of years in advance. There is, however, only one source to be relied on as one-hundred percent accurate in foretelling things to come. Piercing the Future examines that source and its many predictions while we move into and through this most exciting time in human history. Will there be war or peace? Will there be prosperity or depression? Can you know your future and the futures of those you love? Your future and your money. Your future and technology. Your future and religion. Your future living conditions. Your ultimate destiny foretold. Nineteen authorities in the field carefully examine prophecies: past, present and future, and how those will most likely impact your life. They help you pierce the future to gain a thought-provoking comprehension about what lies ahead for you and those you love in this dawning millennium and beyond.

  • av Terry James

  • av Terry James & Douglas Hirt

    The Millennial Kingdom is a wonderous time to be born into. The world is at peace and has become like the Garden of Eden; beautiful, exciting, and ruled by the Great King Himself who sits on His throne in the golden-street city of Glorania. In such a perfect place, who would expect thieves to prowl at night? It's those two fumblers again, Lester Mudd and Castor Grout. This time the troublemakers intend to steal a special gift entrusted to Adam Beam by the Great King. Luckily, Adam is startled awake during the burglary. Lester and Castor panic and escape through a carelessly drawn Dream Door, accidentally landing on Noah's Ark at the time of the Great Flood. It doesn't take Adam long to figure out where the thieves have gone. At once Adam, his sister Zonia, and their pet Siberian Tiger Toby are in hot pursuit to recover the stolen treasure, only to learn that the gift has fallen into the raging flood waters and is permanently lost. Well, maybe not permanently. Adam has an idea how to find the precious gift, but it will take some clever Dream Doodling, the help of Noah and his family, a navy of friendly sea creatures, and . . . a submarine Dream Doodled from the far future. Naturally, the evil Evols intend to do all within their power to stop Adam from completing his mission.

  • av Terry James & Douglas Hirt

    Ever wonder what living in a near-perfect world would be like? Bible prophecy promises just such a coming world! The Millennium will be One-thousand years of an Eden-like Planet Earth, ruled by Jesus Christ, the King of Kings!Adam Beam, a young boy, and his sister, Zonia, live in a future time, born in an era of a beautiful, Utopian world. The children live in Glorania, the capital city of New Eden, where the Great King rules an almost perfect planet. They face no dangers in this new world. Adam's pet, Toby, for example, is a Siberian tiger weighing 1,000 pounds!Adam, Zonia, and Toby go through a "Dream Door" into the past, as part of Adam's "Explore Time" adventure, the method by which children of New Eden Time learn history. They pass in and out of Dream Doors by means of the "Dream Doodler", a fantastic instrument that can draw a spectacularly beautiful picture in midair. The children can jump into the picture they draw, to take them wherever they want to go.Exciting, wonderful adventures await. Join them in their quest to find Adam's Apples! Help get out the message that, for Christians, the future is not gloom and doom, but is God-Guaranteed to be gloriously splendiferous!

  • av Terry James

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