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Bøker av Thomas Hauser

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  • av Thomas Hauser
    189 - 282

  • av Thomas Hauser

    Thomas Hauser has resurrected the spirited of boxing"-George Foreman, World Heavy Weight Champion"Hauser, always a skilled writer, outdoes himself here. He puts you in this fight. And as you continue to read, he makes you understand in a way that will jolt your psyche. He will challenge you not to put this book down. And you will lose.He will open your mind to look into what we call the "sweet science." But beyond that, he will tear away the tinsel of a title fight and cut into the scab of its brutality. He will expose it all here. It is raw, painful, beautiful and, above all, real.This is one hell of a book. " - Jerry Izenberg Legendary Sportswriter , Inductee International Boxing Hall of Fame. From the renowned author of Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times, Thomas Hauser''s most rivetingwork to date tells the tale of a young fighter who rises from hard origins to challenge for the mostcoveted prize in sports: the undisputed heavyweight championship of the world.Moving back and forth with increasing intensity between the bright lights and shadows ofprofessional boxing, Waiting for Carver Boyd is about hope, anger, loss, and belief in oneself. It''s alove story with a special twist.Hauser, an unparalleled chronicler of the contemporary boxing scene, strips the sport bare of itsglamour and glitz to give readers an inside look at how the sweet science really works.Reviews:"Hauser is the most respected boxing journalist working today and perhaps the best ever."- Booklist"Thomas Hauser is a great writer. He knows boxing and tells it like it is. I''ve been there. I know."- Larry Holmes"There is no one better equipped to write about boxing than Thomas Hauser." - Joe Frazier"A hundred years from now, if people want to learn about boxing in this era, they''ll read ThomasHauser." - Lennox LewisTHE GUARDIAN: Thomas Hauser is best known for Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times, whichwon the William Hill sports book of the year prize in 1991. But he was writing novels long beforethat, and his latest makes use of his deep knowledge of the boxing world. Hollywood executivesought to be weighing its big-screen potential.THE TIMES (OF LONDON): Bringing a spectator sport to life on the page is no mean feat. Hauserpulls it off in spare and direct prose that can be read in one breathless sitting.

  • - The Final Warning
    av Thomas Hauser & Dr Robert Gale

    Called to Moscow to help patients needing bone marrow transplants after the Chernobyl disaster, Dr. Gale gives an eye-opening account, telling the full story of his historic journey and offers a penetrating analysis of the nature of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, their development, and the role they will play in our future.

  • av Thomas Hauser

    Pulitzer prize nominee and William Hill award-winning writer Thomas Hauser's tribute to Ali, the greatest sporting icon the world has ever seen.Few global personalities have commanded an all-encompassing sporting and cultural audience like Muhammad Ali. Many have tried to interpret in words his impact and legacy. Now, Muhammad Ali: A Tribute to the Greatest allows us to more fully appreciate the truth and understand both the man and the ways in which he helped recalibrate how the world perceives its transcendent figures.In this companion volume to his seminal biography of Ali, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Hauser provides an updated retrospective of Ali's life. Relying on personal insights, interviews with close associates and other contemporaries of Ali, and memories gathered over the course of decades on the cutting edge of boxing journalism, Hauser explores Ali in detail inside and outside the ring.Muhammad Ali has attained mythical status. But in recent years, he has been subjected to an image makeover by corporate America as it seeks to homogenise the electrifying nature of his persona. Hauser argues that there has been a deliberate distortion of what Ali believed, said, and stood for, and that making Ali more presentable for advertising purposes by sanitising his legacy is a disservice to history and to Ali himself.Muhammad Ali: A Tribute to the Greatest strips away the revisionism to reveal the true Ali, and, through Hauser's assembled writing and hitherto unpublished essays, recounts the life journey of a man universally recognised as a unique and treasured world icon.

  • av Thomas Hauser

    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Gegenstand der Arbeit soll es sein, die vorgetragenen Argumente für und gegen die Zulässigkeit der Drittorganschaft einander gegenüberzustellen und kritisch zu würdigen. Mit einbezogen in die Arbeit soll auch die Frage werden, ob einem Kommanditisten die Geschäftsführungsbefugnis und die Vertretung übertragen werden kann. Streng genommen liegt in einem solchen Fall gar keine Drittorganschaft vor, da ja der Kommanditist Gesellschafter ist. Dieser ist jedoch nach h.M. ebenso wie der Nichtgesellschafter von der organschaftlichen Vertretung der Gesellschaft ausgeschlossen, so dass beide Fragenkomplexe zusammen betrachtet werden. Dabei soll auch die Frage beantwortet werden, wann die Grenze des. Verbots der Drittorganschaft überschritten ist, und ob die von der Rechtsprechung zugelassenen Fälle der Drittorganschft möglicherweise verallgemeinerungsfähig sind. Außerdem soll untersucht werden, ob und wie im Falle der Drittorganschaft dem Schutz des Rechtsverkehrs und dem Schutz der Gesellschafter Rechnung getragen werden kann, in welchen Grenzen sich demnach die Ausgestaltung der Rechtsstellung des Kommanditisten bzw. des Drittorgans nach den Befürwortern der Drittorganschaft halten muss. Abschließend soll die Drittorganschaft noch bei der BGB-Gesellschaft und der KGaA untersucht werden. Inhaltsverzeichnis:Inhaltsverzeichnis: Abkürzungsverzeichnisvi A.Einleitung1 I.Begriffsbestimmung1 II.Historischer Ausgangspunkt2 1.Beschluss des Handelsgerichts Köln2 2.Die heutige Ansicht in Rechtsprechung und Literatur3 III.Gegenstand der Arbeit3 B.Drittorganschaft bei den Personenhandelsgesellschaften OHG und KG4 I.Wirtschaftliches Bedürfnis nach Drittorganschaft4 1.Entwicklung der Unternehmenspraxis4 2.Fälle, in denen ein Bedürfnis nach Drittorganschaft bestehen kann5 a.Tod des einzigen Gesellschaftergeschäftsführers5 b.Gläubigerinteresse an einem maßgeblichen Einfluß5 c.Interesse von Kommanditisten an einem maßgeblichen Einfluß6 d.Vertretung in größeren Unternehmen6 e.Fazit7 II.Ersatzlösungen ohne Zulassung der Drittorganschaft7 1.Umwandlung der Personen- in eine Kapitalgesellschaft7 2.Gründung einer Doppelgesellschaft8 3.Gesellschafter ohne Kapitalanteil9 4.Begründung von Treuhandverhältnissen11 5.Nichtgesellschafter mit Generalvollmacht12 a.Umfang der Generalvollmacht12 b.Die Rechtsprechung des BGH12 aa.Keine Umgehung des Verbots der Drittorganschaft12 bb.Widerruflichkeit13 6.Berufung von [¿]

  • - And Other Essays
    av Thomas Hauser & Frank Macchiarola

  • - The True Account of a Police Murder of an Innocent Black Child
    av Thomas Hauser

  • - His Life and Times
    av Thomas Hauser

    One of the most recognisable, respected and inspirational men on earth, Muhammad Ali is the world's most famous boxing hero. Ali brought unprecedented speed and grace to the sport, and his charm and wit changed forever what the world expects of a champion athlete. This is the ultimate biography to match Ali's lifetime of extraordinary achievements.

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