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Bøker av Thomas Mercaldo

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  • - A Gift, and a Challenge to the Eagle Scout
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    Dare to Soar is the perfect gift for an Eagle Scout. This book commends the Eagle Scout on their accomplishment while challenging the new Eagle Scout to go on to be all they can be. To take the lessons learned along the Eagle Trail to another level, and to live a life of accomplishment.The book contains eight challenges to the Eagle Scout ("8 Eagle Scout Dares"), along with inspirational messages, facts, quotes and stories all targeted for the Eagle Scout. Dare to Soar invites Eagle Scouts to strive to be nothing less than great in every way.

  • - Over 110 Hilarious, Entertaining, and Confidence Building Skits Perfect for Youth Groups
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    The performance of a new skit can be the highlight of any group activity. Leaders can use this book to mentor girls through working in groups. Girls like to perform skits, and these skits can be a valuable tool in helping them gain self-confidence. Skits help youth learn to perform in front of a group. Unfortunately, it seems the same skits seem to be performed over and over again because these girls don't have exposure to ideas for new skits. Youth Skits for Girls is designed to introduce to these youth the formula for performing a huge variety of entertaining skits. Part of AweStar Eagle Learning Series.

  • - Graduate Edition: A Gift, and a Challenge to the Graduate
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    Dare to Soar Graduate edition challenges young people to pursue a life of excellence. Graduating is an important life milestone. For some, graduation is the end of a journey; for others it is the beginning of a journey toward a life filled with success and accomplishment. Dare to Soar challenges the graduate to reach new heights. They are asked to listen to a higher calling, one that includes developing charisma and intellect, showing courage and character, and giving to others. The graduate is challenged to fearlessly fly to new heights and to soar above the clouds.

  • - Over 600 Jokes and Riddles for Kids!
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    The biggest and best new joke book! Hysterically funny! Featuring over 600 clean jokes that have been kid-tested and mom-approved. Don't forget about the comical cartoons that accompany many of the jokes. The Big Ginormous Book of Clean Jokes and Riddles for Kids provides hours of family fun at a great value!

  • - 140 Pages Filled With Over 500 Jokes Related to Camping
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    Campfire Jokes and Riddles is a compilation of hilarious jokes and riddles related to camping and hiking. This book is great for individuals and groups looking for some great laughs while also enjoying comical pictures and cartoons. With over 140 pages filled with content, it is a sure-fire way to be entertained for hours.

  • - A Collection of More than 100 Favorite Campfire Skits
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    The Scout Skit book is a collection of more than 100 campfire skits featuring traditional favorites along with new skits. This book provides hours of humorous entertainment and comedic material through skits, plays, and even jokes. This book is perfect for any scouting event or even campfire and is a sure-fire way to add excitement into any activity.

  • - A Collection of Clean Jokes and Stories Related to Scouting, Camping, and Hiking
    av Thomas Mercaldo

    Scout Jokes is a large collection of jokes targeted toward scouts and various scouting topics such as camping, hiking, campfires, etc. With its large selection of in-depth jokes and one liners, Scout Jokes is the perfect book for any scout looking to have a good laugh.

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