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Bøker av Thomas Rucker

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  • av Thomas Rucker

    This book was inspired by a collection of poems that were personally written throughout my lifetime. In life we all at some point and time embark on our own personal journeys, that will lead us to discover who we are becoming. We all share a common connection through language in which we communicate our own life's meaning to each other. To interpret the mind is to become one with ones' spiritual physicality, which opens the mind into a higher dimension. My intentions are to unlock your Life Of Mind and to discover your own minds interpretation of how the world speaks to you.

  • av Thomas Rucker, Herfried M Schneider & John A Buzacott

    Ziel des Buches ist es, Studierenden die Grundlagen der operativen Produktionsplanung und -steuerung zu vermitteln und darauf aufbauend zu zeigen, wie aus der Modellierung der Materialflüsse mittels konventioneller Konzepte schrittweise die Modellierung des PAC-Konzeptes entwickelt werden kann. Dazu ist ein gewisser formal-analytischer Apparat erforderlich, der an den jeweiligen Stellen des Buches eingeführt wird. Mathematisch exakte Modelle sind jedoch nur für relativ einfache Produktionssysteme darstellbar. Komplexere Systeme dagegen werden üblicherweise mittels rechnergestützter Simulationsmodelle abgebildet.

  • av Thomas Rucker

    This book was inspired by a collection of poems that were personally written throughout my lifetime. In life we all at some point and time embark on our own personal journeys, that will lead us to discover who we are becoming. We all share a common connection through language in which we communicate our own life's meaning to each other. To interpret the mind is to become one with ones' spiritual physicality, which opens the mind into a higher dimension. My intentions are to unlock your Life Of Mind and to discover your own minds interpretation of how the world speaks to you.

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