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Bøker av Tom Seals

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  • - What the Old Testament, New Testament, and Early Church Fathers Say about Christian Involvement in War
    av Tom Seals

    What if you found yourself deployed to a foreign land, stripped of familiar symbols and traditions? What if you faced continual danger, poverty, and hopelessness, feeling abandoned even by God himself? This is the reality for many veterans today, grappling with the aftermath of their service and struggling to find their place in a society that often fails to understand their sacrifices.In The Christian and War by Dr. Tom Seals, prepare to confront the age-old conundrum that has haunted warriors and theologians alike for centuries. What does it truly mean to be a Christian in times of conflict and war?In a world where over 16 million veterans reside in the United States, comprising a significant portion of the population, questions about faith, duty, and morality take on a profound urgency. Dr. Seals takes you on an abbreviated journey through ancient Biblical texts and the wisdom of Church Fathers, challenging conventional beliefs and probing the depths of conscience.The Christian and War is not just an intellectual exercise. It's a call to action, a challenge to reevaluate our understanding of shared sacrifice and collective responsibility. And what does the future hold for those who dare to seek the truth? Find out in the gripping conclusion of The Christian and War, where every turn of the page brings you closer to the edge of enlightenment... or the abyss.

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