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Bøker av Tracilyn George

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  • - Breaking the Silence of Bullying
    av Tracilyn George

    Dive into "Right on Target: Breaking the Silence of Bullying," where Tracilyn George fearlessly tackles the bullying problem we've all faced or witnessed. No fancy jargon here - just real stories, relatable experiences, and down-to-earth insights that hit you right in the feels. Tracilyn George doesn't just talk the talk; they walk you through the nitty-gritty of bullying, peeling back its layers and exposing the impact it has on regular folks like you and me. From heartbreaking stories to what makes bullies tick, "Right on Target" digs deep, aiming to uncover the stuff we often hush up. But what makes this book a game-changer? It's not about high-flying theories; it's about rolling up your sleeves and making a difference. Tracilyn George doesn't just point fingers; they hand you practical tools and tips to tackle bullying head-on. With some real talk, insightful advice, and a kick in the pants, this book calls on us to be the change - to stand up, speak out, and make a world where kindness beats the heck out of cruelty. "Right on Target: Breaking the Silence of Bullying" isn't your average book; it's a spark for change, a call to arms against the quiet that lets bullying thrive. In a world thirsty for answers, this is your guide - urging us all to target the heart of the problem and team up to build a future where bullying gets the boot.

  • - Ending the Stigma of Mental Health
    av Tracilyn George

    In a world that often celebrates the strength of our bodies, "You Are Not Alone" reminds us of the equal importance of our minds and hearts. This powerful self-help and inspirational book is a guiding light for anyone who has ever felt the weight of mental health struggles and the isolation that often accompanies them. Author Tracilyn George shares a deeply personal and courageous journey through the uncharted territory of mental health, dismantling the walls of stigma one heartfelt revelation at a time. With empathy and wisdom, this book takes you by the hand and reassures you that you are not alone in your struggles. "You Are Not Alone" is more than just a book; it's a lifeline for those who have felt isolated in their suffering, a source of strength for those seeking guidance, and a testament to the human spirit's incredible capacity for resilience. This book is an opportunity to join a global movement committed to ending the silence around mental health issues and forging a path toward understanding, compassion, and healing. "You Are Not Alone" empowers you to navigate the complex landscape of mental health with grace and courage. This is a book that will remind you that no matter how you feel, you are not alone, and a brighter, more hopeful future is within your reach.

  • av Tracilyn George

    These are poems written while the author was in high school. They cover a variety of subjects from crushes to losses. There are goofy poems, love poems, anger poems. Don't take them very seriously as they are meant to be read in fun.

  • av Tracilyn George

    In life, we are faced with a variety of situations from sad to silly. Some of us deal with these events in different ways. No one should tell you how to feel or how you should act. These poems explore varying situations we may encounter in our lives.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Poetry has a way of touching people's souls. It can bring about a range of emotion people rarely face. Poems can reach one's heart and free it to fully heal. Read these lines to enlighten your mind.

  • av Tracilyn George

    These are poems written while the author was in high school. They cover a variety of subjects from crushes to losses. There are goofy poems, love poems, anger poems. Don't take them very seriously as they are meant to be read in fun.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Poems of darkness and despair. It is the hope of the author that readers understand they are not alone in their sadness. She believes you can pull through for she has done it herself. Keep positive!

  • av Tracilyn George

    Priyanka wanted to learn about the city her family came from before they moved to Canada. She decided to do some research on Calcutta and was amazed at what she found!

  • av Tracilyn George

    Dharma's favorite Hindu festival of Diwali because of everything it represented!

  • av Tracilyn George

    Zenia was assigned to learn about the country of Kenya for her geography project. She learned about its culture, its people, and its animals plus so much more!

  • av Tracilyn George

    Awjin was a very smart little girl and was fascinated by the universe. She knew many facts about the universe. She shared her knowledge with anyone who would listen!

  • av Tracilyn George

    Bill oli paras ystävä, jota tyttö voi koskaan pyytää. Hän varmisti, että minulla oli aina hauskaa, ja kirjautui sisään estääkseen minua eristämästä itseäni kokonaan maailmasta. Hän oli ystävällinen, välittävä ja huomaavainen koko ajan, vaikka varmisti, että hän valitsisi aktiviteetteja, joista hän luuli meidän molempien nauttivan. Seuraavat tarinat ovat tarinoita yhteisistä seikkailuistamme, hyviä ja ei niin hyviä.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Portia decided to learn about Andorra because she didn't know much about the tiny European country. She loved what she found out and wanted to someday visit.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Bill byl najlepszym przyjacielem, jakiego dziewczyna mogla kiedykolwiek poprosic. Upewnil się, że zawsze dobrze się bawię i zameldowal się, aby nie izolowac się calkowicie od świata. Byl mily, troskliwy i troskliwy przez caly czas, nawet upewniając się, że wybierze zajęcia, które wedlug niego będą nam się podobaly. Poniższe historie są opowieściami o naszych wspólnych przygodach, dobrych i nie tak dobrych.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Adora loved waterfalls. She thought they were the most beautiful nature feature on earth. She decided to research some famous waterfalls from around the world.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Har du eller en du er glad i en psykisk lidelse? Har du noen gang lurt på hva du kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Denne boken er svaret ditt! For å forstå depresjon fullt ut, må du lytte oppmerksomt og oppmerksomt til de av oss som er rammet.Det er viktig for alle med psykiske lidelser å bli behandlet med vennlighet, respekt og verdighet, ikke med stigma, skjevhet og hån, for vi kjemper en kamp utover ens visjon og forståelse. Bare fordi vi ikke ser syke ut, betyr det ikke at vi ikke er det. Hensikten med denne boken er å se på psykiske lidelser fra innsiden og ut fra en overlevendes ståsted.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Heeft u of een dierbare een psychische aandoening? Heeft u zich ooit afgevraagd wat u kunt doen om te helpen? Dit boek is jouw antwoord! Om depressie volledig te begrijpen, moet u aandachtig en aandachtig luisteren naar degenen onder ons die er last van hebben.Het is belangrijk dat iedereen met een psychische aandoening met vriendelijkheid, respect en waardigheid wordt behandeld, en niet met stigmatisering, vooroordelen en minachting, want we voeren een strijd die iemands visie en begrip te boven gaat. Dat we er niet ziek uitzien, betekent niet dat we dat niet zijn. Het doel van dit boek is om psychische aandoeningen van binnenuit te bekijken, vanuit het perspectief van één overlevende.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Onko sinulla tai läheiselläsi mielisairaus? Oletko koskaan miettinyt, mitä voit tehdä auttaaksesi? Tämä kirja on vastauksesi! Ymmärtääksesi täysin masennuksen, sinun on kuunneltava tarkasti ja tarkkaavaisesti meitä kärsiviä.On tärkeää, että kaikkia mielenterveysongelmista kärsiviä kohdellaan ystävällisesti, kunnioittavasti ja arvokkaasti, ei leimaamalla, puolueellisella ja halveksuvalla tavalla, sillä käymme taistelua, joka ylittää hänen näkemyksensä ja ymmärryksemme. Se, että emme näytä sairailta, ei tarkoita, ettemmekö olisi. Tämän kirjan tarkoituksena on tarkastella mielisairautta sisältä ulospäin yhden selviytyneen näkökulmasta.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Você ou um ente querido tem uma doença mental? Você já se perguntou o que pode fazer para ajudar? Este livro é a sua resposta! Para compreender completamente a depressão, você deve ouvir atentamente e com atenção aqueles de nós que sofrem.É importante que qualquer pessoa com doença mental seja tratada com bondade, respeito e dignidade, e não com estigma, preconceito e desprezo, pois estamos a travar uma batalha que vai além da visão e compreensão de cada um. Só porque não parecemos doentes, não significa que não estejamos. O objetivo deste livro é examinar a doença mental de dentro para fora, do ponto de vista de um sobrevivente.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Ert þú eða ástvinur með geðsjúkdóm? Hefur þú einhvern tíma velt því fyrir þér hvað þú getur gert til að hjálpa? Þessi bók er svarið þitt! Til að skilja þunglyndi til fulls verður þú að hlusta af athygli og athygli á okkur sem þjást.Það er mikilvægt fyrir alla sem eru með geðsjúkdóma að vera meðhöndlaðir af góðvild, virðingu og reisn, ekki með fordómum, hlutdrægni og fyrirlitningu, því við erum að berjast umfram sýn og skilning. Bara vegna þess að við lítum ekki út fyrir að vera veik þýðir það ekki að við séum það ekki. Tilgangur þessarar bókar er að skoða geðsjúkdóma innan frá og út frá sjónarhóli eins eftirlifenda.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Kas teil või teie lähedasel on vaimuhaigus? Kas olete kunagi mõelnud, mida saate aidata? See raamat on teie vastus! Depressiooni täielikuks mõistmiseks peate tähelepanelikult ja tähelepanelikult kuulama neid, keda me kannatame.On oluline, et kõiki vaimuhaigusi põdevaid inimesi koheldaks lahkuse, austuse ja väärikusega, mitte häbimärgistamise, erapoolikuse ja põlgusega, sest me peame võitlust, mis on väljaspool inimese nägemust ja mõistmist. See, et me ei näe haiged välja, ei tähenda, et me ei ole. Selle raamatu eesmärk on vaadelda vaimuhaigust seestpoolt ühe ellujääja vaatenurgast.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Vous ou un de vos proches souffrez d'une maladie mentale ? Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que vous pouviez faire pour aider ? Ce livre est votre réponse ! Pour bien comprendre la dépression, vous devez écouter attentivement ceux d'entre nous qui en souffrent.Il est important que toute personne atteinte de maladie mentale soit traitée avec gentillesse, respect et dignité, et non avec stigmatisation, préjugés et mépris, car nous menons une bataille qui dépasse la vision et la compréhension de chacun. Ce n'est pas parce que nous n'avons pas l'air malade que nous ne le sommes pas. Le but de ce livre est d'examiner la maladie mentale de l'intérieur, du point de vue d'un survivant.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Tu o una persona cara avete una malattia mentale? Ti sei mai chiesto cosa puoi fare per aiutare? Questo libro è la tua risposta! Per comprendere appieno la depressione, devi ascoltare intensamente e attentamente quelli di noi che ne sono afflitti.È importante che chiunque soffra di una malattia mentale sia trattato con gentilezza, rispetto e dignità, non con stigmatizzazione, pregiudizi e disprezzo, perché stiamo combattendo una battaglia che va oltre la nostra visione e comprensione. Solo perché non sembriamo malati, non significa che non lo siamo. Lo scopo di questo libro è guardare la malattia mentale dall'interno verso l'esterno, dal punto di vista di un sopravvissuto.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Leiden Sie oder ein geliebter Mensch an einer psychischen Erkrankung? Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, was Sie tun können, um zu helfen? Dieses Buch ist Ihre Antwort! Um Depressionen vollständig zu verstehen, müssen Sie den Betroffenen aufmerksam und aufmerksam zuhören.Es ist wichtig, dass jeder mit einer psychischen Erkrankung mit Freundlichkeit, Respekt und Würde behandelt wird, nicht mit Stigmatisierung, Voreingenommenheit und Verachtung, denn wir führen einen Kampf, der jenseits der Vorstellungskraft und des Verständnisses liegt. Nur weil wir nicht krank aussehen, heißt das nicht, dass wir es nicht sind. Der Zweck dieses Buches besteht darin, psychische Erkrankungen von innen heraus aus der Sicht eines Überlebenden zu betrachten.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Vostè o un ésser estimat té una malaltia mental? Alguna vegada t'has preguntat què pots fer per ajudar? Aquest llibre és la teva resposta! Per entendre completament la depressió, cal escoltar amb atenció i atenció als que estem afectats.És important que qualsevol persona amb malaltia mental sigui tractada amb amabilitat, respecte i dignitat, no amb estigma, prejudicis i menyspreu, perquè estem lluitant en una batalla més enllà de la visió i la comprensió d'un mateix. El fet que no semblim malalts no vol dir que no estiguem. L'objectiu d'aquest llibre és mirar la malaltia mental des de dins cap a fora des del punt de vista d'un supervivent.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Het jy of 'n geliefde 'n geestesongesteldheid? Het jy al ooit gewonder wat jy kan doen om te help? Hierdie boek is jou antwoord! Om depressie ten volle te verstaan, moet jy aandagtig en aandagtig luister na dié van ons wat geteister word.Dit is belangrik vir enigiemand met geestesongesteldheid om met vriendelikheid, respek en waardigheid behandel te word, nie met stigma, vooroordeel en veragting nie, want ons veg 'n stryd bo 'n mens se visie en begrip. Net omdat ons nie siek lyk nie, beteken dit nie ons is nie. Die doel van hierdie boek is om geestesongesteldheid van binne na buite te kyk vanuit een oorlewende se oogpunt.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Love is in the Era is a collection of short stories, telling tales of love over the course of the Twentieth Century. The stories show that love can withstand adversity and setbacks. Feel the Love in the Era.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Zuk edo pertsona maite batek gaixotasun mental bat daukazu? Inoiz galdetu al zaizu zer egin dezakezun laguntzeko? Liburu hau zure erantzuna da! Depresioa guztiz ulertzeko, arretaz eta arretaz entzun behar dituzu kaltetuta gaudenoi.Garrantzitsua da buruko gaixotasuna duen edonork adeitasunez, errespetuz eta duintasunez tratatzea, ez estigma, alborapen eta mespretxuz, norberaren ikusmenetik eta ulermenetik haratago borrokan ari baikara. Gaixorik ez dugulako, horrek ez du esan nahi ez gaudenik. Liburu honen helburua buruko gaixotasunak barrutik begiratzea da bizirik bizirik dagoen baten ikuspuntutik.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Bill neska batek eska zezakeen lagunik onena zen. Beti denbora luzea igaroko zuela ziurtatu zuen, eta mundutik erabat isolatu ez ninden gertatu zen. Atsegina, adeitsua eta une oro aintzat hartua izan zen, baita biok gozatuko genuela pentsatu zuen jarduerak aukeratzen zituela ziurtatuz ere. Hurrengo istorioak gure abenturen ipuinak dira elkarrekin, onak eta ez hain onak.

  • av Tracilyn George

    Gage learned about Egypt and the pyramids in his ancient history class and wanted to see them. As a reward, his parents surprised him with a trip to Cairo.

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