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Bøker av Valerie K Kinsman

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  • av Valerie K Kinsman

    The apostle Paul wrote about spiritual gifts being given to us by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Valerie K. Kinsman examines the role of the Holy Spirit within this spiritual gift-giving experience. Holy Spirit the Giver, the Gifts and the Gifted focuses on the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, who the Holy Spirit is, and why the Holy Spirit plays an essential role in Christians' lives. Valerie K. Kinsman utilizes the Word of God, revealing how these biblical passages illuminate the truth about how the Holy Spirit works and moves through the lives of those who believe in Him. Alongside the importance of the Holy Spirit, this book also explores how to grow spiritually and what to avoid when growing in your relationship with the Lord. Valerie guides readers on how to avoid temptations and better understand the life experiences of doubt, unbelief, hope, and faith. The power of faith can lead to miraculous healing, supernatural strength, and the ability to find the right path of walking with the Spirit. Valerie K. Kinsman has been searching for answers about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts for over thirty years and was inspired to find these answers after reading 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. She is an active and devoted servant of God, working in various roles in ministries from children's teacher to adult teaching pastor. She is the author of the first book in her series on spiritual gifts, called, Jesus the Giver, the Gifts and The Gifted; and is currently developing the third book on spiritual gifts about God the Giver. In addition, she has written the book, Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Valerie K. Kinsman and her husband, Doug, are ministry partners and live on a working farm in Ohio, enjoying time with their four children, their spouses, and grandchildren.

  • - Spiritual Gifts That Prepare You For Eternity
    av Valerie K Kinsman

    Have you ever wondered about your spiritual destiny and purpose in this life? Jesus the Giver, the Gifts and the Gifted: Spiritual Gifts That Prepare You for Eternity discusses the answers to these questions with examples in the Word of God. The Bible urges us to understand spiritual gifts and not be ignorant of them. This book is a scriptural study about the spiritual equipping gifts that Jesus bestowed upon humanity. Paul reveals these spiritual gifts are people anointed to be apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers in his letter to the Ephesian church. These equipping gifts are called to prepare and equip the Body of Christ to enter eternity with God. Join Valerie on this journey to unlock the knowledge of the spiritual gifts freely given to us by Jesus Christ. Discover that Jesus has given His anointing, power, authority, wisdom, and love to the spiritual equipping gifts so that they would fulfill His commission to prepare you for eternity with Him. What are you waiting for? This book is one part of a three-part series on spiritual gifts. Valerie began ministry as a children's pastor serving the least of these for 18 years. She and her husband, Doug, served as church elders for 22 years. She served as a school of ministry director for six years and assisted God's ministers as an administrative pastor for eight years. She considers God's Word as the most important voice in the Earth. Her first book is titled Mysteries of the Kingdom of God: Understanding Your Place in Eternity. Valerie lives on a small, sustainable, biodiverse farm with her family. She enjoys interior design, landscape design, and creating beauty in her personal spaces.

  • - Understanding Your Place in Eternity
    av Valerie K Kinsman

    Have you ever wondered if there's something more to life than the everyday rat race? Do we have a deeper purpose than the monotony of just trying to get through each day? The kingdom of God holds the answers to these questions, along with many more. Mysteries of the Kingdom of God: Understanding Your Place in Eternity discusses the answers to these questions as they are revealed in the Word of God. The Bible says that the Lord desires for us to understand the mysteries of His kingdom, and that the love of God renews our hope for the future, restoring the glory and beauty of each person who chooses to enter the kingdom. God sent His Son to complete a finished work that provides to each of us God's divine nature, fullness, and glory manifested upon our lives; spiritual gifts from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; and eternal life and entrance into God's everlasting kingdom. Find out what you are missing! Join Valerie on this journey to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Discover that God has held nothing back from His children and has freely given us all things through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Find out how to receive these things by faith and walk in your spiritual purpose. What are you waiting for? Valerie K. Kinsman has served God in many different roles in her lifetime, including as a school of ministry director for six years, an administrative pastor for eight years, and a children's pastor for eighteen years. She and her husband Doug served as church elders, loving on God's people for twenty-two years. Valerie and Doug live on a small, sustainable, biodiverse farm, providing organic foods and pasture-raised meats to their community. They are the parents of four grown children and several grandchildren, which are their delight and joy. In her spare time, Valerie enjoys interior design and gardening, creating beauty in her personal spaces. And she greatly enjoys cooking the amazing food they raise, as long as someone else does the dishes!

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