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Bøker av V.Elving Anderson

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  • - A Christian Ethic for Biology
    av V.Elving Anderson & Bruce R. Reichenbach

    "A comprehensive and useful discussion of Christian ethics applied to avariety of difficult and timely issues is no simple task, but Reichenbachand Anderson have risen to it. They have provided a book that is a great starting place for further consideration of topics such as the environment,assisted reproduction, abortion, surrogacy, the human genome, the pursuitof knowledge, the brain-mind issue, and human sexuality. Their treatmentof these issues is integrated by the adoption of a biblically based paradigmfrom Genesis: 'filling,' 'ruling over,' and 'caring for.' This is a bookpacked with information, suggestions, and challenges."-Richard Bube, Stanford University "An important book for the Christian community. The authors have rescuedcreation from the polemical battlefield it has become for too many Christiansand have applied God's creation ordinances to some of the pressing practicalissues of our time. Their approach is wide-ranging and novel, getting usaway from the tired debates about conservatives and liberals. On Behalf of God may provide the fresh look at ethics that is badly missing in entrenchedChristian circles. I believe we may look back ten years from now and see this book as a watershed for Christian witness in the real world."-R.J. Berry, University College London

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