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Bøker av Victor Alves

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  • av Victor Alves

    Questo libro si basa su una ricerca sul fenomeno della Ginnastica Moderna Femminile e su come questa disciplina esclusivamente femminile sia servita a emancipare le donne nel mondo della ginnastica. Ben presto divenne popolare, al servizio delle donne che cercavano un'attività adatta ai loro interessi, eseguita con movimenti armoniosi che esaltavano la grazia della donna moderna.

  • av Victor Alves

    Dieses Buch basiert auf der Erforschung des Phänomens des modernen Frauenturnens und der Art und Weise, wie diese ausschließlich weibliche Disziplin dazu beigetragen hat, die Frauen in der Welt des Turnens zu emanzipieren. Sie wurde schnell populär und diente Frauen, die eine Aktivität suchten, die ihren Interessen entsprach, mit harmonischen Bewegungen, die die Anmut der modernen Frau betonten.

  • av Victor Alves

    This book is based on research into the phenomenon of Modern Women's Gymnastics, and how this exclusively feminine discipline has served to emancipate women in the world of gymnastics. It soon became popular, serving women who were looking for an activity that suited their interests, performed with harmonious movements that exalted the gracefulness of the modern woman.

  • av Victor Alves

    Ce livre est basé sur une recherche sur le phénomène de la gymnastique féminine moderne et sur la façon dont cette discipline exclusivement féminine a servi à l'émancipation des femmes dans le monde de la gymnastique. Elle est rapidement devenue populaire, au service des femmes qui cherchaient une activité adaptée à leurs intérêts, exécutée avec des mouvements harmonieux qui exaltaient la grâce de la femme moderne.

  • av Rashid Mehmood, Tiago Pinto, Roussanka Loukanova, m.fl.
    2 256,-

    The present book brings together experience, current work, and promising future trends associated with distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and their application in order to provide efficient solutions to real problems. DCAI 2023 is a forum to present applications of innovative techniques for studying and solving complex problems in artificial intelligence and computing areas. This year¿s technical program presents both high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research. Specifically, 108 papers were submitted, by authors from 31 different countries representing a truly ¿wide area network¿ of research activity. The DCAI¿23 technical program has selected 50 full papers in the Special Sessions (ASET, AIMPM, AI4CS, CLIRAI, TECTONIC, PSO-ML, SmartFoF, IoTalentum) and, as in past editions, it will be special issues in ranked journals. This symposium is organized by the LASI and Centro Algoritmi of the University of Minho (Portugal). The authors like to thank all the contributing authors, the members of the Program Committee, National Associations (AEPIA, APPIA), and the sponsors (AIR Institute).

  • av Victor Alves

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