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Bøker av Virginia Henderson

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  • - en definisjon og dens konsekvenser for praksis, forskning og utdanning : refleksjoner etter 25 år
    av Virginia Henderson

    Leveringstid 2-3 uker (Print-on-Demand).Sykepleiens natur (The Nature of Nursing, 1966) blir omtalt som Virginia Hendersons testament til sykepleiestanden. Hun forteller hvordan sykepleie bør utføres i praksis, formidles til nye sykepleiere i undervisningen og forbedres ved kunnskap oppnådd gjennom forskning. Her finner leseren også de 14 punktene Henderson mener sykepleierene spesifikt har ansvar for å hjelpe pasienten med, og som kvaliteten på sykepleien skal kunne evalueres ut fra. I 1991 kom boka ut i revidert utgave, som på norsk er oversatt av Sidsel Mellbye. Hvert kapittel er supplert med utdypende kommentarer og forklaringer. Med tillatelse fra Dame June Clark, professor i sykepleie fra Wales universitet og ICN, er hennes foredrag på ICNs verdenskongress i 1997 oversatt og tatt med i boka.]]>

  • av Virginia Henderson

    The Love of Books The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of books. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) Words from the Author Virginia Henderson I pray for you to find your quiet peaceful nook when you read the words written in this book, words of faith and inspiration, to touch and bless you in every way. Why is it at certain times in life we feel that we need to be guided? I feel that we don't need to be guided as much as we need a guide. Psalm 32:8: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with my eye." Now that is a great promise!

  • av Virginia Henderson

    Every character has a story...this is Mark's. Growing up with a father in law enforcement, Mark Walter knew without a doubt that he wanted to be a policeman when he grew up. Nothing could dampen that dream, even after his father's unexpected murder. Mark comes to find that the life of a rookie isn't easy. Aside from the harmless pranks, and learning lessons the hard way, Mark's field train officer proves to be stern and unwelcoming; showing no mercy when it comes to dealing with the new guy. Everything changes when Mark unintentionally stumbles upon a dangerous case. His life takes a dramatic twist when he is asked to go undercover and solve a case that has left the most experienced of agents, baffled. .A climatic masquerade ball, desperate art thieves who will stop at nothing, and a young undercover rookie. Masquerade is full of mystery and drama. Find out who the pawns and queens are when identities are revealed on All Hallows Eve. The Log Off Trilogy: #1-Log Off#2- Masquerade#3- Relentless

  • av Virginia Henderson

  • av Virginia Henderson

  • av Virginia Henderson

  • av Virginia Henderson

  • av Virginia Henderson

  • av Virginia Henderson & Mary Henderson

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