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Bøker av Virginia Kelly

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  • - A Gabi Espinosa Mystery
    av Virginia Kelly

    Turner's Crossroads, where nothing happens... Until it does. Reeling from her husband's murder, librarian Gabriela Espinosa took her young daughter and sought refuge in the perceived safety of her tiny hometown in the Florida Panhandle. Six years later, the murder of her best friend shatters her sense of security and threatens the walls Gabi built to protect herself from grief. Suspicion falls on an old friend of her late father's. Though the man is troubled, Gabi believes he's incapable of violence. In his defense, she begins asking questions which put her at odds with the local sheriff's department and a mysterious new deputy. As she uncovers a tangle of complicated relationships, there's a second murder. With fear resonating through the town's sleepy façade, Gabi confronts a dark past that lays bare Turner's Crossroads' secrets, putting her, and her daughter, in danger.

  • - Part Two: A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
    av Virginia Kelly

    Bertram Drake, international man of mystery, leads a double life. By day he is the council's most valuable pawn, but by night he is a traitor, aiding and abetting the dangerous leader of the organization looking to undermine dragon society-a man who goes by the name of Raven, and who is none other than the father of Bertram's children and his beloved mate. Kept from his family by his dangerous wild magic, Sorin is a man on a mission. As Raven-the leader of the Vanguard-his life's purpose is to save and rehabilitate the omegas being mistreated by their cloisters, but when an unexpected discovery puts all Pedigree omegas in mortal peril, his goals shift. He must do whatever it takes to ensure no omega ends up suffering like him. Even if it means playing the part of the villain and severing ties with his mate. Raven: Part Two is the 92,000 word conclusion to the Forbidden Desires series. It contains eye-opening revelations, new outfits for little lizards, extremely scientific field studies, and a love that manages to conquer all. For maximum enjoyment, Raven: Part Two is best read following the events of Clutch, Bond, Mate, Swallow, Magpie, Finch, Peregrine, and Raven: Part One. Please use the Look Inside or Download Free Sample feature to read the Content Warning for possible triggers.

  • - Part One: A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
    av Virginia Kelly

    Bertram Drake, the most mysterious Drake brother, leads a life shrouded in secrecy. Taken from his brothers at a young age and shaped into a weapon to be used by the dragon council, he has one sole purpose: obey the orders given to him, no matter what they might be. Once a perfect jewel of the Pedigree, Sorin's sparkle has been dulled. Taken from his cloister and sold regularly to the highest bidder, he has learned two vital truths. The first: that dragons are monsters who will stop at nothing to get what they want. And the second, most terrible truth of all: that egg madness is a lie-omegas are not saved from a lifetime of pain even when they are separated from their eggs. When Sorin's newest buyer mysteriously dies, Sorin sees it as his chance to escape from the hellish life he's been forced to lead. The only obstacle? A handsome agent of the council who has been tasked with ending his life. ... and who has custody of his eggs. Raven: Part One is a 100,000 word omegaverse mpreg-ish romance set prior to the events of the Forbidden Desires series. It contains action, adventure, heartbreak, laughter, and more than its fair share of steam. For maximum enjoyment, Raven: Part One is best read following the events of Clutch, Bond, Mate, Swallow, Magpie, Finch, and Peregrine. Please use the Look Inside or Download Free Sample feature to read the Content Warning for possible triggers.

  • av Virginia Kelly

    Hitzkopf und Schande Matthieu Boudreaux hat einen Wunsch: für das Zuchtprogramm, dass er verabscheut, zu alt zu werden und es dann zu zerstören. Mit nur noch einem Jahr vor sich, bevor er den ersten Schritt seines Ziels erreicht, hat Matthieu endlich ein wenig Hoffnung auf eine unabhängige Zukunft ... bis ein missmutiger Amethyst-Drache mit dem Namen Geoffrey Drake und seine Entourage in Matthieus Kloster auftauchen und ihn darüber informieren, dass er für ein 'Experiment' ausgewählt wurde. Geoffrey Drake, ein hochmütiger und spießiger Rechtsberater des Amethyst-Clans, wurde damit beauftragt, sein eigenes Leben zu ruinieren. Seine Mission? Einen potenziellen Gefährten zum Sohn des am meisten verabscheuten Feindes des Amethyst-Clans auszuliefern - und an den Mann, den er insgeheim schon seit einhundert Jahren liebt - an den Topas-Drachen Ian Brand. Verweigerung ist unmöglich. Drachen haben keine Beziehungen mit Drachen, und sollte Geoffrey ablehnen, riskiert er, sie beide bloßzustellen. Ian Brand ist das charmante schwarze Schaf des Topas-Clans und zwischen seiner verbotenen Liebe für einen Amethyst-Drachen, der Jahrhunderte älter ist als er, und seiner Pflicht seiner Familie gegenüber gefangen. Als er von seinem verwirrten Vater ausgewählt wird, der Topas-Kandidat für ein Gefährten-Experiment zu sein, steht Ian vor einer furchtbaren Entscheidung: mit dem Mann, den er liebt, wegzulaufen und die tödlichen Konsequenzen zu riskieren oder sein Schicksal mit einem gebrochenen Herzen zu akzeptieren. Aber wie Matthieu, Geoffrey und Ian schon bald herausfinden werden, funktioniert Drachen-Magie auf mysteriöse Weisen. Als unvorhersehbare Umstände sie alle zusammenbringen und ihre jeweilige Zukunft auf dem Spiel steht, haben sie keine andere Wahl, als ihre Differenzen beiseite zu legen und zusammen zu arbeiten, um eine neue, erstaunliche Wahrheit aufzudecken ... Was die Drachenwelt über Gefährten weiß, war die ganze Zeit falsch, und es wird an diesen dreien liegen, es zu beweisen. Der Gefährte des Drachen ist eine heiße Omegaverse Mpreg-artige 108.000-Wort Romanze, die euch zum Lachen bringen wird. Sie enthält ein Experiment, das schiefgeht, fünf exzentrische Pfauen, eine ungewöhnlich große Anzahl von Drachenjungen, einen uralten Wikinger-Drachen-Daddy und die Wissenschaft! Damit man den Band Der Gefährte des Dragon voll und ganz genießen kann, sollte man ihn am besten nach den Ereignissen in Das Gelege des Drachen und Der Bund des Drachen lesen.

  • - A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
    av Virginia Kelly

    Grimbold Drake, influential patriarch of the Drake family, revels in his solitary life of order-a life which is thrown into chaos when his son pays him an unexpected visit, bringing with him a broken but gorgeous young man more than a millennium Grimbold's junior. A man Grimbold instantly finds himself yearning to fix, to protect, and to claim. Meek, subservient, and eager to please, Wally Brand doesn't doubt the tales he's been told of the cruel and deceitful Amethyst clan, so when he's forcibly taken from his home and entrusted to Grimbold Drake-the most powerful Amethyst dragon of all-he knows he won't be long for this world. Only there's a gleam in Grimbold's eyes when he looks Wally's way and a tenderness to his touch that Wally can't understand. All he knows is one thing: whether Grimbold means him harm or not, if he can be good to his dragon captor, maybe, just maybe, he'll get out of this mess alive.Swallow is a 30,000 word steamy omegaverse mpreg-ish romance set following the events of the Forbidden Desires series. It contains a broken young man who badly needs love, a curmudgeonly dragon with a heart of gold, new nicknames, familiar faces, and the sweetest dog known to dragonkind. For maximum enjoyment, Swallow is best read as a companion piece to the Forbidden Desires series.

  • av Virginia Kelly

    Belesen, schlagfertig und extrem unabhängig - Nate Boudreaux führt das Leben eines Einzelgängers. Neben seinen Klassen, die er an der Universität unterrichtet, und dem Bestreben nach seinem Doktortitel, benötigt er keinen Partner, der seine Zeit beansprucht. Und am allerwenigsten braucht er einen Mann wie Alistair Drake, um seine Zukunft zu verkomplizieren. Alistair Drake, schwarzes Schaf der ungemein wohlhabenden Drake-Familie, ist mehr daran interessiert, seinem Bettpfosten eine weitere Kerbe hinzuzufügen, als eine weitere Null auf seinem Bankkonto zu sehen. Als ihn eine Benachrichtigung von Grindr vor Nates Türschwelle bringt, und dann direkt in dessen Bett, hat er keinen Grund, zu glauben, dass das, was sie teilen, mehr als nur ein einfaches Treffen für Sex sein wird. Bis ihn drei Monate später ein Ziehen in seiner Seele darauf aufmerksam macht, dass dem nicht so ist. Denn die Drake-Familie besitzt ein Geheimnis - eines, das Nate und Alistair zwingend zusammenbringen wird und gleichzeitig von ihnen verlangt, dass sie sich trennen. Eines, das Alistair und seine Brüder ihr ganzes Leben lang in sich getragen haben ... und eines, das Alistairs und Nates Nachwuchs ebenfalls tragen werden. Durch drei kostbare Unmöglichkeiten aneinander gebunden haben Nate und Alistair keine andere Wahl - egal, was die Konsequenzen sein werden: Sie müssen um ihr verbotenes Gelege kämpfen.

  • av Virginia Kelly

    Adorably naive and shockingly brilliant Harrison Lessardi only needs two things in life: his pet iguana, Steve, and his undying love of science. That is until he witnesses his best friend lay eggs, and a third must-have strolls into his apartment-the sardonic and mischievous Everard Drake.Everard Drake, celebrated doctor of the tremendously wealthy Drake family, has one goal in mind when he arrives at the scene of his youngest brother's latest disaster: incinerate Harrison Lessardi. Unfortunately for Everard, the moment he spots Harry, incineration becomes an impossibility-he must have the gorgeous beta as his own, even if it means holding him captive on his estate.But something else lurks behind Everard's interest in Harry-something that tugs at Everard's soul in impossible ways, and that will send Everard and Harry down a rabbit hole of discovery that will change the world as they know it. An alpha and a beta can't share a bond.Can they?Bond is a 78,000 word steamy omegaverse mpreg-ish romance that will leave you in stitches. It contains an unexpectedly consensual kidnapping; giant magical lizards; an iguana with a full wardrobe named Steve; never-ending nicknames; and a HEA that may, or may not involve mosquito nets. For maximum enjoyment, Bond is best read following the events of Clutch.

  • av Virginia Kelly

    Der hinreißend naive und schockierend brillante Harrison Lessardi benötigt zwei Dinge im Leben: seinen Leguan Steve und seine unsterbliche Liebe für die Wissenschaft. Zumindest so lange, bis er mitansieht, wie sein bester Freund Eier legt und ein dritter Must-Have in sein Apartment spaziert - der sardonische und verschmitzte Everard Drake. Everard Drake, ein gefeierter Arzt der sagenhaft wohlhabenden Drake Familie, hat ein Ziel im Auge, als er an der Szene des neuesten Desasters seines jüngsten Bruders ankommt: Harrison Lessardi zu verbrennen. Unglücklicherweise für Everard wird diese Verbrennung in dem Augenblick unmöglich, als er Harry sieht - er muss diesen schönen Beta für sich selbst haben, auch wenn es bedeutet, dass er ihn auf seinem Grundstück gefangen halten muss. Aber da ist noch etwas anderes, das hinter Everards Interesse an Harry lauert - etwas, das auf unmögliche Weisen an Everards Seele zupft. Etwas, das Everard und Harry auf einen holprigen Erkundungspfad schickt, der die Welt, wie sie sie kennen, vollkommen verändern wird. Ein Alpha und ein Beta können keinen Bund teilen. Oder vielleicht doch? Der Bund des Drachen ist eine heiße Omegaverse Mpreg-artige 78.000-Wort Romanze, die dich zum Lachen bringen wird. Sie enthält eine unerwartet einvernehmliche Entführung, gigantische magische Echsen, einen Leguan namens Steve mit einer vollen Garderobe, nicht enden wollende Spitznamen und ein Happy End, das möglicherweise (oder auch nicht) Moskitonetze involviert. Damit man Der Bund des Drachen voll und ganz genießen kann, sollte man das Buch nach den Ereignissen in Das Gelege des Drachen lesen.

  • - A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
    av Virginia Kelly

    Hugh Drake, the most whimsical member of the Drake family, wants a clutch badly... and despite his sanctioned period to reproduce nearing its end, he just might get his wish. New information has emerged that suggests Disgraces are dragons and able to bear eggs. All that's left to do is find one Hugh can tolerate, and who better to help him find his perfect match than his steadfast and faithful secretary, Finch? If only Finch were a Disgrace, but alas. Some things simply aren't meant to be. Sensible and straightforward Finch has served as Hugh Drake's secretary for over a decade, and secretly loved him for just as long. Hugh is the light of his life, but he's also entirely too gullible, which is why Finch refuses to believe his claim that Disgraces are dragons. They're not. Finch would know, since he is one. But that little fact will have to stay a secret, because Finch would rather his love go unnoticed than be the one who breaks his dragon's heart when he fails to produce a clutch. Finch is an 80,000 word hilarious omegaverse mpreg-ish romance set following the events of the Forbidden Desires series. It contains an adorably clueless dragon, a faithful secretary whose heart is invested in more than just his job, the best Funfetti cake ever, "slippery" situations, and a single amethyst cufflink. For maximum enjoyment, Finch is best read following the events of Clutch, Bond, Mate, Swallow, and Magpie.

  • av Virginia Kelly

    Reynard Drake - Einzelgänger, Internetsicherheitsexperte und Verwalter des Vermögens der Drake-Familie - würde sich lieber in eine Müllgrube werfen lassen, als dazu gezwungen zu werden, einen Omega ins Bett zu nehmen, aber als einer der ausgewählten Amethyst-Kandidaten für ein Paarungsexperiment, bleibt ihm keine andere Wahl. Er gibt sich seinem unglücklichen Schicksal hin und tröstet sich mit der Tatsache, dass sich eine Sache niemals ändern wird - sein virtueller Erzfeind Elster wird immer da sein, um ihn auf Trab zu halten, obwohl er merkwürdigerweise in letzter Zeit nur selten im Internet war ... Schande des Diamanten-Clans Misha Vasiliev hat ein Geheimnis. Tagsüber lernt er, was er wissen muss, um das Bett eines Drachen zu wärmen, aber nachts ist er Elster, berühmter Hacker und Darknet Dienstleister, der in seiner Freizeit Drachen bestiehlt. Sein Lieblingsziel? Reynard Drake, von dem er bisher nur Bilder gesehen hat, aber den Misha mehr als jeden anderen begehrt. Und jetzt, da seinem Kloster eine gesichtslose Bedrohung immer näherkommt, ist er höchstwahrscheinlich der Einzige, der ihm das Leben retten kann. Elster ist eine 70.000 Wort lange heiße Omegaverse Romanze, inklusive schwangeren Männern, die sich während der Ereignisse der Buchreihe Verbotene Leidenschaft abspielt. Der Band ist voller hübscher Dinge, die dort versteckt sind, wo man sie nicht vermuten würde, einem skandalösen Screenshot oder zweien, endlosem Humor, unzähligen spannenden Moment und natürlich "Beagle!" Für maximalen Genuss sollte man Elster am besten im Zusammenhang mit der Buchserie Verbotene Leidenschaft lesen.

  • - A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
    av Virginia Kelly

    Reynard Drake, solitary cybersecurity expert and curator of the Drake family fortune, would rather be chucked in the midden than forced to bed an omega, but as the selected Amethyst candidate for the mating experiment, he has no other choice. Resigned to his unhappy fate, he takes solace in the fact that one thing will never change-his virtual rival, Magpie, will always be there to keep him on his toes, even if he has been strangely absent from the internet lately...Diamond Disgrace Misha Vasiliev has a secret. By day he learns what it takes to warm a dragon's bed, but at night he's Magpie, renowned hacker and dark web service provider who steals from dragons in his spare time. His favorite target? Reynard Drake, whom he's only ever seen in pictures, but whom Misha wants more than anyone else.And now, with a faceless threat closing in on his cloister, quite possibly the only one capable of saving his life.Magpie is a 64,000 word steamy omegaverse mpreg-ish romance set during the events of the Forbidden Desires series. It contains pretty things hidden where the sun don't shine; a scandalous screenshot or two; plenty of laughs; its fair share of tense moments; and, of course, "Beagle!" For maximum enjoyment, Magpie is best read as a companion piece to the Forbidden Desires series.

  • av Virginia Kelly

    Spitfire Disgrace Matthieu Boudreaux has one wish: to age out of the Pedigree he despises, then destroy it. With one year left before he achieves the first step of his goal, Matthieu finally has some hope for an independent future... until a surly Amethyst dragon by the name of Geoffrey Drake and his entourage show up at Matthieu's cloister and inform him he's been selected to be part of an 'experiment.' Geoffrey Drake, proud and stuffy legal counsel for the Amethyst clan, has been charged with ruining his own life. His mission? Deliver a potential mate to the son of the Amethyst clan's most despised enemy-and the man he's loved in secret for the last hundred years-Topaz dragon Ian Brand. Refusal is impossible. Dragons don't consort with dragons, and should Geoffrey decline, he risks exposing them both.Ian Brand, charming black sheep of the Topaz clan, is trapped between his forbidden love for an Amethyst dragon centuries his senior and his duty to his family. Chosen by his unhinged father to be the Topaz candidate for the mating experiment, Ian is faced with a terrible choice: run away with the man he loves and face the deadly consequences, or accept his fate with a broken heart.But dragon magic, as Matthieu, Geoffrey, and Ian soon discover, works in mysterious ways. When an unforeseeable circumstance draws them all together and puts their futures at risk, they have no choice but to set their differences aside and work together to prove a new, startling truth...What the dragon world knows about mates has been wrong all along, and it will be up to the three of them to prove it.Mate is a 103,000 word steamy omegaverse mpreg-ish romance that will leave you in stitches. It contains an experiment gone awry, five eccentric peacocks, an unusually large number of whelps, an ancient Viking Daddy dragon, and science! For maximum enjoyment, Mate is best read following the events of Clutch and Bond.

  • av Piper Scott & Virginia Kelly

    Bookish, snarky, and fiercely independent Nate Boudreaux leads a solitary life. Between teaching classes at the university and working toward his PhD, he doesn't need a partner to occupy his time, and he certainly doesn't need a man like Alistair Drake complicating his future.Alistair Drake, black sheep of the tremendously wealthy Drake family, is more interested in adding another notch to his bedpost than another zero to his bank account. When a Grindr message brings him to Nate's doorstep, then straight to his bed, he has no reason to believe that what they share will be more than a simple hookup, until, three months later, a tug on his soul informs him otherwise.For the Drake family has a secret-one that will force Nate and Alistair together as much as it will demand that they be torn apart. One that Alistair and his brothers have carried all their lives... and one that Alistair and Nate's future children will carry, too.Bound to each other by the three precious impossibilities, Nate and Alistair have no choice-no matter the consequence, they will fight for their forbidden clutch.Clutch is a 64,000 word steamy omegaverse mpreg-ish romance that will leave you in stitches. It contains a Grindr hook-up gone very wrong (or very right); giant magical lizards; a pig named Olive; a wank throne; and a HEA, right down to the white picket fence.

  • av Virginia Kelly

  • - A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
    av Virginia Kelly & Piper Scott

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