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Bøker av Vishal Gupta

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  • - How a Prostitute saved the worlds top Fashion and Clothing Company
    av Vishal Gupta

    Genius can be found in the most unexpected of places, in the most unexpected of minds. But when it emerges, it shines so brightly that it cannot be ignored. In the world of marketing, there exists an unsung hero, an individual who possesses an innate understanding of human desires and the art of persuasion. This person, whom many overlook and dismiss, is called by many names-a prostitute, a commercial sex worker, an escort, a woman of the night. I know what you must be thinking - how can a prostitute, someone whose profession is enveloped in societal stigma, possess the brilliance and insight needed to transform a struggling business? Yet, the reality is that a Prostitute understands the nuances of customer satisfaction, of creating ecstasy amidst the storm of rejection. They possess a tenacity and resourcefulness that can breathe life into even the most ailing business. The most brilliant marketing minds do not necessarily reside in ivory towers or prestigious institutions. Instead, they wear the cloak of anonymity, often shunned by society, their brilliance simmering beneath the surface. In 'Taha, ' I invite you to delve into a world where preconceptions and biases are shattered, where unlikely heroes rise above the noise to rewrite the rules of success. Through this extraordinary tale, I hope to challenge the traditional notions of brilliance, to inspire you to seek the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to understand that the best marketing minds are not always where you expect them to be. taha is a story about the journey of two completely different individuals from completely diverse background having absolutely nothing in common expect the will and courage to go beyond preconceived notions, society biases, traditional ideas and to seek inspiration in the most unexpected places.It's a story of the meeting of two extra-ordinary minds who collaborate to innovate, grow, and transform. It's a story of love, hope, success amid adversity, chaos and skepticism . So, join me on this captivating journey as we unravel the secrets of marketing, where a prostitute's wisdom illuminates the path to success. In the end, you may find yourself questioning your own definitions of genius and realizing that sometimes, it's the most unexpected minds that hold the power to change the world."

  • av Vishal Gupta

    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem kurzen Überblick über die Qualitätskontrolltests für Augenpräparate gemäß den verschiedenen Pharmakopöen. Die Qualitätskontrolltests für Augenpräparate sind in den verschiedenen Pharmakopöen wie IP, BP und USP unterschiedlich. Bei Augenpräparaten handelt es sich um sterile flüssige, halbfeste oder feste Zubereitungen, die zur Verabreichung in den Augapfel und/oder in die Bindehaut oder zum Einführen in den Bindehautsack bestimmt sind. Es ist notwendig, die Qualitätsanforderungen der verschiedenen Arzneibücher für Augenpräparate zu kennen, da dies erforderlich und wichtig ist, um die Qualität der Produkte und deren Lieferung auf den verschiedenen Märkten der Welt zu gewährleisten. Zu den in Betracht gezogenen Formulierungen gehören Augentropfen, Augensalben, Pulver für Augentropfen und Augenlotionen, halbfeste Augenpräparate, ophthalmische Einlagen und Augenlotionen (oder) Augenlösungen. Die Arten von Tests/Parametern, Verfahren und die pharmakopöischen Grenzwerte/Spezifikationen für Augenpräparate werden verglichen.

  • av Vishal Gupta

    Questo libro tratta una breve rassegna dei test di controllo di qualità per le preparazioni oculari secondo le diverse farmacopee. I test di controllo della qualità per le preparazioni oculari sono diversi nelle varie farmacopee come IP, BP e USP. I preparati oculari sono preparazioni sterili liquide, semisolide o solide destinate alla somministrazione sul bulbo oculare e/o sulla congiuntiva o all'inserimento nel sacco congiuntivale. È necessario conoscere i requisiti di qualità delle diverse farmacopee per i preparati oculari, in quanto è necessario e importante garantire la qualità del prodotto e la sua fornitura nei diversi mercati del mondo. Le formulazioni che vengono prese in considerazione sono gocce oculari, unguenti oculari, polveri per gocce oculari e lozioni oculari, preparazioni oculari semisolide, inserti oftalmici e lozioni oculari (o) soluzioni oculari. Vengono confrontati i tipi di test/parametri, le procedure e i limiti/specifiche della farmacopea per i preparati oculari.

  • av Vishal Gupta

    Ce livre présente une brève étude des tests de contrôle de la qualité des préparations oculaires selon les différentes pharmacopées. Les tests de contrôle de qualité pour les préparations oculaires sont différents dans les différentes pharmacopées telles que IP, BP et USP. Les préparations oculaires sont des préparations stériles liquides, semi-solides ou solides destinées à être administrées au globe oculaire et/ou à la conjonctive, ou à être insérées dans le sac conjonctival. Il est nécessaire de connaître les exigences de qualité des différentes pharmacopées pour les préparations oculaires, car elles sont nécessaires et importantes pour garantir la qualité des produits et leur approvisionnement sur les différents marchés du monde. Les formulations prises en considération sont les gouttes pour les yeux, les pommades pour les yeux, les poudres pour gouttes et lotions pour les yeux, les préparations semi-solides pour les yeux, les inserts ophtalmiques et les lotions (ou solutions) pour les yeux. Les types de tests/paramètres, les procédures et les limites/spécifications de la pharmacopée pour les préparations oculaires sont comparés.

  • av Vishal Gupta

    Jeta kniga poswqschena kratkomu obzoru testow kontrolq kachestwa glaznyh preparatow w sootwetstwii s razlichnymi farmakopeqmi. Testy kontrolq kachestwa glaznyh preparatow otlichaütsq w razlichnyh farmakopeqh, takih kak IP, BP i USP. Glaznye preparaty - äto steril'nye zhidkie, polutwerdye ili twerdye preparaty, prednaznachennye dlq wwedeniq w glaznoe qbloko i/ili na kon#ünktiwu, ili dlq wwedeniq w kon#ünktiwal'nyj meshok. Neobhodimo znat' trebowaniq razlichnyh farmakopej k kachestwu glaznyh preparatow, tak kak äto neobhodimo i wazhno dlq obespecheniq kachestwa produkcii i ee postawok na razlichnye rynki mira. K preparatam, kotorye prinimaütsq wo wnimanie, otnosqtsq glaznye kapli, glaznye mazi, poroshki dlq glaznyh kapel' i glaznyh los'onow, polutwerdye glaznye preparaty, oftal'mologicheskie wstawki i glaznye los'ony (ili) glaznye rastwory. Srawniwaütsq tipy testow/parametrow, procedury i farmakopejnye ogranicheniq/specifikacii dlq glaznyh preparatow.

  • av Vishal Gupta

    Este livro trata de uma breve revisão dos testes de controlo de qualidade para as preparações oftálmicas de acordo com as diferentes farmacopeias. Os testes de controlo de qualidade para preparações oftálmicas são diferentes nas diferentes farmacopeias, como a IP, BP e USP. As preparações oftálmicas são preparações estéreis líquidas, semi-sólidas ou sólidas destinadas a serem administradas no globo ocular e/ou na conjuntiva, ou a serem inseridas no saco conjuntival. É necessário conhecer os requisitos de qualidade das diferentes farmacopeias para as preparações oftálmicas, uma vez que é necessário e importante garantir a qualidade do produto e o seu fornecimento em diferentes mercados do mundo. As formulações que são tidas em consideração são os colírios, as pomadas oftálmicas, os pós para colírios e loções oftálmicas, as preparações oftálmicas semi-sólidas, os insertos oftálmicos e as loções (ou) soluções oftálmicas. São comparados os tipos de testes/parâmetros, os procedimentos e os limites/especificações da farmacopeia para as preparações oftálmicas.

  • av Vishal Gupta

  • - 18 Letters Written by a Father to his 18 Year Old Daughter
    av Vishal Gupta

  • - 25 Things I do Everyday to keep Myself Happy
    av Vishal Gupta

  • - Are you Depressed, Stressed, Anxious, Nervous, Panicky, Unhappy? A Personal Account of how I beat Depression of 7 years. 20 Powerful Activities to uplift your Mood Instantaneously.
    av Vishal Gupta

  • - 20 Powerful Techniques to Never Lose an Argument again, with Real Life Examples. A Life Skill for Everyone.
    av Vishal Gupta

  • av Vishal Gupta

    A monograph that seeks to assess the contributions of the entrepreneurial orientation concept, provide an overview of the extant EO literature, and evaluate the state of EO research. It also highlights possible avenues for future research, and concludes with a discussion of specific areas where EO research is lacking.

  • av Vishal Gupta & Rayees Ahanger

  • av Vishal Gupta

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