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Bøker av William Lilly

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  • av William Lilly

    The Astrologer's Guide was edited and compiled in 1675 by noted astrologer William Lilly. It includes the 146 Considerations of astrologer Guido Bonatus and the choicest aphorisms of the Seven Segments of astrologer Jerome Cardan. Translated from the Latin by Henry Coley, The Astrologer's Guide was first published in English in 1886. It includes an introduction by Henry Coley. The information in this classic astrology book is as valuable as it was when compiled in 1675, and includes references to natal, predictive and horary astrology.

  • - L'Astrologia Oraria di colui che predisse l'incendio del 1666 a Londra
    av William Lilly

    Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1647, questo è uno dei più noti lavori post-classici sull'astrologia. L'astrologia oraria, l'argomento di questo libro, interpreta le posizioni planetarie per rispondere a una vasta gamma di domande. Sebbene esista un repertorio di base di interpretazioni, l'oroscopo viene utilizzato come punto di partenza per l'intuizione dell'astrologo. E Lilly aveva un'intuizione straordinariamente buona. La sua famosa previsione dell'incendio di Londra nel 1666 era così accurata che fu sospettato di averlo provocato egli stesso, un'accusa da cui fu in seguito assolto. Lilly utilizzò l'astrologia anche nella pratica medica, e questo libro discute dell'uso degli oroscopi nella diagnosi delle malattie, determinando se un paziente morirà o starà meglio.

  • av William Lilly

    " We have formerly some thoughts of revising our Introduction to Astrology, now out of print, and to have enriched it from another edition with the choicest aphorisms, both from the writings of the ancients and our own many years¿ experience, but the laboriousness of that work, considering our age and many infirmities of body, with the discouragements we have already me with from some ungrateful persons, caused us to lay aside (at least for the present) those intentions. Yet that we might not be wholly wanting to promote anything that might tend to the advancement of Art and gratification of its painful students, and knowing how necessary the ensuing Considerations of Guido Bonatus and Aphorisms adjoined, are to be known and regarded, which many of our ingenious countrymen could not do, for they have hitherto remained in the Latin tongue with the rest of the works of these authors in large volumes, difficult to be got at and too chargeable for man to buy, we therefore recommend them to a friend to be translated by themselves, which he has judiciously performed in plain significant language, so that we judge the work may deserve the title Anima Astrologiae which we have given it, comprehending the marrow and substance of Astrology, and much excellent mäer necessary to be observed by all honest students that practice Art to discover truth and not to vapour with. We doubt not but the legitimate Sons and well-wishers of Urania will find considerable advantages from hence, directing them to a certainty in giving judgments upon all occasions, and they will for this publication have cause to thank their old friend..."

  • av William Lilly

    " Life is short, Art long, Experience not easily obtained, Judgement difficult, and therefore it is necessary, that a Student not only exercise himself in considering several Figures, but also that he diligently read the writings of others who have treated rationally of this Science, and make it his business to find out the true natural causes of things by experiments, to know the certain places and processions of tee Planets and Fixed Stars, Constellations, etc., but above all to be a passionate lover of truth...."

  • av William Lilly

    " After a lapse of 205 years since the first publication in 1647, of Lilly's Introduction to Astrology, there would be no necessity for an apology for its re-appearance, were it not for the prevailing fashion of the day, which is to rail at and vituperate that science, and all who dare to say a word, not in its favor, but in favor of examining into its merits, with a view to ascertain what were the grounds on which our honest ancestors believed, and strictly followed, that which we conceive only fit for ridicule. As I have long outlived the days when I, like many others, thought myself at liberty to laugh at, and condemn, what I did not understand; the world will forgive me if I be bold enough to advise those who value truth, to spend a few days (and but a few days will be necessary) in examining the principles laid down in this work, and applying them to their own individual cases, before they join the herd of learned and unlearned in pledging their words to a false assertion, viz. that Astrology is an unfounded science. If any man will take the trouble to examine for himself, and should find that the prejudices of his education against the science of foreseeing the future, and many other matters which it teaches, are in reality well-founded, and that it has no claims to truth, then will he have the proud satisfaction of knowing, that his opinions on a matter of some consequence are based on experiment, and are the result of his own conviction, not of another person's assertion. On the other hand, if he find truth flash with lightning force upon his mind, and convince him that Astrology, notwithstanding prejudice and abuse, is founded in nature, and is indeed a noble science, given by a benevolent Creator to enlighten man in his wanderings, and enable him to shun the vice and folly which his passions throw in his path; then will he, if a spark of piety exist within his breast, offer thanks to that Creator for the blessing he has discovered. In either case, he must admit that I do him a service in putting forth this plain and simply means of discovering the truth..."

  • av David Hume, Voltaire & William Lilly
    287 - 439,-

  • av William Lilly & Zadkiel
    411 - 523,-

  • av Elias Ashmole, William Lilly & Charles Burman
    355 - 481,-

  • av William Lilly
    258 - 450,-

  • av William Lilly
    782 - 804,-

  • - An Easie and Plaine Method How to Judge Upon Nativities
    av William Lilly

    In 1647, William Lilly, renowned throughout England, sat down to write his famous book on astrology. He was ill, but he had foreseen that. He had decided that rather than struggle with clients while sick, he would give himself a year to study, reflect, and write. But before he was quite finished with his book, plague swept through London, killing two of his servants, and forcing Lilly and family to flee to the countryside.This is Book Three, An Easie and plaine Method Teaching How to judge upon Nativities, the conclusion of his great work, Christian Astrology. In this astounding book, Lilly gives not only his own hard-won knowledge of natal astrology, but also what he gleaned from close study of the greatest astrologers in history, as found in his own astrological library, one of the largest of its day. In this book you may learn: . How to determine the Hyleg, or Apheta, the Prorogator of Life. . How to determine intelligence, stature, shape and complexion of the native. . If the native will be rich, and, if so, whether by fair means or foul. . The illnesses he may suffer, if he may die a violent death. . Of Marriage: The number and kinds of spouses, where they may come from, if there will be children or not, and if so, an idea of their number. . The kind of career best suited to the native, and much more.In the section on Directions and Forecasting, Lilly gives comprehensive interpretations for Primary Directions, Solar Returns and Profections. The book concludes with a priceless analysis of the Nativity of an English Merchant, including more than twenty years of forecasts, up to the time that Lilly judged to be the end of the man's natural life. For the first time, unique to this edition: Spelling and verbs modernized. Glossary of obscure terms, including Latin words and phrases. Calculations in modern format. All 24 solar returns and all 12 profection charts in standard wheel format. Fixed star positions updated to 1 January 2005. Modern symbols for aspects (including minor aspects) used throughout. Primaries untangled, as much as possible. Available separately: Christian Astrology, (books 1 & 2): An Introduction to Astrology, The Resolution of All Manner of Questions, by William Lilly.

  • av William Lilly

    Named "Christian" to avoid hassles (some things never change), this is the most famous, the most celebrated astrology book in the English language. It has been prized by students ever since its first publication in 1647. The Horary Astrology in these pages, in the hands of a master, is no mere parlour game. It is demanding and precise, combining science and art. Properly used, it will give answer to any well-defined question. William Lilly, famous throughout England for his almanacs & forecasts (he predicted London's Great Fire of 1666), lived during the English Civil War & was a minor historical figure in it. Into his studio came the rich and poor, nobles and commoners, with problems great and small. This new edition restores Lilly's original page layouts, with marginalia. Modern spelling throughout, this edition includes Lilly's bibliography, his original index & a new glossary. Also includes his original woodblock charts, and their modern versions. This is Lilly's great work as he himself knew it. In this volume: Book 1, An Introduction to Astrology, containing the use of an ephemeris; the erecting of a scheme of heaven; nature of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, of the planets; with a most easy introduction to the whole art of astrology. Book 2, The Resolution of All Manner of Questions, by a most methodical way, instructs the student how to judge or resolve all manner of questions contingent unto man, viz, of health, sickness, riches, marriage, preferment, journeys, etc. Some 35 questions inserted and judged.

  • - From the Year 1602 to 1681
    av William Lilly

  • av William Lilly

    The Astrologer's Guide was edited and compiled in 1675 by noted astrologer William Lilly. It includes the 146 Considerations of astrologer Guido Bonatus and the choicest aphorisms of the Seven Segments of astrologer Jerom Cardan of Milan.Translated from the Latin by Henry Coley, The Astrologer's Guide was first published in Englsih in 1886. It includes an introduction by Henry Coley, as well as prefaces from subsequent editors.The information in this classic astrology book is as valuable as it was when compiled in 1675, and includes references to natal, predictive and horary astrology.

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