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  • av H. Vasudeva

    Physical education is an educational course related to the physique of the human body, taken during primary and secondary education that encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health. The idea of training is reflected in words, which are given to isolate parts of training. Training means are different physical activities and their articles, techniques and systems, which are utilized for the improvement, support and recuperation of execution limit and execution availability. Physical activities are the physical methods for training. Different methods are utilized not withstanding physical activities or independently according to prerequisite. Each preparation means has its very own particular impact on the presentation limit. This impact might be immediate or aberrant. Physical activities directly affect execution limit. Means like physiotherapy, autogenous training has backhanded impact (Singh, 1991).

  • av R. Rajneshan

    In India, the uses of different parts of several medicinal plants to cure specific ailments have been in vogue from ancient times. It is estimated that 25,000 to 75,000 plant species are available for our daily clinical practice (Aguilar G, 2001; Kartal M, 2007).Herbal medicines are the major remedy in traditional system of medicine that are in medical practice for thousand years and have made great contribution to maintain human health in many parts of the world especially in rural areas of developing countries as primary source (Anonymous, 1993; Chitme et al., 2003; Kim HS, 2005). Human civilization has been influenced both directly and indirectly by plants growing in the vicinity (Mehrotra B N, 1990).Herbal medicines cater the needs of nearly 70% of our population residing in villages. Considering several side effects of modern medicines, herbal medicines possess lesser side effects and they are practiced for several years in Tibet, China, Africa, South America and Australia and looked as better alternate for the modern medicine (Akthar et al., 1992).Details about medicinal plants, their properties and their therapeutic applications are available in ancient scriptures like Vedas, Samhitas and Puranas. Compilations of latter periods that are called Nighantus are the richest source of herbal information.

  • av Ibrahim Abdurehman

    Both Islamic and conventional leadership are very widely studied phenomena. It plays a major role in an organization regarding its productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. Islamic leader can contribute to any organization by the power of influencing the people as he has morality and honesty. Barnard (1968, p. 63) said that leadership refers to the quality of the behavior and conduct of individuals whereby they guide and drive people and their activities in an organized way. Leadership refers to a procedure whereby every private inspiration the group of persons to achieve a desired and long-cherished goal (H. H. Friedman & Langbert, 2000; T. L. Friedman, 2000). Altalib (2001)) state that Islamic leadership is a continuous process of elating and instructing unpaid groups and votaries to achieve a clear as well as shared vision. Leadership is an organizing and arranging moral principle of considerable social impact. One of the suggested approaches to leadership views it as the ability and organizing power of a person to guide and drive the labors of numerous people in attaining goals.Bolman and Terrence (1995) observe that the key differences between the Islamic and the Western leadership are included in the arena of virtuous, moral, as well as the human resource. Spiritual and principled spirit (fear of Allah) subordinated the government management under the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) as well as of our four Caliphs.

  • av Elsayed Soleit

    Education enables man to live in the contemporary societysuccessfully by giving him systematic intellectual and moral instructionand training. His knowledge, abilities, character, mental faculties etc. aredeveloped through a well-planned process of education.Unprecedented changes have taken place in all areas of moderneducation, especially in terms of restatement of its aims, restructuring ofits curricula, re-scheduling of teaching-learning processes, re-considerationof the socio-economic status of the teacher, re-definition of the valuesystem etc. Modern treatises on education depict this changing trends.For a long time, the shaping and development of character of the childwas considered one of the chief objectives of education. Now-a-days itsaim has been re-stated in economic terms as the investment in humanresource development which, of course, includes the development ofcharacter and inculcation of permanent values in individuals. Thistendency in education is indicative of the continuous growth of educationas a science.Very often in the present context, the word 'modern' implies theWestern system of education of modern times. The whole exercise ofeducation revolves round the processes of learning and teaching whichhave undergone a continuous evolution.

  • av Murugumal S. Rai

    The main aim of this research is to synthesize a new class ofmultifunctional poly(ester amides) (PEAs), characterize them and to study theirstructure-property relationship. These PEAs were synthesized by directpolycondensation of 2,5-pyridine dicarboxylic acid with various diols and three othervarying diamines using diphenylphosphoryl chloride (DPPC) as the condensationagent in pyridine solution. In order to study the effect of the thermal stability andoptical property, monomers of different molecular structures were used. The presentinvestigation also focuses on the study of anti-bacterial, anti-cancer activities andwound healing capacity of the synthesized PEAs. Moreover nanofibers formed byusing electrospinning technique with blends of PEAs in PVC matrix were studied forassessing the applicability of PEAs as nanofibers. This chapter highlights literature onthe role of various synthetic PEAs which result from the several combinations ofmonomers in order to design materials with desirable properties for severalapplications in various fields.

  • av Mohammed Mujaddi Albadri

    Islam means peace as well as submission to the Will of AlmightyGod. Any individual can be at peace with himself or with other men or extrahumanenvironment when he voluntarily submits or sun'enders his will to theUniversal Will which is the Will of God.For a successful and peaceful individual life man needs to have acorrect perspective and a proper outlook. This correct perspective andoutlook can be acquired through the divine revelations only, as humanintellect cannot perceive the whole reality and comprehend all domains oflife. For collective peace or peace among men and nations of the worldman is even more dependent on the divpe guidance. Human mind is notcapable enough to derive and promulgate principles and laws for peaceamong men and nations. This complexity deepens when there is every chancethat instinctively man may pursue ends for him and the group(s) to whichhe belong. Thus, it is innate requirement for mankind to refer to the divineteachings for peace among men and nations of the world.The individual and collective lives of men are so interwoven andinterdependent that individual peace many a times remains at stake to thecollective disorder. The teachings of Islam as such comprehend both theindividual and collective lives of men. Islam provides a system and adiscipline which embodies its principles for the individual and collective hvesof men for their peace, well-being and development.The basic principles forcollective life in Islam are so comprehensive, universal and humane that theyform a strong baseline for orchestrating peaceful relations amongst men.These basic principles are both religious and temporal and dominate all thespheres and comers of man's collective life including relations amongdifferent nations of the world. These principles or tenets are universal bothin concept and applicability.

  • av Abdul Hakim Siddiqui

    In the present work an attempt has been made to assess the history,political philosophy and socio-political conditions and civilization trendsright from the prophet period till now. The object of this work focuses onbringing into light major political systems of Muslims that emerged andoperated at various periods of time and special emphasis has been given tomodern Muslim experimentations and various methods techniques ad waysnecessitated by the requirements of time and place. Many books andarticles have been written on political systems of Islam and Muslims but nosubstantial and cohesive effort had been made to bring out the relevanceand application of the that discussions 'political system of Islam to modemtimes' which has been done in this work.This work is divided into seen chapters followed by a bibliographyand glossary. The first chapter is devoted to the discussion of the politicalsystem of the Prophet's period and the evolution of the Islamic statethrough a number of the Prophetic measures like the system of the'mu'akhat (brotherhood) and the Kitab (document) and the making of the'ummah' (Muslim community) etc: It also discusses the politico-juridicalsystems during the Caliphs's period and explains the concepts of Khalifaand the Caliphate and Ideal Khalifat, encompassing the experimentations ofthe umavid and Abbasid dynasties with special reference to their state buildingmeasure and thought making provisions and resolutions such the rise of three tier system of governance which is generally classified as thecentral, provincial and local governments.

  • av Nadir Mohammed Shalbi

    By *Istam* we mean the religion preached by the Prophet of Islam -Muhammad - in the A.D. 600s. Muhammad was an Arab who was bom inMecca about 570. He was a son of the noble parents - 'Abdullah andAaminah. He believed he had been sent by Allah to warn and guide his peopleand to call them to worship only One God (Allah). Muhammad, preachedthat there is only One God and that he (Muhammad) was God's messenger.Those who believe in the One God and accept Muhammad as His messengerare called 'Muslim's. The word "Muslim" is an Arabic word that means 'Onewho submits to God (Allah). 'Islam^ is an Arabic term equivalent to"submission".' The Western scholars often call Islam as 'Muhammadanism'and its followers 'Muhamamdans', which is incorrect, because Muslims feelthat these terms (Muhammadanism and Muhamadans) give the wrongimpression that Muslims worship Muhammad. But, in reality Muslims believein Tawhid (Unity of God) and they do not worship anything except 'Allah'.

  • av My Mabood

    The purpose of writing this chapter is to present abrief historical background dealing with the origins and developmentof diplomacy from the earliest times to the modern days and todiscuss the problems surrounding diplomacy. It may be askedhowever, that while the diplomacy of Prophet Muhammed was notpossibly derived or influenced, on account of the relative isolation ofArabia, by the ancient and early medieval diplomacy what therelevancy of it is for the Prophet's diplomacy? There may perhapsbe more than one answers to this question. But the one that appearsto be more pertinent here is that we may study it not as the onethat influenced the prophet 1 s diplomacy or to take it as a frame ofreference to his diplomacy but as a source from where to generateanalytical insights for the diplomacy of any country or anyresponsible ruling elite. Moreo·.rer, a study of the history ofdiplomacy in other contexts and other parts of the world and otherages will illuminate our path towards a better understanding of theProphet 1 s diplomacy because, after all, diplomatic practices insubstance may traverse the same general path as their purposes arebelieved to be more or less the· same in a normal state. This viewhas also been supported by Nicolson. While dealing with the historyof diplomacy Nicolson asserts, "Diplomacy is neither the invention northe pastime of some particular political system, but is an essentialelement in any reasonable relation between man and man and betweennation and nation". 1 This does not however mean that the specialspatialtemporal and civilizational conditions of Arabia and thesurrounding countries during the days of the prophet will be ignored.

  • av Mohammed Hamdi

    The title of the present research work is "Morality in Islam-A Study". The proposedresearch work is a study on the concept of morality as found in different fields ofIslamic life. Here an attempt is made to bring out the various ideals of life to befollowed by human beings from the Quran and the Hadith because Quran and Hadithare the main source of Islamic ethics.Islamic ethics (akhlaq), defined as "good character," historically took shapegradually from the 7th century and was finally established by the 11th century. It waseventually shaped as a successful amalgamation of the Quranic teachings, the teachingsof the Sunnah of Muhammad (pbuh), the precedents of Islamic jurists, the pre-IslamicArabian tradition, and non-Arabic elements (including Persian and Greek ideas)integrated with a generally Islamic structure.The foundational source in the gradual codification of Islamic ethics is the Muslimunderstanding and interpretations of the Quran and practices of Muhammad. Itsmeaning has always been in context of active submission to God. The motive force inIslamic ethics is the notion that every human being is called to "command the good and(Hasan Ethical 1) forbid the evil" in all spheres of life (Hasan Ethical 2).

  • av Ahmed Umar Hashim

    The progress and all round development of a country depends upon harnessing theskills and abilities of all sections of society regardless of caste, creed, religion and sex.Women have been discriminated against for ages and they have not been given equalopportunities in many social, economic and cultural spheres. If we do not involvewomen in development activities, it not merely obstructs their own development butalso affects the progress of the entire nation. The status of women could be the bestindicator of a nation's progress.Asthana (1974) endorses this view when she says; "the position of women in society isthe true index of its cultural and spiritual attainments". According to Sengupta"women's role in the various walks of life has contributed to the evolution of valueswhich have counted for what may be described as all-round progress. Her status is themeasuring rod in assessing the standard of culture of any age." Hence for the economicand social growth and development of the nation and community the complementaryroles of women and men is highly presses upon.

  • av Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah

    (I begin) in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful andIs mercifulAll praise is due to Allah, the Creator of all the universesHe is the Sustainer and good will be the result of those who fear Allah, and Darood (Praise) and Salam (Peace) be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all your family (etc.) and companions.Thereafter!These are some words, through which I have described some topics related to Islam, whose knowledge is necessary for common people. I have named them:Important lesson for common peopleI pray to Allah that this book should be in the interest of Muslims and may Allah accept this effort of mine. He is undoubtedly very charitable.

  • av Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah

    These are brief things related to the cleanliness of the sick and some of the rules of prayer.Allah has made tahaarat (to achieve purity) essential for every prayer, because the elimination of impurity (impurity) and the removal of dirt - whether it is in the body or clothing or the place where the prayer is performed - is one of the conditions of prayer.Is

  • av Abdullah Bin Hamood Al Furreh

    All praise is due to Allah who said: "Surely you have a good example in the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for every person who hopes for Allah and the Day of Judgment and mentions Allah a lot. does". (Suratul Ahzab: 21) In this way, he made iteba of Sunnah a Shari'ah. And Darood and Salam be upon the best Messenger of Allah Ta'ala who guided his Ummah in worshiping Allah and following the Sunnah.Dear reader! I have given in front of you all the Sunnahs of Rasool Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam daily from waking up till sleeping according to his time. Then I have narrated some more Sunnahs which are not specific with time. And by Sunnah I mean Mustahab, Mustahab is that action which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has ordered but has not made it mandatory. Rather, it is for perfection in worship and increase in bodies. This is an abridgement of my original book al-Minah al-Aliyah fi Bayanissunan al-Yumiya, from which I removed the scholarly masa'eel and the benefits related to the Sunnahs and presented the Sunnahs with arguments. One reason for abbreviating is that some of the companions demanded it, secondly it takes less time to read the abbreviated book, the third reason was that it is difficult to publish and distribute the book for the Islamic organizations which do the work of religion. Let it be easy One of the objectives of writing this book was also to present the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a good light, as European countries have tried to distort it. And some people leave the Sunnah only because there is no sin in it, so many people remain bereft of good. And I have tried to bring in this book only those Sunnahs which are proved by authentic Hadith and also mention their arguments.,I pray to Allah to make us follower of the Sunnahs and include us in the Jamaat of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on the Day of Judgement.

  • av Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Baz

    All praise and praise is due only to Allah, and may Allah's mercy and peace (durood wa salaam) descend on the personality after whom there is no Ishdoot (Messenger), and also on your progeny and your companions. After praise and praise of Allah and Durood and Salam: when pure Aqeedah (faith) is the basic element of Islam religion andIf it is the basis, then I thought it appropriate that this is my speech.And it is well known from the religious proofs of Quran and Hadith that aqwal and amaal (actions and utterances) are pure and accepted only when they are based on correct belief. If the belief is not pure, then the actions and statements that are derived from it are useless.will happen,

  • - Book 3
    av Z. Madhur

    Inspiring stories from the lives of legends who changed IndiaIndia is home to many legendary figures who have paved the way for change through their indomitable spirit.100 Desi Stories: Legendary Leaders is a testament to the talents, inspiration and resilience of a hundred trailblazers. These crusaders may be royals, warriors, rebels and reformists, spiritual mentors, artists, activists, or sports persons who have proved their mettle under the most trying circumstances. Emperor Akbar stabilized the Mughal economy; Mahatma Gandhi lead the Indian Independence Movement; Arundhati Roy continues to pen masterpieces and win hearts; and Sachin Tendulkar scored the highest number of runs and centuries in Test and one-day cricket - the stories of these leaders from the ancient and contemporary times will inspire you to achieve your goals. Each story ends with pertinent questions making the reader introspect. It reminds them to persist through hardships to realize their dreams. Dive into the world of these change-makers and enhance your problem-solving skills!

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