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Bøker utgitt av Adam Gilbin

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  • av Brent Morin

    This revolutionary dietary plan is based on the concept of activating "sirtuins," a group of proteins found in certain foods, which are believed to have incredible health benefits. At the core of the Sirtfood Diet is a focus on consuming foods rich in sirtuin-activating compounds. These foods, known as "Sirtfoods," include a variety of delicious options such as kale, dark chocolate, green tea, and red wine.Beyond weight loss, adherents of the Sirtfood Diet report improvements in overall health, including better blood sugar control, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cardiovascular health.The nutrition plan is based on the research of Sirtuins - a range of proteins that is vital to keep the cellular health.

  • av Mike Kong

    This diet is rooted in the belief that our distant ancestors primarily consumed animal flesh and organs, making it the most natural and healthiest way to nourish the body.The diet revolves around the consumption of various types of meat, such as beef, pork, poultry, and fish, including both muscle meat and organ meats like liver and kidney.Carbohydrate intake is significantly reduced or eliminated altogether, resulting in a very low-carb or zero-carb diet.If you want to understand the carnivore diet, why it works and how to do it, this is the book for you.

  • av Brent Morin

    This practical guide is written to reveal how ordinary people from all walks of life can easily adopt the sirtfood diet, lose weight rapidly in a sustainable way and reduce the risk of chronic diseases using the sirtfood diet.However, you will soon realize that to succeed at your goal, you need to follow a structured approach. You have come to the perfect place because this book was written as a concise and quickstart guide just for you to achieve your health goals with The Sirtfood Diet.Bursting with a delicious selection of simple, easy-to-prepare recipes, this brilliant guide compiles all the essential knowledge you need to embark on your journey with sirtfoods and feel the results for yourself.This book will show you exactly how it happens - and how YOU can activate your skinny gene with delicious, affordable foods

  • av Terri Tatchell
    155 - 292,-

  • av Leroy Davis

    Toda la información que necesita saber sobre la Dieta Paleo, sus beneficios, reglas sobre lo que puede comer y que no, recetas amigables con Paleo están condensadas en este libro de lectura sencilla. Aca va encontrar un numero de comidas y aperitivos deliciosos que te ayudaran con la perdida de peso, utilizando algunos trucos sencillos que van ayudar con la salud, ricas recetas que ayudaran a mejorar su condicion fisica y saludLa mayoría de los planes de pérdida de peso incluyen el conteo de calorías, pero no éste. En la dieta Paleo se come como un cavernícola y el resultado es una rápida pérdida de peso. Nuestra pálida guía para principiantes te introduce a la dieta, te da algunas recetas saludables e incluye muchos consejos para perder peso.

  • av Charles Hester

    This cookbook offers a comprehensive solution to help you manage your digestive issues and improve your overall health and well-being. What sets it apart from other Low-FODMAP recipes on the market is its focus on simplicity - with ingredients that are readily available at your local grocery store, making it easy to prepare delicious and nutritious meals even on the busiest of days.In the event that you f¿nd ¿¿ur¿¿lf f¿¿l¿ng very full after ¿¿t¿ng ¿nl¿ a little ¿m¿unt ¿f f¿¿d, ¿r f¿¿l¿ng n¿ü¿¿t¿d ¿nd hurling ¿ft¿r eating, d¿n't brush it ¿ff as ¿nd¿g¿¿t¿¿n ¿r need ¿f craving.This book might be your facts manual, encouraging partner, and beneficial aid as you start your adventure into the low fodmap world.

  • av Stanley Lenz

  • av Charles Garner

    In this book, we look at all of the ways you can improve your own gut health, starting with the food you eat. My diet recommendations, meal plans, and recipes.In how o lose belly fat fast, we'll cover all the bases, giving you everything you need to know to make dramatic changes in your GI health, your weight, your belly fat, and your overall health.Each recipe includes all the data you need, such as serving size and cooking time, so you can easily plan your meals. Perfect for anyone, regardless of their cooking experience, this cookbook will help you pull off every recipe with ease! Get it now and start cooking today!

  • av Larry Johnson

    This book contains thousands of the very best Crock Pot ideas and recipes in the world. It is one of the larges cookbooks currently available for Crock Pot and Slow Cooker cooking.Slow-cookers are a fantastic way to create creative, delicious and nutritious meals while saving time. Imagine being able to heat up your slow cooker, drop your ingredients in and forget about it until dinnertime, when you come home to the aroma of a home-cooked nutritious meal.A crock pot resolves all your cooking problems regarding time and money and it is capable of allowing you to cook a wide range of recipes to satisfy the tastes of even the pickiest eaters.The crock pot is quite a handy appliance and we hope that our recipes will make it easier and more interesting to use every day.

  • av Harris Hile

    This cleaner way of eating isn't only good for you but also for the environment, as it encourages you to eat as organically as possible. The pegan weight loss plan combines key standards from paleo and vegan diets, based totally on the thought that nutrient-dense, total meals can decrease inflammation, stabilize blood sugar, and assist with gold-standard healthThe Pegan Diet Cookbook is a comprehensive guide to preparing delicious and healthy meals that align with the principles of the Pegan diet. This book is perfect for anyone who is looking to improve their health and well-being by adopting a Pegan lifestyle.Featuring delicious recipes and easy-to-follow meal plans, 'PeganDiet Explained' is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to transform their health and their live.

  • av Stephen Garcia

    En la actualidad hay muchas personas que están deseando incorporar a sus vidas un estilo de alimentación más saludable.Esta es una dieta acida alcalina simplificada - para hacerla súper fácil para ti, y empezar - sin las ansias, confusión, información conflictiva y estrés.Este libro le guiará a través de todos los hechos esenciales que necesita saber sobre esta dieta. Le dará información pura y práctica, junto con sugerencias sencillas para empezar la dieta, así como recetas rápidas para que pueda comenzar de la mejor manera.Los alimentos alcalinos, la mayoría de los cuales son frutas y verduras, son los más saludables y están asociados con la prevención y tratamiento de muchas enfermedadesEn pocas palabras, es un estilo de vida que promueve la ingesta real de alimentos en el estado más natural.

  • av Luther Reyes

    In this book, we look at all of the ways you can improve your own gut health, starting with the food you eat. My diet recommendations, meal plans, and recipes.This book will show you how you can achieve a healthy and slimmer body by optimizing your hormones. You will also get a more rounded view about hormones that will help you understand how they can be both a good and bad thing for our body.The power to wield food as fighting tool to put off your fat genes, increase your metabolism, burn off calories and make your gut healthy.You can transform your body and your life just by reading this quick and simple guide to losing belly fat and incorporating the well researched advice into your daily routine.

  • av Eddie Keys

    A low-carb diet is one in which carbohydrates, such as those found in sweet meals, pasta, and bread, are limited. It's packed with protein, fat, and nutritious vegetables. This concise book covers the most difficult issues low-carb health food nuts experience and tells you the best way to tackle everyone. It distills the fundamental realities and procedures drawn from the examination we introduced in a lot more significant subtlety in our full-length book.This book will give you strategies, recipes, cookbooks and PROVEN methods on how to successfully lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle by using Low Carb Diet Foods. If you've ever had a difficult time losing weight and keeping the weight off, this is the perfect book for you.

  • av Friedrich Kunze

    If you're looking for a book that can help both experts and beginners at slow cooking, then this Crock Pot book is for you. This is not an ordinary slow cooker cookbook, it contains information that a beginner should know.Slow cooking is a method of cooking that has been in use for centuries. If you're looking for a guide to help you follow a low-calorie diet, then this is the perfect book for you. It contains tasty and nutritious low-calorie lunch ideas as well as delicious and creative low-calorie ice cream recipesBy separating the time spent preparing and cooking food, you can plan more easily, reduce stress, and have more energy to provide healthy and nutritious meals to yourself and your family.

  • av Steven Swim

    Your body cells will continue to die due to stress unless you eat the right food - this Sirt food diet will help you lose seven pounds in seven days while regulating inflammation, experiencing lasting energy, and eating all the foods you love.Delicious and healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts, with healthy, sirtuin ingredients, detailed cooking instructions, calorie counts, micronutrient breakdowns to help you keep track of your new healthy lifestyleIn this book, you will be urged to change yourself; you will acknowledge what you want. It makes sense of the course of the Sirt food diet, what food sources to eat to assist with getting more fit? What's more, how does the Sirt consuming fewer calories work?

  • av Reynaldo Leyba

    La dieta paleo puede parecer estricta, pero hemos descubierto emocionantes y deliciosas recetas de batidos que le ayudarán a apegarse a la dieta y perder peso fácilmente.La mayoría de los planes de pérdida de peso incluyen el conteo de calorías, pero no éste. En la dieta Paleo se come como un cavernícola y el resultado es una rápida pérdida de peso. Este libro de recetas Paleo es una continuación de nuestro primer libro y lo ayudará a mantenerse saludable y a aumentar su energía, ya que se basa en el consumo de ingredientes simples y naturales.

  • av Billy Tucker

    This book contains all the information you need to understand better the principle behind this very popular way of eating towards better health and well-being. If you've been frustrated with endless efforts to eat well, exercise, and restrict your lifestyle to lose weight but fail over and over to see results, it's time to do something different. That something comes in the form of the Bulletproof Diet.The Bulletproof Diet is the best and most effective way to lose weight, have a healthy body and be full of energy. Just imagine having the body you've always wanted and at the same time enjoying delicious meals that will soon become part of your lifestyle.The Bulletproof Diet is your better life.

  • av Javier Ziebart

    Starting this diet can be a little daunting when you first hear about it you have to eliminate so many day-to-day foods from your diet that it can be hard to know how you will manage to keep yourself fed during this time.The purpose of this book is to show people that they can still enjoy their favourite foods and have delicious recipes while avoiding products that cause pain and discomfort. It is a characteristic treatment for individuals with a wide ghost of a medical issues. Holes represent Stomach and Brain research Disorders.made really simple containing easy and delicious recipes to both start and end your day with a satisfying smile on your face.

  • av Esperanza Casares

    La Dieta Alcalina consiste en consumir más frutas, verduras y fuentes de proteínas no procesadas, mientras que vas eliminando los alimentos procesados y los productos lácteos con alto contenido de grasa.La Dieta Alcalina se basa en el concepto de reemplazar alimentos que forman ácidos con alimentos alcalinos. Tiene la capacidad de elevar el nivel del Ph del cuerpo, haciéndolo más alcalino y menos ácido.Tu cuerpo ya está en un estado alcalino. Mantener el equilibrio alcalino en el cuerpo hará que todo funcione perfectamente.Haz un cambio simple en tu dieta para reducir la inflamación de tu cuerpo con La Dieta Antiinflamatoria Completa para Principiantes .Esta guía le enseñará todo lo que hay sobre una dieta alcalina y jugos, incluidas diferentes definiciones, términos, beneficios y más.

  • av Pedro Vallejos

    Una dieta cetogénica lo ayudará a reducir su consumo de calorías por debajo del volumen de calorías que su cuerpo puede consumir diariamente.La dieta cetogénica descrita en estas páginas, adopta lo último en investigación nutricional, los mejores alimentos para nuestro cuerpo y elimina aquello que es innecesario para nosotros. La dieta cetogénica promueve básicamente el consumo de alimentos enteros frescos como carne, pescado, verduras y grasas y aceites saludables, y reduce en gran medida los alimentos procesados y tratados químicamente. Pero con la información y los recursos adecuados a su alcance, usted tiene el potencial de alcanzar sus ambiciones físicas y mentales a través del camino trazado por los límites de la dieta cetogénica!

  • av Gene Davidson

    The carnivorous lifestyle has gained popularity recently due to its ease and simplicity, as well as the fact that the results for most of the thousands that try this diet speak for themselves.This book was created precisely for this reason, to give you all the information you need to have a general overview of the carnivore diet and how you can apply it to lose weight and improve your health.Carnivore Diet is a revolutionary diet strategy, that offers a host of scientifically benefits such us weight loss, better sleep, reduced inflammation and reduced join pain...and increase muscle mass.You'll find a scope of mouth-watering dishes that are fast and simple to get ready.

  • av Candy Quinn

  • av Candy Quinn

  • av Roslyn Muir

    The thrilling conclusion to The Chimera's Apprentice Series is here! Majellan grabbed Mercy by the arms and pulled her close to him. She could feel his hot breath on her face and his seething anger. "If you betray me again, pup, it shall be the last thing you ever do," he growled. KYRA MURCH has disappeared and it's up to her friends Coyne and Mercy to find her. But Coyne is reeling after the Raturro's invasion of the Plains, and Mercy is being held hostage in Thane's Reach. When Majellan discovers the ancient city of Tethys far below them, he forces Mercy to use the Adularia Stones, unleashing an ancient and unstoppable darkness.>Peace always has a cost. The only question is: will Kyra be ready to pay it?

  • av Candy Quinn

    She wants to lose her innocence, and doesn't want to choose between them. They'll teach her what it is to please, and be pleased. Whether it's a rock star, a billionaire, or a best friend, they'll set her world on fire.

  • - Guia definitiva para perder grasa increiblemente rapido con la dieta Keto (Dieta baja en carbohidratos para bajar de peso y sentirse increible): La Guia Completa Para Una Dieta Alta En Grasas Y Un Enfoque Practico Para La Salud Y La Perdida De Peso (Perdi
    av Gloria Perez

    La dieta ketogénica o keto es más fácil de seguir que otras tendencias dietéticas. Es un régimen muy conveniente y eficaz. Funciona con el principio de consumir alimentos ricos en grasas y proteínas saludables para que el cuerpo ingrese al estado de cetosis. La cetosis es cuando el cuerpo utiliza la grasa almacenada como energía llamada cetonas, en ausencia de glucosa . Cuando el cuerpo consume grasa almacenada, termina perdiendo peso en el proceso.Este libro contiene pasos y estrategias comprobadas sobre la dieta Keto en un corto período de tiempo, prepara platos deliciosamente asequibles y fáciles para tu dieta cetogénica. Vivir una vida sana y plena.En este libro, puedes aprender consejos sobre cómo aplicar eficazmente la dieta Keto en tu estilo de vida, seguir un plan de comidas y preparar una variedad de deliciosos platos para el desayuno, platos principales, refrigerios y acompañamientos, ¡y más! La dieta cetogénica se ha probado y comprobado a lo largo de las décadas para ayudar a perder peso de manera rápida y efectiva. ¡Comience ahora y disfrute de los beneficios de ser delgado y sentirse genial!!Una dieta de limpieza está diseñada para cambiar el cuerpo del cuerpo de la quema de grasas.Su mayor problema es que tiene diabetes por su causa probable debido a la ingesta de agua lenta, lo que alivia la ingesta de sangre, lo que a su vez disminuye la necesidad de insulina, lo que minimiza la ingesta.

  • - Recetas sabrosas bajas en carbohidratos para principiantes (La mejor guia para carb bajo)
    av Savannah Contreras

    Cocina bajo en grasas: Perder grasa con una alimentación sana y limpia junto a la dieta de la grasa abdominal.El libro de cocina bajo en grasa cubre dos dietas, la dieta basada en comer de una forma sana y limpia y la dieta de la grasa abdominal. Ambas dietas ofrecen recetas que son bajas en grasa para ayudarte a adelgazar. Estos alimentos nutritivos ayudan a aumentar el metabolismo, facilitándote la quema de calorías. Hay una gran variedad de recetas para el desayuno, el almuerzo, la cena, bebidas, aperitivos y postres para planificar las comidas con semanas de antelación.En este libro completo sobre la dieta ketogénica he decidido reunir toda la información necesaria sobre una nueva dieta para aquellos que quieran seguirla. Los beneficios que obtenga de este libro dependen solo de usted.

  • - El recetario definitivo de salsas bajas en carnohidratos (Como perder peso con una dieta baja en carbohidratos)
    av Emilia Delfin

    Usted está a punto de descubrir cómo hacerlo.No es necesario comprar costosos planes de alimentación o pasarse horas recorriendo listas de lo que se debe y no se debe hacer, ésta práctica guía ha hecho el trabajo por ti. Descubre comidas que tal vez no hayas considerado antes y aprende maneras de mantener tu dieta bajo control. Comer sano es una opción que no debería causarte estragos hasta agotarte.La dieta baja en carbohidratos ha existido durante muchos años y está orientada a evitar los alimentos procesados y comer alimentos integrales, que es lo que la humanidad ha estado haciendo desde los albores de la humanidad hasta las últimas décadas ... Si quieres perder peso, comer una dieta saludable y ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo, Dieta baja en carbohidratos para principiantes es el mejor libro para ti. Descarga este gran libro hoy!Incluye asombrosas técnicas rápidas de cocina

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