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  • - Become a Sex God and Make Your Lover Addicted To You
    av Jessica Anderson

    If you think there are only three positions that get the job done, your sex life is BORING...You might as well be strolling through social media during intercourse with your a partner with how passionless your sex currently is. Ask yourself ...Would it really make a difference?Hearing nothing but the bed squeak and meaningless moans. Begins to remove what you once felt for your partner. The fire, the passion, the excitement.You''re starting to lose the yearning of wanting sex. WHY? because with the sex you''re having there is nothing to look forward to.The longer we are in relationships a pattern is created especially around our sex life. You find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, sex has become a chore.Same thing if you''re solo, you keep pulling out the same moves. How is that fun for YOU?According to "The Washington Post", experts who study Americans'' bedroom habits found that there are a number of factors driving"The Great American Sex Drought."Using "Kama Sutra" is the ultimate way of becoming a sex god and make your lover addicted to you, and stop any kind of sex drought.In "Sex Positions: The Orgasm Bible"", you┬┤ll discover:A Step-by-Step guide on how to have mind-blowing orgasm and learn how to give themBoost you''re sexual confidence and lovemaking skills in a short amount of time5 most important steps to gain a deep connection with ANYONE you sleep withHow to overcome not knowing what to do in the bedroomRealistic how to''s of sex positions that empower youThe right mindset to avoid emotional stress and overcome you''re fears of being embarrassedHow to increase you''re sexual satisfaction by mastering "Kama Sutra"A share of U.S. adults reporting no sex in the past year reached an all-time high in 2018, underscoring a three-decade trend line marked by an aging population and higher numbers of unattached people.Don''t make the same old mistakes by staying safe and becoming unattached.Stepping up and trying something new in the bed can be terrifying, scary, embarrassing, and uncomfortable. Save yourself from years of wasted GOOD sex.Get your copy today to become a Sex Master!

  • - How tо Trаіn Yоur Puppy The Ultіmаtе Guіdе for Bеgіnnеrѕ оn Rаіѕіng уоur Puрру wіth Positive Dоg Trа
    av Danny Wager

    Did you just get a new puppy? Would you like an easy transition to a well mannered and obedient dog? Would you like to raise a healthy and happy puppy that you love?Starting off on the right foot with a brand new puppy as SOON as you bring them home is super important. There is a lot of confusing and conflicting advice out there when it comes to training your dog.This Book provides step-by-step directions for how to train your dog and how to overcome the most common problems. I will give you detailed instructions that are actionable steps that will produce real results without wasting your time.The solution is to practice modern, positive techniques that will create more awareness in your puppy, eliminating the common negative behaviors typical of their age. With these methods, you will have the clarity of how to raise a puppy, bringing joy and happiness into both of your lives. And Your family can simply enjoy the presence of your new family member.With How to Train a Puppy, you will learn: Learn how to pick the right breed for you and your family The first thing you should do when your puppy gets home The Break down of training basics Researched techniques to properly acclimate your puppy to you and your home How to understand Your dog's development timeline How to Pr¿¿¿r¿ F¿r Training How to dog-proof your home Things you'll need and where to get them Adv¿n¿¿d Obedience Tr¿¿n¿ng What you need to do to crate train your dog Walking outdoors and meeting others Behavioral training for biting, scratching, and barking Basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and more Using a collar and leash, plus heel command How to enjoy lasting resultsIf You want the best for your dog, that means you need to train your dog the right way at the right time. This audiobook takes all the guesswork out of training your dog.

  • - Un guide complet, pratique et efficace pour combattre le stress, maîtriser ses émotions et vivre en paix
    av Vincent Caron

    Avez-vous déjà ressenti cette sensation - comme si vous aviez un poids sur les épaules ?Avez-vous besoin d''aide pour gérer le stress, l''anxiété et les sentiments négatifs ?Vous ne l''avez peut-être pas encore réalisé... mais ce dont vous avez besoin, c''est d''une qualité appelée Résilience.La résilience a un lien direct avec la psyché humaine et fait partie de nous sans même que nous nous en rendions compte. C''est cette compétence dont nous avons besoin chaque jour pour élever une famille, travailler avec les autres, gérer le stress, les problèmes de santé, les désaccords, le chagrin ou tout simplement les moments difficiles.Ce livre est le manuel pratique sur la résilience que vos parents auraient dû vous faire lire dès l''enfance. Tout en lisant, vous apprendrez à gérer les pensées négatives étape par étape afin que vous puissiez vivre une vie plus heureuse et plus épanouie. Grâce à des conseils pratiques et des stratégies efficaces, vous pourrez vous forger une discipline de fer, détruire les mauvaises habitudes et enfin vivre l''esprit tranquille.Ce guide contient 2 livres de Vincent Caron :Autodiscipline : l''art et la science de la discipline : comment développer la maîtrise de soi, résister à la tentation et atteindre tous vos objectifsHabitudes Positives : comment prendre le contrôle de sa vie, se fixer des objectifs et les atteindre... même si cela semble impossible maintenantVoici un aperçu de ce que vous découvrirez à l''intérieur :Qu''est-ce que la résilience... et pourquoi tout le monde en parle ?Comment découvrir vos points fortsComment bâtir une discipline d''acier, même si vous vous considérez comme un "procrastinateur" ?Comment éliminer les mauvaises habitudes de votre vieComment annihiler les énergies négatives qui conduisent à l''insomnie, à l''épuisement et à la fatigue des surrénalesComment faire en sorte que vos émotions travaillent exactement pour vous, et non contre vous ! (c''est vraiment important)Comment faire face aux défis quotidiens de la bonne manière et les surmonter avec facilitéEt bien plus encore !Ce livre vous donnera les outils nécessaires pour faire face aux défis de la vie avec moins d''anxiété, plus d''optimisme, d''estime de soi, de calme et de concentration.Ne perdez pas de temps et suivez les conseils de ce manuel, vous constaterez immédiatement des changements positifs dans votre vie.

  • - Comment prendre sa vie en main, se fixer des objectifs et les atteindre ... meme si cela semble impossible maintenant !
    av Vincent Caron

    Le probl├¿me, ce n''est pas vous ... Le probl├¿me, ce sont vos habitudes!Il n''y a pas d''issue: il est inutile de lire des livres de motivation, de s''efforcer d''├¬tre toujours positif ou de s''imaginer heureux. Rien ne peut ├¬tre chang├⌐ si vous n''intervenez pas directement sur vos habitudes, en laissant les mauvaises derri├¿re vous.Habitudes Positives de Vincent Caron r├⌐v├¿le des strat├⌐gies pratiques qui vous apprendront exactement comment prendre de bonnes habitudes, briser les mauvaises et ma├«triser ces petits comportements qui m├¿nent ├á des r├⌐sultats remarquables.En fait, m├¬me les plus petites habitudes affectent ├⌐norm├⌐ment notre sant├⌐, notre travail, notre situation ├⌐conomique et notre bonheur. Vous devez savoir comment les cr├⌐er et les maintenir au fil du temps.Voici quelques-uns des contenus que vous trouverez dans ce manuel:Comment d├⌐couvrir quelles habitudes n├⌐gatives vous bloquentComment briser les mauvaises et nuisibles habitudes, m├¬me si vous les portez depuis des ann├⌐esLa pire erreur que la plupart des gens font (et comment l''├⌐viter).Les techniques les plus efficaces pour surmonter le manque de motivation et de volont├⌐Comment vous lib├⌐rer en permanence de vos peurs les plus profondes (et plus t├┤t les transformer en forces)Comment reconna├«tre les signaux fondamentaux que le corps envoie inconsciemment: vous d├⌐couvrirez ce qui peut se cacher derri├¿re un faux sourire ...Vous d├⌐couvrirez les causes de tous les ├⌐checs et pourquoi certaines personnes obtiennent toujours ce qu''elles veulent, tandis que d''autres restent inexorablement coinc├⌐es. Surtout, vous comprendrez comment g├⌐rer le stress quotidien et b├ótir un avenir meilleur gr├óce au pouvoir des habitudes positives.Ce manuel est utile ├á la fois dans la vie quotidienne et sur le lieu de travail.Alors ne perdez pas votre temps. Achetez votre exemplaire maintenant pour apprendre ├á briser vos faiblesses et les remplacer par des habitudes positives!

  • - The Seduction Playbook For Men's Relationships; Learn How to Approach Women Without Anxiety and Easily Master the Art of Attraction, Psychology, and Communication
    av Andrew Glover

    Ask yourself, have you ever felt alone? Have you ever been rejected by a girl? Has that ruined your confidence with women?Do you yearn to feel alive? Do you want to be able to just let go, walk into any situation with a woman and own it?This is a straight to the point Playbook to dating the women you want. Getting up and living the life you deserve. No games and no chapters filled with BS. I will give you nothing but actionable content designed to turn you into the strongest version of You. I will equip you with a powerful mindset and the social skills required so you can FINALLY be the man you always wanted to be. Giving you ACTUAL DOABLE STEPS that will lead to the ultimate success in your dating life.You can do these steps even if you have anxiety and confidence issues.Believe me when I tell you that I spent many nights alone, left behind, ashamed and feeling worthless. I asked myself "what was wrong with me? Why does no one like me, why don''t I have any friends, why does no girl want me?".I never thought I''d be able to say one day I had enough. I was at my breaking point and I had to find a solution. I looked everywhere, got in touch with the best in the industry, put myself out there and went from loser crying alone at night to a man of confidence, living the life I only saw in my head.What you will learn in this book:Why 98% of the most common dating advice you hear is wrong, and the TRUTH about what women actually respond to.How to use body language to seduce and attract a girl and truly understand what she wants.How to maintain engaging and endless conversations...How to have more confidence and less stress before approaching (Even if you struggle with the worst self-esteem issues.)The EXACT conversational strategies that will help you capture any woman''s attention and spark instant attraction - even IF you''re not attractive, ripped, rich, or famous.How to use the social circle game to passively attract any woman without having to put too much effort into it.Proven steps and tactics to escalate your interactions, create sexual tension and build an abundant dating life where high-quality women are chasing you.The number one mistake 95% of men make that leads to toxic relationships (and the exact steps you must take to avoid it).How to win in a social setting so that everybody loves you, and you''ll be able to have a lot of girls at your feet.How to handle break up''s and come out on top after getting dumped!I''ve spent the last 10 years experimenting in the field. Building the foundation to change my life. I have narrowed it down to the principles that you''ll find in this book, and believe me when I tell you that I''ve tried them all.Get your copy now. It''s time to commit to becoming the man who always wins.

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