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  • av Surendra nath Padhi & Sasmita Panda
    2 529,-

    This book on "e;Human Diseases"e; is written with a view to meet curricular requirements of students at undergraduate and post graduate levels of Indian Universities. Diseases are illnesses impairing the normal physiological functioning of living organisms. The causative agents are virus, bacteria, protozoans, helminthes and others. The diseases chosen for this book are: measles, smallpox, chickenpox, AIDS, Ebola, Dengue, cholera, leprosy, tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria, amoebiasis, Diarrhoea, Filariasis, Cancer and Jaundice. The text describes causative agents, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, epidemiology and history of all 16 diseases. A table containing these factors has also been included for the convenience of readers to have an immediate idea about these human diseases.

  • av Christoph Kotsch
    3 170,-

    As more and more startup companies are founded every year worldwide, building up one's own business does not get easier. Since 9 out of 10 startups fail, future entrepreneurs are well advised to take a look at potential reasons for failure and success. Learning from others' mistakes and studying success stories can improve their own performance and help to avoid critical errors. The academic paper at hand will provide valuable insights for entrepreneurs. It not only states the most important terms concerning startups but also lists the most important factors for a startup company's success, according to literature review. Delineating both internal and external factors, this thesis not only delivers a synoptic view of potential challenges inside a startup as well as in its ecosystem, but also juxtaposes these influences in opposition. The second part of this paper analyzes a series of interviews with twelve startup founders from three different regions (the province of North-Rhine Westphalia in Germany, Budapest in Hungary and the state of California in the US). Their views and experiences will be summarized and put into the context of their respective startup ecosystem.

  • av Sharon Mutsau

    Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) signed prior to the 21st century are problematic. Some countries with BITs signed during this period have since reviewed those BITs and taken action to address the disadvantages the BITs held for the host nation or have either resorted to eradicating some of their BITs. In particular, developing countries that signed BITs with developed nations seem to be disproportionately disadvantaged in these agreements. This research highlights Kenya's current BIT situation and compares it in light of another developing country, South Africa, with regards to its BIT experience. Given that South Africa has undergone an extensive BIT review process and moves to change some of these BITs, this study compares and contrasts the Kenyan and South African experience. The study highlights the possible lessons that could be learnt from the South African BIT review experience and provides recommendations for the Kenyan government regarding its outdated BITs. The lessons and recommendations benefit not only Kenya but also other countries that are still to review their BITs as it adds to the literature on why it is important for countries with such BITs to revisit them and how they can go about the review mechanism best. In addition, the study is also significant as far as it raises awareness of the use and effects of BITs, thereby enabling countries that enter into such agreements to make informed decisions.

  • av Shahid Mahmood & Burhan Ahmad
    1 888,-

    This research explores observed, simulated, and projected extreme climate indices from a selection of different GCMs from CMIP5 ensemble for Pakistan at province level. The extreme indices for observed, simulated and projected climate are found and analysed on provincial basis over the country. Pakistan has been facing shortages in both the power and water sector which are the lifelines of the country. Significant increases in the maximum and minimum temperatures over the country may affect such sectors drastically. Considerable increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, coupled with erratic monsoon rains may cause frequent and intense floods and droughts in the region. Rising temperatures resulting in enhanced heat and water-stressed conditions, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, may lead to reduced agricultural productivity. This report shall bring added value to all stakeholders and policy makers in determining the hazards that extreme climate has brought in the past and may bring in the near future.

  • av Lawrence Meda
    2 147,-

    This study is a presentation of Zimbabwean refugee learner experiences. Children escaped political persecution and economic problems which affected Zimbabwe in the year 2008. Many of these children were abused and witnessed traumatic experiences, their close relatives and neighbours being executed in cold blood. This study was guided by three critical questions: i) who are the Zimbabwean refugee learners? ii) what were Zimbabwean refugee learners' migration experiences? and iii) what were Zimbabwean refugee learners' school experiences?The study employed Bronfenbrenner's Social Ecological Model as its overarching theoretical framework. Each stage of the refugee experience was described at each point in time.

  • av Alena Eikens

    When Joanne K. Rowling published her first Harry Potter novel in 1997, probably nobody expected the tremendous success her writing debut was going to bring her. The huge popularity of the seven-book series led not only to an equally successful series of film adaptations, but also to a variety of well selling merchandise. Children and adults alike are enchanted by the wizarding world that Rowling so meticulously created. However, Rowling's story does not only serve as a source for our entertainment, she also uses her fantasy world as a metaphor for our own world, depicting rights and wrongs in many different fields. One of the main themes is even a very controversial one: discrimination. And Rowling did not just invent a world in black and white, she does not simply tell the reader that prejudice is a reprehensible trait in our society. Rather, she created a world for the readers to explore and find things out for themselves as the story continued. In this paper, the author claims that the representation of discrimination in the Harry Potter series influences the readers in a positive way and that they are likely less prejudiced against stigmatised groups after reading the books.

  • av Md. Iqbal Hossain & Nadia Sultana
    1 157,-

    Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart diseases and the leading cause of death worldwide due to heart disease. It occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrowed or blocked by a buildup of cholesterol and other material at the inner wall of the artery. Limitation of blood flow to the heart causes ischemia of the myocardial cells. Myocardial cells may die from lack of oxygen and this is called a myocardial infarction - or more commonly: a heart attack. Treatment options include medication, surgery or catheter-based procedures. Several types of catheter-based procedures are available. During balloon angioplasty, a special balloon catheter is passed into the narrowed segment of the artery and expands the balloon, which thus opens the artery and compresses the blockage against the wall of the artery. Stents are very small metal mesh-tubes that can be inserted via a balloon catheter into the narrowed segment of the artery. When the balloon is inflated, the stent expands and is embedded into the artery vessel wall, which thus opens the previously narrowed segment of artery. The balloon is then deflated and removed along with the catheter, and the stent is left behind to serve as a metal framework for the artery. In case of drug eluting stents a certain amount of anti-flammating drug is loaded in the coating over the base stent. This drug is released at the wall of diseased artery so that restenosis cannot take place at the place of artery where the stent has been implanted. In this thesis a drug eluting stent was studied where there was a biodegradable coating over a bare metal stent in which there was some amount of therapeutic drug. The degradation of the biodegradable coating layer thickness was determined with respect to time which was actually representing the remaining drug concentration in the coating layer. Then using this variable drug concentration as the drug concentration at initial tissue layer concentration profile of drug in tissue layer with respect to time and position was determined using finite volume algorithm, where this algorithm was coded using MATLAB programming language.

  • av Daniel James Schuster
    1 205,-

    This comparative study of the resistance behavior between the Palestinians and Chinese Uyghurs delineates the commonalities of the two case studies in terms of circumstances and resistance behavior, while creating its research puzzle from their differences of the latter. The research question asks what explains the variation in resistance behavior between the two groups given their similarities. The study analyses the commonalities and differences of resistance behavior with regards to a resistance spectrum"e;, starting with 'frames' (How is the conflict framed?"e;), continuing with an investigation of the non-violent forms of action-based resistance (poetry, songs, protests, etc.), concluding with an analysis of the violent forms of resistance. The study relies upon four different theories in its hypotheses' development in order to test different variables for explaining the research puzzle.

  • av Diana Eunice Kawenda
    1 065,-

    The dire African economic situation has been a perennial problem for the past six decades. Many problems emanate from slow economic growth, such as poverty and unemployment. There is a need for a collective effort to ensure economic growth, which would be the most viable solution to these problems, and the key to such a collective effort is regional economic integration (REI). This study examines REI within the legal context. It tests the proposition that the law can be used as a means to achieving REI. At the heart of this proposition lies the legal challenge that comes with the different approaches to legal reception and how they impede the realisation of REI. An analysis is performed of the theories related to legal reception, which include the monist, the dualist and the hybrid theories. REI was embraced in Europe and has yielded fruitful results. There is no doubt that the collective efforts to realise economic growth in other continents stem from the inspiration of the European example. Europe is used in this study to illustrate how the obstacles that accompany the different approaches to legal reception may be superseded. The study examines how the law was used in Europe as a means to attain REI. An attempt is then made to understand REI from an African perspective by setting out the legal framework and its shortcomings. Attention is paid to Africa's sub-region of Southern Africa, and the study examines legal reception within Southern Africa and how the different approaches to legal reception within the two RECs, the SADC and COMESA, impact upon the realisation of REI. It seeks to evaluate the possibility that the African continent, particularly Southern Africa, may be able to use the law to attain REI. A further analysis is made by examining South Africa's approach to legal reception and how this impacts on the realisation of REI.

  • av Gebhu Ndlovu
    1 274,-

    This study investigates the Copper(111) - Antimony (Sb) system which is characterized by a complex interplay between adsorbate interactions and adsorbate substrate interactions which manifest through self-assembly processes. Surface sensitive techniques such as Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Auger Electron Spectroscopy were utilized to determine the substrate cleanliness prior to the growth of monolayer Sb coverage. The surface chemical reactivity on an atom-by-atom basis of the Cu sample surface was studied by current imaging tunneling spectroscopy. The use of surface sensitive techniques in studying the surface alloy in question allows for more precise statements to be made about the surface structure of the system at various temperatures. Based on the experimental results, a comprehensive study of the adsorption and segregation behavior of Sb on Cu(111), including the mechanisms for phase formation at the atomic scale, is presented in this study.

  • av Bockarie Sama Banya

    Some managers shy away from implementing employee recognition programs fearing high associated costs. Yet, there are some simple and free-cost recognition programs - like saying "e;thank you"e; and "e;well done"e; - which are crucial. Upon this basis, this study's main purpose is to assess the relationship between simple employee recognition and employee productivity. It is guided by the following objectives: Determining and measuring the best employee productivity, forms of simple employee recognition, relationship between simple employee recognition and employee productivity, and strategies of how to improve employee productivity through recognition. For this purpose, related literature was reviewed and a case study research design in support of both quantitative and qualitative techniques was applied for data collection, presentation and analysis. A sample size of 400 respondents was selected and used with composition of all levels of management for M-Nic Consultancy & Research Centre. Data collection was done using questionnaires and interviews, presented, analysed, interpreted and discussed for conclusions and recommendations.

  • av Waleed Ridha AL-Juwaid & Riyadh Tariq Kadhim Al-Ameedi

    The present study is based on a MA thesis submitted to the council of College of Education, Ibn Rushd, University of Baghdad, Iraq in 1989 for the degree of master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics. It describes the syntactic and semantic aspects of adverbial clauses and phrases of reason through which the English language mainly expresses the idea of causality. Furthermore, it presents the general points of causality as a philosophical context. A short review of the traditional treatment of causality is given at first, followed by the transformational treatment. It derives some rules that transform kernel sentences into adverbial clauses and, if possible, phrases of reason having the same meaning and embed them within a matrix sentence.

  • av Jiajun Zhu
    1 734,-

    Topological insulator is one of the hottest research topics in solid state physics. This is the first book to describe the vibrational spectroscopies and electrical transport of topological insulator Bi2Se3, one of the most exciting areas of research in condensed matter physics. In particular, attempts have been made to summarize and develop the various theories and new experimental techniques developed over years from the studies of Raman scattering, infrared spectroscopy and electrical transport of topological insulator Bi2Se3. It is intended for material and physics researchers and graduate students doing research in the field of optical and electrical properties of topological insulators, providing them the physical understanding and mathematical tools needed to engage research in this quickly growing field. Some key topics in the emerging field of topological insulators are introduced.

  • av Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad Mansha, Syed Hussain Haider Rizvi, m.fl.
    1 659,-

    The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) environmental profiling project has been completed aiming at the healthy environment for the citizens of AJK. The Environmental Protection Agency of AJK has been providing the logistical support and mobility etc. throughout the sampling period. The present study has a very strong focus on "e;Indoor Air Quality Monitoring"e;. The monitoring has been performed at the selected locations of Muzaffarabad, Mirpur and Bhimber in residential, commercial and industrial areas for ambient air. Indoor air quality has been measured in schools, houses, hospitals and industrial units of different locations of Muzaffarabad, Mirpur and Bhimber.

  • av Sahidul Ahmed

    The definition of quality education depends upon the subject's perspective. For example, for the students it may stand for the facilities provided to them; for parents it may be the learning outcomes; for teachers it may be the improvement of teaching learning processes; for prospective employers it may be the nature of the output. Secondary education takes a vital part in the formation of active citizens and also plays a critical role in addressing the emerging human development concerns in countries engaged in building knowledge societies to stay connected to the process of globalization. The role of secondary education in the growth of a nation is paramount and significant, more particularly in developing countries. Secondary education is the single largest supplier of labour force in most of the developing countries, including India. In view of the relation between education and economic growth in a less developed state like India, it is not the highly sophisticated manpower but the middle level (secondary) manpower that is necessary for enhancing the economic growth. This study deals with secondary education in Tripura, India. Academicians, researchers and students who are interested in studying secondary education in general and secondary education of Tripura in particular are the target group of this book which will surely help them to understand the problem of quality secondary education in India.

  • av Jasmin Lilian Diab
    1 205,-

    Germany will spend around $6.6 billion to cope with an estimated 800,000 refugees expected to have entered the country in the year 2016; this reality indeed extending further into 2017. Despite this overwhelming number of people entering the country, Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that there is "e;no legal limit to the number of asylum seekers Germany will take in in the coming years."e; The announcement by Merkel's coalition government followed Germany and Austria opening their borders to the large numbers of refugees making their way north and west from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. In particular, this statement came after the Syrian refugee crisis created the biggest refugee crisis the world has seen since the Second World War. Germany is seen as the immigration hub of Europe. It also happens to be the second most popular destination for immigrants after the United States of America. Germany is also the country in Europe with the highest numbers of foreign nationals to date. Germany established a new immigration law in 2005 which was born out of a realization that it was coming to terms with a demographic crisis stemming from an ageing population and further complimented by a sharp decline of national birth rates. In foresight, and within this unfortunate context, migration was seen by much of the German political class as an economic necessity, and the answer to the German economic and demographic time bomb. Between the years 2009 and 2014, annual net migration in Germany rose from 100,000 to 580,000 individuals. Moreover, the inflow of foreign nationals increased from 266,000 to 790,000 individuals. As of January 2015, approximately 10% of residents in Germany were foreign nationals, with around 12% born outside the country. Naturally, these figures have all risen significantly following Merkel's decision to allow what has reached one million refugees and migrants into Germany across 2016 and moving into 2017. Moving from this reality, the research will focus on the importance of the compliance of Germany's migration policy with International Refugee and Migration Law, as it is crucial for the country's survivability and move forward throughout this phase of its history. The importance of the research lies in whether or not Germany's migration policy towards the Syrian Refugees in particular complies with its duties toward international law embodied in the treaties and conventions it has committed to.

  • av Sinee Sankrusme
    1 915,-

    Tourism is identified as one of the major potential industries of Thai economy. It is considered to be a top priority for the following reasons; Firstly, it is an industry requiring much labor, thus it provides many jobs for city residents, by which it helps to solve unemployment for society. Secondly, it is an industry which brings with it many important benefits, improving the social-economic situation, and enhancing income for people. Thirdly, it can promote peace, enhancing common understanding and building a unified and sustainable country. In the last years, Thailand's tourism industry has made significant progress and contributed largely to the economic development and social progress of the nation. In the context of international integration, the Thailand government has focused on developing the tourism industry even further, enhancing service quality, and expanding operations scale. As a result, the number of tourists coming to Thailand has increased significantly between 2009 and 2015. This study investigates the perceived value, satisfaction and revisit of Russian tourists who visit Thailand on the basis of selected tourism destinations in Bangkok, Thailand.

  • av Sinee Sankrusme
    1 302,-

    Marine and beach tourism is one of the still growing fields in tourism worldwide. These tourism activities include scuba diving, snorkeling, wind surfing, fishing, observing marine mammals and birds, cruising or ferry riding, sea kayaking, visiting fishing villages and lighthouses, sailing, and motor yachting. The growth in marine and beach tourism has helped develop and improve coastal areas. Thailand, with its numerous attractions and tourist destinations, continues to amaze the world regarding marine and beach tourism. One of the most popular marine and beach destinations in Thailand is Phuket. Phuket is Thailand's largest island and considered to be the most famous. This island has an exceptional climate: The monsoon in Phuket comes earlier than in the other parts of the gulf and during the rainy season, the island experiences rain only once or twice a day. The purpose of this study aims to develop the fields of ecotourism, sea tourism, and beach tourism. The study was conducted at the site of Phuket, being one of the worldwide known marine and beach attractions and well-known among foreigners. Moreover, the island of Phuket also has many beautiful marine and beach attractions that are still to be discovered by the public and need to be developed to entice more tourists to come and revisit the island.

  • av Ava Tress

    As modern organizations seek for changes to enhance their competitive positions and their survivability in global markets, the successful implementation of organizational change has become an important management task. But still, many companies are unable to succeed in change processes. Failures show that there is considerable room for researchers to provide insights into opportunities for improving the success of organizational change events. Given the fact that individuals are the most important units in organizational change, a successful implementation requires employees' acceptance and support. Hence, employees' positive attitudes and their Work Engagement are considered to be fundamental requirements. Nevertheless, there is limited understanding of the multitudinous factors associated with employees' decision to support organizational change. Basically, organizational change is stressful as it requires the readiness to embrace change and the readjustment of employees' routine tasks. In this regard, leadership is considered to be one of the most important variables affecting the attitudinal dimension of organizational processes. Empowering Leadership implies sharing power to foster employees' motivation and engagement in their work. Empowering Leadership emerges when supervisors foster trust-based relationships with followers, show interest in their personal problems, facilitate participative decision-making and coach them to be more self-reliant. However, relatively few studies have tested how and why Empowering Leadership relates to Follower Work Engagement in organizational change environments. This study tries to cover exactly these points.

  • av Ahmed Fraz Baig

    Wireless communication systems are extensively used in the current decade. Internet based applications are accessed by mobile networks at any time and from anywhere. Nowadays, roaming in mobile communication has become extremely popular. Mobility is the function that allows a user to move around and, at the same time, stay inside the network. The Global Mobility Network (GLOMONET) plays a very important role in wireless communication. When people visit some other country they have to use the mobile services. In GLOMONET, the roaming user, being in a foreign country, uses the mobile services with the help of their home country network. Mobile users connect themselves to a foreign network and the foreign network verifies the legality of the mobile user through their home network and home agent. Due to the technological improvements, many security issues have been raised up. While designing the security protocols for wireless networks, communication and computation costs are very important. The objective of this study is to propose an authentication scheme that has the ability to detect and resist all possible attacks. Formal security analysis and authenticity of proposed thesis is analyzed with BAN logic and ProVerif. Furthermore, the author checked the security of the proposed scheme informally against different attacks.

  • av Roy Della Savia
    1 929,-

    This research discusses the relationship between the migration of skilled professional and managerial workers from Canada to the United States, the so-called "e;brain drain"e;, and seeks to determine if and how the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) may have affected bilateral flows of permanent and non-permanent immigrants between the two countries. Classical economic theory suggests that trade and factor movements are substitutes, so that freer trade between Canada and the United States could be expected to reduce incentives for bilateral migration. On the other hand, the labor demands of multinational corporations in the emerging global marketplace require a greater degree of worker mobility than has heretofore existed. The research reviews available historic and longitudinal evidence related to political, social and economic effects of the FTA and the NAFTA.

  • av Supriya Salve

    Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, which also causes the most cancer deaths among them today. Mammography is the only reliable method to detect breast cancer in the early stage among all diagnostic methods available currently. Breast cancer can occur in both men and women and is defined as an abnormal growth of cells in the breast that multiply uncontrollably. The main factors which cause breast cancer are either hormonal or genetic. Masses are quite subtle, and have many shapes such as circumscribed, speculated or ill-defined. These tumors can be either benign or malignant. Computer-aided methods are powerful tools to assist the medical staff in hospitals and lead to better and more accurate diagnosis. The main objective of this research is to develop a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for finding the tumors in the mammographic images and classifying the tumors as benign or malignant. There are five main phases involved in the proposed CAD system: image pre-processing, extraction of features from mammographic images using Gabor Wavelet and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier.

  • av Pravin Bhole

    The implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in industrial manufacturing and retail supply chain management has seen strong growth in recent years. This is partly due to Wal-Marts RFID mandate to its suppliers. As more companies along the global supply chain adopt RFID, RFID tags embedded can be expected to proliferate in virtually every industrial product, ranging from computers to automobiles, in the near future. Large retailers likeWal-Mart and government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) have driven recent developments in RFID technology. This in turn has a diffusion effect on hundreds of suppliers and manufacturers as their products are required to be tagged before shipping to these giant customers. RFID technology provides a good alternative to automatically reading and writing product information. In addition to recording the identity of an object, RFID technology also documents its current status, recent past, and immediate future.

  • av Harikumar Rajaguru & Sunil Kumar Prabhakar

    Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Many people with epilepsy have more than one type of seizures and may have other symptoms of neurological problems as well. Epilepsy is caused due to sudden recurrent firing of the neurons in the brain. The symptoms are convulsions, dizziness and confusion. One out of every hundred persons experiences a seizure at some time in their lives. It may be confused with other events like strokes or migraines. Unfortunately, the occurrence of an epileptic seizure seems unpredictable and its process still is hardly understood. In India, the number of persons suffering from epilepsy is increasing every year. The complexity involved in the diagnosis and therapy has to be cost effective. In this project, the authors applied an algorithm which is used for a classification of the risk level of epilepsy in epileptic patients from Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Dimensionality reduction is done on the EEG dataset by applying Power Spectral density. The KNN Classifier and K-Means clustering is implemented on these spectral values to epilepsy risk level detection. The Performance Index (PI) and Quality Value (QV) are calculated for the above methods. A group of twenty patients with known epilepsy findings are used in this study.

  • av Kuldeep Dhama, Basavaraj Patthi & Ashish Singla

    Dental caries is a multi factorial, bacterial, chronic infection that affects millions of people in the world and has become a public health problem. Also referred to as tooth decay, this disease is one of the most common disorders throughout the world, second only to the common cold. Dental caries is the most common chronic childhood disease in the United States and is 5 to 7 times more common than asthma. According to the World Oral Health Report in 2003, dental caries affect 60-80% of school children and a vast majority of adults. If left untreated, dental caries can result in cavities forming and, eventually, tooth loss. Although the prevalence and severity of dental caries has decreased over the years, this disease can be controlled better with proper fluoride exposure. Fluoride dentifrices have been shown in numerous clinical trials to be effective anticaries agents and have been recognized as a major cause of the remarkable decline in caries prevalence in many developed countries. Dentifrices have been widely adopted around the world as the principle means of delivering topical fluoride and obtaining caries preventive benefits. Although there is documented literature on the use of topical fluorides, the issue needs to be further researched based on the recent documeanted literature and guidelines regarding use of topical fluorides. Hence, the present review was conducted with the aim to review the available literature on the use and effectiveness of different topical fluorides used in dentistry.

  • av Kousalya Prabahar

    It is necessary to ascertain current prescribing of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) to address potential overuse. Hence, the objective of this study is to analyse the current prescription patterns and the economics of drugs used in the treatment of URTI. For this, a prospective observational study was carried out in the out-patient department of paediatrics. Children of 1 month to 18 years, diagnosed with URTI by the physician, were included in the study. The demographic details, drugs prescribed, dose, duration of therapy, cost of drug therapy were all noted from the out-patient record. The cost of individual drugs was analysed and the health economic analysis of drugs was performed.

  • av Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole
    1 567,-

    The purpose of this volume is to broadly discuss the media's responsibility to provide discursive contributions to the ethical and moral challenges of our times. At the crossroads of intellectual progress and profit-orientation, concentration tendencies in the academic publishing industry pose a threat to the reputation and integrity of higher education. The actions of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden have radically changed our perception of privacy, stirring debates about the ethical and moral dilemma attached to the disclosures. Islam and religion continue to rank as urgent topics in the news - with the most influential contributions to the public discourse often belonging to ideologically influenced Western voices. One century after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, Russia is still negotiating how to categorize these events - which have recently been pointed out in a controversial TV show. The example of Nigeria makes clear that insecurity and national development go hand in hand with responsible press coverage, while the low self-perception of the Belarusian film industry is due partly to its depiction in the country's only cinematographic publication.

  • av Muhammad Shafiq, Isma Younes, Abdul Ghaffar & m.fl.
    2 069,-

    Lahore is one of the cities most effected by uncontrolled noise pollution in Pakistan. The most important factor of noise pollution is the road traffic. The main objective of this study was to analyze and evaluate road traffic noise and to measure its effects on the population of Lahore city. A weighting sound level meter was used in the study. All the measurements were taken at a height of about 1.2 m from the ground at 56 sample sites. The spatial noise pattern was shown in maps. These were also drawn to show buffers dividing areas into moderate, high and extremely high risk zones in accordance with noise risk levels. The maps were additionally divided in day and night time maps, each with graduated symbols. The main day-night values were exceeding the permissible environmental standards used in Pakistan. Therefore, a survey was conducted to study the diseases caused by noise pollution in the areas with highest noise levels.

  • av Radha Mahendran, Suganya Jeyabaskar & Astral Gabriella Francis

    Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia which is incurable. Although some kinds of memory loss are normal during aging, these are not severe enough to interfere with the level of function. -Secretase is an important protease in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Some statine-based peptidomimetics show inhibitory activities to the -secretase. To explore the inhibitory mechanism, molecular docking and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) studies on these analogues were performed. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) modeling pertains to the construction of predictive models of biological activities as a function of structural and molecular information of a compound library. The concept of QSAR has typically been used for drug discovery and development and has gained wide applicability for correlating molecular information with not only biological activities but also with other physicochemical properties, which has therefore been termed quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR). In this study, 3D QSAR and pharmacophore mapping studies were carried out using Accelrys Discovery Studio 2.1. The best nine drugs were selected from the 16 ligands and pharmacophore features were generated.

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