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  • av Eric Kwadwo Amissah
    1 088,-

    This book has been written basically to analyse a typical phenomenon concerning the media/politics nexus in contemporary Ghana by exploring how the processes of Othering are linguistically embedded in the political discourses of the state-owned Ghanaian newspaper, the Daily Graphic, when representing the relation between the ruling and opposition parties in Ghana since 1992. Secondly, the aim of this book is to demonstrate how Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can be applied (or broadened) to alternative settings - here, alternative settings refer to contexts in which a conflict is not the topic of the discourse - and finally, to demonstrate that the scope of CDA can be broadened to include alternative settings.

  • av Blessed Olalekan Oyebola

    The indispensable need for alignment and optimization of sound systems has prompted this study. It tries to answer questions such as: What constitutes audio and frequency response components? Are they pragmatic? What are filters in this context?The work mainly focuses on improving an input audio signal to be free from shape glitch in order to circumvent unwanted audible peaks or anomalies in the final sound. Additionally, this study tries to offer operational flexibility per definition of an Audio Multitone Refiner. Because of their versatility, the signal analyzing tools Laplace transform, Fourier series, D.C. and transient analysis were employed to ascertain the realization of all constructed circuits in this study. 'Casio fx7400G' language was used during programming of the band pass filter, as were active filters.

  • av Fareed Hameed Al-Hindawi, Waleed Ridha AL-Juwaid & Salwa Ibrahim Kamil
    2 626,-

    The main concern of this work is to tackle manipulation in communicative events as one of the means used by politicians to achieve certain goals such as influencing the behavior, desire, belief and emotions of others to their self-interests without evident detection of their communicative intention. As a communicative event and from a pragmatic point of view, manipulation in the political field has not been given enough attention. Thus, this study scrutinizes the pragmatic aspects of manipulation in British and American political debates. As such, it sets itself the task of achieving several aims, the most important of which are: (1) specifying the pragmatic criterion/criteria according to whose presence a certain political debate is considered as manipulative, (2) identifying the manipulation types used by politicians and the pragmatic strategies via which each type is fulfilled, (3) exhibiting the whole pragmatic structure of manipulative, whether British or American, political debates, (4) pinpointing both the manipulative pragmatic strategies used to fulfill each sub-stage (component) and manipulative strategies adopted to attain all the sub-stages (components) of the entire pragmatic structure of manipulation, (5) highlighting the manipulative pragmatic strategies, the manipulative strategies, as well as the manipulation types highly resorted to by politicians in political debates, (6) showing transparent inter/intra-differences that can be detected in terms of the debater's employment of manipulation types, the whole pragmatic structure of manipulation, the manipulative pragmatic strategies, and the manipulative strategies used by the debaters, and (7) developing a pragmatic model for identifying the types of manipulation and the pragmatic strategies used to fulfill each type; in addition to another eclectic model to analyze the pragmatic structure and strategies of the data under scrutiny.

  • av Sinee Sankrusme
    3 351,-

    International business correspondence is not simply writing or information exchange. It is something that you want others to know about you - to know about your business and the way you deal with business transactions. It is by the way you create your letter that your reader can identify whether you are friendly, rude, or you just simply want to do business. Your letter shows your attitude. This is one reason why it is important to consider your way of writing, write professionally and with courtesy. Success of business transactions is not only dependent on your ability to talk and communicate verbally, but also the way you communicate in letters. How important is learning the proper way of writing business letters? This book will help you to improve your written communication by guiding you through the steps and guidelines of making an effective letter. Aside from that, you will learn to see that planning is important. Gathering information and doing some research will help you. As you go through answer complaints, it will save you to make adjustments, it is important and friendly to reply to inquiries, it is good to be precise in your quotations, it is proper to acknowledge placed orders or acknowledge payment, it is worth to check all outgoing orders for shipment and delivery, it is important to have an insurance policy, it is tedious to deal internationally without bank transactions, and it is by connection that you can increase your sales. You need to connect to your customers and readers in order to build a good working relationship. If you are able to establish a good relationship, they will value you as their business partners. Skills in creating business letters are important for the success of your business. Business letter writing skills will also boost your confidence as a businessman and will help boosting your business as well. This book aims to help students to develop their skills and confidence in writing international busi-ness letters. It can also serve as a reference for students at college and university levels.

  • av Fareed Hameed Al-Hindawi & Musaab Al-Khazaali
    1 665,-

    Literary data is supposed to reflect real life situations and is at the same time written in a style of writing that is considered as highly elevated. Such reasons have prompted the contributors to this book to deal with this type of data. Such attempts range from semantics to stylistics and pragmatics. This book introduces linguistic analyses of literary data from different points of view. This involves dealing with various linguistic topics and different types of literary data. Hence, many models are presented to analyze the linguistic aspects of those topics in the light of the genre in which those topics are undertaken. Accordingly, different results are yielded from those analyses and this makes each type of analysis distinct from the other ones. It is hoped that this work will be a useful source to all those - whether theoretically, practically, or both - interested in linguistics, pragmatics of literature, applied linguistics and literary stylistics.

  • av Moritz Zieglmeier

    This book provides a comparison of different wearable technology systems used in professional football. Furthermore, it includes a qualitative study about the possibilites of amateur football clubs to use said devices or similar ones. The aim is to evaluate if it makes sense to use wearable technology in amateur football.

  • av Saeed Ullah Jan
    1 135,-

    In the past few years, secure information sharing became very popular in the area of immigration, military applications, healthcare, education, foreign affairs, etc. As secure communication utilizes both wireless and wired communication mechanizations for exchanging sensitive information, security and privacy of the information exchange cannot be easily compromised. To moderate the security, integrity, authenticity, and privacy issues related to information exchange, numerous authentication mechanisms have been recommended by different researchers in the literature in recent times, but these are vulnerable to prospective security flaws such as masquerade, insider, replay, impersonation, password guessing, server spoofing, denial-of-service attacks and, in addition, have failed to deliver mutual authentication. In the past few years we have also witnessed a balanced growth in the acceptance of VoIP (Voice over IP) facilities because the numerous Web and VoIP applications depend on huge and extremely distributed infrastructures to process requests from millions of users in an appropriate manner. Due to their extraordinary desires, these large-scale internet applications have frequently surrendered security for other objectives such as performance, scalability and availability. As a result, these applications have characteristically favored weaker, but well-organized security mechanisms in their foundations. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application and presentation layers signaling protocol that initiates, modifies, and terminates IP-based multimedia sessions. Implementing SIP for secure communication has been a topic of study for the past decade, and several proposals are available in the research domain. However, security aspects are not addressed in most of these proposals, because SIP is exposed to several threats and faces security issues at these layers. Probes for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers have been conveyed for many years. To gather more details about these activities the author has designed a scheme for SIP servers in a network and composed data about some popular attacks. Furthermore, he explains his interpretations and guidance on how to prevent these attacks from being successful. Biometrics, a new field of research, has also been dealt with in this research by means of a "e;three-factor authentication scheme"e;, in which one factor is biometrics.

  • av Heiko Schmolke
    2 426,-

    Central banks around the world have lowered their key interest rates to historical lows and implemented large asset purchase programs in the past few years. Within the scientific and, most recently, also increasingly in the political debate, the nominal interest rate is mainly the subject of discussion. The question is often raised whether saving and retirement provision are still worthwhile for private households, especially in Germany. In this context it is often ignored or not considered that the purchasing power of the nominal interest rates fluctuates considerably with the inflation rate. Inflation-adjusted real interest rates are therefore decisive for the actual income from financial assets and crucial for the savings and investment behavior. This study, therefore, shall play ist part to investigate scientifically the influence and correlation of low and negative key interest rates on yield levels of selected asset classes within the sphere of influence of the European Central Bank. In this context, the mainly populist question is also answered whether savers are expropriated slowly.

  • av Priyadarshi Bahinipati

    One of the main topics of ancient Sanskrit literature and medieval literature from different parts of India are Rama and Krishna oriented themes. From Valmiki Ramayana in Sanskrit to Ramayana in different vernacular languages of Tamil, Telgu, Malayalam, Kannada, Assamese, Gujarati, Bengali, Odishi, Marathi and Hindi, all have proceeded from the rudimentary stage of local language literature to become Mahakavyas in their respective areas and reached every nook and corners of the region, galvanizing the minds and hearts of the populace. Although they have been composed in different periods and the poets and composers have a different style of presentation of their own, they acquired the status of original spokespersons of Ramayana in their respective regions. It is a fact that Indian languages and literature are enriched by the form, content, ideas and ideologies of the epics of yesteryears. After Rama became accepted as an incarnation of Vishnu and after the popularization of devotion of Rama in the fourteenth century, all literature was intertwined in the current of a feeling of love and devotion. This trend has been manifested in the work of Balarama Dasa, one of the doyens of litterateurs of medieval Odisha. He equated Rama with Lord Jagannath and named his version of Ramayana as Jagamohana Ramayana itself. He belonged to a group of litterateurs who were famous in the history of Odisha as Panchasakhas and were known for their sublimity, egalitarianism and intellectualism. It is always important to revisit the works of literature of different periods to find out about the state of mind of those writers and composers who generated their literary marvels to establish their views emphatically with a reformative approach. In Odisha, the Panchasakhas were the champions of liberty, fraternity and equality. Therefore, it is even more important to analyse their works again to escalate the idea of free thought and expression and rescue the gamut of their opinions and ideas from intellectual hibernation.

  • av Harikumar Rajaguru & Sunil Kumar Prabhakar

    This project presents the performance analysis of Particle swarm optimization (PSO), hybrid PSO and Bayesian classifier to calculate the epileptic risk level from electroencephalogram (EEG) inputs. PSO is an optimization technique which is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. PSO is initialized with a group of random particles (solutions) and then searches for optima by updating generations. Hybrid PSO differs from ordinary PSO by calculating inertia weight to avoid the local minima problem. Bayesian classifier works on the principle of Bayes' rule in which it is the probability based theorem. The results of PSO, hybrid PSO and Bayesian classifier are calculated and their performance is analyzed using performance index, quality value, cost function and classification rate in calculating the epileptic risk level from EEG.

  • av Steve Micallef

    "e;I believe China seeks hegemony in East Asia. Simple as that."e; Such were the words Admiral Harry Harris Commander U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) used to describe Chinese actions in East Asia. After two decades of effort towards modernization, it seems that the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is in a position to challenge US primacy in East Asia. The PLAN has developed both in terms of capability and strategy through its emphasis on Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) and blue-water forces, embracing Alfred Thayer Mahan's ideas on access and sea control. What we are witnessing in China is a shift in thinking: from a continental viewpoint to a maritime one. After a decade of wars in the Middle East, the US has been taken by surprise. Today it looks at China's naval build-up as threatening. The US has taken steps to refocus its attention on East Asia and meet the challenge of a contested sea. The dynamics of the Sino-American relation will also be examined through the lens of Thucydides and his ideas of great power. This study discusses Mahan's and Thucydides' influence on Chinese and American ways of thinking and whether it will impact the future trajectory of the Sino-American relationship. The main developments in capability and strategy on both sides will also be examined.

  • av Osama Mohammed Elmardi
    1 010,-

    Many heat transfer problems are time dependent. Such unsteady or transient problems typically arise when the boundary conditions of a system are changed. For example, if the surface temperature of a system is altered, the temperature at each point in the system will also begin to change. The changes will continue to occur until a steady state temperature distribution is reached. Consider a hot metal billet that is removed from a furnace and exposed to a cool air stream. Energy is transferred by convection and radiation from its surface to the surroundings. Energy transfer by conduction also occurs from the interior of the metal to the surface, and the temperature at each point in the billet decreases until a steady state condition is reached. The final properties of the metal will depend significantly on the time - temperature history that results from heat transfer. Controlling the heat transfer is one key to fabricating new materials with enhanced properties. The author's objective in this textbook is to develop procedures for determining the time dependence of the temperature distribution within a solid during a transient process, as well as for determining heat transfer between the solid and its surroundings. The nature of the procedure depends on assumptions that may be made for the process. If, for example, temperature gradients within the solid may be neglected, a comparatively simple approach, termed the lumped capacitance method or negligible internal resistance theory, may be used to determine the variation of temperature with time. The entire book has been thoroughly revised and a large number of solved examples and additional unsolved problems have been added. This book contains comprehensive treatment of the subject matter in simple and direct language. The book comprises eight chapters. All chapters are saturated with much needed text supported and by simple and self-explanatory examples.

  • av R.K. Singh, Dinesh Sharma & Purnima K Sharma
    1 785,-

    Wireless communication is one of the most dynamic and vibrant areas of technology development in the communication field today. It has been found that severe climatic conditions disturb the propagation of electromagnetic signals at higher frequencies (greater than 30 MHz). The disturbance is mainly due to molecular absorption by oxygen for frequencies ranging between 60 and 118 GHz and due to water vapour in 22, 183 and 325 GHz bands. Rain and fog has the most significant impact, since the size of the rain drops is of the order of the wavelength of the transmitted signal. This results in energy absorption by the rain drops themselves, and as a secondary effect energy is scattered by the drops. The frequency selective absorption characteristics of the atmosphere can be approximated by a transfer function. In most of the practical channels when the signal propagates through the atmosphere the effect of many factors on the signal has to be considered along with the free space propagation channel assumption. The main objective of this study is, therefore, to find out whether, and how, the different climatic conditions are influencing radio wave propagation in GSM frequency bands in general and in Narnaul, Haryana (India) in particular. To carry out this investigation, the records of radio wave propagation along with path loss during different climatic conditions have been analyzed. On the strength of these analyses, a propagation path loss model has been developed by proposing suitable correction factors due to different climatic conditions. The validation of this developed path loss model has been verified by taking reference models and by applying practically in different urban areas. The effect of these climatic conditions on the link budget has also been analyzed.

  • av Avani Maniar & Shivani Mehta
    3 156,-

    Population ageing is a process no longer confined to industrialized countries. Many developing countries are now also experiencing ageing of their populations, reflected by the rising share of the elderly in the total population. Not only are developing countries ageing, they are ageing at a much faster rate and at a much earlier stage of economic development, thus placing them at a greater disadvantage in terms of their ability to respond to ageing developments. The availability of domestic resources, for example, to finance ageing pressures on public finances and public services are likely to be more limited. In addition, the political timeframe available to formulate and implement appropriate policy responses will be shorter. Developing countries are confronting ageing pressures at a time when social security coverage is still limited to a minority of the better-off elderly population, and when the systems of protection which have supported the elderly in the past are gradually eroding. Old age is commonly associated with retirement, illness and dependency. Most government jobs have set the retirement age at sixty. However, in a country such as India, where no universal social security exists, people tend to work as long as they can: About seventy percent of the elderly in India still work like the rest of the adults. It is important to recognize the strengths of the old and empower them rather than to adopt a paternalistic attitude that can have devastating impact on the self-esteem of the elderly citizens. This study takes a close look at silver workers in Vadodara, India, who are working in their retirement age. By undertaking such a research, the government and civil society will be enabled to provide a better work environment for the silver workers.

  • av Pritesh Ranjan Dash & Kanzil Mowla Mou

    Since primeval times, plants have been utilized as a potent source of medicine to treat many life-threatening diseases. One of the potential ways to evaluate the importance of a medicinal plant is to identify its active chemical constituents and pharmacological activities. Thus, the present study involves a thorough discussion about the general description, phytochemistry and medicinal properties of five different plants: Gymnema sylvestre, Momordica charantia, Coccinia cordifolia, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Lagerstroemia speciosa. All five selected plants belong to different families but possess similar pharmacological activities such as anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive, hypolipidemic and so on. Here, the authors have reviewed all reported chemical constituents as well as the pharmacological activities of the examined plants.

  • av Sumedha Bhandari

    Toni Morrison, the eighth American to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, is perhaps the most formally sophisticated novelist in the history of African-American literature. Astutely, she describes aspects of human lives and, unlike many other writers, reveals the hope and beauty that underlines the worlds ugliness. Her artistic excellence lies in achieving a perfect balance between black literature and writing abouth the universally truth. Although firmly grounded in the cultural heritage and social concerns of black Americans, her work transcends narrowly prescribed conceptions of ethnic literature, exhibiting universal mythical patterns and overtones. Her novels, thus, mourn on universal concerns. The endeavor in this study is to scrutinize the unspoken lexis of Toni Morrison's works and to unveil the layers of humanistic concerns that provide denotations to her words. Earlier studies on this writer have concentrated on adjudging her as a writer addressing problems of black people. However, this book tries to extend this notion to encompass the problems of whole human community by assimilating blacks in the general drama of life. Before dyeing the strings of Morrison's novels with the colour of humanist concerns, this book delineates the term 'Humanism' from which these humanistic concerns arise.

  • av Albert Mubako
    2 961,-

    Remaining competitive in the retail industry of South Africa in the digital age is a major business concern. In the age of digital natives"e;, people are well-connected on various digital technology platforms and are digital consumers. Digital technologies offer retail organizations new innovative ways to create value by utilizing digital business strategies, processes, and products. This qualitative research study explores the perception of retail strategy experts and decision-makers toward realignment of IT and business strategies considering digital transformation in South Africa. Based on interviews with seven managers and decision-makers in the retail industry, the study reveals that digital technologies have disrupted traditional ways of doing business. The study proposes eight major recommendations, in which retail traders could innovate their business strategy to enhance value creation beyond traditional approaches to retailing. It provides a good starting point for academic research in a domain that is deficient in theoretical and empirical research on the South Africa retail sector, and offers retailing managers a conceptual model to guide them toward a digital business strategy for transient competitive advantages.

  • av Sandhya Rani Mohanty
    2 431,-

    This textbook is written for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Extension Education at Home Science Colleges. It shall serve as a reference book for Extension students of Agriculture, Veterinary, Forestry, Fisheries and Basic Science at Universities, Colleges and Institutes. It shall as well serve as a handbook for Government Departments, Non-Government Organizations, Rural Banks and Cooperatives, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, etc. to support them in extension work. The meaning, process and evolution of extension and extension systems from India's pre independence era to the present era are described in this book as well as the different extension teaching methods and teaching aids used while extending information at villages. The book also comprehends the relationship between Home Science education and extension systems familiarizing with the structural and functional concepts of rural society. The concept, use, importance and limitations of each of the extension teaching methods are important to know for extension workers so that they can use them efficiently. However, these course contents are primarily meant for the use of student communities, teaching and research fraternities of Home Science, Agricultural and allied Sciences all over the globe in general and India in particular.

  • av Basem Aly
    1 088,-

    In the last decades, states revealed a tendency for expanding their dependence on so-called strategic bombing in wars against other states, an approach that raised questions on whether it is possible to reduce the involvement of ground and naval forces in future military confrontations. The successful employment of strategic bombing as the major pillar of military operations that took place within different geographical areas and terrains encouraged states to limit or altogether avoid resorting to campaigns that involve putting their "e;boots on the ground."e; As a matter of fact, one can claim that improvements in the military aircraft industry - including persistent research on issues of technology, effectiveness and accuracy - have pushed for this result. Another set of reasons, however, that are indirectly connected to developments in aerial capabilities of militaries should not be ignored, including demands by governments for shorter, less costly wars, concerns about public opinion and electoral implications, as well as the fear of high rates of casualties. Airmen, meanwhile, were also called to implement strategic bombing operations against non-state actors. Yet, the outcome is certainly an issue of debate. In general, launching air strikes on states differs on many levels from aerially attacking militant organizations, terrorist groups or local tribes. Armies are fundamentally trained to fight against other armies, in addition to the difficulties of differentiating between civilians and militants, the so-called principle of discrimination. This study seeks to examine both the rationale and objectives of states in resorting to air power against non-state actors in the Middle East, focusing on the three cases of aerial operations on Hezbollah in Lebanon, ISIS in Syria, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

  • av Gregor Kirchhofer

    This book tries to explore why so many people actively seek out and enjoy horror as a form of entertainment. Why some find pleasure in horror is a question that many have asked before, but never fully answered. This book does not claim to deliver a general answer to that question, but rather offers an overview of the most popular theories and hypothesis, as well as a study focusing on the player affect. The explanations and solutions offered include mostly psychological, emotional or general approaches. Every approach presented has its benefits and flaws and will be discussed accordingly. How these come into play individually, as well as in connection to each other, will constitute a major part of this study. After having provided the general theoretical basis of horror and why it might be so appealing to some people, this study goes on discussing the medium game, and in a further step, tries to explore if the unique characteristics of the medium game change the overall horror experience one might have. Different aspects and properties of the medium in question are discussed in detail - how immersion affects us as consumers, what the role of interactivity is and how they both relate to one another in-game, how this understanding comes into play in a game design context and how it can create a whole different experience for the player, and lastly, how certain game design elements can be utilized to further improve the emotional response.

  • av Sateesh Gouda M, A.G. Khan & S.L. Hiremath
    2 049,-

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - the commitment of organizations to balance financial performance with contributions to the quality of life of their employees, the local community and society at large - is gaining worldwide value as a business tool and social effort. The review of literature suggests that many studies have been undertaken globally to understand CSR as a subject of management but there have been very few studies undertaken to understand the other dimension of CSR which is beneficiary (community) aspect of CSR, especially in India. Here, the authors make an attempt to understand the CSR concept from both the dimensions of CSR i.e. management and beneficiaries of CSR (community). The authors try to understand the issues covered by the management and their implementing strategies in order to meet community needs. Also, the authors try to study the requirements and satisfaction of the community in the area where the corporates implement CSR. This type of attempt is the first one in India to study the community awareness and ist knowledge about CSR as well as the organisations working in the community. The present study also tries to measure the impact of CSR activities undertaken by the organizations in a way to have the sustainable development at village level. In this context, the present study plays a significant role in the field of Research Methodology, the field of management as well as social science, especially from the social work perspective. To meet the study objectives, both primary and secondary data were used. The primary data was collected in Karnataka, India by selecting nine organisations, three of each from Govt., Private and Multinational companies; those were recognised as leaders in implementing CSR activities. To understand the impact of CSR on community, 450 community respondents were also interviewed with the help of structured questionnaire. Secondary data for the study was obtained from Karmayog. CSR Ratings of the 500 largest Indian companies and other similar studies, other available articles, books, companies' annual reports and related publications were reviewed in the study.

  • av Jeeva Jose

    With the opening of the Indian economy, many multinational corporations are shifting their manufacturing base to India. This includes setting up green field projects or acquiring established business firms of India. The region of this business unit is expanding globally. The variety and size of the customer base is expanding and the business risk related to bad debts is increasing. Close monitoring and analysis of payment trends helps to predict customer behavior and predict the chances of customer financial strength. The present manufacturing companies generate and store tremendous amount of data. The amount of data is so huge that manual analysis of the data is difficult. This creates a great demand for data mining to extract useful information buried within these data sets. One of the major concerns that affect companies' investments and profitability is bad debts; this can be reduced by identifying past customer behavior and reaching the suitable payment terms. The Clustering and Prediction module was implemented in WEKA - a free open source software written in Java. This study model can be extended to the development of a general purpose software package to predict payment trends of customers in any organisation.

  • av Perumalla Janaki Ramulu & A. Lavanya

    "e;Equal Channel Angular Extrusion"e; (ECAE) is a significant method in industrial forming applications, which is the most important method for the production of ultrafine grained bulk samples, where plastic strains are introduced into the bulk material without any changes in the cross section. ECAE has different die channel angles from which an optimum die channel angle should be identified so that efficient mechanical properties will be obtained. This study is focused on the plastic deformation behavior of Al alloys by modeling ECAE with experimental and finite element software. A solid model was generated using CATIA. The STL files of ECAE die generated in CATIA were used in DEFORM-3D for simulations. The experiments are performed by designing the ECAE tools such as die, punch and billet. A series of numerical experiments were carried out for the die angles of 115 125and 135 and outer corner angle of 6 using a billet diameter of 9mm and a height of 70mm. A detailed analysis of the strains introduced by ECAP ("e;Equal Channel Angular Pressing"e;) in a single passage through the die is noted. The experiments are conducted by attaching the ECAE tools to the Universal Testing Machine on aluminum alloy. The dimensions are followed for ECAE by taking considerations from the existing literature into account. On the basis of the experiment and simulation results, load, displacement, and punch force are evaluated and compared with each other.

  • av Kenneth Born

    The broad consensus before the recent financial crisis was that the so called fair value accounting (FVA) improves transparency contrary to the historical cost model. Since 2008, the discussion has been on the root cause of the crisis, which lessons can be gleaned from it and how making the same mistakes again can be avoided. Basel III was implemented in order to improve the regulatory environment and was the response of regulators and politicians to public pressure and suspicions raised by the bail out programmes for banks. Consequently, an until then inconceivable number of new regulations and regulatory bodies were introduced. FVA was also blamed as part of the cause of the recent financial crisis. Available-for Sales (AfS) securities represent a major component of bank balance sheet asset. Gains and losses of AfS-positions are recorded within the Other Comprehensive Income (OCI). The OCI includes items which are not recognized (IAS 1.7) in income statements but increase or decrease a bank's equity. The items also include income and expenses from Available-for-Sale positions (AfS) in accordance with IAS 39. On October 13th, 2008, an amendment to IAS 39 was published by IASB. This amendment did authorize the reclassification of assets. This amendment clearly demonstrates the influence of FVA on the value of assets of banks that apply IFRS. The main objective of this book is to verify the influence of OCI and whether the new regulations sufficiently capture this critical factor. Regulators should ensure that unrealized profits do not result in a capital drain. One way to assure this is to make OCI subject to a prudential filter and to deduct it from regulatory capital, which was the case until CRR became effective on January 1st, 2014 (CEBS guideline 2004). Basel III is even less strict than Basel II in that regard. Article 26(1) CRR clearly states that CET1 items must be recognized only in case they are really available to the financial institution for "e;unrestricted and immediate use to cover risks or losses as soon as these occur"e;. Nevertheless, with the introduction of the CRR, the prudential filter for positions that caused the financial crisis and led to poor capitalization of banks was not strengthened but actually removed. At present, CRR does not envisage any filter for unrealized gains parked in OCI.

  • av Harikumar Rajaguru & Sunil Kumar Prabhakar

    Epilepsy is a common and diverse set of chronic neurological disorders characterized by seizures. It is a paroxysmal behavioral spell generally caused by an excessive disorderly discharge of cortical nerve cells of the brain. Epilepsy is marked by the term "e;epileptic seizures"e;. Epileptic seizures result from abnormal, excessive or hyper-synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. About 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, and nearly 80% of epilepsy occurs in developing countries. The most common way to interfere with epilepsy is to analyse the EEG (electroencephalogram) signal which is a non-invasive, multi channel recording of the brain's electrical activity. It is also essential to classify the risk levels of epilepsy so that the diagnosis can be made easier. This study investigates the possibility of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Continuous GA as a post classifier for detecting and classifying epilepsy of various risk levels from the EEG signals. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) are used for dimensionality reduction.

  • av Archit Pandey

    In various instances, countries, regional organizations, and the United Nations have resorted to the use of sanctions as a foreign policy and as a tool for geopolitics, in order to influence the behavior of targeted states. Numerous researches and analyses have been conducted to observe and understand the effectiveness and impact of sanctions, and subsequently dismissed them as either effective, ineffective, or counterproductive to their intended objectives. This study seeks to address the aforementioned question; in particular, whether sanctions remain to be an option as a geopolitical tool to influence the behavior of targeted states. The core of this work consists of three case studies: first, sanctions on the Russian Federation (2014-present); sanctions on Iran (1979 -present, 2006, 2012 -2016); and the US trade embargo on Cuba (1960 -present). These case studies have been analyzed from the structural point of view to understand their specifics, background, and plausible retaliation by the respective state. Then, the technical results achieved by the sanctions are reviewed, and their weaknesses are highlighted. Lastly, numerous relevant arguments are provided to reinforce the conclusion.

  • av Omed Abdullah

    In this book, models for the prediction of lattice parameters of substitutional and interstitial solid solutions as a function of concentration and temperature are presented. For substitutional solid solutions, the method is based on the hypothesis that the measured lattice parameter versus concentration is the average of the interatomic spacing within a selected region of a Bravais lattice. The model is applied on Ni-Cu and Ge-Si solid solutions. For the interstitial solid solution of the Fe-C system, the method is based on the assumption that the change in lattice parameter of the pure Fe phase is due to the occupation by carbon atoms to the octahedral holes in the fcc austenite; and bct martensite. The model of lattice parameter versus temperature for both substitutional and interstitial solid solutions is based on the relative change in length and vacancy concentration at lattice sites that are in thermal equilibrium. Combinations of both models then facilitate the calculation of lattice parameters as a function of concentration and temperature. The results are discussed accordingly.

  • av Inam Danish Khan

    Dengue is a tropical, mosquito borne flavivirus infection and a leading public health problem in India. Four serotypes DEN1-4 cause high morbidity and mortality. Dengue is a spherical, lipid enveloped, positive stranded RNA virus having a 10200 Kb RNA genome coding for three structural (capsid C, premembrane PrM, and envelope E) and seven nonstructural proteins. Early, sensitive and specific diagnosis is paramount for patient management, prevention of complications, etiologic investigation and disease control. Early diagnosis is achieved by NS1 antigen detection, nucleic acid amplification and virus isolation. Diagnosis after five days is conferred by IgM/IgG based serological techniques such as ELISA, hemagglutination inhibition, complement fixation and neutralization test. The aim of this study is to compare serological and nucleic acid based methods for early diagnosis of dengue and differentiation of serotypes. For this, Dengue was diagnosed using NS1 antigen, IgM/IgG LF-ICT, IgM capture ELISA, RT-PCR and tests were compared. M-PCR was done to identify serotypes.

  • av Samuel Skipper

    The topic of immigration is never simple. Questions such as 'who belongs to society?' and 'how do you define national identity?', or 'what values are needed to maintain a coexisting society?' are extremely difficult to answer. Global migration introduces unprecedented challenges for conceptualising the integration of immigrants. On a European scale, Germany can be said to represent the first destination for immigrants since its unification in 1989. On a global level, Germany is the second largest immigrant receiving country after the United States. Nevertheless, only recently has Germany recognised and admitted that it is an ethnically and culturally diverse society. Before the 1998 elections, successive governments have always stuck to the maxim that Germany is 'not a country of immigration'. The infamous phrase came under increased pressure with the electoral victory of the Red-Green coalition in 1998. New laws regarding immigration, integration and citizenship were on the agenda with the aim of replacing the traditional ethnocultural model of German nationhood with a more liberal and modern model by moving away from the concepts of Volk and ius sanguinis. The conservative CDU, however, accused the Schroder government of trying to jeopardize German cultural identity, causing a fierce debate known as the Leitkultur (Guiding culture) debate. On the one side of this debate there were the conservative CDU politicians who viewed Germany in ethno-nationalist terms, while on the other members of the Green Party and the SPD, who attempted substituting the 'volkish' tradition with a multicultural model of citizenship that guaranteed universal human rights. The aim of this study is to assess which of these two models are currently prevailing in moulding immigration and integration policy. Has the progressive left achieved its objective of moving away from the traditional ethnocultural and assimilationalist model defining citizenship towards a more inclusive multicultural model?

  • av Sujeeta Sharma

    Coffee is one of the most important cash generative crops in the mid hill regions of Nepal. This study examines the production economics along with marketing performance of coffee in Pakuwa VDC of Parbat district, Nepal. The Survey was done in June 2014. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured pre-tested questionnaire administered on 40 farmer respondents selected randomly. Gross margin analysis, profitability index and the benefit-cost ratio (B-C ratio) were used to analyze the production economics of coffee in the study area.

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