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  • av Henry Patino

  • - From Apes to Gods?
    av Henry Patino

    " Picking up where the great philosopher-theologian Francis Schaeffer left off, Henry Patiño gives us another tool in the toolbox for standing against the spirit of this age with the power of the Spirit of all ages." -Cal Thomas 'American syndicated columnist, pundit, author, and radio commentator'" This is the most comprehensive apologetics series I have ever read." -Steve Brown 'Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, author, and teacher at Key Life ministries'Humanity did not ascend from apes-we descended from heaven through the breath of God.The Descent of Man, the fourth book in the "Machine or Man" series, is designed to explore the evolutionary history of the proposed mechanisms in order for one species to evolve into another. The book begins with a chapter that explores the social implications of accepting the naturalist worldview and shows that the logical progression of the evolutionary worldview leads us to transhumanism. If there is no God, then it is logical that humans are the masters of their own destiny. This view means that creating a superhuman race by enhancing the human body through genetic manipulation is thus a legitimate enterprise, and a merger of machine and man could logically lead to a society in which the wealthy elite could create a superior race of humans who rule over natural human beings.The Descent of Man works through the history of all the proposed mechanisms offered by evolutionists who claim that one species can evolve into another. Henry Patiño tackles these claims one by one, showing how each of their mechanisms has been disproved by empirical science.Henry also takes the reader through radiometric dating methods and shows the false assumptions of evolutionists and their inability to be a reliable chronometer.Finally, the author goes through the history of the supposed family tree linking apes to humans and explains how these evidences have failed to create a credible evolutionary lineage that substantiates the claim that humanity evolved from apes. He documents that the only real evolution taking place is the evolution of the theory of evolution.

  • av Henry Patino

    A Judeo-Christian Response to the Social Issues of Our Age 'Smokescreens' is a Judeo-Christian manifesto that addresses our responsibility as citizens of the United States to stand in the public square and voice intelligently the biblical position regarding social issues. It addresses a number of issues that will have dire consequences on the future of our nation should we remain silent and allow our culture to silence our voices.It addresses relativists’ arguments such as (1) the legislation of morality, (2) the misuse of the separation of church and state, (3) the centralization of power and its negative repercussions to our personal liberties, (4) the corruption of true nationalism into supernationalism and collectivism, (5) the Judeo-Christian position regarding capitalism and supercapitalism, (6) the rise of a neonobility that is disenfranchising the middle class, (7) the monolithic control of progressivism in academia and our political system, (8) the problem of judicial tyranny and the need for the separation of powers as designed by the framers of our U.S. Constitution, (9) the betrayal of Congress when it removed the people’s constitutionally granted right of oversight of fiscal policies by the arbitrary establishment of a private banking cabal called the Federal Reserve, and (10) the rise of globalism.The American Revolutionary War may be over, but our American Revolution is not. It stands perilously at the edge of a precipice, and our actions or our apathy will determine if our revolution will decay into tyranny.

  • - Random Evolution vs. Divine Design
    av Henry Patino

    Nature cannot produce codes. Codes are the product of a mind. It would be irrational for us to expect that the Morse code or the Braille reading method could be invented by random processes. As another example, the sentence "My name is Henry" is written in the English language. Each of the letters in that sentence contains specific information that, when placed together, performs a function. That idea is viewed as specified complexity because it transfers functional information in asymmetrical codes. It is not the simple complexity of repetitive symmetrical patterns created by nature.In this book, author Henry Patiño explains the intricacy of the DNA four-letter code and the 20-letter code of the proteins, along with how their languages were designed to communicate with each other. Henry documents the fact that DNA cannot function without proteins, and proteins cannot be produced without the DNA code.Upon completing Codes, readers will have a firm understanding of how codes show a divine designer instead of random evolution. Readers will understand the multiple metabolic processes that are interdependent and could only function as a whole-there can be no discreet evolutionary steps since all would have had to evolve simultaneously. Come along with Henry Patiño and learn the incredible complexity of the life that surrounds us!

  • - A Judeo-Christian Cosmological Model of the Origin of the Universe Book 2 of the Machine or Man Apologetics Series
    av Henry Patino

    This book is a scientific investigation of the evolutionary cosmological model regarding the origin of our universe and the Judeo-Christian cosmological model in Genesis. It details a historical analysis of the major dogmatic assumptions that have been considered scientifically sound since the Enlightenment but have proved to be false by recent discoveries. Supersymmetry or Chaos explains the concept derived from the general theory of relativity that time is not a universal constant. In doing so, the book shows that time in the universe is passing at different rates, depending on what area you inspect and how stretched space is in that specific coordinate. It thus shows that on the outskirts of our universe where space is stretched the most, time is running proportionally faster. So the outskirts of our universe may have had a history of 13 billion to 15 billion years, while the Earth-Sun system at the denser center of the universe would have only existed for several thousand years. The warping of spacetime therefore explains why galaxies at the edge of our universe are much older than Earth. Supersymmetry or Chaos will also refute the evolutionary assumption that gravity was the major force in creating stars and explains the power of the electromagnetic force as the principle tool that God used to create our universe. It explains the power of Birkeland currents in plasma that allow it to create solid matter instantaneously. The book also goes through the six days of creation, providing evidence that the Judeo-Christian cosmological model described in Genesis is consistent with hard science. In summary, Supersymmetry or Chaos provides Jews and Christians a reference that denudes the evolutionary theory as a metaphysically motivated model that begins with assumptions not corroborated by science.

  • av Henry Patino

    "Picking up where the great philosopher-theologian Francis Schaeffer left off, Henry Patino gives us another tool in the toolbox for standing against the spirit of this age with the power of the Spirit of all ages." - Cal Thomas (American syndicated columnist, pundit, author and radio commentator)"...this is the most comprehensive apologetics series I have ever read." - Steve Brown (professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, author, and teacher at Key Life ministries)Machine or Man is Book 1 of the 5-volume Machine or Man series that scientifically explores a Judeo-Christian model of the origin of the universe, life, and humankind versus the evolutionary theory. This first book by Rev. Henry Patino sets out to address the increasingly rapid moving of global cultures and our education systems away from our Lord and toward a completely humanistic viewpoint. Machine or Man is an artful journey through the evaluation of different worldviews that tackle the human origins of Relativism, Humanism, Existentialism, Naturalism, and the Biblical view of Man. As a student of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Henry Patino approaches each topic logically and methodically and most importantly reasonably. Backed by decades of study and teaching on the topics in this book, in the end, the goal of Machine or Man is simple. "Apologetics is not about debate. It's not above one-upsmanship. It's about winning the lost for Christ through love." - Rev. Henry Patino

  • - The Growing Controversy about the Millennial Kingdom and the Coming Reign of Messiah
    av R Baruch

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