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  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend
    226 - 369,-

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend
    226 - 369,-

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

    Ce cow-boy a tourné le dos à l'amour, mais la nouvelle nounou pourrait bien lui faire changer d'avis. Caleb Stone porte trop de casquettes, ce qui le rend plus ronchon que d'habitude. C'est un cow-boy et un père, à la tête de sa grande famille depuis la tragédie qui a coûté la vie à ses parents, dix ans auparavant. Le ranch traverse une mauvaise passe, mais c'est le rôle de père célibataire qui lui donne le plus de fil à retordre. Il a besoin d'une nounou à plein temps et à domicile au ranch de Silver Stone, à Heart Falls, dans l'Alberta, afin d'aider ses deux fillettes. Mais la femme qui se présente sur le pas de sa porte s'avère captivante, séduisante, et surtout synonyme de gros problèmes.Tamara Coleman ne regrette pas les choix qui l'ont conduite à perdre son travail, mais elle a besoin d'un nouveau départ. Quand une amie lui recommande un poste de nounou dans une nouvelle ville, elle se jure que cette fois, ce sera différent. Elle ne cédera plus à ses impulsions... si ce n'est que Caleb, sexy et taciturne, est exactement le genre d'homme qui lui fait de l'effet. Plus encore, elle adore l'effet qu'elle produit sur lui. Les étincelles fusent entre Tamara et son splendide patron, mais elle ne peut pas risquer son poste et il n'ose pas risquer son coeur. Quand deux personnes résistent contre leur vraie nature, ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant la capitulation. Heureusement, au coeur du ranch, il y a bien des façons de capituler à ses sentiments.

  • av Arend Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

    Premier tome de la nouvelle trilogie de fantasy métamorphe, un roman complet écrit par Vivian Arend, auteure de best-sellers au classement du New York Times.Une compagne... sinon rien !Quand le patriarche intrusif et déterminé de la famille leur impose une loi, les trois petits-fils de Giles Borealis, des ours polaires métamorphes, acceptent de suivre son décret. Cependant, James, Alex et Cooper ont chacun un plan bien différent en tête pour gérer la fièvre d'accouplement qui ne va pas tarder à se manifester. Seront-ils capables de lutter contre le destin ?Spoiler : absolument pas !D'abord, voici James, le plus jeune des trois frères...Il est prêt à accepter son destin... mais seulement avec la femme qu'il aura choisie ! Le frère cadet, James Borealis, décrète que s'il doit s'accoupler, ce sera avec quelqu'un qu'il connaît déjà et qu'il estime : sa meilleure amie, Kaylee. Mais lorsque survient la fièvre d'accouplement, elle se considère toujours comme son amie alors qu'il est déjà prêt pour des promesses d'amour éternel.Kaylee a entendu parler de l'accouplement pour la vie des ours polaires, mais si James est omniprésent dans ses fantasmes depuis bien longtemps, elle n'est pas prête à s'engager dans une relation permanente qui risquerait de nuire à son homme. En effet, il joue un rôle déterminant dans l'entreprise familiale des Joyaux Borealis, alors qu'elle n'est qu'une chatte sauvage métamorphe très discrète, au lourd passé familial. Il adore être dans la lumière ; elle préfère se cacher dans les coins sombres. Pourtant la fièvre d'accouplement a toujours le dernier mot, et quand l'orage gronde, il est impossible de résister au choix d'un ours polaire.

  • av Arend Vivian Arend

  • av Arend Vivian Arend

    The third book in the bestselling series Holidays in Heart Falls by New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend.

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

  • av Vivian Arend

    This cowboy has given up on love, but the new nanny might just make him change his mind. The first in a brand-new series from New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend. Caleb Stone is wearing too many hats and it's making him crankier than usual. He's a cowboy, a father, and the head of his large family-and has been since tragedy claimed his parents over ten years ago. The ranch is struggling, but it's the title of single dad that's got him tangled up in knots. He needs a full-time, live-in nanny at the Silver Stone homestead in Heart Falls, Alberta, to help with his two little girls, but the woman about to arrive on his doorstep? Tantalizing, tempting, and trouble with capital T's. Tamara Coleman doesn't regret the choices that led to losing her job, but she definitely needs a fresh start. When a friend recommends her for a nanny position in a new town, she swears this time it'll be different. No more acting on impulse-except sexy, gruff Caleb is exactly the kind of man who pushes all her buttons. And what's more, it's so much fun to push his in return. Sparks fly between Tamara and her gorgeous boss, but she can't risk her position, and he doesn't dare risk his heart. With two people fighting their true natures, something's going to give. Luckily, there's more than one way to capture a rancher's heart.

  • av Vivian Arend

    The stand alone first title in a brand-new shifter trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend.Get mated-or else!When their meddling, match-making family patriarch lays down the law, Giles Borealis' three polar bear shifter grandsons agree to follow his edict. Only James, Alex and Cooper each have a vastly different plan in mind to deal with their impending mating fevers. Will any of them be able to fight fate?Spoiler: not likely!First up: James, the youngest of the brothers… He's going to accept his fate-but only with the woman he chooses!James Borealis figures if he has to get mated, it should be with someone he already knows and cares about-his best friend Kaylee. But when the mating fever hits, she's still stuck in friendshipland while he's ready to move all the way to true love and forever.Kaylee has heard about polar bear mating fever, but while James has held the starring role in her fantasies for a long time, she's not about to leap into a permanent relationship that's all wrong for him. He's the PR powerhouse for Borealis Gems while she's a quiet bobcat shifter with massive family baggage. He loves the spotlight; she wants to hide in quiet corners.But mating fever knows best, and when the storm settles, there's no use in arguing with a polar bear's choice.

  • av Vivian Arend

    There's no distance you can run to escape the past. The FINAL NOVEL in the bestselling SIX PACK RANCH series by New York Times Bestselling Author Vivian Arend. Too stubborn to face his sins, Jesse Coleman bolted from the Six Pack Ranch, only to fall straight into the arms of a beautiful stranger. Twelve hours later, the seductive firebrand is nothing but a whiskey-laced memory-but one powerful enough to convince Jesse tracking down his elusive lover is worth the effort. Darilyn Hayes figured it was her lucky night when the sexiest cowboy in Alberta interrupted her annual drink-until-I-fall-over wake. At least until four weeks later when she discovers she's pregnant and her one-night-stand is nowhere to be found. Still, as she's shared with her devoted blog readers, Dare has dealt with life's not-so-gentle surprises before. She'll make it on her own. When a meme gone viral leads to their reunion, Jesse's floored by Dare's news. She's very clear she's not looking for a commitment, but screw that. He's going to do the right thing by her and his unborn kid. The fact they lit the sheets on fire is a bonus, but with a baby on the way, both their lives are gonna change. Jesse's got a ton of family to reconnect with, including his estranged twin. Dare holds family loosely-even though she loves them-because she knows too well how fragile life can be. Between her and Jesse, they've got enough baggage to open a store. But they still have a shot at forever-if they're willing to fight for it. This final novel in the series contains the following: A sexy, dirty, cocky-as-hell prodigal son with massive bridges to rebuild. A woman able to see to the heart of the matter yet bold enough to speak the truth. A family of extraordinary resolve and endless love. A wedding or two. And babies-oh lordy, the babies...

  • av Vivian Arend

    Nothing comes easy. You've gotta work for it.A STAND ALONE story in the bestselling SIX PACK RANCH series by New York Times Bestselling Author Vivian Arend.Matt Coleman always figured at this point in his life, he'd be settled down with a family. Since his ex split for the big city, though, no way will he give anyone else the chance to drop-kick his heart. Physical pleasure? Hell, yeah, he'll take-and give-with gusto, but nothing more.Hope Meridan is working long hours to hold on to her new quilt shop, going it alone since her sister/business partner ran off. Sex? Right, like she's got the time. Not that she doesn't have the occasional dirty fantasy about Matt. Fat chance he'd dream of knocking boots with her-the younger sister of the woman who dumped him. Nope, she'll just have to settle for friendship.Friends would be far easier if there wasn't something combustible going on between them. And when casual interest starts to grow into something more, their tenuous bond strengthens in the heat of desire. But it may not survive the hurricane-force arrival of the last person either of them ever wanted to see again...Warning: Small-town rivals, men in pursuit and family meddling-in good and bad ways. Look for a cowboy who knows how to rope, ride and rein in a hell of a lot more than eight seconds of sheer bliss.

  • av Vivian Arend

    It's the quiet ones who take you by surprise.A STAND ALONE story in the bestselling SIX PACK RANCH series by New York Times Bestselling Author Vivian Arend.Beth Danube's emotionally abusive husband is dead and buried. So is her heart. It's no big deal, she has all she wants: her three little boys and a fresh start in a small Alberta town. After ten years of unsatisfactory, missionary-position sex, she certainly never expected her libido to reawaken. Then one look at sex-in-boots Daniel Coleman blows the dust off her sexuality.Sensing an edge of desperation, even fear, beneath Beth's come-on, Daniel finds himself giving in to the powerful urge to let his normally restrained desires run wild. The lady wants non-judgmental, non-vanilla sex? She's got it-in and out of the bedroom.At first, friends with blazing-hot benefits is more than enough. Then Beth realizes Daniel is burning away the protective fortress around her heart...and the guilty secret she dare not reveal.Contains: One woman determined to retake control of her life and a man with the single-minded purpose of offering her everything she needs to get there. Inappropriate behaviour in barns, change rooms, and oh-my-gawd phone sex with a cowboy.

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