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  • av Gracjan Kraszewski

    The Hippo Lectures is a book of essays that were first given as live audience, public talks. Catholicism being a "both/and" faith, this work is both fiction and non-fiction; speech and story; serious and absurd; broadly maximal and microscopically focused. It's singular glue, however, is the Catholic Faith. All the essays-whether about the environment, beauty, athletics, beer, sex, economics, film, or American politics, to name but a few-are viewed through a Catholic lens. Now nearly past the first quarter of the 21st century, deep into postmodernity, Catholics need books that take societal challenges head on, resisting the temptations to accommodate error, look the other way, or seek answers in the 13th century. Head on, and using postmodern tools and techniques, as we are meant to use all things, for the glory of God. This is that book.

  • av Joseph Rivius
    328 - 398,-

  • av Christopher J. Zehnder
    344 - 454,-

  • av John P Joy

    This book, which is now in its second edition, expels the confusion surrounding the distinction between the ordinary and the extraordinary magisterium of the Church by exposing the ambiguity inherent in the term 'ordinary magisterium'. A detailed analysis of the origins of this terminology in the writings of Joseph Kleutgen, a nineteenth century neo-scholastic theologian, provides the historical and theological context for understanding its intended sense in the documents of Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council. The main lines of historical development are then traced from the end of the First Vatican Council up through the teaching of the Second Vatican Council with special attention given to the question of an ordinary magisterium of the pope and to the extension of the extraordinary magisterium to the secondary object of the magisterium and to the confirmation or re-affirmation of doctrines already infallibly taught by the Church. This latter question has serious implications for the interpretation of doctrinal declarations such as those found in Evangelium vitae, Ordinatio sacerdotalis, and several of the documents of Vatican II. The study concludes by considering the approach to these questions taken by the Second Vatican Council in the constitution on the Church Lumen gentium.

  • av John Rao

    If Christ came to "bring a sword" into history, it was a sword that was meant to fight on behalf of the personal and common good of individual human beings and the communities through which they work to perfect themselves. Everywhere that sword cut, it did so to fashion a true, good, and beautiful civilization in which men could live with a freedom and a dignity that surpasses all purely natural understanding. The enemies of the Incarnation and its central "practical" consequence for the temporal history of the world-the establishment of the Social Kingship of Christ-have sought in a myriad of ways to bring the construction and maintenance of a truly Catholic Christendom capable of leading fallen man away from sin and towards eternal salvation to naught. Revolutionary "modernity," with its emphasis upon the "liberation" of the individual and society both from the easy yoke and light burden of the Incarnate God, as well as from their mutual complementarity, has led to nothing other than the enslavement of the human person and community life to the triumph of the strongest wills. This volume of essays seeks to bring the full meaning of the "sword" of Christ in history to life, but in mortal combat with a diabolical modern revolutionary ideology that works to blunt it, break it, and, in C.S. Lewis' words "abolish mankind" in the process.

  • av Louis-Marie De Blignieres
    233 - 356,-

  • av Amir Shafaghi

    در تهیه کتاب حاضر، بر اساسِ مفاهیم و سرفصل]های کُتُبِ مرجعِ مدیریت، مدیریت استراتژیک و به]خصوص مدیریت بازاریابی، داده]ها در مدل]های این علوم جای]گذاری شده]اند تا خروجی تحلیلی به]دست آید. در واقع حکومت به]عنوانِ کالایی خدماتی که با شیوه]های بازاریابی به مردم عرضه می]شود در نظر گرفته شده و نظام]های سیاسیِ پیش و پس از انقلاب و نحوۀ فروشِ خودِ ایدۀ انقلابِ ۵۷ بررسی شده]اند. بخشی از فصول شرایط نظام پهلوی، مخالفانِ غیرمُعَممِ پهلوی و سازمان روحانیت را پیش از انقلاب مورد توجه قرار می]دهند. بخشی نیز استراتژی]ها و تکنیک]هایِ مدیریت و بازاریابیِ جمهوری اسلامی را به]عنوان یک کالای حکومتی بررسی می]نمایند. درعین]حال در فصول مختلف به موضوعاتی مانند انقلاب مشروطه، ماموریت در حکومت]های پیش و پس از انقلاب، مرجعیتِ از دست رفته روحانیت، اعتراضات مردمی، چرخه عمر و ماهیتِ قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی پرداخته شده است.

  • av Virgil Michel

    Dom Virgil Michel's book gives a complete expository survey of the liturgy of the Church as viewed by one of the leaders of the liturgical movement. The liturgy, he believes, is something more than a collection of formal regulations and ceremonies; it is the very core of the spiritual life and activity of the Church. The present book contains chapters describing the special significance of important liturgical periods in the Church year; it covers the theological implications of the rites and ceremonies described, and it includes explanations of liturgical elements like the Divine Office and the Sacramentals. This volume may well be considered as one of the first major results of the great liturgical revival.

  • av Amir Shafaghi

    دهه]های ۴۰ و ۵۰ شمسی سینما ضمن اینکه تبدیل به مهمترین تفریح مدرن طبقه شهرنشین ایران می]شود، موثرترین رسانه موجود در جامعه نیز می]شود. این شرایط در حالی اتفاق می]افتد که بعد از انقلاب سفید جامعه ایرانی درگیر شدیدترین جنگ پنهان و آشکار بین مظاهر مدرنیته با سنت شده بود. در واقع اوجگیری سینمای ایرانی، بعد از گنج قارون همزمان می]شود با آغاز تشدید درگیری بین ارزش]ها و عادات سنتی با نظم نوینی که مدرنیته به همراه آورده بود. در این کتاب به بررسی نسبت سینمای ایران با این درگیری پرداخته شده است.

  • av Carol Jackson Robinson & Edward Willock
    302 - 426,-

  • av Virgil Gheorghiu

  • av Ildefonso Schuster

    A reprint of Volume 5 of Bl. Schuster's five-volume work on the Roman Liturgy. Originally published in 1930.

  • av Ildefonso Schuster

    A reprint of Volume 1 of Bl. Schuster's five-volume work on the Roman Liturgy. Originally published in 1924.

  • av Hugh Ross Williamson
    181 - 262,-

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