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  • - A Biographical Dictionary of the Senior Officers of the Imperial Russian Armed Forces Under Tsar Nikolai II 1894-1917
    av Andris J. Kursietis

  • - The Second World War and the Holocaust 1938-1945
    av Endre B Gastony

  • - versus The gender, transgender and cultural wars of the West
    av Janice Atkinson

    Written by UK MEP Janice Atkinson, she gives an excoriating analysis of the politicians who pass damaging legislation that ordinary people have not sanctioned, were never in party manifestos or even discussed, the latter mainly because they have made discussions on certain subjects a hate crime.Western governments, the European Union, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and those that gather at DAVOS - the liberal left elite - are making decisions over the voters' heads, that no one ever signed up to.Faux conservative governments are re-writing history and basic biology to drive an agenda that is driving the well-funded industries of: climate change, transgenderism, homophobia, misogyny, identity politics, Islamophobia, racism, bigotry and lunacy.Anyone who disagrees with their agenda, enshrined in 'hate crime' law from the boardroom, to the shop floor, to those in education are hunted down, publicly shamed and lose their jobs and sometimes their families.No wonder the voters are revolting.This is cultural Marxism.This is not conservatism.This has to stop.

  • - Part 1 -- Faith Issues
    av Prof. Dr. Magd Abdel Wahab

  • - The search of Louis Goldschalk. In hiding in Friesland, in the Netherlands, as a Jewish child
    av Louis Godschalk

    On 8 May 1945, a few days after the end of the war, the Minister of Justice published the War Foster Children Decree. The National Committee for War Foster Children (the OKP) was made responsible for the Jewish foster children. About 4000 Jewish children were registered wit this committee, including approcimately 1370 orphans. I was one of them. I owe my life to the people from the Resistance. I think the fact that the OKP was also led by people from the Resistance was not professional. They did not have sufficient expertise to look after the interests of these Jewish orphans when it came to establish their identity. The Jewish members were the minority on this committee, due to which the OKP too often advised the Dutch District Court to elave the guardianship of Jewish orphans with the non-Jewish families where they had lived in hiding. When I receive my OKP file at the end of 1980, I concluded that my identity was determined in a careless, maybe even lazy, manner. Solely on the basis of the picture (1946) on the front of this book. The picture was compared with a number of family photos from the period 1920-1940. On 30 April 1946, the OKP writes the following to my foster parents: "Your foster child Gerrit has been identified. His real name is Louis Godschalk. Louis was called Loekie by his parents. I return this picture of Gerrit, all three ladies have recognised their nephew Godschalk." On this basis, the District Court of Amsterdam ruled on 22 July 1948: Whereas the Court does not consider the Jewish indication sufficiently strong to justify the transfer of the minor to a Jewish environment in this case; Whereas the Court, therefore, agrees with the proposal of the National Committee for War Foster Children (OKP). RULING: Appoints as guardian of the minor aforementioned; Feike Rienstra. This identification procedure would nowadays be completely inadequate and implausible. This is one side of the story of my life, the other side concerns my search for what it means to be Jewish.

  • - The true origin of a controversial medieval relic
    av Ludo Noens

    In April 1988, the Vatican authorities provided a small sample of the Turin Shroud for carbon-14 dating of the alleged burial cloth of Jesus Christ. In October of the same year, coordinator Michael S. Tite presented the conclusion of the university labs of Oxford, Zurich and Tucson (Arizona) to the entire world press: the miraculous imprint of Jesus' resurrected body on the shroud dated to 1260-1390 CE...Even if we accept that the Turin Shroud indeed is a cloth from the 13th or 14th century, does this answer all the questions raised before the radiocarbon dating? Judging by the countless publications that have appeared in the scientific and the popular press since, nobody seems to have managed so far. This book reveals the true origin of this medieval relic. The so called 'believers' recognize in the spectacular image instantly the 'stamp' of the Miracle Worker from Galilee, but was it not Jesus himself who denied the unique character of his miracles? Indeed, 'Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do.' (John 14:12)The Turin Shroud was 'fabricated' in the 13th or 14th century. Yet, not by a smart swindler, but by an 'enlightened' individual who had 'ears to hear' (Mark 4:23)...

  • - A short Handbook For Activists and Analysts
    av Henri Stellman

    Antizionism - the opposition to Zionism and the state of Israel - has progressed at a breath-taking speed. Whether it be at the United nations, in the Middle East, on campuses, in the mass-media or elsewhere, Antizionism has become a very topical subject that has engendered passionate debates. Paradoxically, the study of Antizionism has remained in its infancy and this book is the first attempt to examine the subject as a global phenomenon on a more comprehensive and systematic level. The author examines in great detail the controversial subject of the relationship between Antizionism and Antisemitism. The various Antizionist ideologies and their leading proponents are discussed one by one. A whole section is devoted to an analysis of the means used by Antizionist campaigners. Dr Stellman''s ground-breaking and thought-provoking study is a work meant to provide easily accessible reference for those encountering Antizionism, either as activists or professionals. To that aim, the book contains definitions, list of resources, revision questions, training exercises and discussion points.

  • av Johan Bakker

    It is 2025. Four astronauts undertake a nine-month mission to the desolate planet Mars with one goal in mind: to start a society that is more beautiful, humane and sincere than the one they left behind on Earth. But the explorers are not alone in space. Billions of people at home are tuning in to the reality TV show that documents every move on their journey into the unknown. Jonah, Tatyana, Nicholas and Celia international scientists with an unflinching desire for adventure become heroes to all of mankind. But when tensions rise and personalities clash, the astronauts find themselves living in their very own space opera. In One-way trip to Mars, jealousy, discord, boredom and life-threatening solar winds wrestle with pioneering spirit, optimism and idealism during a voyage that will live long in the hearts and minds of all those who witness it.

  • av Auguste van der Molenschot

    This is a novel with many themes. It is about Brabant, a country that is presently half in the Netherlands and the other half in Belgium. It is also the story of a little Brabanter boy, born the year Adolf Hitler came to power. The boy wants a good life and that is not so easy because the Catholic Brabanters are kept down by the Calvinist Hollanders. Many other modern themes come, such as the Second World War, the emancipation (or women but also the Catholics), the pill and its effects, secularization, wealth. Our young hero goes to Canada where he can make his dream career come true. This is also a singular love story, although it all seems to end in disaster. He then returns to the Netherlands, divorced, impoverished, disillusioned to find a new love, then losing it again and finally in a world that has changed beyond recognition. For those not familiar with Dutch history the book starts with a short introduction to the 1700 years of Brabant history.

  • - The Military Commanders of Finland
    av Andris J Kursietis

  • av Reinold Widemann

  • - The German Navy Under the Kaiser, the Republic and the Third Reich 1914-1945
    av Andris J Kursietis

  • - A True Inside Story of the Outbreak
    av Andy Dennis

  • - On Symbols of Value
    av Reinold Widemann

    Money was a mind thing long before certain goods were used as money and coins started circulating. As it happens money isnt a thing, but an idea, an idea of debt. What we generally take for money, are merely symbols of this idea of money. In this book a reader accompanies the author on a tour along various ideas on value man had from the beginning of time. The result is a colourful description of the historical development of ideas on money and values from ancient history to our present time. Reinold Widemann has published some books on monetary matters and banking, international economics and factors influencing interest rates. He also wrote short stories and essays, of which several have been published in Dutch literary magazines. He was a lecturer in economics i.a. at the HES Amsterdam School of Businesss.

  • av Dago Steenis

    Humanity is still living in the transitioning period from an animalistic to a humane existence. This is characterized by matters including war, violence and inhumanity. It is not surprising. Today the entire surface of the earth is divided into states, and communities that only care for their own interests. It is exactly this system of states that obstructs a fast and effective approach to large problems such as lasting peace, security and the habitability of the world. They are, after all, global problems. The system of states divides humanity into hostile units and has established a political barrier for a solution to the problem. There is only one solution for this problem and that is ending the sovereignty of the 193 states. Retain the right for private political policies, take away the ability to bully and threaten other countries, to own armed forces, to commit inhumane crimes. But who should govern us? A world government! A government that merely focuses on world problems. Because the solution to these problems is more important than local issues. Without a global authority humanity is left empty-handed. Dago Steenis (1925) wrote a remarkably positive book, something that is actually more than a book, it is a thought that can be passed on. Not like a pamphlet, but based on his speech. According to Steenis history cannot be a linear concept, not a static process, without progress. On the contrary. History precisely demonstrates that we have a reason to be optimistic, developments of mankind are evolutionary, and an increasing form of human growth and potency. Since the emergence of culture man gradually replaced natural evolution by cultural evolution.

  • - Hermann Goerings Present for Hitler
    av Robert J Lemm

  • - Erich Ludendorff & the Defense of the Eastern German Border in 1914
    av Dr Perry Pierik

  • - Person Experiences & Impressions
    av B O Van Zanten

  • - Facts to Better Understand the Arab-Israeli Conflict
    av Tom S van Bemmelen

    You have heard the many slogans of Palestinian propaganda. They sound something like: Palestinian terror is a logical result of the occupation, Israel was established because of Western guilt over the Holocaust or The settlements make peace impossible. If you have felt that these were misplaced but could not articulate the reason why, then this book is for you. This book gives you the answers. It blows away the haze of Palestinian propaganda with real, verifiable facts. The chapters are sorted alphabetically by topic so that the book can be used as a reference guide. These 150 nonsensical, recurring accusations against Israel show how deep-rooted is the hatred against her.

  • av Emerson Vermaat

    The term religious circles was coined by the World Peace Council (WPC), an organisation that during the Cold War was linked to the propaganda apparatus of the Artheist Communist of the Soviet Union (CPSU). In declassified reports Western intelligence services described the WPC as a Communist Party front organisation. The communists of the former Soviet Union are usually referred to as the Soviets. The Moscow-oriented communist also availed themselves of the Christian Peace Conference (CPC), another important communist front organisation which sought to manipulate Christian churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva. The CPC was dominated by the Soviet controlled Russian Orthodox Church which became a member of the WCC in 1961. A supportive role was played by the former KGB, the Soviet intelligence and security service during the Cold War. Through the CPC and the Russian Orthodox Church the Soviets manipulated the debate in ecumenical circles and the peace movement. Soviet agents helped to draft policy statements on international affairs at WCC Central Committee meetings. These KGB agents were later identified by KGB defector Vasili Mitrokhin. They were Aleksei Buyewsky (agent Kuznetsov) and metropolitan Nikodim (agent Adamant). Nikodim became one of the WCCs six presidents in 1975. I identified Buyevsky as a possible KGB agent in 1977.

  • - 'The Dawn of the True Islam' & the Real IRA
    av Hannah Elisa Walsh

    Samir and Siobhan, a young Dutch radical Muslim and a young Northern-Irish woman, are radicalising. Samir, from within the fundamentalist Islam, Siobhan from with the real IRA who co-operates with the terror-organisation: The Dawn of the True Islam. This international Islamic terror-organisation has developed a secret weapon: a tiny poisonous ball that is capable of destroying all life with a few minutes in a certain room or building. Siobhan is going to test the secret weapon after her training in the desert of Lybia on the murderer or her grandfather, who was killed during Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland. The murderer lives in the Algarve, Portugal. After a successful test the secret weapon is going to be used to commit terror attacks in Amsterdam, London and New York. The goal is to destroy the values of the Western World and to establish a Great Islamic Empire. Samir, who is apparently an excellent intern in a multicultural elderly home in Holland, is the contact person of the Dutch terrorcell (of the international Muslim terror-organisation) in Holland. On the inside he is a radicalised Muslim with a hurt ego. In the international Muslim terror-network he thinks he is taken seriously. Before Siobhan can test the secret weapon in Portugal she is abducted by the Israeli Mossad. She ends up in Israel. She can choose: either work with the Israelis to help in dismantling the international Muslim terror-organisation or she will be left on her own with all the consequences. In the meantime there are also terrorist attacks and threats in Amsterdam and London. It is bringing the two countries in a state of imbalance.

  • - How Shocking Events Left Their Mark on Human History
    av Frank Hermans

    Shocking events, such as disasters, wars, mistreatment or abuse are serious attacks on the personal and social lives of human beings. The search for protection from these disruptive events is one of the major motives of mankind. The goal of this remarkable book is to acquire insight into the development and effectiveness of the tools which humanity has invented to cope with these events and how it will be able to deal with the crises and suffering it is being faced with now. The thesis is that the drive to protect themselves has made people more resilient against many of these events and empathy for the pain of other people has become the core of their civilisation.

  • - Cultural Differences in First World War Finance
    av Aris Gaaff

    Old war debts never die, they just fade away In 2015, Britain finally paid off a large war loan issued in 1917 to finance the First World War. In 2010, Germany made the last payments on some 80-year-old debts originally used to finance part of its reparations bill imposed by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. These were exceptions. The vast majority of the debts made during the Great War have never been paid back, including billion dollar loans from the US to western allies. These debts were the result of four years of almost unlimited spending by belligerent governments. This is the first book that provides the reader with an overview of the financial aspects of the Great War from the French reparations after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 to the present day. Apart from financing of the war itself, the author also covers the aftermath and the entanglement of inter-ally debts and German reparations. It emphasises differences between countries in payment ethics, illustrated with striking examples and original graphs. The human interest of finance is not forgotten, by means of short but captivating biographies of the financial leaders of the time, men who made decisions that were at least as far-reaching as those of the generals on the battlefields. The author, Aris Gaaff (1949), has specialised in public finance, social cost-benefit analysis and policy evaluation. He is an active member of the Western Front Association Nederland. He has published and lectured on First World War topics of finance and political decision-making.

  • av Jan Herman Brinks

    When I wrote The Dutch, the Germans and the Jews, I did not realise that the article was to become so controversial. With regard to the wartime record of the Netherlands, the Dutch had, over the years, constructed a national image of heroic resistance against the German occupier. This image was complemented by a stress on Dutch support of its persecuted Jewish citizens. My article noted, however, that little was further from the truth. On virtually all levels, before and even during the war, a substantial number of Dutch people collaborated with Nazi Germany. The Jewish Dutch received only scant support. A good philosopher, according to Nietzsche, has to be the bad conscience of his time. I argue that this duty also applies to historians and journalists. I hope that my critique will be seen as an invitation to researchers to take a closer look at this black page in Dutch history.

  • av Marie A Rebelle

  • - A Disturbing Love
    av Bart Luirink

  • - A Star Fell to Earth
    av Wim Hendrikse

  • - The Sassen Brothers & their Anti-Bolshevik Crusade in Latin America
    av Jochem Botman

    Wim Sassen's name has always been linked to the Eichmann case. Little is known about his personal life. Even less is known about the other Sassen family members who, like him, fled to Latin America after WWII. While two sisters abandoned their Nazi ideology and kept a low profile in Ecuador, Wim and his brother Alfons continued their Nazi allegiance. They joined forces with fugitives like Josef Mengele, Walter Rauff and Klaus Barbie under the protection of the German Secret Service.This book reveals new information on Wim and Alfons Sassen. It not only seeks to explain why they joined the SS, but also narrates their escape from Europe. During the war, they made a pact with the Dutch resistance in case the Nazi empire should collapse. Once it did, the Dutch resistance helped them find their way to Latin America, receiving aid from both a Catholic and a former collaborator's network. While Wim escaped to Argentina through Ireland, Alfons was recruited by foreign intelligence services as a so-called "Abwehr" specialist. He was tasked with dismantling "Wehrwolf" networks and penetrating communists cells. Once it was discovered that his intelligence reports were based on nothing more than fantasy, he too escaped. With the aid of the famous Spanish General Moscardó of the Siege of Alcázar he managed to reach Ecuador. There, his true intelligence work started. Together with his brother-in-arms Wim, he was reunited with Nazi diehards including Luftwaffe ace Hans Ulrich Rudel, and Mussolini-liberator Otto Skorzeny. This moment was the starting point of complex intrigues between secret services, arms dealers, Latin American dictators like Augusto Pinochet and Alfredo Stroessner, and drug-lords in Bolivia. These intrigues earned Wim and Alfons, respectively, the reputation of international arms-trafficker, and advisor to military juntas all over the world.

  • - Buddha's Garden of Peace & Healing
    av Uitgeverij Aspekt

    A spiritual journey with Lama Gangchen through the flower-fields of love, compassion, harmony and joy Centuries ago in Java, Indonesia there was a king from the Sailendra dynasty, who called an architect, Gunadharma, to build an improbable construction. Hundreds of artists and workers may have taken three generations to realise Borobudur. The temple then saw the light only for a short period before being overwhelmed by volcanic lava, ash and jungle vegetation. A thousand years later the temple, which in fact is a three dimensional mandala, was excavated and restored in phases. Scientists and scholars continue to debate the meaning of the five Dhyani Buddhas and of the thousands of statues, images and symbols found on the galleries of the nine-storey stupa. In the last few decades, the Tibetan Lama Healer T Y S Gangchen Rinpoche has gradually shown that the stupa mandala is a guide for the path to enlightenment according to all Buddhist traditions, particularly for Tibetan Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. In the nineties, he has revealed the NgalSo Self-Healing meditation method, based on the Borobudur mandala. This book conveys over fifty spiritual tales of pilgrimage with Lama Gangchen to the Borobudur stupa mandala. These personal stories are about the meaning of the temple, the relationship with the surrounding environment, mystical experiences during retreats, the atmosphere of Borobudur, the power of healing, personal growth, the relationship with the guru and the path of Buddhist meditation. Many aspects of Tibetan Buddhism are presented in an accessible way. Those who plug into the ancient mystical wisdom of the Tibetan Buddhist lamas experience love, growth and magic. When people are with Lama Gangchen at Borobudur, miracles happen -- external and internal. But the ultimate aim of this garden of peace and healing is to cultivate ones inner garden of love, compassion, harmony and joy. Borobudur shows you the way.

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