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  • av Brent Sloss

    Often as believers, our awareness of who and what we are not is much stronger than our awareness of who and what we are in Christ Jesus. The truth is, as believers, we are new creations! Our Heavenly Father desires that His children walk in the realities of this marvelous mystery; living in the fullness of the new life that Jesus has given to us. He desires that our hearts would so deeply grasp the reality of who we are in Christ that the way we think, speak and act would testify of our true position before God. We are much more than just sinners saved by grace, and we were created for much more than simply making it through life! As new creations in Christ Jesus, we have the potential to live as a brand new person - righteous, accepted, lavished with love, and empowered to obey God and partner with Him in good works.

  • av Solomon Ikhuiwu

    "Canada could become the world leader in the spiritual dimension if it had a spiritual awakening and revival" were some of the words of Billy Graham in 1978.Canada, which has a Christian origin, has since gone further and further away from what God designed it to be at its inception. This country has a call to bring healing to the nations, but I believe God wants to first heal Canada! This book features the writings of some of the best Christian leaders and will take you on a beautiful journey back to Canada's Christian history, give you a glimpse of Canada's most recent darkest period during COVID-19, and then conclude with a 21-day journey of spiritual renewal. It is my prayer that you encounter the Lord Himself as you feast and adventure through this book. To learn more about our work visit: and view the "God Heal Our Land documentary."

  • av Lila Langis

    TIME is PRESSING! Embrace NOW GOD's Plan for REVIVAL! We are in the last of the LAST DAYS and there are so many souls who haven't accepted Jesus as Saviour, as yet; that's a devastating fact. GOD's Heart breaks for them. This is not the time to be complacent or double-minded. We, His Church must give Him our full attention; we need to commit to Him completely. He's calling His Own unto Him; will you respond? GOD is Preparing to Raise His Church out of Obscurity Our LORD is about to MOVE POWERFULLY! REVIVAL is COMING! If you want to be a part of His Amazing Move, then become a Bond-servant of the LORD. Be exclusively loyal to Him, in-tune with His Heart; in step with His Move; sensitive to His Touch; responsive to His Inclination: DANCE WITH GODFrom this book, you will learn what it takes to be a Love-slave to GOD and how being intimate with GOD fulfills your life. I share with you from the perspective of one who pants after GOD and enjoys the Magnificence of His Presence. His Rewards for seeking Him are precious beyond measure; you can have them too. Apply the Wisdom in this book and you will walk intimately with GOD: Receive the Baptism with Holy Spirit so you can be used by GOD to the fullest Determine to trust GOD completely as you pass through the Refiner's Fire Immediately stop cycles of sin by renouncing unconscious vows and ungodly soul-ties Learn to pray safely according to your GOD-given Authority Learn to yield to the Gifts of the Spirit as He impresses Read and apply what I teach in DANCE WITH GOD and be used of GOD in His Coming Revival.

  • av Lila Langis

    DO YOU FEEL YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD HAS HIT A PLATEAU?Is Church all too dry, like being in a wilderness; a few songs, a twenty-minute sermon and home, again: just all too religious! Is your heart desperate for something more tangible, more palpable? Today's Church is filled with hurting, confused, and depressed people; lukewarm Christians; just hanging on by their fingertips. It's not supposed to be like that… God is REAL! His Love is REAL!And He wants to REALLY touch YOU!GOD LOVES YOU! Did you know that the key to your breakthrough is in your hands? You can Start living wholeheartedly for God today and not have to look back any longer.As the Prophet Elijah challenged God's People so long ago, I challenge you this day, "How long shall you waver between two opinions? If the LORD be God, FOLLOW HIM: But if Baal, then follow him." (1 Kings 18:21) In this book, I offer you valuable lessons I learned by pressing into God, by turning toward Him in all my joys, struggles, and disappointments. He is my Sustainer and He wants to be yours, as well. By applying the wisdom in this book, you will learn how to:Walk in harmony with God and in sincerity with othersImmediately stop carnal behaviors and attitudesRecognize and deal with idolatryBreak soul ties keeping you attached to this worldWorship God with your whole beingRead and apply what I teach in GIVE IT ALL TO GOD - IT IS HIS ANYWAY and be REVIVED!

  • av Angelo Shamoon

    Ask anyone and they will tell you the truth that being financially responsible is a very important part of a person's life. Too often a person will not take financial discipline seriously and will just move on in their life, not realizing they have made eggshells to be their life's financial foundation using this passive approach in a world where anything can happen at any time. How can you acquire a safety net to land in when the bottom falls out? What are the most important disciplines, investment hacks, and products you need to make sure that you have in place TODAY if the economy were to crash tomorrow? The information presented in this book is practical and will be revolutionary to your financial confidence to make some of the best choices you can in your life. With this book you will:Understand what financial freedom really isUnderstand how to cultivate the mentality for financial freedom successLearn how to stop living paycheck to paycheckTake steps to manage your moneyUnderstand investing and what creating wealth isBecome a wealth creator yourselfLearn the importance of thinking outside the box … and more! Whether you are starting young, not sure how to handle money, how to create wealth, or have many years of financial experience-this book has something for everyone who wants to take their finances to the next level! You CAN experience financial assurance and security using the lessons in this book-AND FAST TOO.I have even added an interactive activity that will have you making money and creating wealth within the first WEEK! WARNING: Applying the principals in this book will result in a total financial transformation. Proceed at full force!

  • av David Ghobrial

    Have you ever wondered about Old Testament scriptural passages and noticed they were too similar to events that later happened in the Life of Jesus? Perhaps you felt it was coincidental, a type of deja-vu? But there are no coincidences or deja-vu with God. The Almighty God who governs this universe with such precision is intentional about everything He does. Just think about it; God created time, space, mass and dimensions. He is outside them all and controls them all. Everything lines up perfectly with Him.When you look at Old Testament scripture, as we will together in this book, there were both; small details and large historic events in the life of the patriarchs and in the story of the Exodus that often reflected and prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ. This book is intended to help you spot these events and study them from a practical perspective. You will be encouraged when seeing how these prophetic parts of scripture were fulfilled in the first coming of the Messiah in such details. You will be as encouraged knowing that the prophetic scripture regarding the second coming of the Messiah will be fulfilled in equal detail. God orchestrated events in history and changed the projected courses of nations with often just simple events that seem insignificant. Like a brother trying to sooth his conscience with a suggestion to sell his brother into slavery rather than kill him!He truly is sovereign, "He sets up kings and deposes Kings..." Who or what can oppose Him or thwart His plans.

  • av Angelo Shamoon

    We live in a world today amongst brothers and sisters who are hurting. The result of depression in singleness, broken relationships, unhappy marriages, and lacking intimacy with children. Why does it have to be this way? The keyword here is relationships; lack of Christ-centered relationships to be exact! As a people, we have failed to live by the practical steps provided in Scripture and have opted for something else. We have opted to do things our way and not God's way.It's no news now that we have failed with our flawed system, therefore, the sensible thing to do now embraces what the Bible offers. How to build true, supportive, personal, faith-building, and selfless relationships between men and women. This is what I desire to do for you through this book using God's Word as our ultimate authority - the Bible.The Bible is ultimately about relationships because that is who God is and so it is what we are made for. Relationships are the living breath of life by the Holy Spirit. We are not just to show love but have relationships of love in our marriages, in our single lives, and in every other relationship we have. God is calling us to possess a special kind of Gospel empowered relationship with those around us that we cannot accomplish apart from His Holy Spirit. These kinds of relationships can be learned from and through the relationships we witness throughout Scripture and the advice we are taught around the good and the bad. This book provides a gentle walk-through the richness of Scripture in light of singleness, courtship and marriage. I pray that this book will help you unlock godly principals in your life so you can begin building on them to enjoy Gospel empowered relationships in all forms of relationship God provides for you. May God give us the desire and the ability to minister the types of relationships that adorn the Gospel and bring Glory to Him. Take a look at what others have said about this book: Cynthia Says: "As a Christian, I found this book heartwarming and informative. I know from experience that all relationships need God. This book provides scripture and great advice. Very well done. I think it would make a great addition to church libraries." David PhD says: "A healing and heartwarming guide" Daniel says: "This is an excellent survey and introduction to the biblical theme of relationships. It covers singleness, courtship and marriage in depth yet always connects back to the core message of the Gospel and the dignity of each person as an image-bearer of God. Early on, special attention is paid to formative relationships between romantic partners in the Old Testament which lays a strong foundation for the Christological vision laid out in later chapters. Each chapter is also expertly organized with a helpful discussion questions, a conclusion, and even a section for notes. Although a great range of content is discuss, the writing is crisp and lucid, always engaging the audience and challenging them to dig into further. Readers of all backgrounds will find this a very helpful introduction to Biblical teachings on relationships." Jack says: "Very insightful!" Kate says "Great timeless advice on this topic" Matthew Says: "A must read. This book really opened my eyes & mind to biblical marriage."

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