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  • - Canine domestication as a model for the consilience between molecular genetics and archaeology
    av Michelle J Raisor

    Archaeologists have favoured a date of 14,000-15,000 years before present (BP) for canine domestication. However, recent studies of mutations in the mitochondrial DNA sequence by molecular geneticists have implied that dogs were domesticated over 100,000years ago, which has challenged traditional theory. Geneticists have further hypothesized that dogs originated from wolf ancestors based upon the number of substitutions observed in dog and wolf haplotypes. Although both disciplines provide substantial evidence for their theories, the origin of dog domestication remains controversial and several areas continue to be debatable. In this work the author presents an alternate theory of canine domestication utilizing data gathered from the archaeological record and molecular research. She hypothesizes that dogs diverged naturally from wolves 100,000 years ago as a result of the natural course of evolution, not human intervention, and had already evolved into a dog prior to being domesticated by humans 14,000-15,000 years ago. Evidence is presented to clearly show that this hypothesis is a more accurate scenario of canine domestication.

  • av Neil Phillips
    1 349,-

    The aims of this work are to provide as complete a list as possible of all the timber, motte and bailey castles, built in the counties of Gwent and Ergyng, Wales, between AD 1050 and 1250. The list not only records number and place, but also size, shape,type, date of construction and date of disuse. It is also intended, where possible, to assign building and subsequent ownership, to as many of the castles as possible. Using the ensuing combined database, it becomes possible to plot construction development of the timber and earthwork castle across the chosen area. The principal objectives are: To build as complete a database as possible, of the motte and bailey, timber castles of the chosen areas of the Welsh March that can be assigned to the period of 1050-1250. To survey the castles and try to provide a classification system based on size, and shape, using medieval standard measurement. To identify where possible owners or builders of each castle. To recognise any patterns that may be identified i.e. did certain lords, build or favour specific castle types? If so, can a lord's progress be charted through castle type spread, or alternatively, can castle chronology be dated by historical records. To examine the concept of a rolling frontier as the motivation behind motte and bailey, timber castles. Research the spacing of sites in relation to earlier land use, topography or resources, by study of records, fieldwork and aerial photographs. To examine the instances of multiple castle construction within close proximity. Due to the quantity of material that the research generated it was decided to include a separate data DVD. The volume contains the introduction to the study, followed by a social and historical background to the area and period. Chapter 3 follows with a discussion of castle definitions and introduction to the various types of earthwork and timber castles that can be found. The chapter also discusses the idea of pre-conquest castle in Britain and Normandy. In chapter 4, an assessment is made of present classification systems used to record castles and introduces an alternative method as employed by this study. Chapter 5 introduces the methodology and research strategies employed in this study. Chapter 6 contains the results of the statistical work undertaken on the findings of the study and chapter 7 presents distribution maps of the sites researched. Chapter 8 discusses the study in relation to the original aims and objectives and the results of the statistical analysis and distribution maps. The study is the concluded in chapter 9. A gazetteer is included containing an in-depth coverage of all the castles included in the study. The CD contains, plates, topographical surveys, resistivity surveys, excavation reports, and the spreadsheets.

  • - Excavations by the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq in the Eski Mosul Dam Salvage Project, 1985-86 Volume Two
    av St John Simpson

    This volume forms the second of four projected volumes on the results of the British excavations carried out at seven sites between September 1985 and June 1986 in the Zammar Region of the Eski Mosul Dam Salvage Project. The first volume, dealing with the first six excavated sites, has already appeared. The third volume, on the pottery, and the fourth, covering the small finds and specialist studies, are in preparation. (The background to the project and the general results are given in the Foreword, the Introduction and the Overview to the first volume.)

  • - National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 28-31 May 2003
    2 102

    The 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry was held at the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, from May 28 to 31, 2003. The 86 selected contributions presented in this volume, cover a wide spectrum of topics from novel methods in Archaeometry to applications of traditional techniques to various kinds of archaeological material. The thematic sessions of the Symposium included: Dating - Authenticity, Geophysical Prospection, Geoarchaeology, Palaeoenvironment - Palaeodiet, Palaeoanthropology, Material Characterisation Techniques, Ceramics, Glass, Stones, Mortars, Metals, Painting Media, Organics and Conservation.


    This volumes presents 13 papers based on a session held at the EAA meeting in St Petersburg in 2003, and offers a 'material' perception of fire, which will be approached as an artefact, together with its material support.

  • - El archipielago borincano y la llegada de los primeros pobladores agroceramistas
    av Jaime R Pagan Jimenez
    1 162

    The present work inquires into the phyto-cultural interrelationships of two Huecoid communities that inhabited Vieques and Puerto Rico (La Hueca and Punta Candelero) around 2300 years ago. The primary objectives of this investigation were, among others: to characterize for the first time the agroeconomy of these communities and to interpret the role of plants as humanized natural objects which were consciously used during the movement of these peoples across the insular Caribbean. This investigation offers the first archaeological interpretation, supported by a systematic archaeobotanical study, of some of the socio-cultural processes that made it possible for two Huecoid communities to persist and evolve in a dynamic landscape of human and natural interactions in the northern Antilles.

  • - Excavations at King Street, Middlewich, Cheshire, 2001-2002
    av Malcolm Reid & Matthew Williams

    This report describes the results of a developer-funded excavation undertaken in 2001 and 2002 in Middlewich, Cheshire, north-eastern England, prior to the development of the site for housing. Middlewich is located 33km east of Chester, on the Cheshire plain and to the south of the confluence of the Rivers Dane and Croco. The Croco was straightened when the Trent and Mersey canal was constructed in the 1770s. The modern town is also bounded to the west by the River Wheelock.

  • - Fortification and state-formation during the Islamic period
    av Martin S. Goffriller

    Martin Goffriller's research presents a study in the dynamics of territorial control of the island of Mallorca from ca. 902-1300 AD, with the aim of providing the first holistic and systematic study of the known Islamic fortresses of this island and determining the reasons which account for the lack of the so-called hisn/qarya complex there. The scientific focus of this book explores the effects that island contexts may have had on the identity-forming processes of their population and how these in turn affect the socio-political makeup of these 'bounded' polities. More specifically, in the case of Mallorca, the core of this study is devoted to the relation between the hinterland fortifications of the Islamic period and the island's capital city Mad¿na May¿rqa, concluding that due to the relative isolation of Mallorca's segmentary communities from their mainland analogues they evolved a distinctive meta-identity which gradually supplanted their traditional tribal allegiances and redefined their relation with the state and political authority in general. Also detailed are the mechanisms of territorial and administrative integration of Islamic May¿rqa into the feudal structures of the Kingdom of Aragon in the aftermath of the Catalan conquest of 1229.

  • - Strategie tecnologiche e comportamentali alla fine del Paleolitico Medio
    av Davide Delpiano

    La variabilità comportamentale e tecnologica dell'uomo di Neandertal durante l'occupazione del suolo europeo è un argomento noto agli studiosi del Paleolitico, che nei decenni si sono adoperati per cercare un significato dietro a dinamiche complesse di mutamento e adattamento. L'approccio originale a tale questione attuato in questa ricerca è incentrato sull'analisi di una particolare categoria di manufatti, gli "strumenti a dorso", caratterizzati da un margine tagliente opposto ad un bordo spesso e smussato. Questo grande gruppo di coltelli paleolitici comprende tuttavia strumenti molto differenti, alcuni dei quali rappresentativi di gruppi umani definiti su base geografica o tecno-culturale. Lo studio tecno-funzionale qui adottato, talvolta coadiuvato da approcci sperimentali e virtuali, è stato in grado di fornire spiegazioni in termini funzionali ed ecologici in merito alla fabbricazione dei coltelli a dorso neandertaliani. Questi spaziano da innovativi strumenti di precisione utilizzati con o senza manico, a coltelli trasportabili dal forte valore strategico e simbolico.Why did late Neanderthals who inhabited Europe manufacture their knives using such diverse procedures? In this volume, the author explores the strategies of Neanderthals, who were able to modulate their production according to functional objectives and environmental constraints, and highlights some of their major technical innovations. The volume includes extended chapter summaries in English.

  • - Il centro indigeno di Garaguso tra tradizione e innovazione
    av Valentina Garaffa
    1 221

    Gli scavi archeologici nel centro indigeno di Garaguso, nell'entroterra della Basilicata, hanno restituito una documentazione eccezionale di questa comunità nel corso del VI e V secolo a.C. Le aree sacre di Filera e delle Grotte delle Fontanelle avevano rivelato una forte componente greca nel sistema delle offerte votive. I corredi funerari della necropoli, invece, denotano un rituale funerario tipico del mondo "enotrio". I defunti, deposti supini, erano accompagnati dalla tradizionale ceramica matt-painted, considerata uno dei maggiori "emblems of identity" di una comunità indigena. L'analisi comparativa della necropoli e dell'area sacra ha mostrato, pertanto, che manufatti tradizionali e quelli estranei alla comunità venivano selezionati a seconda del contesto. Questo libro indaga l'identità, le strategie e la storia di una comunità indigena in epoca arcaica tra tradizioni locali, innovazione e contatti culturali con il mondo greco.This book investigates the identity, strategies and history of the indigenous community at Garaguso in the archaic period, studying grave goods and votive deposits to understand local traditions, innovation and cultural contacts with the Greek world. The volume includes summaries of the chapters in English.

  • - Portable artefacts and identity in the civitas of the Iceni
    av Natasha Harlow
    1 132

    The Late Iron Age in northern East Anglia ended with the Boudican rebellion in 60/61 CE, after which the people known to classical writers as the Iceni were subsumed into the Roman empire. This volume presents new research which tests the archaeological evidence for the Iceni as a defined group, through analysis of the region's distinctive material culture, particularly highlighting the impact of metal-detector finds on the available dataset for research. It evaluates the validity of the theory that the Iceni were slow to adopt Roman imports and luxury goods, either as a form of deliberate resistance or due to cultural conservatism following the failed revolt. The interpretive narrative of the Iceni as 'Other', in both classical and modern sources, is also investigated.

  • av Rhianna C Rogers

    This study is concerned with the role material culture played in transformation and/or retention of Maya authority, just prior to and after Spanish contact (A.D. 1100-1800s). As one of the last standing structures in the Maya site of Tíhoo, now buried beneath the Spanish capital city Mérida, the Ciudadela collection represents a rare glimpse into a significant, yet understudied, Type 1 archaeological site. Included in this project are a general examination of Maya studies in the Northwestern Yucatán Corridor and the resultsof a preliminary classification and discussion of materials represented in the YUC 2 assemblage. Results of the archaeological component of this study illustrated that there was little change in production of indigenouspottery after the fall of Mayapan (ca. A.D. 1441-1461), as inhabitants of precolumbian Tíhoo continued to use preexisting wares from their former capital, particularly those within the Mayapan Red Ware and Mayapan Unslipped Ware classifications, wellinto the Colonial period. In the Post-Colonial period, a significant change in wares occurred as native inhabitants incorporated foreign ceramic types into their society. Ceramics from Spain, Italy, and England, and porcelains from China and Japan,combined with colonial Mexican Majolica and preexisting Mayapan wares, illustrating the interaction of native inhabitants with European immigrants and their import goods. Although the YUC 2 collection supported the transformation of material cultureafter Spanish contact, the research in this text illustrates that Maya, through religious practices, militaristic resistance, and oral/written traditions, were able to retain significant aspects of their precolumbian power into the colonial era and beyond.This study is concerned with the role material culture played in transformation and/or retention of Maya authority, just prior to and after Spanish contact (A.D. 1100-1800s). As one of the last standing structures in the Maya site of Tíhoo, now buried beneath the Spanish capital city Mérida, the Ciudadela collection represents a rare glimpse into a significant, yet understudied, Type 1 archaeological site. Included in this project are a general examination of Maya studies in the Northwestern Yucatán Corridor and the resultsof a preliminary classification and discussion of materials represented in the YUC 2 assemblage. Results of the archaeological component of this study illustrated that there was little change in production of indigenouspottery after the fall of Mayapan (ca. A.D. 1441-1461), as inhabitants of precolumbian Tíhoo continued to use preexisting wares from their former capital, particularly those within the Mayapan Red Ware and Mayapan Unslipped Ware classifications, wellinto the Colonial period. In the Post-Colonial period, a significant change in wares occurred as native inhabitants incorporated foreign ceramic types into their society. Ceramics from Spain, Italy, and England, and porcelains from China and Japan,combined with colonial Mexican Majolica and preexisting Mayapan wares, illustrating the interaction of native inhabitants with European immigrants and their import goods. Although the YUC 2 collection supported the transformation of material cultureafter Spanish contact, the research in this text illustrates that Maya, through religious practices, militaristic resistance, and oral/written traditions, were able to retain significant aspects of their precolumbian power into the colonial era and beyond.

  • - Craft, agriculture and experience in an ancient city
    av Owen Humphreys
    1 490

    London was the administrative centre of Roman Britain, and its largest city. After centuries of excavation, Londinium is one of the best understood cities in the Empire. London is also home to one of the most exceptional collections of craft and agricultural tools in the Roman world. London's Roman Tools moves beyond typological analysis to show how Roman artefacts can illuminate the lives of ordinary people. Using a framework of practice theory, it explores the lives of Roman craft and agricultural workers in London; a diverse and changing group which has rarely been examined previously. Also provided is an illustrated catalogue of 837 Roman tools from London. Many are exceptionally well preserved, some are unknown elsewhere, and most have not previously been published. A detailed typological discussion synthesises decades of developments in French and German literature with new insights from the London material.

  • - A review and guide to techniques
    av Shannon Croft

    Archaeological lithic residue analysis investigates the microscopic and chemical traces left behind by people on stone tools. These lithic residues provide detailed and compelling evidence of specific food and technological activities, and tool manufacturing choices. Interest in the study of lithic residues has grown substantially in the past decade, reflected by an increasing number of publications and a proliferation of techniques applied to their study. This monograph offers a recent and critical review of these technical advances to help archaeologists determine best practice today. The book focuses on the development of appropriate methods for improving the identification and interpretation of residues on stone tools. Over 40 techniques are reviewed, including transmitted and reflected visible light microscopy (VLM), scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Raman microspectroscopy, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM).

  • - The case of Ugurlu Hoeyuk on Goekceada (Imbros)
    av Hasan Can Gemici

    This book studies the corpus of figurines recovered from the Neolithic - Chalcolithic settlement of U¿urlu Höyük on the island of Gökçeada (Imbros) in the northeastern Aegean. Bringing together different strands of investigation about how they were produced, what they were meant to depict, and where they were used, the authors question in whose image these statuettes were created and why. Drawing parallels between contemporary figurine assemblages from the Eastern Mediterranean, the results challenge some of the common assumptions regarding the role these objects played in prehistoric belief systems, and instead explore the alternative ways in which the local, regional, mundane, and the sacred were weaved together in an island community more than 7,000 years ago.

  • - Las practicas de cultivo, produccion, distribucion y modelado SIG en la colonia Hasta Regia
    av Pedro Trapero Fernandez

    La provincia bética en época romana fue una importante región productora de trigo, aceite y vino. Este último producto se conoce por las ánforas vinarias en todo el Imperio, pero no se habían localizado lugares de producción. En el Bajo Guadalquivir se encuentra la colonia Hasta Regia, en un área que actualmente es el marco productivo del vino Jerez Xeres Sherry. En este libro se analiza a través de las fuentes literarias como el agrónomo Columela, las arqueológicas como el estudio de materiales y prospecciones superficiales, así como las técnicas de cultivo, los parámetros de producción y la distribución que tuvieron estos productos. El objeto final es plantear un modelo de análisis del territorio mediante los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para poder calcular y modelar la producción vitivinícola de esta región.In the Roman period, the Betic region was an important producer of wheat, oil and wine. Although wine amphoras have been found throughout the empire, no production sites have been located. The colony of Hasta Regia lies on the lower part of the Guadalquivir river in an area that is currently the centre of production for Xeres Sherry. This book uses various techniques to analyse this region: literary sources, such as the agronomist Columella, as well as the study of materials and surface surveys, cultivation techniques, production parameters, and how these products were distributed. Its ultimate object is to propose a model of analysis of the territory using Geographical Information Systems to calculate and model the wine production of this region.

  • - Aspects paleo- et biodemographiques de la Peste en Provence
    av Michel Signoli

    This study examines demographical impacts of plague epidemics on populations. Geographically, the work is confined to les Bouches-du-Rhone (southern France) and chronologically it stretches to modern times. The original approach of this work consists of the analysis of two sources; historical and biological archives. The former looks at various documents (fiscal lists, parish registers, lists of victims, etc.). The second source looks at the osteological remains of the plague victims, as retrieved from archaological excavations. The book concentrates on the bio-demographical impacts of plague epidemics of 1720-1722 in the communities of d'Aubagne, de Martigues, and Marseille. Three cemeteries were examined - Fedons, Delos and the trench at Observance. Itwas possible to define the rates of mortality and differences and variations among victims of different age groups. It was possible to compare the impact of the demographic crisis of two different origins: between the famine and epidemics (Martigues 1709-1710, 1720-1721) and different types of epidemics. It was also possible to understand types of inhumations and the treatment of plague victims, which were then compared to the archive lists and autopsies.

  • - Perception et impacts des modifications climatiques et des occupations humaines depuis 15 000 ans
    av Paul Orth

    This volume is a thorough interdisciplinary study of the Paris fluvial basin, providing much new data for the interpretation of the evolution of the surrounding during the Lateglacial and Holocene periods. The work is based on the author's fieldwork and further sedimentological and palaeoecological investigations, as well as 14-C datings. The book is divided into three principal headings - general presentation of the study area; presentation of the data and results; and interpretations. Overall the work represents an important contribution and fresh interpretation of the spatial variability of fluvial sedimentation, in relation with the geomorphological and hydrogeological contexts from the end of the Pleniglacial.

  • - A skeptic's guide to the archaeology of the Auvergne
    av Stephen D Jones

    This book proposes a model of subsistence, land use, and society for the Arveni, a powerful people in the Auvergne region of central France during the late Iron Age or 'La Tène' (c. 450-50 BC). The data derives from 10 years of field and bibliographic research, and a GIS-connected database of all sites registered in the archives of the region. The objective was to counter pervasive models grounded on the stereotypical comments of Mediterranean enemies, not archaeological evidence.

  • - An analysis of human skeletal remains from the prehistoric to post-medieval periods
    av Mario Slaus

    This book presents the results of a decade of studying skeletal archaeological collections from continental Croatia. Results of the analyses of 786 skeletons from 21 sites are presented by site and synthesized temporally into 5 groups (Prehistoric, Antique, Early Medieval, Late Medieval, and Historic). The aim of this research is to report on skeletal data from, in this respect, an under-represented part of the world, and to summarize information pertaining to demography and specific disease classifications. From these compilations inferences on demographic trends, disease, and the quality of life from prehistoric to historic times in continental Croatia may be drawn.

  • av Yoshihiro Nishiaki

    This study examines the interpretative possibilities of stone tools for understanding cultural development in the Levantine Neolithic. The emphasis is on behavioural aspects of lithic industries such as core reduction and raw material use rather than on typological study of particular tool forms. Analysis of raw material procurement, core reduction and tool manufacturing processes were carried out for the material from Douara Cave II, Tell Damishliyya, Tell Nebi Mend and Tell Kashkashok II. The inter-relations between sites have been looked at and the results show that the change from Pre-Pottery to the Pottery Neolithic was characterized by the increasing use of locally available material, as well as a move from specialized blade to more expedient flake production. The suggestion is that the change in lithic technology closely reflected changing patterns in settlement system, subsistence economy and social organization.

  • - Northern Limpopo Province, South Africa
    av Claudia Abatino

    This book offers a zooarchaeological study of Mapungubwe and Mutamba, two Middle Iron Age sites in northern South Africa.

  • av Francesco Menotti

    This book examines Inka stone masonry, a major hallmark of their culture, as a whole, from stone block extraction to drressing techniques, tool use and stone block transport. The Inkas' five most exploited quarries within the Cuzco region are examined with a special emphasis on the Llama Pit of Rumiqolqa Quarry. The main styles of wall construction are categorised and their application to different kinds of Inka buildings are examined. The implications of apparently earthquake-proof Inka walls are explored. Accompanied by a CD with 100 colour photographs of stone and walling detail with more general views of Inka sites.

  • - Le sciage des roches tenaces au nord-ouest des Alpes (4300-2450 av. J.-C.)
    av Christophe Croutsch
    1 172

    The use of sawing has often been considered as a characteristic of the manufacturing of polished stone axes in the Circum-Alpine region during the Neolithic. This technique has however only been noted at certain periods and in a few areas. The technique of sawing was used to produce very long polished blades made of rare rocks, as well as more common tools, as attested by the thousands of objects found in the wetland sites of the Swiss Plateau. The analysis of this exceptional material allows us to seek answers to questions relating to the various technical choices and how the production was organized, as well as being able to ask questions about the social organizations that underpin these phenomena.

  • - Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology. Proceedings of the eighth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers, School of Classics, Trinity College Dublin. 20-22 February 2004

    The eighth annual Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology took place from the 20th to 22nd February 2004 at Trinity College, Dublin. Since its inception, SOMA has sought to provide postgraduate researchers in Mediterranean archaeology with a forum in which to present their work and give voice to new trends in Mediterranean archaeological research. This year, one of the main aims of the organisers was to make the symposium inclusive of regions and time periods not normally covered by the conference, i.e., to reach beyond the eastern Mediterranean region, and the Bronze Age and Classical periods. The presentations, therefore, covered places as diverse as Libya, Sardinia, and Jerusalem, and ranging chronologically from Neanderthals to Crusaders.

  • - Excavation season 1999

    In November 1988, Gotland University College started a new archaeological research project on the Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea. Sixteen Swedish archaeologists and osteologists carried out excavations and osteological analyses at newfound sites on the northern part of Kiriwina Island. The aim of the project is to study the introduction and subsequent cultural development of the Trobriand culture (c 1000-1500 AD). 8 contributions are published here, including surveys, excavation reports, lithics, ceramics, oral traditions, climate and culture.

  • - A reconsideration
    av Burcin Erdodu

    This book focuses on the prehistoric settlements of Eastern Thrace (Turkish Thrace). Turkish archaeology, under the influence of the German archaeological tradition, is not founded upon innovative theoretical ideas but the documentation and collection ofdata. In this work the author attempts to break the traditional views and concentrates on archaeological interpretation and a theoretical discussion on the archaeology of Eastern Thrace. This study is the product of intensive fieldwork undertaken in the Edirne region of Eastern Thrace, and it offers new information and theories on the prehistoric settlements of the region. Chapter I discusses the extensive and intensive surface survey results in the Edirne region. This project concerned the settlement history of the region from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. It includes systematic surveys for both off-site and site scatters, and intra-site gridded collection at selected sites. Chapter II concentrates on settlement mobility in the prehistoric settlements of Eastern Thrace as well as settlement types. It introduces two models for settlement mobility - extensive mobility and restricted mobility. Chapter III discusses settlement territories in the prehistoric settlement of the Edirne region. Chapter IV investigates prehistoric stone axe factories in Eastern Thrace, which are unique in the prehistoric record of the Balkans and Anatolia. The next chapter deals with explanatory models for the apparent dramatic decrease in population of Eastern Thrace inthe Late Chalcolithic period. Chapter VI puts forward a new hypothesis related to the symbolic value of landscape for island colonization.

  • av Vladimir I Kulakov

    This work is primarily devoted to the history of the Amber Lands in Roman times. It is based on archaeological data dating back to the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, and studies the local material and culture of this region. Geographically, the Amber Lands include the western outlying district of the southeast sector of the Baltic Sea littoral, or "Southeast Baltic". This part of Central Europe, limited by the lower reaches of the River Vistula in the west, and the Neman in the east, has a complex landscape formed in the Late Glacial. Dating to this historical period are the amber-bearing layers of glauconit ("blue ground"), covered by a mass of sandy soils carried by the glacier sweeping in from east Europe approximately 2 million years ago.

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