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  • - 'The Way of Saints' from the Roman period to AD 700
    av Mark Borlase

    The Camel and Fowey rivers incise deeply into Cornwall, nearly meeting in the middle. This book is a landscape study of the Camel/Fowey corridor which forms a natural trans-peninsular portage route across Cornwall, avoiding circumnavigating the notoriously hazardous Land's End sea route. The author investigates the effect this route had on society through micro- and macro settlement studies involving an extensive programme of geophysical analysis. This has generated fresh insight into the socio-economic and continuity dynamics of this part of Cornwall, together with the interaction between Romans and the indigenous population. The findings explore socio-political influences in the Roman period and cultural continuity into the post-Roman period.

  • av Arnaud Cazenave de la Roche
    1 203,-

    During the Renaissance period, Mediterranean shipbuilding-particularly Italian-was renowned for its quality. But it is largely unappreciated today due to the scarcity of written sources and the lack of archaeological documentation. The discovery of the Mortella wrecks in Saint-Florent, Corsica, in 2005-2006, and the 2010-2019 excavation of the 16th century Mortella III, helps to fill these gaps. The main objective of this archaeological study is to identify 'technical fingerprints' and 'architectural traits' that could contribute to the formulation of an Italo-Mediterranean shipbuilding model from the early modern period. The analysis is based on comparisons with archaeological data from other wrecks of the period as well as written sources. Finally, literature research allows us to link the Mortella wrecks to their history, that of Genoese 'navis' sunk during the Italian wars of 1527, complementing the archaeological study with historical research.

  • av Alba Masclans Latorre
    1 094

    This work broadens the current interpretative framework about communities living in the North- East of the Iberian Peninsula around the turn of the fifth and fourth millennia BC. The empirical foundation of this research is the analysis of polished and bevelled stone artefacts, found both in funerary and domestic contexts. The new data provides fresh insight into the technical choices and the productive processes in which the tools were employed by the Neolithic groups. The results of this enquiry, together with the data concerning the age and sexual determination of the buried individuals as well as the artefact distribution across the graves, constitutes an unprecedented opportunity to understand and explain the archaeological record variability in terms of gender and other social hierarchies.

    1 162

    This volume presents the results of 35 years of archaeological research at the Maya site of Pacbitun, located in west central Belize. The site was continuously occupied from 900 BC to AD 800/900. Excavations focused on both the site core and periphery, with investigations centred around housemounds, workshops, causeways, caves, and other karst features. In the site core, we excavated at areas ranging from small domestic houses dating to the Middle Preclassic to large ceremonial architecture (e.g. courtyards, palaces, temples) and complexes (e.g. E Groups) dating to the Late/Terminal Classic periods. From a material culture perspective, we conducted extensive research on ancient Maya use of plants, animals, ground stone tools, musical instruments, and ceramics. Tying all of these aspects together, our project has routinely utilised spatial technologies and 3D modelling (aerial and terrestrial LiDAR, photogrammetry) that help to capture our research efforts, from architecture to material remains, over the long-term.

  • - The semiotic construction of a sacred landscape in the central Andes (1800 BCE - CE 1820)
    av Gordon Ambrosino
    1 221

    As landscape art, the rock art of the central Andes offers clues regarding relationships between ancestor veneration and the negotiation of rights to water. To understand these relationships this book focuses on a large complement of rock art situated in highland Ancash, Peru, (3400 - 4250 m.a.s.l.). Regional survey excavation data from key rock art sites are synthesised to identify diachronic changes in imagery, production techniques and location, and to develop a typology and a spatio-temporal map for the rock art of the region that spans nearly 4,000 years (1800 BCE - CE 1820). These data are paired with 17th century Spanish Colonial accounts to trace back in time when specific, named groups socialised this landscape. A semiotic model, informed by interdisciplinary approaches, is applied to answer questions regarding the agency of these rock art places in socialising the land through establishing ancestral relations to water and rock features.

  • - An experimental approach
    av Quanyu Wang, Marion Uckelmann, Rachel J. Crellin, m.fl.

    The Newcastle-led Bronze Age Combat project presents its results from innovative combat experiments with replica Bronze Age swords, spears and shields. The original experimental methodologies used authentic replica weapons in extensive rigorous field experiments, and actualistic combat based on historical manuscripts. These allowed for replicate combat-related wear marks as found on original Bronze Age specimens. Bronze Age Combat provides a full account of the methodologies, replicas, experiments and results in unprecedented detail. By bringing together a range of experimental techniques, materials and expertise, this book is designed as a starting point and reference collection for further studies into Bronze Age combat research, metalwork wear analysis and experimental archaeology.

  • - Utilisation et perception de l'espace lacustre durant la periode Tiwanaku (500-1150 PCN)
    av Christophe Delaere
    1 176

    Ce livre propose de réexaminer l'étude de l'occupation du basin lacustre du lac Titicaca durant la période Tiwanaku (500-1150 PCN) en développant le concept de paysage culturel lacustre. Souvent considérées comme des 'cultures de la terre' (agriculture, pastoralisme, etc.), les sociétés préhispaniques du lac Titicaca ont, en réalité, développé, de nombreuses pratiques propres aux 'cultures de la mer' (navigation, offrandes, etc.). Que ce soit sur le plan politique, socioculturel ou rituel, le lac a eu une incidence sur l'évolution de ces populations et a favorisé l'émergence de pratiques indissociables à un espace lacustre. Les discussions proposent une nouvelle 'vision' de l'archéologie au lac Titicaca en intégrant le facteur lacustre dans l'interprétation des cultures Tiwanaku, et en conciliant nos connaissances actuelles des 'archéologies' du lac Titicaca, qu'elles soient 'terrestres' ou 'subaquatiques'.This book re-examines the occupation of the lake basin at Lake Titicaca during the Tiwanaku period (500-1150 AD) using the concept of 'lacustrine cultural landscape'. Considered as 'cultures of the land' (agriculture, pastoralism, etc.), the pre-Hispanic societies of Lake Titicaca developed many practices specific to 'cultures of the sea' (navigation, offerings, etc.). Whether politically, socio-culturally or ritually, the lake has had an impact on the evolution of these populations and has encouraged the emergence of practices that are inseparable from a lake area. Delaere proposes a new 'vision' of archaeology at Lake Titicaca by integrating the lacustrine factor into the interpretation of Tiwanaku cultures, and by reconciling our present knowledge of both terrestrial and underwater 'archaeologies'.

  • av Alan M. Slade
    1 004

    Clovis was once considered to be the first universal lithic technology to evolve in North America, occurring between 11,050 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before present (14C yr BP). These early hunter-gatherers left behind a sparse material record of their occupation that consists primarily of stone tools and the manufacturing debris associated with their production. The trademark tool of this earliest lithic technology to evolve in North America is a fluted point named after its type site discovery in a quarry at Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1, near Clovis, a town in New Mexico. These artefacts were made by widely separated groups throughout North America. The fluted points from Nova Scotia are much the same as those from New Mexico, not identical, but the similarities outweigh the differences. Not only are the fluted points similar across North America, but other technological aspects of the Clovis culture, i.e. blades, unifacial tools, and osseous tools, appear to be equally similar and widespread. In this study, the author identifies a number of Clovis and Clovis variants from seven environmentally different regions across North America. This monograph analyses the variability of Clovis fluted points and the lithic raw materials that they were produced on from a continental perspective. Complementing the research is a digital photographic dataset of the Clovis fluted points discussed, available online.

  • - Case studies from the Late Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of the Central Balkans
    av Stefan Milosevic

    Competition Between Humans and Large Carnivores presents Late Pleistocene archaeozoological material from Late Mousterian and Gravettian contexts in the Central Balkans. The results answer some important questions about Late Pleistocene Neanderthal and modern human ecology and their animal exploitation in this region. Most importantly it deals with the high presence of large carnivores in the Central Balkans at the sites located in different ecological settings, discuss human subsistence choices, and identifies the Central Balkans as a refugium during the MIS5-2 Late Glacial period.

  • - The House of Knowledge of I.S. Farrington
    1 176

    Yachay Wasi celebrates the remarkable career of Ian S. Farrington in archaeological research. Due to Ian's dedication and passion as an educator, this volume represents a wide range of topics within the disciplines of history and archaeology across three regions: Australia, Europe and South America. The disparate range of articles in this volume, ranging from Australian historical archaeology to Inka archaeology to sacred landscape archaeology in Britain, represent the principal and eclectic interests of Ian's career: Inka archaeology; landscape archaeology; the sacred landscape; and the intersection of history and archaeology. This volume is a fitting tribute to the 50-year career of Ian S. Farrington displaying the generous and warm characteristics of this steadfast teacher, mentor and friend.

  • - Proceedings of the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium 2018

    This volume gathers papers presented at the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium, held in Oxford in 2018. The event was an Honor Frost Foundation initiative dedicated to new and upcoming research focused on eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and realised by a committee from the Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton, and the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Oxford. These essays represent the proceedings of this conference and contain some of the latest research and fieldwork in the Mediterranean and beyond. Topics include ships, ports and port systems, maritime economics, chemical analysis of archaeological remains and legislation inmaritime archaeology. This publication is the product of an endeavour to promote early career research for maritime archaeologists with unique foci, and to establish a platform for them to discuss their findings with the wider community.With an introduction by Lucy Blue and Naseem Raad.

  • - La historia NO escrita
    1 325

    El volumen Arqueología de la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura Española recoge contribuciones de diferentes equipos de investigación que han trabajado en este tema en los últimos quince años. La aplicación de la arqueología a los estudios de la contienda ha sido relativamente reciente y empezaron de forma paralela en el año 2000, con la excavación de la segunda línea de defensa de Madrid en Villa de Vallecas y la fosa común de Priaranza en el Bierzo -León-. Las dos intervenciones se llevaron a cabo de forma consciente, por vez primera, aunque con objetivos muy diferentes. La primera, la de documentar un frente de guerra y, la segunda, la de exhumar a los represaliados en la localidad. Sin embargo, ambas arrojaban luz sobre momentos históricos que no aparecían recogidos en las fuentes... la historia NO escrita.Arqueología de la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura Española collects contributions from different research teams that have worked on this topic in the last fifteen years. The application of archaeology to the studies of the contest has been relatively recent and began simultaneously in the year 2000, with the excavation of the second line of defense of Madrid in Villa de Vallecas and the mass grave of Priaranza in El Bierzo - León -.

  • - Tablewares, Teawares and Social Interaction at an Australian Outback Pastoral Homestead
    av Penelope M. Allison
    1 148

    This book comprises a study of ceramic tableware and teaware remains from the outback pastoral homestead, The Old Kinchega Homestead, in western NSW, Australia, occupied from 1870 until 1955. This homestead is on the Kinchega Pastoral Estate which was a major player in Australia's important wool industry. These objects were excavated from the homestead and collected from its refuse area by the Kinchega Archaeological Research Project. The book includes detailed analyses of these artefacts, and of the tableware and teaware sets they constitute, for information on the changing dining and tea-drinking practices at this homestead. The micro-histories of these objects and these practices provides fresh perspectives on the changing social networks, social aspirations and social values of the inhabitants of this homestead. The research focuses particularly on the women who lived in this male-dominated outback pastoral context, in this remote region of the British colonial and post-colonial world, during this important period in Australia's history.

  • - Eine Fallstudie zur Trennung von Ur- und Hausrinderknochen
    av Erich Pucher

    Dieses Buch präsentiert die archäozoologische Untersuchung von 9,000 bestimmbaren Funden aus der mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage Friebritz-Süd in Niederösterreich. Nach dem Tierknochenmaterial zu schließen, basierte dieSubsistenzwirtschaft des mittelneolithischen Dorfes von Friebritz in hohem Maße auf Jagd. Der größte Anteil davon (41% des Gewichtes der Säugetierknochen) entfiel auf die Reste des Auerochsen. Die hohe Anzahl an Wildtierresten (30 verschiedene Arten) lieferte vielfältige Informationen über die lokale Ökologie und Landschaft. Es waren Arten einer locker bewaldeten, sommerwarmen Hügellandschaft mit eingestreuten Feuchtgebieten. Die Haustiere der Lengyel-Zeit glichen noch weitgehend ihren primitiven Vorgängerpopulationen aus der Linearbandkeramik. Das Hausrind dominierte unter den domestizierten Tieren mit knapp 30%. Eine Sekundärnutzung der Haustiere ist im höchsten Falle im Anfangsstadium nachweisbar. Im allgemein zeigen die archäozoologischen Ergebnisse aus der Kreisgrabenanlage Friebritz-Süd viele Ähnlichkeiten zu anderen Befunden dieser Periode. Die Tierknochen aus Friebritz-Süd, und vor allem der hohe Anteil an Auerochsen, ermöglichten schließlich die Entwicklung einer verbesserten Methodik zur Unterscheidung von Hausund Wildrind.This book presents the archaeozoological study of 9,000 identified finds from the middle Neolithic circular ditch Friebritz-Süd in Lower Austria. According to the faunal remains, the inhabitants of Friebritz based their economy to a great extent on hunting activities.

  • av Chong Yu

    Cattle (Bos taurus), domesticated from the extinct aurochs (Bos primigenius), has been an important animal to many human societies since prehistoric times. Cattle provides not only meat for subsistence, but also hide, blood, dung, milk and traction that contribute to the organization of human beliefs, cultural attitudes and social complexity. This book provides the widest range of cattle bone biometrical information from the Early Neolithic period to the Early Bronze Age (10000 to 3600 years ago) and investigates the morphological variation of this animal from a biological point of view: the main indicator for tracing domestication. The results suggest that cattle in ancient China was imported from the Near East around 4,300 years ago and made their first appearance in the Yellow River Valley. Once they had arrived in central China, these small-sized domesticated cattle soon spread and was exploited intensively from then on.

  • - Behaviours, motivations, and mentalites
    av Murray Andrews
    1 275,-

    More than 800 hoards of medieval precious metal coins are known from England and Wales, but the phenomenon as a whole remains poorly understood: who made coin hoards, what did they put in them, how did they assemble them, where did they bury them, and, ultimately, why did they do it? This book provides a pioneering analysis of the archaeological and numismatic evidence for coin hoarding in medieval England and Wales, using innovative multivariate and spatial techniques to shed fresh light on the behaviours, motivations, and mentalités behind the formation and deposition of coin hoards during in the period c.973-1544. It is accompanied by a digital gazetteer describing the 815 hoards used in the study, the largest and most comprehensive corpus ever assembled for this region and period.

  • - Resource, reconstruction, representation, role
    1 475

    In the ancient world, bronzes - from over-lifesize sculptures to small-scale utilitarian objects - were an omnipresent and integral part of everyday public and private life. Bronze was also a valuable resource. From a scientific point of view, recent decades have seen new methods of analysis to reconstruct the production processes of ancient bronzes. At the same time, research on ancient bronze sculpture continues to rely on art historical theories and methodologies in discussions of style and chronology. Irrespective of the nature of the object -be it sculpture, tool, or weapon - role and function must be studied in conjunction with the archaeological context with which the objects were once associated. The proceedings of the XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes address these key topics, bringing together experts from different backgrounds to investigate further the developing studies in the field of ancient bronzes.

  • - Una perspectiva bioarqueologica de los cambios sociales en la Costa Central del Peru
    av Lucia Clarisa Watson Jimenez

    El objetivo principal de este libro es brindar una aproximación al modo de vida y muerte de la gente común de la bahía de Ancón, ubicada en la Costa Central del Perú, quiénes vivieron y murieron bajo el dominio del imperio Wari e Inca, como también bajo el grupo local autónomo Chancay (800-1532d.C). Para esta investigación se propuso una metodología multidisciplinaria que integra información desde las primeras excavaciones llevadas a cabo por Reiss y Stübel al final del siglo XIX, las excavaciones de Julio C.Tello a inicios del siglo XX, análisis de material de lo excavado por el Dr. Kauffman y reconstruciones 3D de fardos funerarios. Mediante el estudio del patrón funerario de las tumbas y fardos, como también de indicadores de salud encontrados en el esqueleto tales como marcas de actividad y nutricionales, entre otros se concluye que el imperio Wari y el grupo local Chancay impactó sobre la población de Ancón, no así durante el Imperio Inca.The main goal of this book is to reconstruct the lifestyle and death of the dwellers of Ancon bay, located on the Central Coast of Peru. These people lived and died under Wari and Inca Imperial rule, as well as during the occupation of the site by a local autonomous group named Chancay (800-1532AD). For this investigation, a multidisciplinary methodology is proposed that combines information from the first excavations carried out by Reiss and Stübel at the end of the XIXth century, from excavations of Julio C. Tello at the beginning of the XXth century, with material analysis from Dr. Kauffman's excavations and 3D reconstructions of funerary bundles. By studying both funerary patterns from tombs and bundles, as well as health indicators found on the skeletons such us activity and nutritional markers, among others, we concluded that the health of the people of Ancon was impacted strongly by the different occupations.

  • - A critical review
    av B. Nilgun OEz

    Foreign-run excavations are a significant component of archaeological research in Turkey, however, conservation work carried out at these excavations has never been examined holistically. B. Nilgün Öz investigates archaeological conservation at foreign-run excavations at 19 sites across Turkey to identify the scale and nature of differing contributions, determining changing approaches and issues impacting conservation practices, as well as possible catalysts, influences and driving forces. Through a systematic appraisal of the variety of conservation work between 1979 and 2014, this research contributes to a wider understanding of the dynamics of archaeological heritage management and archaeological conservation as it is practiced in Turkey at foreign-run projects. This thought-provoking and timely book will be a valuable resource to students and scholars of archaeology, architecture, conservation, heritage and history.

  • - Landscape and Communities in the Three Rivers Region, Northwestern Belize
    av Gail A. Hammond
    1 130

    This work represents the archaeological investigation of a distinctive zone of the Three Rivers Region (TRR) of far northwestern Belize. The zone is dominated by the Alacranes Bajo, a seasonally inundated karstic depression bordered by the settlements of Nojol Nah and Tulix Mul. Understanding the relationship of the settlements to the bajo and to the wider political landscape of the TRR contributes to the knowledge of land use by the ancient Maya. This book investigates whether the settlements on the eastern edge of the Alacranes Bajo could be described as bajo-centric. Were they specifically located with the purpose of utilising the bajo's resources? Or, do the settlements fit a wider pattern characteristic of the TRR? To address these questions, excavations were undertaken of households, monumental structures, and landscape features associated with the sites in question. The results of the excavations are described and assessed within the local, regional and inter-regional context.

  • - Understanding mortuary practices and collective burials in Chalcolithic Portugal
    av Lucy Shaw Evangelista

    Resting in Peace or in Pieces? studies Tomb I, a tholos type structure found in the Perdigões Archaeological Complex (Évora, Portugal) from the first half of the 3rd millennium BC. The human bone sample (61926 bone fragments and 1579 teeth) found in Tomb I was highly fragmented and skeletonised elements were found completely disarticulated. This book takes a twofold approach to the study of the skeletal sample from Tomb I. The monument is studied according to the archaeological phases defined during field work, which explains the possible differentiated uses of the tomb through time. The skeletal sample is then studied as a whole, regardless of phases of use. Lucy Shaw Evangelista uses the data obtained to paleodemographically reconstruct the individuals buried in the tomb, comparing them with other funerary structures inside and outside the Perdigões ditched enclosures. This research broadens our understanding of mortuary practices and collective burials in Chalcolithic Portugal, situating it within the wider European Copper Age context.

  • - Scavi 1970-1971
    av Alberto Potenza

    Grotta dei Cervi di Porto Badisco venne scoperta nel 1970 dal Gruppo Speleologico "De Lorentiis". Lo stesso anno iniziarono gli scavi dell'allora Soprintendente Felice Gino Lo Porto, che in due successive campagne, 1970 e 1971, indagò quelli che oggi sono conosciuti come "Ingresso Est" e "Ingresso Ovest". Grotta dei Cervi fu un santuario di richiamo internazionale per tutto il Neolitico e l'età dei Metalli. La frequentazione della Grotta fu continuativa dagli inizi del VI sino alla fine del II millennio a. C. La presenza di manufatti particolari testimonia contatti con regioni distanti, che vanno dall'area tirrenica ligure alle zone del Mediterraneo orientale e che rimandano a un patrimonio simbolico comune. In questo lavoro si presentano i dati emersi dallo studio dei manufatti ottenuti su materia dura animale, provenienti dagli scavi 1970-1971. Oggetti di vita quotidiana e oggetti di culto che permettono di avere un quadro più ampio delle antiche civiltà.Grotta dei Cervi was discovered in 1970 by the Speleological Group "De Lorentiis". The first investigations date back to 1970 and 1971 and were carried out by the then Superintendent to the Antiquities F. G. Lo Porto. He excavated the eastern and western cavities. Grotta dei Cervi represented an important sanctuary during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. The cave was uninterruptedly frequented from the beginning of the 6th millennium to the end of the 2nd millennium BC. The occurrence of exotic material testifies to relationships with distant countries, among them the Tyrrhenian coast of Liguria and the eastern Mediterranean area, suggesting the use of a common symbolic heritage. In this book the study of bone tools found during the 1970-71 excavations is presented. They represent daily life and cultural objects that allow us to have a broader picture of ancient civilisations.

  • - Proceedings of the 12th Annual Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium

    The Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium was created in 2007 to provide a platform for research students and early career archaeologists focusing on the early medieval period (c. AD 300 - 1200) to discuss and present their work. Over the years, the symposium has become a major event at which new and interdisciplinary research is presented in the field. The 12th Annual Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium (EMASS 2018) was held in Glasgow from 19 - 21 April and was jointly hosted by the University of Glasgow and the Glasgow School of Art. Twenty-one papers and four posters by a total of forty individuals were presented over two days, of which nine are included in this volume. These papers highlight interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological approaches which have led to new and innovative research on the early medieval period.

  • - Le necropoli siciliane di Cozzo del Pantano e Matrensa

    L'Età del Bronzo Medio (meta' XV - meta' XIII secolo a.C.) rappresenta un momento cruciale per lo sviluppo culturale delle comunità indigene siciliane, caratterizzato dall'intensificazione del rapporti con l'Egeo e l'Arcipelago Maltese e dagli effetti di tali rapporti osservabili soprattutto sulle pratiche mortuarie. Il presente volume è una e propria edizione postuma delle due necropoli siracusane di Cozzo del Pantano e Matrensa, tra le più importanti per questo periodo, indagate da Paolo Orsi rispettivamente nel 1893 e 1898 e solo parzialmente pubblicate. Lo studio complessivo di oltre 400 manufatti, presentato per la prima volta con un'aggiornata documentazione grafica e fotografica, l'analisi delle problematiche cronologiche ancora aperte, l'esame critico del multiforme fenomeno della religione funeraria insieme ad un inedita disamina delle complesse dinamiche di riuso dei cimiteri preistorici in epoca classica e post classica, fanno di esso un imprescindibile punto di riferimento nella letteratura scientifica sull'archeologia della Sicilia antica.For the cultural development of the Sicilian indigenous communities, the Middle Bronze Age (from the mid-15th to the mid-13th century BCE) represents a crucial phase characterised by an escalation of the relationship with the Aegean and the Maltese Archipelago and by the effect of that relationship on the local mortuary practices. This book analyses two Siracusan necropoleis of Cozzo del Pantano and Matrensa, among the most important for this period, originally explored and published in preliminary form by Paolo Orsi in 1893 and 1898. The study of over 400 artefacts, offered for the first time with updated technical drawings and colour pictures, analyses ongoing issues relating to chronology. The critical examination of the multifaceted phenomenon of funerary religion and of the afterlife of the two cemeteries in the Classical and post-Classical period makes this book an invaluable reference work for scientific literature on the archaeology of ancient Sicily.

  • - An ethnohistoric, ethnoarchaeological, and GIS landscape analysis at an ancient African city
    av Tendai Treddah Musindo

    This book combines GIS aided landscape analysis with an examination of both historical and ethnoarchaeological data to provide new insights on the link between water sources and the built environment at Great Zimbabwe. The book interrogates the centrality of water in shaping spatial and social processes at an ancient capital. In addition, the author examines the different methods used by the residents of Great Zimbabwe to manage water sources and to transport water from sources to the domestic area and the implications of such methods to the use of space. It also examines the ways in which water sources influenced social formation and use of space at the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe.The author has managed to expertly strike a balance between deploying GIS tools and historical and ethnoarchaeological data to model the effect of water on the spatial and social processes at Great Zimbabwe.

  • - Il Castello Visconteo - Sforzesco di Milano dai disegni di Leonardo da Vinci all'Archeologia del Sottosuolo
    av Gianluca Padovan
    1 320

    Il Castello di Milano è un'opera medievale voluta dai Visconti e potenziata dagli Sforza. Oggi è sede di biblioteche, musei e raccolte d'arte, ma rimane una formidabile "macchina da combattimento", dove hanno lavorato tra i migliori architetti e ingegneri italiani. I soli studi d'epoca medievale riguardanti la Fortezza, a oggi noti, sono di Leonardo da Vinci, il quale ne ha esaminato le difese, comprensive delle parti sotterranee, prospettando i miglioramenti. Trent'anni d'indagini speleologiche condotte innanzitutto nei suoi sotterranei hanno permesso di eseguire le planimetrie dell'articolato sistema, composto anche di canali d'acqua segreti, mettendole a confronto con i disegni leonardeschi. Si è così compreso che una parte della Fortezza non è stata demolita, ma solo "cimata": oggi nel sottosuolo esiste un patrimonio archeologico, architettonico e artistico inestimabile, ma da recuperare integralmente. Il lavoro presenta un metodo d'indagine multidisciplinare che può essere facilmente applicato allo studio di ogni altra fortificazione europea. The castle of Milan is a medieval work commissioned by the Visconti and developed by the Sforza. Today it is intended for cultural functions but its origins are those of a formidable "combat machine". Some of the best Italian architects and engineers worked on the creation of the castle. The only studies known about the fortress, belonging to the medieval age, are by Leonardo da Vinci. He examined the defences, including the underground parts, looking for improvements. Thirty years of speleological investigations, first of all conducted in its basements, and also concerning secret water channels, have allowed us to carry out the plans of the complex system and to compare them with Leonardo's drawings. This has made it clear to the author that a part of the Fortress has not been demolished, but only "cut" in the surface. Today there is an invaluable archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage to be fully recovered. The work presents a method of multidisciplinary investigation that can be applied to the study of any other European fortification.

  • - Censimento, confronti ed ipotesi interpretative
    av Cristina Cumbo
    1 058

    Il presente volume prende avvio dalle riflessioni generate dall'analisi di tutti gli affreschi nelle catacombe cristiane di Roma, per identificare e catalogare le c.d. gammadiae, rappresentate sul lembo del pallio dei personaggi, e provando a comprenderne il significato attraverso una suddivisione per temi iconografici e un inquadramento topografico. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, non è possibile fermarsi alle sole testimonianze presenti nei cimiteri romani, ma è anche necessario "viaggiare" attraverso l'Egitto e Israele, scoprendo i reperti tessili, toccando l'affascinante mondo dei sarcofagi-ritratto, così come quello degli affreschi della sinagoga di Dura Europos e, infine, esaminando i mosaici cristiani, profani e giudaici. Il volume, con un ricco catalogo di 209 schede, si propone come un punto di partenza per ricerche più approfondite, costituendosi anche come un importante passo per far sì che si indaghi su un tema iconografico che è sempre stato considerato estremamente intricato.This book analyses all the frescoes in the Early Christian Roman catacombs to identify and catalogue the so-called gammadiae, represented on the hem of the pallium of the characters. It interrogates their meaning through a thematic subdivision of iconographic themes and a topographical overview. The study explores beyond evidences found in the Roman cemetery: "travelling" through Egypt and Israel to discover textile finds; touching the fascinating world of the portrait-sarcophagi, as well as that of the frescoes in the synagogue of Dura Europos; and finally, examining Christian, profane and Jewish mosaics. This book, with a rich catalogue of 209 forms, is a starting point for further research, but it is also an important contribution to investigate an iconographic theme that has always been considered extremely intricate.

  • av Gary Webster

    Despite Sardinia's extraordinarily rich Neolithic record, very little of it has made its way into the general European discourse. Written as a companion to G. Webster and M. Webster, Punctuated Insularity. The Archaeology of 4th and 3rd Millennium Sardinia. Oxford: BAR International Series 2871, 2017, the present volume addresses the omission by offering a synthesis of an archaeological corpus still little known outside the island. It covers in detail the evidence of colonisations and subsequent adaptations to the Sardinia's diverse environments in terms of settlement patterns, craft industries, subsistence economies, mortuary and non-mortuary cult expressions, imagery, art and extra-insular relations with special emphasis of neighbouring Corsica, while offering interpretive suggestions. As a study of the frequentation and settling of Sardinia as a locale, a large, insular, west-Mediterranean landmass, by people with non-indigenous heritages, it furthermore locates the island's cultural modalities within the so-called neolithisation of the broader Tyrrhenian region during the sixth and fifth millennia BCE.

  • av Valeria Melissano, Giovanni Mastronuzzi & Fabrizio Ghio
    1 221

    La carta archeologica del territorio comunale di Poggiardo si propone a compendio delle ricerche condotte negli ultimi trent'anni dall'Università del Salento in collaborazione con enti di ricerca italiani e stranieri. In questa occasione si raccolgono, condensano e restituiscono, anche in forma grafica/cartografica, le conoscenze acquisite fino ad oggi, tratteggiando un quadro conoscitivo diacronico del centro antico di Vaste e del territorio ad esso circostante. Obiettivo è la realizzazione di un prodotto utile non solo per gli studiosi, ma anche e soprattutto per coloro i quali, amministratori locali in primis, hanno il dovere e l'onere di pianificare e di dettare le linee guida per la crescita urbana e lo sviluppo del proprio territorio, in un'ottica di compatibilità con la progettazione, il restauro e la conservazione del paesaggio, dell'ambiente e del patrimonio culturale. Il volume è stato realizzato nell'ambito del laboratorio di Archeologia Classica del Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell'Università del Salento.This archaeological map of the municipal territory of Poggiardo is intended as a compendium of the research conducted over the last thirty years by University of Salento in cooperation with Italian and international research institutions. The aims of the project include the recovery, analysis and enhancement of earlier data and an updating of these data with more recent discoveries; all of these have been collected and shown in graphic and cartographic form, to facilitate the outlining of a diachronic picture of the ancient settlement and of its surrounding territory. This study has been devised in such a way as to make it useful not only for scholars, but also as a support for the local municipalities in establishing the guidelines for urban growth and the development of the territory, taking into consideration the preservation of Cultural Heritage and the environment and landscape. The development of this publication has been realised under the auspices of the Laboratory of Classical Archaeology (Department of Cultural Heritage, Università del Salento).

  • - Un estudio desde la Arqueologia del Paisaje
    av Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo

    Este trabajo es una propuesta para estudiar la organización social descentralizada en la Mixteca Alta. Para ello nos focalizamos en el estudio del sitio arqueológico El Alvarado en asociación a otros sitios menores ubicados en el Valle de Tlaxiaco. El objetivo fue tener un acercamiento a la organización social a nivel de sitio y valle que existió durante el Preclásico Tardío o Fase Ramos (300 a.C. - 300 d.C.). A partir de los análisis: fisiográfico, arquitectónico, arqueológico, de tránsito, de visualización y de estimación de población se plantea primero, una deconstrucción y posteriormente, una reconstrucción del paisaje del Valle de Tlaxiaco durante la fase Ramos. Se propone una organización social centralizada a nivel de sitio y una organización social descentralizada a nivel de valle. En este sentido, se plantea una forma diferente a la organización centralizada a nivel de valle que ha sido ampliamente estudiada en la Mixteca Alta.This work studies decentralised social organisation in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico. The research focuses on the El Alvarado archaeological site in association with other small sites in the Tlaxiaco Valley. The main goal was to understand the social organisation that existed, at the site and valley level, in the Late Preclassic or Ramos phase (300 BC to AD 300). From the physiographic, architectural, archaeological, transit, visualisation and population estimation analyses, first, a deconstruction is proposed and then a reconstruction of the landscape of Tlaxiaco Valley during the Ramos phase. This research deals with the centralised social organisation at the site level and the decentralised social organisation at the valley level. In such a way, at the valley level, a type of social organisation different from the centralised one is proposed, which has been widely studied in the Mixteca Alta.

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