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  • av Hana Lewis

    UCL Institute of Archaeology PhD Series, Volume 1The research presented in this book advances scholarship on Anglo-Saxon non-elite rural settlements through the analysis of material culture. Forty-four non-elite sites and the high-status site of Staunch Meadow, occupied throughout the Anglo-Saxon period (c. 5th-11th centuries) and geographically representative of Anglo-Saxon settlement in England, were selected for study. Comparative analyses of the material culture assemblages and settlement data from these sites were evaluated from four main research perspectives: the archaeological contexts and distributional patterns of material culture at the sites; the range and character of material culture; patterns of material culture consumption; and material culture as evidence for the economic reach of rural settlements.

  • - A corpus and discussion of late medieval and Renaissance hawking rings found in Britain
    av Ian Richardson & Michael J. Lewis

    This book provides a corpus of inscribed hawking rings (vervels) reported Treasure via the Portable Antiquities Scheme over the last twenty years. Since vervels are normally inscribed with information about their owners, they constitute an important social and archaeological record. This information is explored through the corpus, which shows the objects to have been owned predominantly by men of status, particularly in the Stuart period. Also included is a discussion of the development of hawking and the use of vervels, and analysis of their form, function and dating, as well as variations in design. Particularly significant is the information on their distribution, as many inscribed vervels are found in the vicinity of estates owned by the individuals mentioned upon them. This publication thus provides a unique resource to the scholar and to the casual enthusiast.

  • - Poblamiento y territorio en el Sureste de la Peninsula Iberica (siglos IV a.C.-III d.C.)
    av Leticia Lopez-Mondejar
    1 117

    El presente trabajo aborda el amplio periodo que abarca desde finales de la Edad del Hierro hasta los primeros siglos del Imperio romano en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica (IV a.C.-III d.C.) En él se analizan, desde una perspectiva global e integradora, las dinámicas y transformaciones que experimenta el paisaje de dichas centurias atendiendo a aspectos como los patrones de asentamiento, la economía y la organización sociopolítica. A través de todo ello se pretende ofrecer una perspectiva de estudio novedosa frente a perspectivas tradicionales en este ámbito peninsular únicamente centradas en el estudio aislado de los principales yacimientos y su cultura material. El volumen aborda así, por primera vez, un análisis diacrónico y comparativo de estos territorios, ofreciendo una nueva imagen de los mismos a lo largo de las centurias analizadas e insertándolos, además, en el contexto más amplio del ámbito sur peninsular.The book analyses, from a global and comprehensive perspective, the period between the end of the Iron Age and the first centuries of the Roman Imperial period in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (4th century BC-3rd century AD). It aims to provide a broader analysis from a different and innovative perspective, which goes beyond the traditional isolated study of the main regional sites and their archaeological record. Thus, it focuses on the dynamics and transformations operating in the landscape, the settlement patterns, the economy and the socio-political organisation of these territories, providing the first diachronic and comparative analysis of these centuries. As a result, the volume offers a new long-term picture of these Iberian territories, providing a view of their evolution and inserting them into the context of the southern peninsular area.

  • av Giovanni Beltramelli & Roberto Basilico Lattonedil
    1 221

    Hypogean Archaeology No 13Nel territorio dell'Alto Lario, zona settentrionale del Lago di Como, vi è una diffusa e importante presenza di incisioni rupestri schematiche e figurative. I lavori di indagine si sono svolti dagli anni '80 con operazioni di ricerca sul territorio, documentazione grafica e fotografica, raccolta ed elaborazione dei dati. Il metodo seguito è stato finalizzato alla creazione di uno strumento di schedature fruibile e utilizzabile a più livelli. Il lavoro presentato si articola in tre parti. La prima è un inquadramento dell'area con contributi sulla geologia, il territorio, la storia e la toponomastica. La seconda parte analizza il fenomeno delle incisioni rupestri in funzione delle teorie più significative e dei contributi apportati dalle principali discipline scientifiche coinvolte nello studio di questo fenomeno. Vengono poi presentate le linee guida utilizzate nello studio affrontato e le varie teorie interpretative espresse dagli studiosi, nonché gli elementi riscontrati sul territorio. La terza parte del lavoro mostra le schede di studio e l'elaborazione dei dati raccolti.In the territory to the north of Lake Como, known as Alto Lario, there is a variety of important schematic and figurative rock engravings. The work on these engravings presented in this book began in the 1980s, and has included research operations, graphic documentation, and the collection and processing of data. The method adopted has resulted in the development of a multi-layered study tool. The work is divided into three parts: the first provides information about the region, with contributions on geology, landscape, history and toponymy; the second analyses the phenomenon of rock engravings according to the most significant theories, presenting the contributions of the main scientific disciplines involved in the study of this phenomenon, along with the guidelines used in the present study and the various interpretative theories offered by scholars, to situate the examples under study; the third provides the data sheets and an interpretation of the collected data.

  • - Las formaciones sociales entre finales del VI y mediados del III milenio ANE
    av Francisco Perez Caamano

    El libro propone, basado en el materialismo histórico, la existencia y desarrollo de un modo de producción comunal como funcionamiento básico entre las formaciones sociales que poblaron el territorio de la Depresión de Vera y la Cuenca del río Almanzora (Almería) entre finales del VI y mediados del III milenio ANE. El modo de producción comunal se combinó con una organización social tribal para extenderse sobre el territorio. La reproducción social se organizó a partir de comunidades domésticas donde las relaciones parentales regulaban la fuerza de trabajo y el acceso al producto a partir de una reciprocidad generalizada que mantenía como norma básica la igualdad en la participación en el trabajo y el acceso a lo producido. Sin embargo, la progresiva fragmentación del sujeto colectivo generará una extensión de la fuerza de trabajo donde la reciprocidad irá pasando de generalizada a negativa, restringida cada vez más a grupos domésticos organizados a partir de lo que denominamos unidades territoriales A comienzos del III milenio ANE los mecanismos de fragmentación social parecen iniciar un colapso y algunas comunidades domésticas parecen desarrollarse por encima de otras, con lo que la degradación del modo de producción comunal se hace evidente, y con ella la conflictividad social.This book, with a theoretical grounding in historical materialism, proposes the existence and development of a communal mode of production as a basic element of the social structures of the groups populating the territory of la Depresión de Vera and la Cuenca del río Almanzora (Almería) between the end of the 6th and the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE. This mode of production, combined with a tribal social organisation, extended itself over the territory. Cultural reproduction was organised through domestic communities in which parental relationships regulated the labour force and access to products via a generalised reciprocity. This ensured, as a basic rule, equality of participation in work and access to what that work produced. However, the progressive fragmentation of the collective subject would generate an extension of the labour force, in which that reciprocity would turn from generalised to negative, and increasingly be restricted to domestic groups organised into what we would call territorial units. At the beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE, social fragmentation mechanisms seem to initiate a collapse and some domestic communities seem to develop over and above others, so that the degradation of the communal mode of production becomes evident, together with accompanying social unrest.

  • - Early Byzantine mosaics and frescoes from northwestern central Turkey
    av Ergun Lafli & Sami Pataci
    1 132

    Hadrianopolis is located on the principal western route from the Central Anatolian plain through the mountains to Bart¿n and the Black Sea, 3 km west of modern Eskipazar, near Karabük, in Roman southwestern Paphlagonia. Though small, it dominated a rich agricultural and vinicultural enclave on the borders between Paphlagonia, Bithynia and Galatia. Between 2005 and 2008, four survey, excavation and restoration campaigns were conducted on the site by Dokuz Eylül University. The 2005 surveys identified the remains of at least 24 buildings, many of which were paved with extensive mosaic floors. Following the publication of the inscriptions (Hadrianopolis I), glass (Hadrianopolis II), and pottery finds (Hadrianopolis III), the present volume is devoted to these early Byzantine mosaics and frescoes from this site, dated mainly to the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The most remarkable of these is the floor mosaic of the nave of the Basilica B, which displays personifications of the four rivers of paradise: Euphrates, Tigris, Phison and Geon.

  • - Sessions generales et posters / General Sessions and Posters
    1 613,-

    The General Sessions and Posters from Sections 9 and 10 of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001.Section 9: Le Néolithique au Proche Orient et en Europe/The Neolithic in the Near East and Europe.Présidents de la Section 9: Ivan Jadin & Anne HauzeurSection 10: L'âge du cuivre au Proche Orient et en Europe/The Copper Age in the Near East and Europe.Présidents de la Section 10: Nicolas Cauwe, Marc Vander Linde, Önhan Tunca, Marc LebeauÉdité par / Edited by Le Secrétariat du Congrès

  • av Duncan Garrow

    The aim of this study is to consider pits from the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age - not easily classified - in substantial detail, to address questions concerning the kinds of practices and places they represent.

  • - Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Cantonal Archaeological Museum Sion (Switzerland) October 4th - 7th 2001

    Archéologie et gobelets: Association pour la promotion de la recherche et la diffusion des connaissances sur le CampaniformeThe Archéologie et gobelets Association was set up in 1996 in Geneva, Switzerland, to further the study of the Bell Beaker Culture and for the dissemination of knowledge. This book includes 13 papers from the 2001 conference, 6 in French, 4 in English, 2 in Spanish and 1 in Italian.

  • - Sessions generales et posters / General Sessions and Posters

    The General Sessions and Posters from Section 7 of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001.C 7.1: Landscape-Use During the Final-Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in NW-Europe: The Formation of Extensive Sites and Site-Complexes Coordinateur / Coordinator: Philippe CrombéC 7.2: Late Foragers and Early Farmers of the Lepenski Vir-Schela Cladovei Culture in the Iron Gates Gorges. A Metamorphosis of Technologies or AcculturationsCoordinateurs / Coordinators: Borislav Jovanovi¿, Dragana Antonovi¿C 7.3: Intrusive Farmers or Indigenous Foragers: The New Debate about the Ethnolinguistic Origins of EuropeCoordinateur / Coordinator: Mario AlineiÉdité par / Edited by: Le Secrétariat du CongrèsPrésidents de la Section 7: Philippe Crombé & Pierre Vermeersch

  • - A diachronic study
    av Lena Hakulin

    So far no holistic study and synthesis of Late Minoan bronze-working has been published. This study is the first attempt to collect all available data and analyze the whole bronze-working process from raw materials to finished objects and present a comprehensive view of its development from the Neopalatial to the Postpalatial period. The aims of this study are (1) to collect all published data on bronze objects, evidence for raw materials and bronze workshops as well as scientific analyses related to Late Minoan bronze-working, and store them in codified databases; (2) to analyze this information and identify differences in the bronze object assemblages, selected object types, the finding contexts, the metalworking techniques, the alloy composition and the availability of copper between the Neopalatial, the Mycenaean Knossos and the Postpalatial periods; (3) to identify the causes of possible changes and differences between these periods; (4) to present an overview of the bronze industry on Crete and its development during the Late Bronze Age. Chronologically the study is centred on the Late Bronze Age, and metallurgically and geographically the scope of the research is limited to copper-based objects, archaeological evidence for their manufacturing and copper raw material found on Crete, as well as scientific analyses related to them. Chapter 2 contains a brief outline of Early and Middle Minoan bronze-working. The information sources used for collecting the data and the structures of the databases are presented in Chapter 3. Appendices II -V comprise the database parameters, abbreviations and printouts of the entire databases. The data analyses presented in Chapter 4 are based on bar-charts and curves produced from the databases; a preliminary overviewof the development of the Late Minoan bronze-working is presented in Chapter 5, before the summary and conclusions.

  • - The British contribution. Proceedings of a seminar held on Monday 24th July 2000 to mark the exhibition 'Traces of Paradise' at the Brunei gallery, SOAS, London

    Proceedings of a seminar held on Monday 24th July 2000 to mark the exhibition 'Traces of Paradise' at the Brunei gallery, SOAS, LondonThe papers in this volume were given at a seminar The Archaeology of Bahrain: the British contribution on Monday 24th July 2000 at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. The venue was the excellent Brunei Gallery, within the School, which was at the time playing host to the exhibition.

  • - The choice of materials in the working of bone and antler in northern and central Europe during the first millennium AD

    The original impetus for this volume came from a small and informal conference held at the British Museum in 1997. The conference, in itself, was an inaugural meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group, an organisation set up shortly before to allow specialists in the study of worked bone, antler, ivory and horn to meet together and discuss assemblages, themes and work in progress. In collating these papers, it became clear that a general theme of materials and their use could be established. Equally, a specific, if fairly broad, time frame of the first millennium AD could also be defined. With these parameters determined, it was possible to enlarge the volume by commissioning extra texts and updating several others, and to bring all of these together into a small monograph. Northern and central Europe witnessed enormous changes in the transition from the Roman to the medieval world across the first millennium AD. This volume pursues some of the common elements, as well as noting change over time.

  • av Yasmine Zahran

    Zenobia, Arab Queen of Palmyra, a tragic persona, beautiful, erudite, ambitious, virtuous, courageous, has baffled historians for many centuries. This study portrays her in her own words, the evidence of ancient and modern sources, both Western and Arabic, excavations and research. The third century of the Roman Empire can be justly called the "Arab century", in the sense that the Arabs helped to shape Roman history, from the Severan dynasty (193-235), through Philip the Arab (244-249) to Odainat and Zenobia (259-272). Palmyra (in present-day Syria) was a unique phenomenon, where East and West met. It owed its power to being a barrier between the two great empires of Persia and Rome, which allowed it to develop an extensive commercial activity, with trade routes, caravans and trading posts, and poured onto the city untold wealth. Born in the desert, Palmyra flared brilliantly like a meteor in the sky for six centuries from the third century BC to the third century AD. And then it was gone. However, during the fleeting period of its existence, this small city on the edge of the desert, challenged and shook the very foundations of the two great and mighty empires of the time - Odainat with his smashing victory over the great Persian king and Zenobia over Rome. Zenobia, the subject of this study, built an empire which she had seized from the Romans and which extended from the Euphrates to the Bosphorus. Zenobia and Palmyra, however, are shrouded in legend. To the prejudice of her being a woman in a completely masculine Roman world, and an Oriental, was added excessive romanticism. Zenobia was a Roman to the Romans, an Arab to the Arabs, a Pan-Hellenist to the Greeks, but in fact she was a Hellenized Arab. Her history, as traced by Western authors, was written by her enemies. On the Arab side, it consists of fantastic legends that concentrate on her feud with the Tanukh, whose storytellers (who were also her enemies), boasted in Arab tents of their victory and her defeat. This present study clarifies certain ambiguous aspects of her life, such as her involvement in philosophy and her devotion to the Platonic ideal, but mainly contests the manner of her death and her humiliation, as reported by her enemies who revelled at her presumed exhibition in the Triumph of Aurelian.

  • - Topografia e Urbanistica
    av Alessia Morigi

    This work explores the reconstruction of the topography and planning of the ancient Italian town of Spoleto. One of the most important towns of central Italy, Spoleto's Longobard, medieval and modern layouts and histories are well known but, so far, there has been no up-to-date study of the ancient town and its many spectacular Roman buildings. This new work attempts to put on a digital cadastral map all ancient finds known from the very first discoveries (11th and 12th centuries) up until the latest excavations. Using data processing techniques, the author investigates every feature of the ancient settlement and identifies the relationships between the ancient buildings and later constructions. Moving from the typology and building materials, the structures are separated into component layers, reflecting the many various periods of town planning and their relationships with the history of Roman Spoleto provided by ancient sources.

  • av Michael Vallo
    2 070

    This book provides a detailed analysis of the Mayan pottery from Xkipché in the Puuc area of the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. During the 7th century, in Puuc area a regional type of Mayan culture emerged, recognizable by characteristic architectural style. So far it was impossible to date the beginnings and ends of the settlements in this area. The site of Xkipché offers clues to the dating, with almost half a million of studied pottery fragments. This is by far the largest prehispanic pottery assemblage from the whole of the northen Yucatan.

  • - An interim report on the Roman Gask Project 1995-2000
    av D J Woolliscroft

    The Roman Gask project was founded in 1995 in the University of Manchester. It has since been engaged in an extensive campaign of surveys, excavation and archive work. Its remit was to cover all of Roman Scotland north of the Antonine Wall but, as its name suggests, its principal focus has been on the system of military works on and around the Gask Ridge in Perthshire (from the Glenbank fortlet, north of Dunblane, to the fort of Bertha on the Tay). This volume is an interim report describing the progress made during its first five years. It is in two sections; the first provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on the Gask, while the second section reports on a series of field work programmes (two rescued from archives dating from the 1960s and 1970s. The project has undertaken nineteen excavations, numerous surveys, museum/archive work, air-photography assignments, and field-walking tasks: a significant achievement over a short period of time.With contributions from A.T. Croom, M.H. Davies, A.C. Finnegan, M.A. Hall, K.F. Hartley, B. Hoffmann, A.J. Hughes, N.J. Lockett and S. Ramsay.

  • - Simboli ed Iconografie dell'Arte Mobiliare Quaternaria Post-Glaciale
    av Mario Giannitrapani

    This is a detailed study of clay Neolithic human figurines found in Italy. The book looks at the typological, statistical, iconographical, symbolic and gender-related aspects of small plastic figurines. A detailed catalogue with illustrations is also included.

  • - The archaeology of Middle Saxon Lincolnshire and Hampshire compared
    av Katharina Ulmschneider

    This book presents a study and comparison of the historical and archaeological records of Middle Saxon Lincolnshire and Hampshire in the period immediately following the conversion to Christianity to the reign of King Alfred (c.650-870). The work charts and compares, from an archaeological perspective, the political, social, and economic development of Lincolnshire and Hampshire throughout the Middle Saxon period. It is the first full-length study of this period to include metal-detector finds, and to illustrate the outstanding importance of this extensive and continuously growing new material. In fact, the book presents a plea for the recognition of metal-detected material and the outstanding value of these finds to the archaeology of the Middle Saxon period. Containing 31 detailed maps in colour, illustrating finds and features.

  • - Anthropologie funeraire d'une communaute pre-tarasque du nord du Michoacan, Mexique
    av Gregory Pereira & Roberto Lleras-Perez
    1 046

    Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 5This book examines funerary practices in the State of Michoacan (Mexico) in the period of 1200 to 1520 AD. It adds new data to the results recently published by the French Michoacan Project, as funerary and mortuary practices in this region were ill known, due to a relative lack of archaeological investigations. Through the use of the new techniques of funerary anthropology, Pereira has been able to obtain new results, thus modifying in many respects our knowledge of this part of northern Mesoamerica.

  • - Etude techno-typologique, rapports avec l'Acheuleen et comparaisons avec des sites similaires en Europe
    av Nathalie Molines
    1 109

    This is a detailed technical and typological study of the pebble-tool industries from the southern Armorican coast during the Lower Palaeolithic. The study examines regional 'Colombanian' group and compares it with other Acheulian assemblages of Northern France, as well as with similar industries in Europe.

  • - Une synthese preliminaire
    av Andrea Manzo

    Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 48The study of social and cultural changes which occurred in the period between 3000 and 1000 BC in the areas bordering the Nile and the Red Sea. Studied were the Egyptian texts, archaeological evidence as well as paleo-climatic circumstances.

  • - Excavations 2006-2011
    av Lilian Ladle
    1 310,-

    This book presents the detailed results of excavations at a small multi-period site in south-east Dorset. The site provided evidence for an Early Neolithic enclosure, a timber-framed, Late Bronze Age roundhouse, Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age middening activities, Iron Age and Roman settlement and a post-Roman inhumation cemetery. The midden and its associated features and finds are of particular significance, with evidence for deposition and accumulation over several centuries. Other important features include: a Late Iron Age stone-lined pit containing over 100 near-complete pots and a substantial quantity of animal bone, suggesting a large-scale communal gathering and feasting activity; a Roman barn, used as a shale workshop and as a burial place for infants; a 6th- to 8th-century AD cemetery of single, double and triple graves, illuminating the nature of change in burial practices in Dorset at this time; and significant pottery and animal bone assemblages, particularly from the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age and Late Iron Age.

  • - A historical-ethnographic and archaeological perspective for reinterpreting the settlement processes of the Germanic populations in Western Europe between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
    av Paolo de Vingo
    1 295

    This study focuses on the diversity with which early medieval society formed not only among macro European zones but also within individual areas, and thus on the need to look beyond the models elaborated during a phase in which archaeological sources were still fragmentary and inadequate. Through a combination of historical and documented-based investigation and the most recent extensive archaeological data, the author makes a comparative analysis of the different results of the movements of Germanic groups, especially in the particularly representative area of northern Italy and the Alpine system, during various periods: in the 5th century as auxiliary troops under the control of the same Roman Empire (Burgundians), then as the new military élites and finally as the new ruling class (Ostrogoths and Langobards), revealing how the cultural evolution of the new sites appears to be strictly correlated to different situations and often common to the new Germanic element and to the local Romanised components. Interesting and stimulating concepts that underscore the formation of a shared culture are presented in this contribution along with a refreshing new perspective of certain aspects, such as the evolution of clothing and funerary rituals, already considered expressions of simple ethnic preservation.

  • - The archaeology of the A34/M4 Road Junction Improvement
    av Andrew Mudd

    This report describes the results of the evaluations and excavations of the new A34/M4 interchange at Chieveley, West Berksire, England, and discusses the combined evidence from superficial and subsurface finds. It is concluded that there was a significant intensification of activity in the area starting in the Middle Bronze Age following a sporadic earlier prehistoric presence. This continued into the Late Bronze Age. The lack of Iron Age material is noted and there seems to have been a re-intensification of occupation in the late Iron Age or early Roman periods. The few early-middle Saxon pits were divorced from a settlement context and remain enigmatic.With contributions from Alex Thorne, Jane Timby, Tora Hylton, Ian Meadows, Val Fryer, Rowena Gale and Karen Deighton

  • - Le cas des Mesolithiques de la grotte des Perrats et le probleme du cannibalisme en prehistoire recente europeenne
    av Bruno Boulestin
    1 428,-

    This books researches human bone modifications and their implications, based on the study of the Mesolithic assemblage from the 'grotte des Perrats' (Charente, France). The evidence produced implies cannibalism among the Mesolithic population.

  • av Jutta Beate Wohlfeil

    Freiburg Dissertations in Aegean ArchaeologyAn extensive study of the images impressed on Minoan and Mycenean seals. All seals are classified, fully illustrated and catalogued with a typology and interpretation of their meaning.

  • - Beitrage der gemeinsamen Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften 'Roemische Archaologie' und 'Roemische Kaiserzeit im Barbaricum' auf dem 2. Deutschen Archaologen-Kongress, Leipzig, 30.09.-4.10.1996

    This book includes papers from a session at the German Archaeologists' Conference held in Leipzig in 1996. With short English abstracts.

  • - Prehistoire de l'Amerique / American Prehistory. Sessions generales /General Sessions

    28 papers (19 in English, 7 in French and 2 in Spanish) from C 17.1 (Change in the Andes: Origins of Social Complexity, Pastoralism and Agriculture)Coordinators: Hugo D. Yacobaccio & Daniel E. Olivera.

  • - The behavioural implications of quantitative ceramic analyses
    av Ilya Berelov

    In his study of the inhabitants of Zahrat adh-Dhra' 1 on the Dead Sea Plain of Jordan, the author presents a behavioral study of a Bronze Age community and provides a useful and complimentary addition to the enormous body of archaeological work conducted on chronology, culture history and trade in the southern Levant. This monograph takes as its focus the controversial realm of ancient behavior. The author's detailed approach arises from the specific necessities surrounding investigations into behavior through archaeological materials and the broad range of materials employed in this work includes subsistence, trade, housing, the preparation of food, waste management, as well as attitudes to communal activities and levels of permanence. The study makes full use of all these variables and tries to understand them within a framework of site formation processes - so crucial to interpretations of material evidence. The result is a comprehensive picture of a unique community, isolated from its contemporaries and living out a frugal existence in a harsh and marginal setting - the inhabitants of Zahrat adh-Dhra' 1 on the Dead Sea Plain of Jordan. The author has attempted to portray accurately ongoing behavioral tendencies, thereby contributing to our knowledge of south Levantine Bronze Age society.

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