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  • av Marina Pucci
    1 365,-

    This work focuses on the analysis of the architecture in the Syro-Hittite centres that developed in northern Syria and south-eastern Turkey from the early Iron Age until the Assyrian conquest of the area. A circumwalled lower town and an upper fortified acropolis constituted the usual layout of these centres. These sites were excavated and most of the reports were published between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The scope of this study is to analyse the architecture of this period in relationship to all archaeological finds (decoration, inscriptions, objects and installations) as part of an organised space, with the purpose of understanding the spatial organisation of the towns and identify general patterns that may support the existence of a cultural 'koiíç'.

  • av Elisa Bonacini

    This volume presents a study of human settlements in the 'Calatino' district, an area in central-eastern Sicily in the period between the Imperial and the Late Roman periods.

  • - An example from northwestern New Mexico
    av Harry Joseph Lerner

    Chipped stone tools are a truly dynamic medium of material culture. From initial reduction to contemporary excavation, lithic artifacts undergo continuous change. The role of the properties of raw materials in determining rates of use-wear accrual is poorly understood and has rarely been assessed quantitatively. This study offers such quantification regarding four materials exploited for the production of short-term use implements at the Late Archaic FA2-13 site located just outside the city of Farmington, New Mexico. Both experimental and archaeological use-wear evidence was assessed in separate but related ways. Digital image analysis of use-wear invasiveness using ClemexVision PE and GIS analysis of use-wear homogeneity using Idrisi Kilimanjaro yielded distinct but highly complementary results. Direct testing of material properties of non-archaeological samples using a Hysitron Triboindenter served to further clarify these findings in terms of the complex relationship between raw material surfacehardness and roughness. The results of the present study show that there are significant differences between rates of wear accrual among the four materials. Analysis of tools from FA2-13 indicates that while scraping activities likely did predominate, it may also be feasible to generate more detailed assessments regarding the kinds of scraping activities that were undertaken and the respective intensities with which they were performed. This increased insight can then be extrapolated for application to long-term use technologies and their more complex life histories.

  • - Des chasseurs-cueilleurs a l'Empire Inca. Actes des journees d'etude d'archeologie precolombienne. Geneve 10-11 octobre 1997

    Actes des journées d'étude d'archéologie précolombienne. Genève 10-11 octobre 1997This book includes papers from the First Conference organized by l'Association des etudiants pour Recherches Archaeologiques dans les Pays Andins (ARAPA) held in October 1997. From Argentina to Ecuador, from the Stone Age to the Empire of the Incas, the papers examine socio-economic, environmental, symbolic, territorial and architectural aspects of South American archaeology. Contributors come from France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Brazil.

  • av Ruth Charles

    This book examines certain aspects of the Belgian archaeological record during the Lateglacial. The known chronology and archaeology are re-evaluated; recent radiocarbon dates are discussed. The second part of the book examines a series of supposedly Lateglacial faunal assemblages from 5 cave sites. The book ends with an overview of results and exploration of the notion of ethnicity.

  • - Beitrage der Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Roemische Archaologie' bei der Tagung des West- und Suddeutschen Verbandes der Altertumsforschung in Kempten 08.06.-09.06.1995

    Eighteen papers, which were presented at the conference of West and South German archaeologists, explore problems of Late Roman defences on rivers Rhein and Danube.

  • - Volume II: Classical and Medieval

    Devoted to Classical and Medieval archaeology, this volume is a collection of 42 papers (20 in English, 22 in Italian) which deal with following topics: Origin and development of the 'Domus' and the 'Villa' in mid Tyrrhenian Italy; Continuity and discontinuity from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in Europe and across the Mediterranean Basin; Islamic impact and local response in southern Europe.Edited by Mark Pearce and Maurizio Tosi with Andrea Augenti, Hugo Blake, Paolo Carafa, Cristina Tonghini, Guido Vannini

  • av Nicolas Loaiza & Francisco Javier Aceituno

    This volume presents the results from the research project entitled 'Domesticación del bosque en el Cauca medio entre el Pleistoceno final y el Holoceno medio', the objective of which was to rebuild the colonization and effective occupation in the premontane humid forests of the Colombian Cordillera Central (northern Andes). For a long period tropical rain forests have been considered geographical barriers for human dispersals, nevertheless the data presented in this book demonstrate that mountain range forests were colonized during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. Far from the ecologically passive hunter gatherer stereotype, the human groups that peopled the Cauca medio region developed agrilocality patterns very early on their settlement, implying the anthropic transformation of the humid Andean forests. These first groups developed forest adaptations based on the manipulation of plants, through the creation of anthropic patches that in effect constituted actual plant domestication 'laboratories'. Forest management in a migrating production was the main strategy of effective occupation of the territory up to the middle Holocene.

  • - Las sociedades corintia y argiva
    av Cesar Fornis

    The Peloponnesian War shows important differences compared with previous warfare since its campaigns are no longer seasonal affairs, meaning that the hoplites-landowners must leave their land and other activities. As a consequence, their presence becomes scarce as far as the cities' political life is concerned, and this will slowly open an ever deeper gulf between politics and military men. This book looks at how the phenomena and features just mentioned took shape and developed. But within the overall frame of the Peloponnesian War, particular attention is paid to the Corinthian and Argive societies, that lived through it and suffered in very different ways. Both these states are highly significant within the Hellenic world. Their importance however has been outshined by the two great hegemones of the classical period, Athens and Sparta. The conclusion is that the Corinthian society, less complex but more coherent than Athenian, enjoyed a remarkable balance among its layers: to the absence of military and social privileged elites, the existence of what nowadays we would call a significant middle class must be added; and the fact that the needs of the plethos were acknowledged by the oligarchic group in power. The Corinthian social maturity made it possible that the dominant class absorbed and channeled the fissures of its civic body in favor of the common goal of asserting themselves over Athens. On the contrary, the Argive society showed less articulation and consistency than the Corinthian's, the consequence mostly of the traumatic reconstruction of the civic body in the first third of the fifth century, based on the integration of dependants and non-Argive free population.

  • - The Archaeology of the A1(M) Alconbury to Peterborough Road Scheme
    av Peter Ellis, Peter Leach, Gwilym Hughes, m.fl.

    Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit - Monograph Series 1Written by Peter Ellis, Gwilym Hughes, Peter Leach, Catharine Mould and Jon SterenbergDescribes the results of archaeological investigations at a number of sites undertaken by Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit in 1996. New prehistoric sites were found along the length of the road corridor which, from Alconbury Hill to Norman Cross, coincides with Ermine Street. Here the major Roman road would have taken on additional importance where it skirted the fen edge. The book reports on a number of excavations along this section.

  • - Simbolismo iconografico, cosmovision y el poderio caciquil Taino de Boriquen
    av Jose R Oliver

    Using a multidisciplinary approach (archaeology, ethnohistory, linguistics, anthropology, and art history) Oliver explores the nature of Taino political-religious power using Caguana's ceremonial space and iconography as its primary context, and further looks into the implications of Caguana for understanding the development and functioning of chiefdom-level societies in Puerto Rico.

  • av Jolanta M(3)ynarczyk

    This study examines all the available data on mould-made terracotta lamps manufactured and/or used in Alexandria in the period from the 3rd to the 1st centuries BC. With typology and catalogue.

  • - A case study from Vac, Hungary
    av Laszlo Bartosiewicz & Ferenc Gyulai

    A case study from Vác, Hungary. It is the author's ocntention that during the late Middle Ages, the contribution of animals to urban development intensified in Hungary since animal hubandry and trading became a major form of accumulating wealth.

  • - Excavations at Tell Abu en-Ni'aj and Dhahret Umm el-Marar, Jordan
    av Steven E. Falconer

    The archaeological excavation of Tell Abu en-Ni'aj provides the foundation for an unprecedented analysis of agrarian village life during an era of the Levantine Bronze Age characterised previously in terms of urban collapse and a reversion to mobile pastoralism. Interpretation of archaeological and ecological evidence here situates the lifeways of this community amid emerging revised chronologies and reconstructions of village-based society in the third millennium BC. This reconstruction of rural life integrates evidence of regional and local environmental change, agricultural coping strategies, intramural social change, interaction with neighbouring communities and ritual ties with preceding and subsequent periods. This synthesis centred on Tell Abu en-Ni'aj suggests a strikingly revised portrait of rural society in the course of Near Eastern civilisation.With contributions by Ilya Berelov and Steven Porson

  • av Amedeo Gambini
    1 132

    HYPOGEAN ARCHAEOLOGY Research and Documentation of Underground Structures No 12L' "antro delle gallerie" è una struttura mineraria sotterranea, probabilmente risalente al periodo rinascimentale, che si apre all'interno dell' "Alpe Cuseglio" in Valganna, nella provincia di Varese. È stato studiato durante una estesa campagna di ricerche di archeologia mineraria. Questa monografia documenta la struttura della miniera, attraverso un rilievo topografico dettagliato e completo che ha prodotto la planimetria ed il modello 3D del sito, e dettaglia le tecniche di scavo utilizzate.The 'Antro delle Gallerie' is an underground mining structure, likely dating to the Renaissance, hidden inside the 'Alpe Cuseglio' in Valganna, in the province of Varese. It was studied as part of an extensive mining archaeology research campaign. This monograph documents the structure of the mine, through a complete and detailed topographical survey yielding eight planimetric surveys of the site and a 3D model, and details the excavation techniques used in its orginal construction.

  • - Un analisis desde la arqueometria y la tecnologia litica
    av Serafin Becerra Martin

    Esta investigación pretende ser una aproximación al estudio de los procesos de producción, distribución y consumo de productos líticos de las sociedades de la Prehistoria Reciente en los valles de Guadalteba y Turón. El trabajo científico se enfoca en obtener datos económicos y sociales a través del análisis geológico y arqueológico de las materias primas líticas. En una relación interdisciplinar entre arqueología y geología, se han llevado a cabo una serie de técnicas petrológicas que nos han permitido caracterizar los afloramientos silíceos, así como las materias primas utilizadas para producir los productos líticos. Estos datos se combinaron con el análisis tecnológico de la industria lítica de más de treinta sitios arqueológicos, lo que nos ha permitido reconstruir las estrategias de captación y producción utilizadas por las sociedades neolítica y calcolítica entre el VI y el II milenio antes de Cristo.This work aims to reconstruct the processes of production, distribution and consumption of lithic artefacts in the societies of Late Prehistory in the valleys of Guadalteba and Turón. The research here presented focuses on obtaining economic and social data through the geological and archaeological analysis of lithic raw materials. Through an interdisciplinary method uniting archaeology and geology, a series of petrological techniques have been carried out, which allowed the author to characterise the siliceous outcrops, as well as the raw materials used to produce the lithic artefacts. These data are combined with a technological analysis of the lithic industry of more than thirty archaeological sites, allowing a reconstruction of the catchment and production strategies used by Neolithic and Chalcolithic societies between the 6th and the 2nd millennium BC.

  • - An illustrated, structured catalogue of prehistoric ceramic finds from the site
    av Helmut Loofs-Wissowa

    This book, designed as a companion volume to BAR S2844, Hill of Prosperity, Excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand (2017), provides a complete, structured, fully illustrated catalogue of the more than 400 pots excavated at the prehistoric Khok Charoen site in Northern Thailand in the late 1960s, together with line drawings of more than 150 decorated individual sherds from the same site. All illustrations are to a common scale. The book is also designed not only to trace the development of pottery styles at the site over time, but also to allow comparison with ceramic finds from other such sites elsewhere in Southeast Asia.Compiled and edited by John Crocker.

  • - La pianura a sud di Padova tra Romanizzazione e Tarda Antichita
    av Michele Matteazzi

    Il libro, frutto degli studi dellautore effettuati durante il suo PhD in Archeologia e perfezionati negli anni successivi, presenta unindagine a carattere territoriale di un tratto della bassa pianura veneta che si estende a sud della citt'e di Padova, tra i Colli Euganei e il bacino meridionale della Laguna di Venezia. Linteresse 'e principalmente rivolto alla ricostruzione del paesaggio di epoca romana, analizzato attraverso una metodologia fondamentalmente basata sui principi teorici dellArcheologia del Paesaggio e sviluppata secondo un approccio di tipo archeomorfologico. Dopo averne definito i caratteri essenziali (sia naturali sia antropici), vengono considerati e analizzati i diversi cambi avvenuti nella sua strutturazione durante il periodo di dominazione romana, compreso tra larrivo degli stessi Romani allinizio del II sec. a.C. e il VI sec. d.C., ovvero quando la guerra greco-gotica (535-553) e la calata dei Longobardi (568) posero fine ad ogni velleit'e di dominio da parte dellImpero Romano dOriente.This book, originally based on the author's PhD research and revised in the years following, presents a regional study focusing on a stretch of low Venetian plain south of the city of Padua, between the Euganei Hills and the southern basin of the Venetian Lagoon. The primary goal of this research is the reconstruction of the Roman landscape, which is analysed through a methodology based on the theoretical precepts of Landscape Archaeology and developed following an archaeomorphological approach. After its essential features (both natural and anthropic) have been defined, changes and transformations in its structure are evaluated, as they occurred during the period of Roman domination, between their arrival at the beginning of the 2nd c. BC and the 6th c. AD; that is, the point at which the Gothic war (535-553) and the arrival of the Lombards (568) put an end to any desire for domination of the region on the part of the Eastern Roman Empire.

  • av Alessandro Guidi & Lucia Rosini

    Il libro presenta i risultati delle campagne di ricerca dirette dagli autori e consiste nella pubblicazione dei risultati dei loro scavi del 1988 e 1989 una grotta dell'Italia centrale, la Grotta Vittorio Vecchi (Sezze, LT). La grotta fu scoperta dagli speleologi e risultò essere stata utilizzata come necropoli per più di 40 membri di una comunità insediata nell'area e contenere materiale archeologico di rilevanza culturale e cronologica. Lo studio della ceramica e degli oggetti in bronzo (il "focus" del volume) ha permesso agli autori di datare l'utilizzazione della grotta tra l'antica e la media età del bronzo (all'incirca la prima metà del secondo millennio a.C.), un dato che va d'accordo con il più ampio contesto dell'utilizzazione funeraria e cultuale delle grotte.This book presents the results of field research campaigns led by the authors, and consists in a publication of the results of their 1988-1989 excavations in a cave in Central Italy, the Grotta Vittorio Vecchi (Sezze, LT). The cave, discovered by speleologists, turned out to have been used as the burial site for more than 40 members of a community living in the area, and to contain archaeological material of both cultural and chronological relevance. Study of the pottery and metal objects found (which form the focus of this volume) allowed the authors to date the utilisation of the cave to between the Early and Middle Bronze Age (that is, around the first half of the second millennium BC): a datum that agrees with the broader framework of the funerary and cultural use of caves in protohistoric central Italy.

  • - Towards a GIS method for locating submerged archaeology in southeast Alaska
    av Kelly Rose Bale Monteleone

    Early peoples migrating to the Americas via the coastal migration route would have travelled through southeast Alaska during periods with lower sea levels. The residues of where they lived, hunted and gathered are on the now submerged continental shelf of southeast Alaska. A GIS model, two years of marine geophysical survey (including side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiling and multibeam sonar) and minimal subsurface testing have allowed the author to refine the methods for locating submerged archaeological sites buried on the continental shelf. The environment is reconstructed in 500-year intervals, and these intervals are used to create a predictive model for each time period using inductive and deductive methods. The final model combines the interval models for a final prediction of probable archaeological sites within the region.

  • - Essays in Memory of Mary A. Littauer

    The essays in this volume were originally presented at a symposium in honour of Mary Aiken Littauer, la grande dame de l'hippologie ancienne. The papers consider subjects and material of interest to her, including the chariot, harnessing and equipment, horse breeds and the advent of horsemanship across ancient Europe, Africa and Asia. The collection of these essays allows for comparisons that have not previously been possible in a single book. The volume also introduces the reader to a broad range of approaches, grounded in disciplines ranging from philology, archaeology, archaeozoology and art history to DNA research and experimental archaeology. Summarising past research as well as presenting much new information, the essays will be of interest to specialists and laypersons alike. The breadth and diversity of topics and areas represented honours the formative role that Mary Littauer has played in the research of the contributors.

  • - Resemblance and Resistance
    av Celine Y. Y. Lai

    This monograph presents the first thorough study of the bronzes from south-central China. The finds from the Yangtze areas have conventionally been thought to have been entirely inspired by Shang traditions and ritual practices in Henan. This monograph applies the perspective of materiality to argue otherwise. Through investigations of three main bronze types: ritual vessels, bells and weapons, the author suggests that the Yangtze societies were far more independent from the Shang traditions than most archaeologists have understood them to have been.

  • - A traceological analysis of flaked stone assemblages
    av Niccolò Mazzucco
    1 043

    This book presents an updated overview of the human occupation process of the Southern Central Pyrenees during the Neolithic. Data obtained from the analysis of the lithic assemblages from four sites (Cueva Chaves, Espluga de la Puyascada, Cova de Els Trocs, Cova del Sardo) located at different altitudes (600-1800 m a.s.l.) are presented. Integrating the study of the lithic raw-material provenance with technological and use-wear analysis of the flaked stone tools, this book provides insights into the economic and mobility patterns of the first Neolithic settlers. The data obtained allow discussion of the occupation dynamics of the mountainous areas and the development of the first agricultural and herding practices between the Early and the Late Neolithic (6th-3rd millennia cal BC).

  • - Between the End and the Beginning
    av Stefania Pignattari

    Amenemhat IV's short and poorly documented reign as penultimate Pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty presents an interesting subject for Egyptological research, as it marks a crucial moment in Egyptian history. Following the crisis of the First Intermediate Period and the great work of unification and innovation undertaken by the rulers of the Twelfth Dynasty, Egypt once again achieved great power and prosperity. However, with the Thirteenth Dynasty, the country's fate changed again, leading to the Second Intermediate Period, a phase that would shake the foundations of Egyptian society, and which paved the way to the New Kingdom. The purpose of this book is a comprehensive and integrated analysis of Amenemhat IV's activity in the context of this historical period. In defining Amenemhat IV's role, and establishing whether his reign represented an element of continuity or of fracture, the author seeks to clarify the causes and mechanisms that led to the end of the Twelfth Dynasty.

  • - An Integrative Approach to Ancient Architecture and Spatial Cognition
    av Shannon E Plank
    1 094

    The term otoot or dwelling' appears in many Mayan inscriptions placed on various buildings and built structures. Taking this as a starting point, Shannon Plank embarks on a quest to discern in what ways the Mayans used and conceive of lived space.

    2 452,-

    A memorable volume to mark number 1000 in the BAR International Series. After the most prolonged period of study and research, Ann Brown has prepared a detailed, facsimile edition of Arthur Evans's travel diaries in Crete (1894-99), which are now part of the Evans archive in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Each page of the diaries is reproduced, showing all Evans's drawings and sketches; opposite is a transcript with commentary and notes. For each year, Ann Brown has written an introduction and she concludes her study with a range of valuable reference material. Evans had been a journalist, and his interest in politics is sometimes mirrored in his writing, as he spelt out the difficulties of working and travelling in the island. His diary also reveals the development of his ideas about a prehistoric writing system which he named Minoan, which he soon realized was earlier than that of Mycenae. As Arthur Evans's record proceeds, a picture emerges of the state of archaeology in Crete, and the co-operation between the small band of international scholars working and travelling in the island at this time. Everyone with the slightest interest in Crete will want to refer to this important book.

  • - Commission XIV

    Colloque / Symposium 9.2Commission XIVThis book includes papers (7 in French, 3 in English) from the session The Neolithisation Process from Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001.

  • av Eberhard W Sauer

    Aves Ditch is one of the best-preserved and yet most enigmatic of the ancient monuments in Oxfordshire, and it has remained a landmark to the present day. Lined by a straight row of trees, it can be seen over a fair distance. It runs virtually dead straight over no less than 4.2 km from north of Kirtlington to the modern parish boundary between Upper Heyford and Middleton Stoney. For over three centuries scholars have wondered whether it is of pre-Roman, Roman or Anglo-Saxon origin, whether it was a road or a linear earthwork and, in the latter case, what function it may have served. Notwithstanding this centuries-old debate and it being easily accessible just 15 to 22 km north of Oxford, it is also one of the least known of the county's visible archaeological features and is seldom referred to in popular or scholarly work on the history or archaeology of the region. Previously unpublished excavations of the 1930s and further work in the 1990s have contributed much to solving this enigma, and the present book provides the final report on these excavations.With contributions by Paul Booth, Patrick Erwin, Peter Hacking, Birgitta Hoffmann, Stephanie Knight and Mark Robinson.

  • av Judith A Cannell
    1 487

    The subject of this work is the archaeology of exploitation of woodland on and around Exmoor, in south-west England. It fits into the existing body of research at three levels. Firstly, it attempts to analyse patterns of woodland management over a large area. In this respect, it forms part of a modern trend, with many writers on woodland now recognising the need to move away from histories of individual woods and adopt a wider perspective. Secondly, the area studied in this research is an upland and its fringes, with a dispersed settlement pattern, which is an environment of a type still under-represented in work on landscape development. In particular, work on woodland has, until recent years, tended to focus on the southern, eastern and central lowlands of England, which may have more centralised patterns of settlement. Thirdly, the geographical area selected for study, Exmoor and its fringes, saw relatively little sustained scholarly work until the 1990s, in comparison to other uplands of the south-west, and knowledge of its past land use has consequently been extremely limited. Perceptions of its woodland have been conditioned by the need to collect data for management purposes, generating a series of surveys and assessments carried out from the mid-1990s.The results of these surveys, which recorded a high level of archaeological features relating to woodland management, indicate that further progress can now be made by analysing and interpreting the data. The period covered by this research runs from the date of Domesday Book (1086) to the early 19th century.

  • - The White Collection and a further small private collection
    av Sheila E Hoey Middleton
    1 074

    The subject of this study is a collection of over one hundred intaglios, cameos, seals and rings acquired by Tom and Danielle White during a diplomatic posting in Burma (Myanmar) between 1985 and 1989. (Another private collection of intaglios, seals, sealings and other objects from Burma is described briefly in the Appendix.) Twenty rings from Java, also from the White collection, have been added at the end of the catalogue. Until now the few engraved gems from Burma which have been published are scattered through periodicals or only briefly mentioned in larger works. The opportunity has been taken in the present catalogue to compare, where possible, this collection from Burma with intaglios, sealings, coins and other objects from India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and elsewhere which may help to set this collection in its regional context. In Part B of the introduction brief descriptions are given of the main Pyu sites in Burma; and of the other 'Indianised' sites in Arakan and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, where engraved gems have been found.Photographs of the White Collection by Robert Wilkins

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