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Proceedings of the Third International Meeting of Anthracology, Cavallino - Lecce (Italy), June 28th - July 1st 2004This book includes papers from The Third International Meeting of Anthracology, entitled "Charcoals from the Past. Cultural and palaeoenvironmental implications", organized at Cavallino (Lecce) from 28th June to 1st July 2004.
This work examines the development of antiquarian and archaeological thought and practice in Cork, Ireland, from the early 1800s.
Studies in Contemporary and Historical Archaeology 3This study uses the perspectives of what might be termed the 'empirical tradition' of British landscape archaeology that developed in the 1960s and 1970s, especially in industrial archaeology, to explore the early modern history of the 'garden' landscapes formed by British colonialism in the eastern Caribbean, and their place in the world. It presents a detailed chronological sequence of the changing material conditions of these English-/British-owned plantation landscapes during the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries, with particular reference to the origins, history and legacies of the sugar industry. The study draws together the results of archaeological fieldwork and documentary research to present a progressive account of the historical landscapes of the islands of St Kitts and St Lucia: sketching a chronological outline of landscape change. This approach to landscape is characterised by the integration of archaeological field survey, standing buildings recording alongside documentary and cartographic sources, and focuses upon producing accounts of material change to landscapes and buildings. By providing a long-term perspective on eastern Caribbean colonial history: from the nature of early, effectively prehistoric contact and interaction in the 16th century, through early permanent European settlements and into the developed sugar societies of the 18th and 19th centuries, the study suggests a temporal and thematic framework of landscape change that might inform the further development of historical archaeology in the island Caribbean region. The broader aim of the study relates to exploring how archaeological techniques can be used to contribute a highly detailed, empirical case study to the interdisciplinary study of postcolonial landscapes and British colonialism. In order to achieve this goal, the study draws upon the techniques of what has been called the 'empirical tradition' of landscape archaeology.
This volume offers a selection of case studies on the interface between linguistics and archaeology. These case studies were presented at a session titled 'Archaeology and Language' at the XV Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) conference, held at the University of Copenhagen in April 2015. The main goal of the session was to present new and ongoing studies that combine aspects of archaeology and linguistics and theoretical perspectives on the field of archaeolinguistics, and to encourage new, fruitful studies on archaeology and language. The questions raised in this session concern the future of archaeolinguistic research. What can archaeologists and linguists learn from each other's disciplines? What kind of research questions are particularly suitable for future integrated studies?
Notebooks on Military Archaeology and Architecture 13Il libro illustra come il corridoio strategico, che univa la Spagna alle Fiandre, costituito da territori apparteneti all'Impero Spagnolo e corrispondenti agli attuali Belgio e Olanda, sia stato concepito, progettato, realizzato, difeso e infine smantellato. Gli eventi del "Cammino Spagnolo" sono ben noti grazie all'importante volume del professor Goeffrey Parker "The Army of Flanders and Spanish Road, 1576-1659". Nondimeno, pur in presenza di questo irrinunciabile studio, non tutta la materia è totalmente indagata e ben nota, soprattutto in merito al settore cruciale del tratto italiano del cammino. In questo lavoro l'autore vuole riferire non solo come un'armata si organizzasse nel passaggio da una destinazione all'altra, ma anche quale itinerario si scegliesse e come sia stato obbliterato dagli avversari della Spagna o da ostacoli naturali. Per descrivere questo processo storico l'autore ha coinvolto non soltanto l'esame delle fonti storiche e storiografiche, ma anche un importante strumento della moderna ricerca, la Conflict Archaeology, ovvero l'Archeologia Militare.This book describes how the strategic corridor that united Spain with Flanders (a territory belonging to the Spanish Empire, in what is today Belgium and the Netherlands), was conceived, designed, constructed, defended and dismantled. The events associated with the 'Spanish Road' are well known, thanks to the most important work on the subject, The Army of Flanders and Spanish Road, 1576-1659 by Professor Geoffrey Parker. However, despite this impressive study, not all of its history is perfectly clear and well understood, especially as relates to the crucial Italian sector. In this work, the author describes not only the way in which an army set off from one destination to another, but also how one route was chosen, and how it was cleared of opponents and of natural obstacles. To describe this process, the author calls not only on the historical and historiographical sources, but also on Conflict Archaeology, today a remarkable instrument of study.
Proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 23-25th November 2016Edited by Núria Pacheco Catalán, Ignacio Díaz Sierra, Marina Fernández Monterrubio, Isaac Lampurlanés Farré, Ariadna Martínez Guimerà, Marc Mendoza Sanahuja, Manel Pica Torné, Montserrat Rovira Rafecas and David Vázquez RuizEste volumen contiene las actas de las III Jornadas Predoctorales en Estudios de la Antigüedad y la Edad Media, celebradas en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona los días 23, 24 y 25 de noviembre de 2016 y cuyo eje fue el contacto entre culturas. Los participantes - procedentes de distintas disciplinas académicas - analizaron el conflicto, la asimilación y el intercambio entre sociedades distintas a lo largo de la Antigüedad y la Edad Media, tratando temas que iban desde el comercio e intercambio cultural hasta la guerra y el exterminio. El presente volumen está compuesto por 19 artículos escritos en español, italiano e inglés, que a su vez se dividen en cinco grandes apartados: "Aculturación e intercambio cultural", "Contacto entre religiones", "Guerra, colonización y movimientos migratorios", "Lingüística y literatura", y "Economía y Urbanismo".This volume consists of the proceedings of an interdisciplinary PhD workshop that took place at the Autonomous University of Barcelona on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November 2016, which revolved around the issue of contacts between cultures during Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The participants - who come from diverse academic disciplines - analyse multiple aspects of these encounters, relationships and conflicts between different societies, from trade and cultural exchange to war and extermination, throughout ancient and medieval history. The volume is composed of nineteen papers written in Spanish, Italian and English, which are divided into five main categories: 'Acculturation and Cultural Exchanges', 'Contact between Religions', 'War, Colonisation and Migration Movements', 'Linguistics and Literature' and 'Economy and Urbanism'.
Notebooks on Military Archaeology and Architecture 12Nel Maggio e settembre 1860 iniziò la campagna di conquista del regno delle Due Sicilie a cura degli eserciti Garibaldino e Piemontese. Garibaldi conquistò Messina dopo due mesi mentre le fortificazioni Borboniche furono assediate dall'esercito Piemontese. L'assedio terminò nel marzo 1861, quando le artiglierie piemontesi costrinsero il nemico alla resa incondizionata. Il regno delle Due Sicilie divenne parte del regno d'Italia il 17 marzo 1861.La campagna angloamericana in Sicilia (Husky) fu la più imponente operazione anfibia della seconda guerra mondiale, riguardo le diviosni sbarcate il primo giorno e la lunghezza del fronte di sbarco. Il 9-10 luglio 1943 sbarcarono due divisioni con il principale obiettivo di conquistare Messina e intrappolare il nemico nell'isola, il quale si era ritirato verso lo Stretto di Messina fortificandolo e sviluppando i sistemi difensivi e di trasporo. Il 16-17 agosto le truppe Alleate conquistarono Messina mentre il nemico stava sbarcando sulla penisola italiana con una grande quantità di uomini, equipaggiamento e materiali, utili a continuare la guerra in Italia.In May and September 1860 the campaign to conquer the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by Garibaldi's army and the Piedmontese army began. Garibaldi reached Messina after two months, while the siege of Bourbon garrisons was undertaken by the Piedmontese army. The siege ended in March 1861, when the Piedmontese artillery forced the enemy to surrender unconditionally. The Kingdom of Two Sicilies became part of the Kingdom of Italy on 17 March 1861.The Anglo-American campaign in Sicily (Husky) was the most impressive amphibious operation of World War II, in terms of the number of divisions landed on the first day and the length of the landing front. On 9-10 July 1943, two armies landed with the main objective of reaching Messina and trapping the enemy on the island, who, as they retreated towards the Strait of Messina, strengthened and improved their defence and transportation systems. On 16-17 August, the Allied troops reached Messina; meanwhile the enemy was landing on the Italian peninsula with a great number of men, together with equipment and other materials that would be used to continue the war in Italy.
This book examines health indicators in sites in northern Belize and compares the results to the larger context of the health of the ancient lowland Maya. The research was completed through the analysis of the skeletal populations of three sites and by comparing results both within and among those sites.
El Prado es uno de los escasos yacimientos al aire libre del Neolítico Antiguo de la mitad norte peninsular. En la excavación arqueológica han sido documentadas cincuenta estructuras negativas asociadas a un poblado del Neolítico Antiguo con dataciones absolutas ca. 5295-4690 cal BC. Desde el punto de vista tipológico y funcional se documentan silos y fosas revestidas, fosas/cubetas no revestidas, fosas funerarias, estructuras relacionadas con el aprovechamiento del agua y una estructura de combustión. También hay una fosa ritual de tipo votivo del Neolítico Final (4045-3299 BC). Se presenta un estudio multidisciplinar del único asentamiento al aire libre del Neolítico Antiguo que ha sido excavado íntegramente en el interior peninsular. Es un trabajo inédito que contribuye a explicar los primeros asentamientos neolíticos del oeste de Europa y las sociedades segmentarias a partir del uso del espacio, la cerámica, la industria lítica, el ritual funerario, la bioarqueología, el paleoambiente y la fauna.El Prado is one of the few open-air Early Neolithic sites in the northern half of Spain. In the archaeological excavation of the site, fifty negative structures associated with an Early Neolithic settlement were documented, with absolute datings ca. 5295-4690 cal BC. From the typological and functional points of view, there are storage pits, coated pits, uncoated pits, burial pits, water storage structures and a Polynesian oven. There is also a votive-type ritual pit of the Late Neolithic (4045-3299 cal BC). The authors here present a multidisciplinary study of the only Early Neolithic open-air settlement that has been entirely excavated in the interior of Iberia. 'Life and Death in the Early Neolithic Settlement of El Prado (Pancorbo, Burgos): Constructing the Neolithic in Iberia' is a previously unpublished study that helps to explain the first Neolithic settlements of Western Europe and segmental societies, through analyses of the use of space, ceramics, lithic tools, funerary ritual, bioarchaeology, the paleoenvironment and faunal remains.
Il libro prende le mosse dall'utilizzo integrato delle geotecnologie applicate all'Archeologia dei Paesaggi, al fine di fornire una ricostruzione della strada romana Catania-Agrigento, con un'enfasi particolare sul sito di Sofiana (probabilmente la mansio Philosophianis citata nell'Itinerarium Antonini) ed il territorio ad esso pertinente. I risultati del presente lavoro suggeriscono che la strada possa essere stata costruita in età Augustea, probabilmente nell'ambito della riorganizzazione della Provincia voluta da Augusto all'indomani della sua vittoria su Sesto Pompeo. Da questa prospettiva, insediamenti protourbani come quello di Philosophiana, la cui cultura materiale mostra un grande afflusso di prodotti provenienti dall'Africa e dal Mediterraneo orientale, potrebbero essere visti sotto una nuova luce, come parte di un programma più ampio basato su nuove esigenze politiche e di scambio. Ciò potrebbe anche, in parte, spiegare il declino di alcuni centri come quello di Morgantina ed il sorgerne di nuovi come quello di Philosophiana.This book focuses on the integrated application of geotechnologies and landscape archaeology to the goal of providing a reconstruction of the Roman road that connected Catania and Agrigento, with an emphasis on the central site of Sofiana (probably the mansio Philosophianis cited in the Antonine Itinerary) and its hinterland. The results of this study suggest that the road was built in the Augustan age, probably in the context of the reorganization of the Province undertaken by Augustus after his victory against Sextus Pompey. From this perspective, urban-type settlements such as Philosophiana, the material culture of which shows an intensive supply of products from Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean, should probably be seen in a more nuanced light, as part of a larger programme based on new trade and political needs. This may also partly explain the demise of some settlements, such as Morgantina, and the rise of others, such as Philosophiana.
Cette monographie porte sur l'étude d'un établissement portuaire (Bey-144), qui a fait l'objet d'une fouille de sauvetage à Beyrouth en 2003. Elle comprend un essai d'interprétation des vestiges architecturaux et stratigraphiques du site ainsi qu'une étude du matériel céramique qui en provient, dans une fourchette chronologique qui s'étend de la fin de la période perse/ début de l'époque hellénistique à l'arrivée des Romains dans la région. L'intérêt de ce travail réside dans son apport à l'histoire et à l'archéologie de Beyrouth et dans les perspectives de recherches qu'il permet de livrer aujourd'hui sur plusieurs aspects politiques, économiques et socio-culturels de la cité et sur sa place dans les réseaux levantins et méditerranéens.This monograph investigates Bey-144, a site located in the harbour area of Beirut that underwent a rescue excavation in 2003. It includes a study of its architectural remains and its stratigraphy, as well as a comprehensive catalogue of the ceramic assemblage that came from the site, with a chronological range that extends from the end of the Persian/beginning of the Hellenistic period until the rise of the Roman era. The interest of this work resides in its contribution to the archaeology and the history of Beirut, and in the research perspectives it yields on several political, economic and socio-cultural aspects of the city and its place in the Levantine and Mediterranean networks.
This volume contains 11 articles that spring from the conference 'Bridging the Danube: Roman Occupation and Interaction in the Middle and Lower Danube Valley, 1st-5th c. AD' (Timi¿oara, 2014). The papers present current research by East European scholars at sites such as Novae, Viminacium and Drobeta. The volume is, in part, intended to stimulate awareness amongst western scholars of the importance of the provinces of Moesia, Dacia and Thracia in the history of the Roman Empire and the research potential in the region. Topics include the effect of the Romans on native settlements and defensive systems, the integration of modern technology and historical maps in archaeological surveys, the food supply of the Roman army, Roman defensive systems, funerary practices, demographic issues concerning Roman soldiers and settlers in the Danubian provinces, and imperial portraiture.
The primary goal of this book is to determine whether there are convergences or divergences in the positioning of cave art, through the combined study of the parietal art and the specific space in which it was executed. The methodology proposed analyses a series of variables: the presence of archaeological context, the specific location of the figures, the cave transit, the spaces selected and their potential visibility and capacity. The methodology proposed has been applied to eight caves: Covaciella, Chufín, El Linar, Las Chimeneas, Las Monedas, La Pasiega, Covalanas and Pondra. The analyses allow the author to document the existence of graphic planning through the position of the depictions. In the Cantabrian Region, spaces that allow the presence of individuals or small groups were preferentially selected, though there are also areas that potentially could have room for larger groups of more than twenty people. Moreover, chronological differences have been observed. These may indicate different functions, uses and meaning for the cave art throughout the Upper Palaeolithic.El punto de partida es definir si existen convergencias o divergencias en el posicionamiento del arte parietal a través del estudio combinado del arte paleolítico y el espacio concreto en el que fue ejecutado. La metodología propuesta analiza una serie de variables: la presencia de contexto arqueológico, la localización específica de las grafías, el tipo de tránsito cavernario, los espacios seleccionados, la visibilidad y aforo. La metodología propuesta se ha aplicado a ocho cavidades -Covaciella, Chufín, El Linar, Las Chimeneas, Las Monedas, La Pasiega, Covalanas y Pondra-. Los análisis nos han permitido documentar la existencia de una planificación basada en el posicionamiento de las figuras. En la Región Cantábrica se seleccionaron preferentemente espacios que dan cabida a individuos o grupos de pequeño tamaño aunque también existen áreas que potencialmente podrían haber albergado grupos de más de veinte personas. Además, hemos observado diferencias de carácter cronológico. Éstas pueden indicar funciones, usos y significados diferentes del arte parietal a lo largo del Paleolítico superior.
La presente raccolta contiene 33 articoli in italiano o inglese che, con differenti approcci e prospettive, si concentrano sull'archeologia minoica di Creta, estendendosi tuttavia anche al periodo neolitico e agli inizi dell'età del Ferro. Alcuni articoli presentano evidenze o materiali inediti, mentre altri contribuiscono al dibattito aperto su 'vecchie questioni' con nuove e aggiornate interpretazioni. Lo spettro dei temi toccati dagli autori è ampio: architettura, iconografia, produzione ceramica, paesaggio e territorio, cronologia assoluta e relativa, scritture, relazioni culturali, pratica funeraria, collezionismo e ricezione del passato minoico in età contemporanea. Diversi contributi hanno il loro focus geografico in Festòs, sede del leggendario regno di Rhadamanthys, e Haghia Triada, i siti sui quali si è concentrata l'attività di ricerca di Filippo Carinci. Nel complesso, il volume è una lettura essenziale e aggiornata sia per gli studiosi interessati alla preistoria dell'isola di Creta sia per quelli che si occupano di età del Bronzo in altre aree dell'Egeo.This book gathers together 33 original papers, in Italian and in English, which bring a variety of approaches and perspectives to the Minoan archaeology of Crete, including also the Neolithic period and the beginning of the Early Iron Age. Some of the papers present fresh evidence or materials, while others contribute to ongoing debates with new interpretations. The range of the themes touched by the authors is wide: architecture, iconography, pottery production, landscape and territory, absolute and relative chronology, scripts, cultural relations, funerary practices, collecting and modern reception of the Minoan past. Many contributions focus on Phaistos, seat of the legendary kingdom of Rhadamanthys, and Haghia Triada, the sites to which Filippo Carinci devoted his research activity. As a whole, the volume is essential, up-to-date reading both for scholars interested in the prehistory of the island of Crete and for those working on the Bronze Age of other parts of the Aegean.
This book springs from the compilation of papers and posters presented in 2013 and 2014 at the 2nd and 3rd Enardas Colloquia, entitled 'Living Places, Experienced Places'. The first part, in two chapters, is entitled 'Concepts and tools to study rock art'. The second part, 'From sub-naturalistic to Schematic rock art tradition', discusses various expressions of recorded art in the hinterland area of northwest Iberia, as well as expressions of the schematic art tradition from north-central Portugal. The third part, 'Atlantic tradition rock art' comprises four chapters. The fourth part, 'Other styles', includes five chapters focusing on depictions that the book editors consider distinct from the best-known regional styles.Edited by Ana M. S. Bettencourt, Manuel Santos Estevez, Hugo A. Sampaio and Daniela Cardoso
Il libro tratta delle fortificazioni urbane dell'antica città di Iasos, in Asia Minore. Sono analizzati sotto il profilo architettonico, tipologico, tattico e tecnico-costruttivo i sistemi fortificatori concepiti per la difesa della città della costa caria, a partire dai resti riferibili all'epoca classica, fino al periodo tardo bizantino, con particolare riferimento al circuito murario posto a contorno dell'insediamento urbano insulare. Sono altresì documentati episodi di architettura fortificata ascrivibili alla cosiddetta cinta di terraferma di epoca ellenistica, al kastron bizantino presso l'istmo e al castello posto alla sommità dell'acropoli. Le strutture emergenti sono analizzate attraverso gli strumenti propri dell'architetto rilevatore, mediante la restituzione grafica dei dati di rilievo prelevati in situ relativi ai segmenti di fortificazione ritenuti più significativi, con metodologie integrate. Particolare attenzione è riservata alla lettura delle tecniche costruttive impiegate e all'individuazione delle diverse fasi diacroniche che connotano questi complessi palinsesti, anche attraverso localizzate indagini stratigrafiche degli elevati. Le ipotesi interpretative avvengono attraverso il confronto di tali dati con le fonti storiche e archeologiche.This book presents the urban fortifications of the ancient city of Iasos, in Asia Minor. The fortification systems built for the defence of the city of the Carian coast are analysed from an architectural, typological, tactical and technical-constructive standpoint, from the remains datable to the classical era up to the late Byzantine period, with particular reference to the circuit wall placed around the edge of the insular urban settlement. Other examples of fortified building are also documented, including the walls of the Hellenistic mainland, the Byzantine kastron that runs alongside the isthmus and the castle at the top of the acropolis. The emerging structures are analysed using the tools of the surveyor-architect, through the graphic representation of survey data taken from significant fortification segments, using integrated methodologies. Particular attention is given to the recognition of the building techniques employed and to the identification of the different diachronic phases that characterize these complex palimpsests, as well as by localized stratigraphic investigation of the structures. Interpretative hypotheses are drawn from the comparison of these data with historical and archaeological sources.
Excavations carried out in the 1960s on the site of the Carmelite Friary at Coventry, England, revealed the lost church, of unexpected size and splendour, adjoining the standing cloister E range. It was founded in 1342 by Sir John Poulteney, a pre-eminent merchant and Draper, and Lord Mayor of London. The report includes the first detailed examination of the standing E claustral range by the Royal Commission on Historic Monuments, probably the finest medieval friary claustral range to survive in N Europe. This is augmented by historical illustrations, many here published for the first time. There is also a study of the exceptionally fine surviving choir stalls, with the arms of several later London mayors, which originally seated up to 90 friars. These were set above acoustic chambers in the choir to amplify their singing. Only three other sets of friary choir stalls are known to exist in Britain. An attempt is made to reconstruct the appearance of the friary in its 10 acre (c.4ha) precinct in the 15th century, including the highly unusual architectural expression of the chapter house; the reredorter and the gate houses. Comparative plans of other Carmelite houses in Britain and Europe are illustrated for comparison, some for the first time.With contributions by Chris Caple, John Cattell, Geof Egan, Helen Howard, Philip Kiberd, Helen List, Graham Morgan, James Rackham, Stephanie Ratkai, Charles Tracy, Hugh Willmott and Paul Woodfield
The growth of the city of Rome was dependent on its ability to exploit successfully the human and natural resources of its hinterland.
Section 11: Âge du Bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée / Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean.Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001.16 papers (13 in English, 3 in French) on the study of early tin from the UISPP Congress in Liège in September 2001.
Papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998The contents of this volume are largely made up from papers delivered at The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe session held on the 25th of September 1998 at the 4th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Göteborg, Sweden. The aim of this volume, in common with the original aim of the session, is quite simply to promote wider discussion on the existence, scale, and significance of maritime communications between Atlantic communities.
Belt buckles have long been recognised as an integral part of the costume of early medieval men and women. As items of dress, buckles and belt suites were subject to regional diversity as well as changes in fashion. This makes them especially valuable for the investigation of typological and chronological variation, particularly as belt sets which were imported into Anglo-Saxon England from the Continent provide a strong link to the coin-based chronologies there. As coin-dated graves are largely absent from Anglo-Saxon England until the seventh century, belt buckles offer the potential to refine the chronology for Anglo-Saxon artefacts in general. This work investigates the classification and development as well as social significance of Anglo-Saxon beltbuckles from the late fifth to the early eighth centuries. The book explores the non-utilitarian significance that objects can have in general and the way different classes of dress accessories were used in Anglo-Saxon society in particular, to create and maintain social relations. A chapter reviews the literature on belt buckles. This includes the most important articles on late Roman belt equipment and covers British as well as Continental publications. The core of this book is a typology for early Anglo-Saxon belt buckles. Buckles without plate and with plate are allocated to 40 Types and Typegroups, which have 37 sub-Type(group)s, some of which are further subdivided into variants. Each Type or Typegroup is examined with regard to its characteristics, chronology and comparative pieces. A consideration of costume follows, including the evidence for leather belts and clothing and introduces contemporary depictions of belts and buckles. Also included are analyses of the modes of production and distribution of early Anglo-Saxon buckles, assessing the cultural connections with Roman Britain, Merovingian France, Byzantium and the Mediterranean, and Scandinavia reflected in these buckles.
Historical, Artistic and Archaeological Studies on Medieval Europe (1000-1400 A.D.)Serie Ibérica I / Iberian Series IEste libro pretende contribuir al esclarecimiento de propiedades materiales, disposiciones visuales y aptitudes ceremoniales de una selección representativa de catedrales medievales, entendidas como patrimonio vertebral de la construcción de la compleja y plural identidad europea. Los análisis contenidos en estas páginas examinan los contextos históricos y artísticos en los que surgieron diferentes catedrales. Los estudios aquí reunidos nacen de la conciencia de que algunos de nuestros monumentos catedralicios aún requieren una relectura bajo ópticas diferentes y complementarias. Hemos pretendido ensanchar vías de estudio relativas a la fabricación de los marcos arquitectónicos, pero también del uso ritual de las catedrales operadas entre los siglos IX y XIII. Así, partiendo de los datos disponibles sobre la historia constructiva de cada edificio, se razonan algunas de las morfogénesis y metamorfosis que registra la misma. Para allanar ese conocimiento, se ha indagando sobre los motivos cultuales, devocionales, funcionales o de visualización teológica que pudieron, de un modo u otro, alterar la configuración originaria y dirigir las actuaciones reformadoras. El resultado ha sido elocuentemente plural.This book is intended to help shed light on the material properties, visual layouts and ceremonial attributes of a representative selection of medieval cathedrals - the buildings that provide a physical foundation for the construction of the complex and plural European identity. The analyses in this collection examine the historical and artistic contexts in which different cathedrals emerged. The papers collected here were born of the realisation that some of our cathedral monuments still require further examination, under different and complementary lenses. The authors have tried to expand the channels of enquiry relating to both the architectural influences and the ritual uses of cathedrals built from the 9th to 13th centuries. They have used the data available on the construction history of each building to attempt to explain the reasons behind its morphogenesis and metamorphosis. To strengthen this knowledge, they have investigated the theological imagery and the devotional and functional motives that, taken together, altered each cathedral's original configuration. The results have been tellingly diverse.
The Bono Manso region of central Ghana was occupied from the late 12th to mid-18th centuries CE, spanning much of the zenith of the sub-Saharan and Atlantic Trade eras. Bono Manso was a nascent urban centre near a primary trade route that linked the Malian city of Jenne with the Akan goldfields. By integrating new archaeological data with oral, historical and archival data, the author discusses how the satellite village of Kranka Dada and its domestic economies were shaped by regional, continental and global trade and interaction. A household-oriented focus allows for discussion of how daily life at Kranka Dada, the economic, political and religious organization, were shaped by interaction with Bono Manso.
Urban space constitutes a place where people and animals live together in close proximity with each other, creating changing landscapes of co-existence, conflict, mutual dependencies and exploitation. The medieval animals found in the articles of Animaltown: Beasts in Medieval Urban Space, appear in text and image, as well as archaeological find materials in the form of butchery waste, kitchen refuse, debris from manufacturing osseous objects, and the objects themselves. This multiplicity of sources sheds light on the ways towns fed themselves, protected themselves and created their personal landscapes and views of themselves through the power of metaphor and symbol involving the array of beasts, great and small, surrounding them.The general theme uniting the papers in this volume is the range of factors influencing the mutual relationship between humans and the animals that surrounded them within the densely built and occupied spaces created by people in towns and their hinterlands. Animals are found as urban symbols, decorative motifs and representations. They appear as key elements in food traditions and meat-processing, economic and trade structures, hygiene and disease, as well as craft activities that exploited a variety of animal products. Beasts of all kinds played many different roles in the lives of people in the Middle Ages, from the highest levels of society to the lowest of the low. Conversely, intimate contact with humans in these environments also shaped the lives and behaviour of both wild and domestic animals in many profound ways, both evident and subtle. The volume will be a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in the connection between urban animals and people in medieval times.
Cette recherche de doctorat est le fruit d'une analyse innovante de l'architecture méso-américaine, et plus précisément de la planification urbaine et du temple mayas. Elle touche aux domaines de l'archéologie, de l'anthropologie, de la symbolique et de la sémiologie. L'auteur montre, grâce à une documentation extensive, que l'architecture maya répond à un modèle d'ordre sémantique, où chaque construction anthropique est réalisée selon une codification particulière respectant la forme du glyphe, créant ainsi un espace urbain scriptural , et par conséquent, hautement symbolique. Cette étude mène non seulement à une nouvelle interprétation de la fonction du temple et à la création d'un modèle de caractérisation des édifices non pyramidaux comme temples, mais également, par l'acquisition d'une perspective anthropologique interne, à une relecture des concepts-clés de la cosmologie méso-américaine.This book, based on the author's PhD research, is the result of an innovative analysis of Mesoamerican architecture, and especially of the temple and the urban planning concept of Maya ceremonial centres. The study draws on the fields of archaeology, anthropology, symbolic and semiology. The author shows, thanks to an extensive corpus, that Maya architecture responds to a semantic code. In fact, each human construction is built according to a particular glyph-shaped arrangement, creating in this way a 'writing urban space', and is, therefore, highly symbolic. This analysis leads not only to a new model for characterising as temples buildings which are not pyramidal, but also, through the acquisition of an internal perspective, to a reinterpretation of some of the key concepts of Mesoamerican cosmology.
Durante los días 23,24 y 25 de octubre de 2014 se desarrolló en Mérida (Yucatán, México) dentro de Festival de Cultura Maya (FICMAYA) el congreso Cultura y Patrimonio Mexicano del siglo XXI orientado a reflexionar en torno a diferentes aspectos tipos de patrimonio (arqueológico, arquitectónico, documental), aspectos a tener en cuenta en su gestión, formas diferentes tratar el patrimonio desde perspectivas institucionales o bien privadas en algunos casos. Así mismo, se han presentado propuesta de ejemplos de gestión de carácter comunitario. El volumen Patrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano: una reflexión tiene por lo tanto como objetivo el análisis y la reflexión en torno a diferentes aspectos vinculados con el patrimonio: educación, sociedad y cultura como ejes vertebradores de la realidad actual de un país como México y una sociedad como la Yucateca jalonada de evidencias del pasado en todos sus pueblos y ciudades.On the 23rd, 24th and 25th of October 2014, a conference on Mexican Culture and Heritage in the Twenty-First Century was held in Merida (Yucatán, Mexico), as part of the Festival of Mayan Culture (FICMAYA). The purpose of this conference was to reflect on different aspects and types of heritage (archaeological, architectural, documentary), on the factors to be taken into account in its management, and on different ways to treat heritage from institutional or, in some cases, private perspectives. At the same time, examples of community management were proposed. The volume Patrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano: una reflexión thus has as its objectives both the analysis of and reflection about various issues related to heritage, education, society and culture as the backbone of the contemporary reality of a country like Mexico and of a society such as that of the Yucatán, which shows evidence of the past in all its towns and cities.
In 1990 the University of Minnesota carried out an architectural survey of the standing remains of the Bronze Age Palace of Nestor, discovered by Carl Blegen in 1939 and excavated from 1952 to 1966. While the first stone-by-stone state plan of the building was being created, it became clear that some of the architectural assumptions about the structure and its history could not be correct. Over the next eight years the Blegen-period backfill covering the site was systematically removed so that a complete architectural plan could be prepared. The work was carried out using the protocols of an archaeological excavation. Although only backfill was removed, numerous unexpected finds were recovered, ranging from discarded Linear B tablets and wall painting fragments to roof tiles and pottery; in addition, a detailed study of the architecture revealed evidence for startling new conclusions about the structure of the palace and the history of the site.Part I - New Studies at the Palace of NestorWith contributions by Todd M. Brenningmeyer, Frederick A. Cooper, Joshua N. Distler, Caitlin Downey, Anne B. Hollond, Eleni M. Konstantinidi-Syvridi, George Otto Marquardt, Shawn A. RossPart II - The Architecture of the Palace of Nestorby Michael C. Nelson
This book presents a study of Neolithisation and the chronological sequence of Neolithic cultures in the Near East. Focusing on the years between 10,500 and 6200 BC, the authors start with empirical data in an attempt to reveal not only cultures, but the territorial limits of these cultures -their borders-and their possible interactions with time. The geographical zone covered comprises the two branches of the area known traditionally as the Fertile Crescent, as well as the steppe/desert zone which they encompass. A full Appendix presents a catalogue and find distribution sites. Preface by F. Hole.
Written by Thomas Völling. Edited by Holger Baitinger, Alexandru Popa und Gabriele Rasbach.The present study concentrates on the question whether the time around the birth of Christ was a period of change for ancient Germania. In order to approach this question the extensive find material (including fibulae forms) was structured chronologically by means of selected cemeteries and individual graves. It becomes clear that, at least in continental Europe, the change of the material culture occurred in comparable periods and thus the formation of horizons of more than just regional validity is possible. The material remains of the period around the birth of Christ were divided into five horizons, starting with the "horizon of bent fibulae" before the mid 1st cent. B.C. and ending after the mid 1st cent. A.D. In German with an English summary.
This is a study of the Christianisation of the built environment: the physical manifestation of the transition from paganism to Christianity in the Greek East. The core of the work comprises an archaeological exploration of temple conversion in terms of structural mechanics, logistics, chronology and socio-political implications. The author provides a re-assessment of the fate of the temples - their deconsecration, destruction, preservation, abandonment and re-utilisation - by supplementing and questioning the historical record through reference to the wealth of available archaeological evidence. Detailed chapters on the mechanics and chronology of particular forms of conversion scenario illustrate the emergence of an architectural vocabulary of temple conversion from the middle of the 5th century. In order to assess the impact of change on a local level, these primary issues are addressed through the archaeology of provincial Cilicia. Archaeological, historical and epigraphical evidence from over 250 structures in which the influence of a pre-existing temple has been detected, have been incorporated into a highly detailed database, providing a platform for information management and the analysis of trends in the fate of the temples. By looking beyond the subjective narratives of the primary historical sources, this study demonstrates that the archaeological evidence can provide us with a deeper understanding of the complexity and variability of temple conversion as it occurred in individual urban contexts. This has enabled the formulation of a more coherent picture of its significance and situation in the cultural and physical transformation of the late antique city.
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