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  • av Van Duong Ha

    Increasing in the health care access is one of the goals towards universal health coverage; the health management performance is considered an indicator of efficiency in healthcare service delivery. Increasing in the health care access contributes to advance the ability of healthcare services in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases; at the same time, reducing the average days per inpatient may be an indication of good care coordination. On the other hand, one of the main ways to strengthen the health-system capacity by the interdisciplinary approaches is to promote social health by linking microfinance with healthcare support activities. Strengthening this connection and exploring the interrelationship between the diversification of health care support activities and the health care services outreach by microfinance institutions is very helpful.

  • av Arthur T Johnson

    Political participation in Liberia has always been a problem. The involvement of the people in the decision-making process has been one of the major causes of Liberia's political crisis. These problems have persisted since the formative days of the Liberian state that caused changes in governments both violently and in democratic elections. A case study is directed at the National Legislature, in which members of the Legislature and the bureaucracy in legislation are examined to determine the level of involvement of the represented people. It shows the people are unaware of the laws promulgated by their respective representatives and the extent of the nature and context of those laws passed, affecting their lives daily. Consequently, elections of members of the Legislature are expected to be done based on formed policies and issues of national development. The question is whether voting legislators into office is done on informed national policy issues or personal beliefs of the electorates.

  • av Yannick Mavita Mukwanga

    Depuis la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme de Paris du 10 décembre 1948, la sécurité sociale est considérée comme un droit humain auquel tout être humain devrait accéder. La réalité est malheureusement de constater que ce droit fondamental a été jeté à la seconde zone. Selon le rapport mondial sur la protection sociale 2020-2022 publié par l'Organisation Internationale du Travail, plus de 4 milliards de personnes ne bénéficient d'aucune protection sociale, ce qui représente environ près de 57% de la population mondiale. Ce chiffre effrayant est encore beaucoup plus important dans les pays à revenu faible comme la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). La préoccupation majeure qui a animé la rédaction de cet ouvrage réside dans la proposition d'une approche visant à guider la RDC vers la réalisation d'une couverture sociale universelle, offrant ainsi à chaque individu de sa population la possibilité de bénéficier de la protection sociale et de jouir pleinement de ce droit fondamental.

  • av Rodolfo Arroyo de la Rosa

    The Anglo-Saxon concept of "readiness" is equivalent in Spanish military terminology to that of "Alistamiento (Spanish term) or Enlistment", which defines for a given unit the availability and operational capacity to carry out an assigned mission, for an established environment intensity. If any unit has the necessary personnel, training, and is properly equipped to carry out the assigned mission, then that unit is ready to deploy, fight and win. History shows us numerous examples of the cost that many nations have paid when their armed forces were unprepared to respond to their assigned missions and in particular to an unexpected attack. Without a doubt, the fear of not being in a position to respond to an unexpected attack is the greatest concern, although as we will see throughout the text there are other cases of equal relevance.

  • av Gabriele Pulli

    Desire is made up of two tendencies that can contrast antinomically or, on the contrary, can combine harmoniously: the tendency to fulfill itself and the tendency to perpetuate. Desire is desire for something, for what satisfies it, and at the same time desire to exist as desire, desire for desiring. These two tendencies are antinomically opposed if desire extinguishes with its fulfillment. As the desire for something extinguishes with its fulfillment, the desire for desiring remains unfulfilled. And, on the contrary, the fulfillment of the desire for desiring implies that the desire for something remains unfulfilled. But if desire coexists with the act of fulfillment these tendencies can combine harmoniously: desire can be fulfilled not at the expense of its tendency to persist but thanks to it.

  • av Hamed Kazemzadeh

    The book of Circassia in the World History was written during Hamed Kazemzadeh's Ph.D. studies at the University of Warsaw in Poland. The book aimed to investigate how the Circassians have used from their language and culture in different domains to establish a specific ethnolinguistic identity in the North Caucasus and to examine the cultural elements that they have preserved since the 19th century to their contemporary history in the World History. It also tried to disclose the effects that facilitated them in protecting some of the Circassian cultural sights. The cultural elements for having a common identity that is mainly preserved were cuisine, folklore, music, and celebrations. On the other hand, they preserved Adige Xabse that is a group of social refined manners that are based on respect, honor, hospitality, responsibility, self-control, discipline, and good character, which is passed naturally to generations. Historical awareness was concerned with major 19th-century historical events that mainly reflected the suffering of their ancestors.

  • av Regina M Maunde

    Women empowerment has recently become a global policy objective, thus attracting much attention. The Sustainable Development Goals recognize women empowerment as one of the 2030 agenda. In the same vein, development partners across the world, including governments, Non-Governmental Organizations and International Development Organizations, are increasingly concerned with women empowerment. Development policy makers and practitioners have realized the importance of empowering women as a way to enhance agricultural production and alleviate rural poverty. As such, more development projects are incorporating this issue and integrating activities designed to empower women into their structures and the implementation processes. Therefore, this book evaluated the role of improved chicken intervention in empowering women socio-economically in Bariadi and Muheza districts, Tanzania. The study specifically: (i) analysed the determinants of women empowerment in relation to improved chicken intervention, (ii) determined the contribution of the African Chicken Genetic Gain project to women empowerment, and (iii) assessed the role of Community Innovation Platforms in promoting women empowerment.

  • av Yuritzi Estefania Mora Ayala

    El presente trabajo es una investigación acerca de las tutorías para docentes de nuevo ingreso, que abarca teorías, así como sus inicios, hasta la actualidad, los documentos bajo los que se rige esta manera de apoyar a los docentes noveles en su inserción, de igual manera se ve plasmada los puntos de vista y su aplicación de los diferentes actores que intervienen, hablando jerárquicamente se comienza desde los supervisores, los tutores y tutorados, para concluir con una breve conclusión sobre el resultado de la investigación.

  • av Max Espíritu

    Este libro es una recopilación de artículos que busca llevarnos a una comprensión de cómo la antigua Grecia, la modernidad y la cultura andina de antes se han acercado a la sabiduría. En tal sentido, presento a Tales de Mileto como un héroe enigmático; analizo el sentido primario de la mediocridad o término medio; recurro a la figura de Krishnamurti y su impacto en la academia filosófica, especialmente en Russo Delgado; y para finalizar, cierro con una puesta en escena de los oráculos andinos durante el último periodo del Tahuantinsuyo. Me sirvo entonces del mundo clásico y del estudio comparado entre culturas que escuchan al destino en voz de lo sagrado. Que estas reflexiones nos ayuden a estar prestos a tal voz.

  • av Samuel Kinyua Kiruki

    This book is a culmination of research on the Influence of State involvement on boy-child empowerment through education in Meru County, Kenya. The problem statement centred on the reality that the boy-child was still disadvantaged in educational empowerment on a global, regional, and local level. Despite this, the State paid little attention. The study's purpose was to evaluate the State's role in boy-child empowerment through education. The specific objectives of the work were to: evaluate the current position of boy-child empowerment through education; examine the State's strategies and effectiveness in influencing boy-child empowerment through education; analyze the implications for the empowerment of the boy-child through education by the State and assess community efforts to empower the boy-child through education. The study area was Meru County, notably Igembe Sub County. The book utilized 266 respondents out of the 850 target population using the Babbie (2011), Mugenda & Mugenda (2012), and Krejce and Morgan table (1970) formulas. A pilot study carried out established both content validity and reliability.

  • av Nazahed Franco Bonifaz

    La filosofía de Q. Meillassoux dice ser esencialmente pensamiento especulativo de lo absoluto. En lo siguiente, nos dedicaremos a una breve reseña de los principios de su obra capital Después de la finitud. Ensayo sobre la necesidad de la contingencia, más la complementación de algunos de sus escritos que refuerzan y aclaran sus ideas. En segundo lugar, argumentaremos porqué esta filosofía no es especulativa, las razones por las que no piensa lo absoluto, y será definida como un no pensamiento o una no filosofía. En tercer lugar, mostramos que el medio de esta elaboración destructiva no basa su fortuna solamente en una solvente examinación doxográfica, sino también y sobre todo en la quintuplicidad de un principio absoluto de actuación eficiente del cual se darán generales intelecciones sobre su función y naturaleza.

  • av Juan Manuel Ramos Martín

    La experiencia acumulada durante quince años en una comunidad terapéutica diseñada para personas con trastorno de personalidad grave alienta al autor a compartir de manera sugerente un relato que va tejiendo algunos de los fundamentos para entender no sólo la patología y la relación terapéutica, sino también a la persona y la sociedad. En esta época marcada por los retos de la desigualdad, la desinformación, la emergencia climática y la salud (mental), se invita a reflexionar sobre diferentes dialécticas movilizadas en el encuentro interpersonal, escenario donde nacemos y nos desarrollamos. Las etiquetas diagnósticas y las categorías mentales resultan insuficientes para acompañar el cambio, y los riesgos que entraña cosificar la subjetividad individual son elevados. Hay ensueños omnipotentes y prejuicios autocumplidos que, al reconocerse, pueden modularse para conseguir una interacción humanizadora. Desde un reconocimiento de ignorancia y una indagación por vericuetos cerebrales y culturales, se resuelve que el respeto facilita encuentros y que su potenciación hace que una comunidad sea terapéutica y una sociedad pueda considerarse sana.

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