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  • - (The Transmutation Octave)
    av Kingsley L Dennis

    Each essay in this new collection represents movement through a musical octave - a cycle of transmutation. And within this transmutation sits humanity. This essay cycle offers questioning, observations, commentary, analysis, speculations, and thought experiments regarding the current state of modern society, the human condition, possible future timelines, and potential cosmic scenarios. What can be said with some degree of certainty is that these essays are for the present times. Humanity appears to be positioned within an arc of transmutation, with several potential permutations. However, the future may already have been actualized - upon some level - only that it has yet to manifest within the physical domain. And it is this manifestation or expression - this unfolding - that concerns us here. Humanity may already be poised upon the precipice or threshold, with only a little further to go.

  • av Kingsley L. Dennis
    197 - 328,-

  • av Kingsley L Dennis

  • - The Reprogramming & Reorganization of Human Life
    av Kingsley L Dennis

  • - Magic, Myth & the New Human
    av Kingsley L Dennis

  • - A meditation on the alphabet
    av Cowan James Cowan

    The Book of Letters is the last completed work from James Cowan. It was written during his final months, and he intended it to be his ultimate testimony. This is what James had to say about it: 'It is a pure work, and goes to the heart of our time. We have distanced ourselves from the purity of language, hence the grave time in which we live. The Book of Letters is a cris de coeur for a return to the sanctity of words. Enjoy its reverberance, its tacit delight in making you laugh and wince. Reflections are my final attempt at genuine metaphysics of language. I think ibn Masarra would be content.'

  • av Kingsley L Dennis

    Quand Teresa arrive au Foyer pour filles du Safran, elle n'est encore qu'une orpheline de cinq ans. Elle découvre bientôt que le Foyer du Safran n'est pas un orphelinat comme les autres. Bien sûr, il y a les cours de yoga hebdomadaires et les conférences spéciales données par la matriarche qu'on appelle la Madre... Mais à l'orphelinat, on se consacre aussi à cultiver les fleurs de safran, on en recueille l'épice délicate. Il s'agit de préparer les filles pour l'heure de la récolte. Teresa développe un lien étroit avec la Madre. A mesure que cette relation s'approfondit, elle commence à pressentir qu'au Foyer du Safran, il s'agit de bien plus que la simple cueillette des fleurs. ¿ Les cueilleuses de Safran , ce n'est pas seulement l'histoire d'un orphelinat pour filles, dirigé par la figure énigmatique de la Madre et les Madames qui l'accompagnent. Ce n'est pas seulement l'histoire de Teresa qui grandit dans un environnement étrange et nouveau. Il s'agit de préparer le monde à quelque chose de spécial, et cela commence par le c¿ur et l'âme d'une jeune fille. Il s'agit avant tout... d'un monde où la transformation est contagieuse.

  • - Palabras para cada dia y cada corazon
    av Kingsley Dennis

  • - Words for every day, every heart
    av Kingsley L. Dennis

  • av Kingsley L Dennis

    Teresa, una huérfana de cinco años de edad, llega a la Casa del Azafrán para chicas. Pero como descubre enseguida, la Casa del Azafrán no es un orfanato corriente. En primer lugar, aparte de las clases semanales de yoga y las charlas especiales impartidas por la matriarca Madre, la principal actividad en el orfanato es la plantación y el cultivo de flores de azafrán y la recolección de su delicada especia. A medida que Teresa desarrolla una relación y un vínculo más fuerte con Madre, empieza a sospechar que en la Casa del Azafrán para chicas hay algo más que simplemente la recogida de flores.La casa del azafrán es mucho más que una narración sobre un orfanato para chicas regentado por el enigmático personaje de Madre y sus compañeras las Señoras. Trata de algo más que de la vida de Teresa creciendo en un nuevo y extraño entorno; aborda la preparación del mundo para algo especial, y comienza con el corazón y el alma de una niña. Sobre todo, trata de…Un mundo donde la transformación es contagiosa

  • - A World where Transformation is Contagious
    av Kingsley L Dennis

    The Saffron Collectors is a tale on many levels. On one level it shows us the life of a young girl growing up in a new environment. And yet on another level it is a story of reaching into the feminine soul and preparing it for a world so in need of its presence. The Saffron Collectors is a meditation upon the transformation of the individual and the interior life, set within a brick and mortar establishment run by the enigmatic figure of La Madre and her fellow Madams. Above all, it is a world where transformation is contagious.The Saffron Collectors includes over 40 hand-drawn watercolor paintings especially made for the book by gifted artist Naomi Hasegawa. The book includes a high-resolution color interior on high-quality white paper. This is a special book for the discerning reader.

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