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  • av Evren And Kara Ayik

    希少(きしょう)疾患(しっかん)を持(も)つ子(こ)どもの どこが「ずばぬけて」いるの? エヴレンとの会話(かいわ)をとおして、 その答(こた)えをいっしょに探(さが)していこう。 エヴレン自身(じしん)が希少(きしょう)疾患(しっかん)(めずらしい病気(びょうき))を かかえて成長(せいちょう)していく中(なか)で、学(まな)んだことを みんなに教(おし)えていくよ。母(はは)と息子(むすこ)がいっしょに書(か)いたこの本(ほん)では、希少(きしょう)疾患(しっかん)とともに生(い)きる上(うえ)での困難(こんなん)と希望(きぼう)をふまえて、アイデンティティ(自分(じぶん)らしさ)、インクルージョン(だれも仲間(なかま)はずれにしないでみんな仲間(なかま)に入れること)、自分(じぶん)に対(たい)するイメージについて子(こ)ども向(む)けのお話(はなし)をします。超希少(ちょうきしょう)疾患(しっかん)をかかえながら育(そだ)った、作者(さくしゃ)の一人(ひとり)であるエヴレンさんの実体験(じったいけん)にもとづいて丁寧(ていねい)に書(か)かれたこの本(ほん)は、自分(じぶん)のアイデンティティや、希少(きしょう)疾患(しっかん)を持(も)っていることでなぜアイデンティティがうまく形成(けいせい)できるのかを理解(りかい)するためのヒントを子(こ)どもたちに与(あた)えます。ご家族(かぞく)の方(かた)や介護者(かいごしゃ)の方は、子(こ)どもたちひとりひとりの発達(はったつ)段階(だんかい)に合(あ)わせて読(よ)み聞(き)かせをしてあげてください。受賞歴(じゅしょうれき)のある画家(がか)であり、子(こ)ども向(む)けの本(ほん)のイラストレーターでもあるイアン・デール氏による繊細(せんさい)で生(い)き生(い)きとしたイラストとともに、『ずばぬけた!』に込(こ)められた心温(こころあたた)まるメッセージを通(とお)して、希少(きしょう)疾患(しっかん)を持(も)つすべての子(こ)どもたちが、最高(さいこう)の人生(じんせい)を送(おく)ることができるように元気(げんき)づけられ、はげまされることを願(ねが)っています。

  • av Aelita Ingram

  • av Olavo de Carvalho

    Learn the TRUTH about Machiavelli and The Prince from a #1 Best-Selling Conservative Philosopher. Olavo de Carvalho, who President Bolsonaro himself credited for his arrival in power, uses all his powers of insight drawing on analysis from political science, psychology, philosophy and history, to illuminate the dark and sinister meaning behind Machiavelli's works, The Prince and Discourses. There is no doubt that Machiavelli was a smart, skilled, and provocative writer. The Prince is one of the most significant books ever written for students of realpolitik, gaining power, and political sciences. Indeed, today, it has become an accepted part of American culture, studied by businessmen, professors, and politicians alike. But what if Machiavelli was a bit too smart for our own good? What if the same trickery he advocates for in The Prince, he actually turns against his own readers in that same book? Here, Olavo lays out the real truth behind Machiavelli and The Prince. Far from being some type of scholar, or objective political scientist, he laid traps for his reader. He quoted the Bible, but would flip its meaning on its head, to spread demonic confusion, and successfully too, considering Stalin and Hitler both studied Machiavelli. He posed as a realist when in fact his analysis was the height of naivety. This is the book you need to read to understand the truth about the dangerous legacy and teachings of Machiavelli. Inside you will learn about the following: Brief History of Interpretations of Machiavelli.Machiavelli's purposeful deception of readers.How Machiavelli's analysis was actually the height of naivety.Olavo's concept of "cognitive parallax" and its importance.Machiavelli's Parodic Inversion of ChristianityAuthor, Jeff Nyquist: For those interested in the intersection of political philosophy and morality, Olavo's book on Machiavelli is a great read. Gil Vietor: I am going to make my boys read this, before they take any Philosophy class. Glenn Beck, what he will say after reading this book: Must read book. Olavo is a genius. And the way he unravels the history of lies and deceit of Machiavelli is amazing. You need to read this to understand the truth about The Prince, and realize how many people today are duped by his lies.

  • av Olavo de Carvalho

    "I look forward to having my hard copy. Quite an interesting and convincing book." - PhD Michael Hendry The best-selling philosopher Olavo de Carvalho gives us a new look at Aristotle and the Four Discourses with far-reaching implications for our own culture. Most academics think that Aristotle considered analytics, dialectic, rhetoric and poetics, to be unrelated modes of thought, or even in opposition to each other. But this was always nothing more than a guess, and often held out of mere inertia. Olavo takes a closer look at Aristotle to show that Aristotle himself considered these four types of discourse as part of a single holistic whole. Analysis isn't opposed to poetics, but actually works together with it. In modern society, where there is a tendency to box every subject off as its own domain, Olavo's illumination of Aristotle's true mode of thought is a freeing moment.

  • av Christ John Otto

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