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  • av Angie Franssen

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    - An informative book about some of the cutest animals on the planet
    av Angie Franssen

    A book full cutenessThe cutest animals!This sixth book in the NatureCulture Series introduces us to some of the most adorable animals of the world.Learn a bit more about these cuddly and fluffy beasts.About the bookThis delightful book teaches children (plus parents and teachers) more about some of the most pretty-looking animals on the planet. They might look cute, but are they really? Underneath the cuteness may lie a whole different creature.24 charming animals flaunt their soft, furry and pleasant outsides. In the meantime, we learn more about their habits and whereabouts.Note: Being ''cute'' doesn''t mean that animals are suited to be household pets. Think hard before you make a pet out of any animal.Note: Some of the mentioned creatures are endangered. If you like animals, find out more about them and how you can help to save them.This book, and the entire NatureCulture collection, is educational for children from 4 to 8 years old, but adults enjoy them just as much!

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    - An informative book about animals and their ears
    av Angie Franssen

    A book about earsEars that hear!This fourth book in the NatureCulture Series introduces us 24 different animals with their spectacular ways of hearing.The animals are illustrated in a way that most (visible) ears, holes or cavities are shown.About the bookThis edition shows children (also including parents and teachers) more about one of the various senses of animals: hearing - and the different shapes of ears. Hearing can be a vital sense for animals if they want to catch their food or avoid getting eaten by their enemies.This book covers 24 animals and their specific method of hearing. Did you know that a praying mantis only has one ear, or that a mosquito hears with its antennas, and that a moth has the best hearing in the world?This book, and the entire NatureCulture collection, is extremely educational for children from 4 to 8 years old, although comments say that adults are enjoying them just as much!

  • av Angie Franssen

    Easter is arriving soon and Cow wants to make an Easter Tree.But how is she going to do that? She is only a little cow, not the Easter Bunny!Come and see if Cow will get her tree, with the help of all her animal friends.A lovely "Booml style" Easter story and the perfect gift for any Easter basket. Recognizable illustrations and easy to understand texts make this story perfect for the tiny ones from 0 to 6 years old.Read this book to the very small kids; they will love to point out all the things they see in the illustrations. And let the older children read it for themselves; these Booml Booklets are perfect for children who want to practice reading.Happy Easter!

  • av Angie Franssen

    Mother's Day is around the corner and Booml has no idea what gift to bring his mother. He's going to ask his various animal mommy-friends around the world, they might have some amazing ideas.Come along with Booml on his search for a perfect gift.Little children will love to give this book to their mothers. It has cute animals, short rhymes and all the gifts a mom would love to receive. Kids will also be able to learn the names of various baby-animals in a fun and playful way.Simple images and texts will make this book perfect for the tiny ones from 0 to 6 years old. But, older children can enjoy themselves just as much by reading the story to their mothers - another precious gift for any parent.

  • - Een informatief boek over dieren en hun monden
    av Angie Franssen

    Een boek over mondenMonden die eten!Dit derde boek in de NatuurCultuur serie laat ons 24 verschillende dieren zien en hun bijzondere manieren om hun eten te verorberen.Alle dieren zijn heel herkenbaar en precies zo getekend dat het zeer duidelijk is waar hun snuiten, bekken, tongen en tanden zich bevinden.Over het boekHet boek presenteert kinderen (en hun ouders of leraren natuurlijk) weer een ander aspect uit het leven van dieren, namelijk de manieren om hun voedsel te verzamelen en te consumeren. Het vinden van voedsel is een van de meest belangrijke zaken in het leven van alle levende wezens. Zonder voedsel kunnen we niet bestaan. Dit boek behandelt 24 dieren en hun aanpak om hun snacks te vangen.Wist jij dat een vlinder een tong heeft die kan oprollen, of dat een slak wel 25.000 tanden kan hebben en dat een kolibrie nectar oplikt met een gemiddeld van zo'n 13 likken per seconde?Dit boek is prachtig en zeer leerzaam voor kinderen van 4 tot 8 jaar, maar ik weet zeker dat oudere kinderen en volwassenen er net zo van genieten.

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    - An informative book about animals and their mouths
    av Angie Franssen

    A book about mouthsMouths that eat!This third book in the NatureCulture Series shows us 24 various animals and their peculiar ways to eat their food.All animals are designed in a way that they are clear and obvious, displaying the various mouths, tongues, beaks and teeth.About the bookThe book will present children (and their parents or teachers of course) yet another aspect in the life of animals, namely their ways to gather and consume their food. Finding food is one of the most important things in the lives of all living creatures. Without food we can't exist. This book covers 24 animals and their way to catch their snacks.Did you know that a butterfly has a tongue that can roll up, or that a snail can have 25.000 teeth, and that a hummingbird licks nectar with an average of 13 licks per second?This book is great and very educational for children from 4 to 8 years old, but I'm sure that older children and adults enjoy it just as much.

  • - Een informatief boek over dieren en hun ogen
    av Angie Franssen

    Een boek over ogenOgen die kijken!Dit tweede boek in de NatuurCultuur Serie behandelt 24 verschillende dieren en hun verscheidenheid aan mogelijkheden om te zien.De dieren zijn op een simpele en makkelijk te herkennen manier geïllustreerd, met een goed zicht op de velerlei stengels, ballen en stippen.Over het boekDit boek zal de kinderen (en hun ouders en leerkrachten) een ander aspect van de vijf zintuigen in dieren laten zien, namelijk het zicht. Gezichtsvermogen is – naast gehoor, tast, reukzin en smaak – extreem belangrijk voor de dieren om hun voedsel te herkennen, familieleden te zoeken en gewoon om hun weg te vinden.Je wist waarschijnlijk niet dat een zeester ogen op de topjes van hun armen hebben, of dat de ogen van een kikker meehelpen bij het doorslikken van eten, of dat een pinguïn doorzichtige oogleden heeft.Dit boek is het meest geschikt voor kinderen in de leeftijd tussen 4 en 8 jaar, maar ik weet nu al zeker dat oudere kinderen, ouders en leraren net zoveel zullen leren van het lezen ervan.

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    - An informative book about animals and their eyes
    av Angie Franssen

    A book about eyesEyes that see!This second book in the NatureCulture Series deals with 24 different animals and their various abilities to see.The animals are illustrated in an easy to identify manner, with a good glimpse of the stalks, balls and dots.About the bookThis book will show children (and their parents or teachers alike) another aspect of the five senses in animals, namely the sight. Sight is - next to hearing, touch, smell and taste - extremely important for animals to see their food, distinguish family members and to find their way around. The book covers 24 animals and their ways of seeing.You probably didn't know that a sea star has eyes at the tips of their arms, or that the eyes of a frog help with swallowing food, or that a penguin has see-through eyelids.The book is most suited for children from 4 to 8 years old, but I'm already sure that parents and teachers will learn just as much reading it.

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    - An informative book about animals and their noses
    av Angie Franssen

    A book about noses.Noses that smell!This cute little book mentions 24 different animals and their various abilities to smell.Illustrations are simple with funny close-ups of the noses, beaks and snouts.About the bookThe book will teach children (and their parents or teachers) a little bit about the sense of smell in animals. The five senses are very important for animals in the wild to survive, detect food, keep the family close and for social arrangements. This book covers 24 animals and it is very interesting to see that these various animals all have a different kind of nose, and a different way of smelling.You probably didn't know that a snake does not smell through a nose, but through a different organ which is located in their mouth. Or that a large nose for a Proboscis Monkey does not mean that they can smell better, but only that they are considered being more attractive?The booklet is most interesting for children from 3 to 10 years old, but parents have already learned from reading it to their kids as well.

  • av Angie Franssen

    A little clown has been sad for so long, he can't even remember how to be happy. His circus friends and family kept telling him that it was fate: He was the Sad Clown and there was nothing to do about it.But, this little clown had enough of feeling sad. He didn't want to feel like this anymore, ever again. So, he starts a quest to find someone who can tell him how to smile again.A beautiful and meaningful short poem, together with dreamy landscapes and simple drawings will light the spirits of even the saddest little children. If a clown can wash away his sadness, little children who don't know how to deal with complex emotions yet, might be able to find a way to wash away tears as well.A perfect book for 4 to 8 year old's, but younger children might love to look at the colorful illustrations too, teaching them, already at a young age, that it is fine to feel sad sometimes, and that there are always ways to find your happy again.

  • - Een informatief boek over dieren en hun neuzen
    av Angie Franssen

    Een boek over neuzen Neuzen die ruiken! Dit schattige boekje behandelt 24 verschillende dieren en hun verschillende manieren om te ruiken. Illustraties zijn simpel met grappige close-ups van de neuzen, snuiten en bekken. Over het boek Dit boek zal kinderen (en hun ouders of leraren) een kleine beetje leren over het reukvermogen van dieren. De vijf zintuigen zijn heel belangrijk voor dieren in het wild om te overleven, voedsel te vinden, de familie in de gaten te houden en voor de sociale structuur. De boek behandelt 24 dieren en het is interessant om te zien dat al deze verschillende dieren een andere neus hebben en ook een andere manier van ruiken. Je wist waarschijnlijk niet dat een slang niet door zijn neus ruikt maar door een apart orgaan in zijn mond. Of dat een grote neus bij de Neusapen niet betekent dat ze beter kunnen ruiken, maar alleen dat ze gezien worden als heel erg aantrekkelijk. Dit boekje is het meest interessant voor kinderen tussen de 3 en 10 jaar oud, maar oudere kinderen en ouders hebben inmiddels ook al veel opgestoken door het lezen ervan.

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