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  • av Lauren Luna

    Maya's Masterpiece is a heartwarming tale about a young girl who discovers her passion for art. With the encouragement of her parents and art teacher, Maya enters an art competition. This charming story is perfect for young readers who love art and encourages them to follow their dreams and pursue their passions.

  • av Donna J. a. Olson
    394 - 575,-


    يقتفي هذا الكتاب كل أثر من الآثار التي تؤدي الى وعي الحقيقة ومعرفة الوجود وجوهر الفاعلية الإنسانية. يقول المؤلف إنَّ الإنسانَ لا يَبلغُ مَرتبةَ وَعي حقيقة المَوجُود ما لَم يَطوِ المَراتب نَحو القُربِ مِنْ حَقيقةِ الواجِد؛ وأنَّ الاقترابَ مِنْ مَعرفةِ الواجِد والتزوّد مِن فُيوضاته، واستِكشافِ صفات المَلَكوت، ونعوتُ الجَبَروت، وَآثار أنواره التي أشرَقَت مُضيئةً مِن صُبحِ الأَزَل، كفيلٌ بِتَعميقِ الوَعي وإجلاءِ القُلوب وإنارة البصائر، وَحينَها يَكونَ الوَعيُ قائِمًا على الحَقائِقِ الجوهريّة، لا على المَظاهِرِ الخارجيّة. وَهذا الكِتابُ بأبوابهِ وَفصولِهِ وَمَباحِثِه يُقدّم دراسةً تَكشفُ عَن أبعادِ مَفهوم الحقيقة وما تَحمِلُ مِنْ مَضامينَ جَوهريّة، كانَت وَلا زالت مَوضِعَ قَبول الإدراكات العقليّة، وَعِنايَة المَوروثات النقليّة؛ دراسةً تَطرقُ أبوابَ المَدارس الكلاميّة، والفلسفيّة، والعرفانيّة، بَعيدًا عَن مَتاهاتِ الفَوضى المَعرفيّة، وَفَراغات العموميّات المُجرّدة، والمحدوديّات المُصطَنَعة، والسطحيّات المانِعَة، الشُبُهات الخادِعَة، من أجل الاقتراب مِن معرفةِ الحقيقة اليقينيّة، تلك التي تمثّلُ الأصلَ والمَنبَعَ لِجَميعِ حقائق الموجودات في عالَم الإمكان؛ فالحقيقةُ واليقينُ صنوان لا يَفتَرِقان. وَيُبيّنُ الكتابُ كيفَ أنَّ السّاعي نَحوَ مَقامات القُرب مِنَ الحَقيقةِ المُطلقة، ومن أجل رفع جميع الحُجُب والغَواشي عَنِ النفوس، عَلَيهِ أولًا أنْ يَخرُجَ مِن سِجنِ الشَّهواتِ الحَيوانيّة، وَحُبّ الأنا المُوحشة والظلمائية، وَيَتَطَهّر بماءِ العِشق الإلهي، مُهاجِرًا مِنَ الدّارِ السُفلى، وَمُحَلّقًا نحوَ المَقامات العُليا، حيث القُرب مِنَ الحَقيقة المُطلقة. إنَّ العِبادَةَ الحَقّةَ والسَّيرَ الحَثيث، والتمسّك بالثَّقَلين، هِيَ أنوارٌ للسّالكين، وأبوابٌ للطّالبين نَحوَ مَقامات وَعي الحقائق، وَنَيل مَراتب القُرب مِنَ أنوارِ الذّات الأحديّة، الحَقيقيّة اليقينيّة؛ مقامٌ لا يَرى فيه العبدُ إلا اللهَ تعالى وجودًا حقيقيًا، وأمّا حقائق باقي المَوجودات فَما هِيَ إلّا رَشَحاتٌ مِنْ فَيضِ أنوارِ حَقيقةِ وُجوده جَلَّ جلاله.

  • av Rebekah Avraham

    Introducing "Tea Tree Oil Beauty Secrets: 10 DIY Recipes That Unlock The Power Of Nature For A Gorgeous You" - the ultimate guide to natural beauty solutions! Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to the power of tea tree oil. This book is filled with 10 easy-to-follow DIY recipes that will transform your beauty routine. From face masks to hair treatments, this book has everything you need to achieve a glowing complexion and luscious locks. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, making it the perfect ingredient for your beauty routine. Not only does it help to fight acne and blemishes, but it also soothes irritated skin and promotes healthy hair growth. With "Tea Tree Oil Beauty Secrets," you'll learn how to harness the power of this amazing ingredient and create your own natural beauty products. Whether you're a beauty enthusiast or just looking for a healthier alternative to traditional beauty products, this book is for you. So what are you waiting for? Unlock the power of nature and discover the beauty secrets of tea tree oil today!

  • av Thy Nguyen

    This handwriting practice workbook is a great tool for children who are just starting to learn how to write. Here are some additional points to consider: The workbook includes practice sheets for tracing letters A-Z, numbers 1-10, and even words. This helps children get comfortable with forming letters and numbers, and eventually leads to them being able to write on their own. The coloring book aspect of the workbook is a fun way to keep kids engaged and interested in the practice. The more they enjoy the process, the more likely they are to continue practicing and improving their handwriting skills. The workbook is specifically designed for children between the ages of 3-5, which is a critical time for developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Handwriting practice is a great way to help children strengthen these skills and prepare them for more advanced writing tasks later on. Using a handwriting activity book like this can also help build confidence in children as they start to see their progress. As they become more comfortable with writing, they may even start to enjoy it and see it as a fun activity rather than a chore. Parents and caregivers can use this workbook as a tool to work with their children and help them develop their writing skills. It's a great way to spend quality time together while also helping children learn and grow.

  • av &1086, &107, &1072, m.fl.

    Эта книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, который любят поэзию. Произведения на разные темы; погода, любовь, философские размышления, пожелания. Она написана в стиле неформатные стихи. Издается для друзей и знакомых, которым интересно творчество автора, а так же всем кого заинтересовало творчество молодой поэтессы. Приятного чтения!

  • av &1080, &1088, &1085, m.fl.

    Книга Парень хороший содержит стихи, поэму и рассказы написанные автором в разные годы. Название сборника выбрано по одноимённому рассказу автора о жизненных перипетиях отца, который прожил очень сложную и тяжёлую жизнь. Был участником войны с фашистами в Великой Отечественной Войне. В составе пяти сильно потрёпанных армий в боях с превосходящими силами противника попал в Вяземский котёл и вынес неимоверные тяжести и лишения в боях и фашистских лагерях. Об этом рассказывает поэма Эхо войны. Лирические стихи часто рисуют картины лучших времен общественного устройства в Советском Союзе, которые критически сравниваются с картинами современной жизни. Смена политического устройства государства оставила на сердце автора глубокий след и он не может равнодушно смотреть на новые несправедливые порядки и всегда стремится их раскритиковать, и не теряет надежды на то, что читатель станет приверженцем его взглядов на мироустройство. Автор сборника заядлый рыбак и турист, поэтому он не мог обойти тему рыбалки и туризма. Во многих стихах описываются красоты Башкирской природы и Родного края.

  • av &1080, &1072, &1085, m.fl.
    160 - 200,-

  • av &1080, &1072, &1085, m.fl.
    127 - 167,-

  • av Anastasia Avis

    Сборник стихов Анастасии Авис. Заречный Дол, Осенний сад, Равновесие и другие.

  • av Francesco Maria Gallo

  • av Rebekah Avraham

    Introducing "Bergamot Beauty: 10 Natural DIY Recipes For Glowing Skin And Healthy Hair" - your ultimate guide to achieving radiant skin and luscious locks using the power of Bergamot oil. This book is packed with easy-to-follow recipes that use natural ingredients to nourish and rejuvenate your skin and hair. From hair oils, body moisturizer to lip balms, this book has everything you need to create your own spa-like experience at home. With Bergamot oil's antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, you can say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a healthier, more natural beauty routine. Whether you're a seasoned DIY beauty enthusiast or just starting out, "Bergamot Beauty" is the perfect addition to your beauty arsenal. What are the benefits of using bergamot essential oil Bergamot essential oil is a popular essential oil that is extracted from the rind of the bergamot fruit. It has a citrusy, floral scent and is commonly used in aromatherapy and natural health remedies. Here are some of the benefits of using bergamot essential oil: 1. Reduces stress and anxiety: Bergamot essential oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve mood. 2. Relieves pain and inflammation: Bergamot essential oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help to relieve pain and inflammation in the body. 3. Improves skin health: Bergamot essential oil is often used in skincare products because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can help to treat acne, reduce the appearance of scars, and improve overall skin health. 4. Boosts immune system: Bergamot essential oil has antimicrobial properties, which can help to boost the immune system and protect against infections. 5. Supports digestive health: Bergamot essential oil can help to improve digestion and relieve digestive issues like bloating, gas, and constipation. 6. Enhances cognitive function:

  • av Ineta Love Wonder
    859 - 1 018,-

  • av Avnah Long

    This book is an introduction to sewing for beginners. It is designed to give you information quickly and easily. You will learn about the essential tools, fabrics, sewing machines, terms, and more that will get you started developing your skills. These tools will make sewing easier, neater, and more enjoyable. You will not need all of these tools to begin sewing. The more you sew however, the more likely you are to find a use for everything

  • av Mary Taylor

    All musicians will enjoy this book filled with easy songs for the Pianist and Violinist to play as duets. Bible verses and colorful photos are added.

  • av Francesco Maria Gallo

  • av Karen Bourque

    This cute story is about a little boy who visits his grandma's farm. Colors, days of the week, animals and their sounds, repetition and sight words are introduced and reinforced. Did he really visit or was it pretend? This book is perfect for birth through kindergarten.

  • av Juanjo Gutierrez

    El Arte de Facilitar busca contribuir a que cualquier persona que esté diseñando una sesión de aprendizaje o capacitación tenga aquí una referencia y recursos prácticos sobre otras maneras de organizar el aprendizaje y la indagación creativa. Una atmósfera libre y creativa nos brinda la seguridad para atrevernos a pensar por nosotros mismas/os y la posibilidad de la experiencia nos permite consolidar el aprendizaje. Generar este espacio de aprendizaje creativo y experiencial requiere un método que se construye organizada y deliberadamente. Esto es lo que hemos plasmado en este libro. Pretendemos que sea una bitácora de viaje, un punto de referencia para que cada cual rescate lo que haga más sentido y sobre esto construya su propia experiencia de aprendizaje. Te invitamos a hacerte parte de este viaje y a llenar un largo camino de experiencias ¡Gracias por jugar!

  • av Ineta Love Wonder
    978 - 1 016,-

  • av Magazine

    Inside (sft cvr): Peter Mellekas, Edgy Fashion by Vaughn Lowery, Celebrity Prank Wars, Rolls-Royce Black Arrow, Armitron, Johnny Wujek, Joseph Kojo Hoggar, Kaden Olivier, Polaris Slingshot, Prada NFT, Superstar Pride, Gucci Jackie 1961, Nicki Minaj, Elias Kacavas, Billy Porter, Bia, Lola Brooke, Helena Christensen, Eva Herzigova, Lauren Makk, Hendrick's Gin, and Gisele Bündchen.

  • av Gregory Gore

    Eclectic samples of work from internationally published photographer Gregory Gore. This book includes artistic male nudes.

  • av Jess Reed

    Roots and Hope is Jess Reed's gift to others and herself. Most humans, especially those living with anxiety, are familiar with the experience of rumination. According to Merriam-Webster, rumination is "a focusing of one's attention on negative or distressing thoughts or feelings that when excessive or prolonged may lead to or exacerbate an episode of depression." It can sometimes feel impossible to escape one's mental and emotional replays of anxious triggers. With her first book, Jess presents an alternative definition for rumination. She celebrates years of storytelling about her journey of mental health/illness, faith, and young adulthood. Through poetry and creative nonfiction, she offers reflections that are meant to be pondered, replayed, and processed while in solitude and in community.

  • av Justin Brown

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to 20 unconventional ways to make $1000 or more per day in Canadian dollars. The strategies covered in the book range from investing in stocks, real estate, and cryptocurrency to starting your own business, selling digital products, and becoming a freelancer. The book offers practical tips and advice on how to get started, the skills and resources required, and the potential risks and rewards of each strategy. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or someone looking to make extra income, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to make a fortune in Canadian dollars.

  • av Kathy Ganske

    This photo ABC book depicts the antics of a small brown cat, nicknamed Peanut. It highlights alphabetic letters with short lines of rhyming and near-rhyming text. It also encourages vocabulary development through the integration of sophisticated words, the meanings of which can be understood through the combination of text and photos. The result is a book that can be enjoyed both visually and as a learning experience. An example of the text for the letter O follows: "O is for observing; Peanut keeps an eye on her view. She heard a noise so watches closely for some sort of clue." There are additional pages at the end of the book for parents, teachers, and others to interact further with children. These include an alphabet activity page and a More to Know section that presents facts and information about cats for each of the alphabetic letters. For instance, "N n. Cats' noses are similar in color to their fur. The nose skin is called 'nose leather'; each cat has a unique nose print (the bumps and ridges) much like people have unique fingerprints. A cat's nose is its most important sense organ. It contains 200 million sense receptors to help the cat locate prey, recognize edible food, return home, and know where its human has been." Listeners and readers will fall in love with this feline, who adores roses and cozy places, is adventurous and athletic, and has even been caught typing! Interest range: Ages 4-9.

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